Welcome Home.
Your team are based off of the shinies I randomly encountered during a play through besides your starter.
Shiny Hydreigon: Caught Deino in Moon.
Shiny Pangoro: Caught Pancham in Y
Shiny Metagross: caught as Metang in White.
Shiny Tyranitar: Caught Larvitar in fire red.
Shiny Garchomp: Caught as Gible in diamond.
A man rushed to the front of the ship with a smile on his face as his Blastoise rushed next to him also with a smile.
"We're almost home Blastoise." The adult smiled as his pokemon nod at him with approval. "I can't wait to see Leon and Sonia again." Fiddling with his bracelet the male smirked. "We'll give Leon a rematch and this time. We'll beat him." He laughed making his starter pumped.
"Toise." The mon said as he fired his cannons into the sky as the two smiled at each other.
Getting impatient the man grabbed a dusk ball from his belt and smirked. "Hydreigon come on out!" Y/n cheered as his dragon type flew out before looking at him. "Can you take me to the region?" He smiled as his dragon type smiled back.
"Dreigon." It responded making the boy nod and looked at his starter.
"Blastoise I need you to return." He said grabbing a plain pokéball before returning his starter and hopping onto his dragon with the two flying towards the region that was straight ahead. The two flew to Hulbury towns docks and landed smiling at the city.
"Home." He smiled as this was the very place he was born in. Placing his hand on the dragon types main head he smiled before returning him with Blastoise appearing next to him happy to be home. "Hulbury hasn't changed that much." He smiled as he walked around seeing the people and different pokemon walk around.
Walking around the city Y/n and Blastoise stopped by a park before the male sent out all of his pokemon. "Alright guys lunch time!" He smiled as his pokemon appeared next to him. Y/n's shiny Hydreigon stood front and center as he continued to fight with his two seperate heads over the word food.
Y/n chuckled as he turned his head to his shiny Garchomp.
The pokemon's timid nature made him hide behind his human partner making him smile.
Petting the pokemon's head to let it know it's okay he turned his attention to his shiny Metagross.
The pokemon's adamant nature made him stay put as his shiny Pangoro tried to move the steel type from the shade.
As its relaxed nature wanted nothing more but to rest in the shade of a tree. Finally was the Jolly shiny Tryanitar.
The jolly mon smiled as she looked around and walked over to her trainer as she smiled at him. Smiling back the male pet her head as she left to talk with Metagross. Y/n pulld out a small cooker and some ingredients but noticed he was out of some ingredients.
"Hmm. Hey Po can you come here?" He asked the Pangoro as he made his way to the trainer. "Can you take Meta with you and search for some sitrus berries?" He asked gaining a nod from his mon as both Metagross and Pangoro left to look for a tree. "Jaws,Godzilla." He called making the two female pokemon look at him. "Can you get some oranges for me?" He asked making the two nod before running away. "Hydra." He called looking at his Hydreigon. "I need some water. Take this bucket and go to a river in the wild area to fill this up. Blastoise go with him just in case he needs help." He said making the Brave Blastiose nod before running with the flying Hydreigon. Cutting up some vegetables the male nod before cutting some meat and getting the pokéfood ready.
Just then Y/n's pokemon returned with smiles on their faces. Smiling he grabbed some bowls and had the ones with fruit place them down while Hydreigon poured the water into the pot. Blastoise looked at his trainer with confusion as he could just use water from his cannons to help them out but Y/n chuckled.
"Blastoise I know what you're gonna ask. I did that so you could battle and have the others stretch for a little bit." He smiled as he looked at his pokemon. "Can you guys peel the oranges? I'll eat once my food is done." He smiled making them nod before all of them helped with the oranges. The six pokemon finished up and Y/n pushed the pokemon their food with a smile. All of them smiled before each of them gave their trainer one slice making him smiled before eating them with his mons.
The trainers food began to boil before being finished. He smiled as he poured the romen noodles into a bowl before he began to eat with his pokemon. After finishing up he leaned back against a tree with a smile as his pokemon looked at him and huddled around him.
"Blastoise." He called making the turtle pokemon look at him with confusion. "Today is the day we met in this region." He smiled as he and Blastoise looked at the clouds before remembering how they met.
Ten year old Y/n.
Y/n ran through the wild area with his mom's Yamper. He smiled as he knew exactly what type and what pokemon he wants.
"If Leon is starting with Charmander he found in the wild area. Then I'll find a Squirtle in the wild area. " he smiled as his Yamper barked. The two ran to a lake and looked around for one but a sudden shift behind them made the two turn around seeing a Rhydon as it went to attack them. But a sudden Squirtle ran and headbutt it making the boy shocked.
"Yamper thunder shock!" He yelled as the small electric puppy attacked but did nothing. "Wait that's right Rhydon is a ground type eletric moves don't do anything to it. " he said but the squirtle looked at him as the boy looked behind him seeing a family of Squirtles hiding.
"That's your family?" He asked the brave Squirtle making it nod. "Then let us help you." He said as Yamper barked in approval. "Yamper use bite." He said as the small pup ran and bit the Rhydon but was slammed into the ground by the pokemon's slam attack causing it to be knocked out.
"Yamper." He said making the squirtle turn and use water gun on it. Rhydon ran and went to use take down on the boy but the Squirtle ran and used its body as a shield making both the pokemon and human crashed into each other and into the water. The small group of Squirtle ran to the Yamper and helped it up but the Rhydon went to attack them. A splash went off as Squirtle jumped into the air with the boy running out of the water as he missed a Wailmer hydro pump making it hit the Rhydon causing the ground type to stagger.
"Squirtle use water gun!" He said making the the pokemon fire a stream of water hitting the Rhydon in the back before staring at them and using stone edge on the small turtle. "Use the rocks to lift you up into the air." Y/n said as the small pokemon timed a jump as a stone burst through the ground and launch him into the air.
"Squirtle water gun once more!" He said making the mon fire it again. But it did little damage. "What to do." He said as the Squirtle landed next to him.
"Squirtle!" The small mon said gaining the boys attention as it pointed at the wailmer.
"Got it." He said before picking up a rock and throwing it at the mon causing it to turn around. "Hey Wailmer!" He called out as him and Squirtle taunted the water type with silly faces. "Can't hit us." Getting upset the water type fired another hydro pump making the two duck underneath as the attack hit the Rhydon making it trip.
"Yes." He cheered as Squirtle gave the boy a thumbs up before the two noticed the smaller Squirtles had picked up Yamper over their heads and ran to the two. Y/n pet the small mon as he apologized to the small dog. "Rest now Yamper. Squirtle and I will handle this." He said as the Rhydon ran at them. "Squirtle counter with tackle!" He yelled as the pokemon nod and ran at it before two sudden streams of water blasted the ground type. Turning around the two saw three Blastoise with one of them having their cannons leaking water.
"Blastoise." Y/n said as the Squirtles smiled with the one that stood next to Y/n got pumped. The three Blastoised all charged up a attack in their guns with the three using hydro canon knocking out the Rhydon.
"Y/n!" Three voices yelled as Y/n turned around seeing his mom,Leon and Sonia. They ran to him as they got ready to battle the Blastoise but Y/n stopped them.
"Don't they saved me." He said as he walked to Yamper as the squirtles that the two were protecting were feeding the now awake pokemon berries to make it feel better. "I'm sorry for taking Yamper mom." He said as he looked down. "I just wanted to get my starter like Leon." He said as Squirtle looked at him. "Leon and I made a deal to be rivals and I wanted to be a proper one. That's why i wanted to get Squirtle and why I came here." He said but his mom sighed before leaving with him to go home.
Squirtle looked at the boy as he wanted to go with him but looked at the Blastoise before the three of them nod at him with him smiling and hugging them before hugging the smaller ones. Running to the boy the small pokemon called to him. But caught the attention of Sonia. Stopping the boy she smiled and pointed at the small mon.
"Squirtle?" He asked as the mon had fire in its eyes from feeling the rush of battle with the boy. Y/n smiled as he looked at the mon. "You want to be my partner?" He asked as it nod causing him to smile. Sonia smiled as she pulled out a pokeball she had for herself.
"Here Y/n. Use it and make squirtle yours." She smiled as he thanked her by hugging her and throwing the ball.
One shake.....two shakes.....three shakes.....caught.
Y/n smiled as he picked up the pokeball before throwing it up into the air. "Squirtle come on out!" He smiled as the small turtle fell into his trainers arms as they smiled at each other. "Leon we're coming for you." He smiled at his friend as Squirtle nod.
"Tle." It said as Leon smirked.
"Then show me how strong you'll both get." He said before returning home but getting lost on the way there.
That was ten years ago. Y/n and Blastoise smiled as they looked at their friends before nodding. "We'll beat Leon this time. I just know it Blastoise." He smiled making the mon agree with him. The two slowly felt the sea hit them as they fell asleep with the rest of their team.
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