Training. Tyrogue's struggle.
"Rocky use Fake out!" You said as your Tyrogue nod before faking a punch at another Tyrogue causing it to flinch. "Now Tackle!"
Rocky rushed and tackled the opponent causing the mon to land on its side struggling to get up. The young pokemon went to attack the downed counterpart but you stopped him causing him to look up at you.
"We don't attack downed opponents. Where is a even battle if you don't show your opponent respect?" Rocky looked up at you before nodding,turning it attention to the down Tyrogue, he watched as it struggled to stand up. Watching it's opponent Rocky saw it fall to the ground as it had fainted as a soft pulse of energy went off around him.
"You did it Champ. You leveled up." You smiled as your Tyrogue looked up at you before smiling. "Let's get a little more training in for you and your buddies then we'll set up camp."
Rocky smiled and nod while your other two pokemon got battle ready. Sitting on a rocky the small fighting type watched as it's friends trained even learning new moves. The small pokemon looked at the two as an idea came up. Jumping off the rock, Rocky began to see if it could learn new attacks but failed to do so. Looking down is disappointment the young fighter sat back down.
Hearing shuffling next to him he saw the fully evolved water starter look down at him before offering a sitrus berry. Looking at the berry Rocky shook his head but felt the object fall onto his lap.
"Blast." The water type said as if he wanted Tyrogue to be better before sitting down next to him watching the two other pokemon train before snacking on a bag of berries as their trainer called them back before serring up camp.
Placing a cooking pan down onto a collapsible fire pit you pulled out some curry ingredients you bought from the story. "Hmm. Where did I put my berry bag?"
Blastoise was happily munching on a rawst berry with closed eyes before his eyes opened up in fear as a dark aura appeared behind him making Tyrogue slowly look behind himself.
"Blastoise." You said annoyed as your starter took off with the bag causing you to causing him. "What did i tell you about eating the berries from the bag!"
Rocky watched as you chased your starter while Grookey and Jet sat next and on the rock where Rocky was each of them with smiles on their face. But Rocky looked at the two mons with sadden eyes as he hasn't learned a new move before faking his cheerful mood. Once you got back with Blastoise in his pokeball you grabbed the bag and saw a nearly empty pouch.
"Yeah. You're staying in your ball for tonight as punishment." You said looking at the red and white ball as it shook. Running your hand through your hair, you sighed. "I'm gonna have to do a berry run."
Rocky looked at the berry in his hand as he watched you poke the fire. Standing up he walked towards you before tugging on your shirt to gain your attention.
"Huh?" Looking down you were met with a Sitrus berry with Tyrouge looking down bashful. Smiling, you took the berry from him and chopped it up before placing the pieces in the mixture. "Thanks Rocky." You smiled causing him to nod.
Afterwards the food was finished letting Blastoise out of his ball you handed the small pokemon their food but pointed at Blastoise.
"You better be hungry." Glaring at your starter he could only sweatdrop nervously before grabbing some curry and rice.
After getting your portion the five of you began to eat much to your suprise the three new mons looked at you and held out their plates wanting seconds. After everyone finished eating and cleaning up. You placed them in their pokeballs before getting in your hammock.
"Tomorrow is another training day." You yawned before looking at your pokemons level thanks to your rotom phone seeing Jet and Grookey are level thirteen and Rocky being level eleven. "Training Rocky will be tougher since he doesn't learn anything till after evolution. Maybe if I find a TM." You yawned before falling asleep.
The cold night was silent as crickets chirped the night away. A small hiss was heard before one of the pokeballs opened up showing Rocky. Sneaking over to you he saw your sleeping form, nodding to himself, he left towards a wall. Rocky looked at his pokefists as he thought back to Jet and Grookey learning new moves and seeing your happy face.
"Ty..." he thought to himself before punching the wall causing him to wince in pain. But the small pokemon looked determined as it continued to punch the wall and even kicking it. This went on for an hour as the small mon had injuries on his knuckles and knees.
"That's enough Rocky."
Surprising the small mon he looked in your direction as you had your hands on your pockets and with a backpack on.
"Tyrogue?" He questioned as you kneeled down and began to fix up his hands and knees.
"I've been in this situation with my other Tyrogues. I knew you would be up at this time training to become stronger." You smiled at him before placing the backpack down. "That's why when we went to get some healing items I asked my professor back home to transfer three pokemon so they can help you out." Grabbing three different pokeballs you tossed them into the air.
The first of the pokeballs was a luxury ball as it sent out a splash of gold as a Hitmonchan appeared stretching its arms. The ultra ball sent out a black and yellow splash as a Hitmontop appeared. Finally the nest ball sent out a green splash as a Hitmonlee appeared doing two spin kicks before standing on one leg.
"Rocky, let me introduce you to your teachers. Bruce Lee the Hitmonlee." Your Hitmonlee looked down at him before bowing. "Ippo the Hitmonchan." Hitmonchan showed off its speed by rapidly punching the air. "And finally Dreidel the Hitmontop." Smiling the Hitmontop spun around on its head before flipping onto its feet.
Rocky looked at his evolutions with wonder as the three mons stood prepared. The small Tyrogue smiled before looking at his trainer.
"These three will help you, along with myself. Grookey and Jet agreed with me to have me focus on evolving you so you can be prepared to face what you can." Smiling you pulled out a brown bandana. "Come here Rocky." You watched as your pokemon walked up to him before tyingthe bandana around his neck.
"How about we show you how strong these pokemon are." You smiled before walking towards a den with your three evolutions while Rocky was admirring his gift before running to your side. "This should be good." You smiled as you returned Hitmonlee and top. "Ippo let's show him how strong you are." You smiled before the three of you were transported into the den where a massive pokemon appeared.
Letting out a massive cry the Gigantimax Snorlax caused Rocky to cover his ears.
"Ippo." You smirked while your fighting type stood ready in a boxer position. "Keep your eye on this fight Rocky." Looking up at you he nod before seeing Ippo look back at you with a smirk. "Ippo Drain Punch." Running forwards the Fighting type side stepped attacks from the snorlax before punching its foot getting it near yellow shocking the small pokemon next to you. "Nice critical buddy!"
Jumping back Ippo stood in front of you before nodding. Smirking you Dynamax your fighting type as it rapidly punched the air before finishing with a uppercut.
"Ippo Max Knuckle!" You yelled as your dynamax pokemon blocked a max strike with it causing the bulky mon to explode from losing its health. Since its explosion weakened its strength you pulled out a pokeball. Tyrogue watched as the now giant pokeball, thanks to your dynamax bracelet, sucked up Snorlax before shaking three time and catching it.
Smiling you looked down at Tyrogue before Ippo shrunk to its normal size. "Lets try the others."
With stars in his eyes Rocky nod as the three of you returned and went into two different dens. Each battle made the small mon excited to seeing which evolution he would get along with the drive to get even stronger.
Yawning you and your four pokemon returned to the camp before laying in your hammock.
"Tomorrow Rocky. We'll continue your training." Smiling you began to doze off before the small fighting type climbed into your hammock and laid down on you with a smile. Soon two blue streaks appeared as Grookey and Jet climbed/flew into your hammock joining the two of you. Each one of you have a smile on your faces as you slept the rest of the night away.
Alright guys Hitmonlee won the votes so our Rocky will be getting his fast kicking evolution. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I want to leave this question for you.
If you caught a shiny for the first time what was it? If you haven't what shiny would you like to have in the games.
My first ever shiny was a Sableye in pokemon Sapphire that I've kept close to my heart as it introduced me to the shiny pokemon hunts along with getting me my shiny luck with green coded shinies.
Again, hope you enjoyed and discuss in the comments i'd love to read which ones your encountered or are hoping to encounter.
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