Training Grookie and Jet. A new Pokepal.
"Jet tackle!" Y/n yelled as his Rookiedee flew towards a Wooloo as the small bird flew back around from dodging a tackle from the sheep pokemon. "Gookey push that blipbug back with Razor Leaf." Jumping up Grookey pulled his little stick from his head before whipping his head forwards as a razor sharp leaf flew and slashed at the Blipbug.
"String shot Blipbug." The young trainer commanded as his string shot caught Grookey as it wrapped around his leg making him trip.
"Now Wooloo attack Grookey with tackle." A female trainer said as her Wooloo ran towards Grookey.
"Jet protect Grookey." Y/n said as his shiny Rookiedee flew and picked Grookey up before Grookey was able to escape the string shot as he looked towards Jet.
"Grookey Branch poke onto Wooloo. Jet peck Blipbug." Y/n ordered as Jet turned around and launched Grookey towards Wooloo as it poked the Wooloo with its stick as Jet launched Blipbug back with its beak knocking the two pokemon out.
"Great job you two." He smiled as he received fifty dollars each from the two. Grookey smiled as Jet chirped.
Blastoise smiled as it pet their heads making the two smile at him. Jumping onto Y/ns shoulder and head the two pokemon smiled at their trainer with the four walking off.
"You two are getting stronger. I'm proud of you both. Isn't that right Blastoise?" Said pokemon looked towards the two and smiled. "But I feel like we need more pokemon on our team. Hmm. It's been a while since I've been here. Maybe we can find some more pokemon and get even stronger." He smiled as his two new partners cheered for getting stronger. As the four continued their walk Y/n noticed something on a tree. "Huh?"
Getting closer it seems to be a lost pokemon poster.
"Help my sizzlepede went missing. Last known location was Hammerlocke
City. Reward one hundred pokebucks. You can find me in the wild area just before the gate."
Reading the note off Y/n smiled at his pokemon.
"What do you guys say, wanna help find a pokemon?" He smiled as his pokemon nod at him giving them their opinion on what they want to do.
After going through the wild area and meeting up with the child of the missing mon the boy gave him the last known location in Hammerlocke as the four made their way to the city.
"Alright he said that the sizzlepede likes to hang around the pokecenter. So let's check there." Looking up at his head Y/n met eyes with Jet. "Say Jet do you think you could go get a birds eye view and see if you can spot Sizzlepede from the sky while we check down here?" Cheerping in agreement Jet flew up allowing Y/n to fix his hair before looking towards Blastoise and Grookey. "Alright guys let's look down here." He smiled as the three began to check around the area with Jet flying around.
Jumping onto a trashcan Grookey looked inside but saw nothing. Jumping to the water Blastoise began to swim around seeing if the small bug type crawled under the dock. Asking around Y/n showed the people around the area the poster as he simultaneously got no from everyone. Scratching his head he turned to Grookey and Blastoise as they stood next to him after getting nothing.
"Nothing huh? I wonder if Jet is having any luck?" Just then a caw could be heard as Y/n and his two starters looked up seeing Jet as he began to circle around a alleyway. "Let's go." He said as the three ran towards the alley seeing four thugs trying to take Sizzlepede.
"Hey!" Calling out to the two they turned around as Jet landed on his trainers head. "Leave that Sizzlepede alone."
"Hey brother do you see that Rookiedee on his head?" Thug one asked as his brother smirked.
"Yeah. Its a different color which means it's rare just like this Sizzlepede. Hey kid why don't you hand over that Rookiedee?" Thug two questioned before Y/ns additude turned sour.
"You want my Rookiedee and that Sizzlepede? Tell you what why don't you just find your own,otherwise, you'll have me to deal with." He glared as Blastoise stood in front also upset. "You thugs are all the same. When something rare comes you think it's your right to come and get it. But that's not how it works. I've dealt with so many of your kind that its sickening. Tell you what beat me and Blastoise in a two v one and i'll hand over the two." This caused Jet to get shocked but Grookey looked up at him as he smiled if he was saying that he can't wait to see blastoise battle.
"Fine. Then let's do this. Zigzagoon go!" Thug one said before his friend threw out another one.
Blastoise stood in front as he stood in front of his trainer.
"We get the first move. Tackle!" Thug one said as the two ran forwards and hit Blastoise. Smirking the two looked in shock as Blastoise stood there like nothing happened.
The zigzagoons looked in shock as the water type glared down at them.
"Our turn. Blastoise no mercy." He said as his water type glared at them with its cannons growing cold before shooting off a massive blast incasing the alleyway in ice. Making his way out of the alleyway Y/n carried Sizzlepede as the thugs were encased in ice same with the zigzagoons. Calling the police he left with his pokemon as Blastoise turned around and spit at them before following. Grookey smiled but Jet had his beak dropped from how strong that ice beam was.
Returning to his Sizzlepede the boy thanked him and handed over one hundred pokebucks. Making his way to the city Y/n ran into Raihan.
"Oh Raihan what are you doing here?" Questioning the dragon type gym leader he smirked as him.
"Chairman Rose wants everyone that's competing in the league to appear along with it's gym leaders at the stadium. Come on. I'm heading there myself." He smiled as the two walked. "Say I never seen a Rookiedee with a different color. You must be lucky Y/n." He smiled making Y/n chuckle.
"Nah I was just in the right place at the right time." He smiled before the both of them entered the lobby of the stadium.
Smiling Y/n looked around but something caught his eye. "No way." He said in amusement before running up the stairs to the next level.
"Nessa!" He called out as said female turned around with a shock look before running and hugging him.
"Y/n. I never thought you'd be back home." She said as she continued to hug him tightly with him doing the same.
"Same here. You're a gym leader?" He asked making her smile.
"And a model. Then again you would know that if you kept in touch with your cousin." She said with a pout making him scratch his head.
"Yeah. I've just been busy with everything, since I left with mom to Sinnoh." He smiled making her giggle.
"So you plan on participating in the gym challenge?" She asked as the two walked with each other.
"Yeah. Grookey and Jet are ready for anything. Even against you." He smiled as his pokemon let out a determined agreement.
"That's good to hear. Me and Dreadnaw are looking forwards to the fight." She smiled as the two cousins caught up with each other.
After the talk from Rose Y/n and his pokemon looked at each other before nodding.
"I think we should get you guys some more training before we head to Turffield and challenge Millow. What do you think Blastoise?" He smiled looking at his water type.
"Blastoise." Agreeing with him the four headed towards the wild area to battle the weaker pokemon that are in the grass.
"What to battle first hmmm. Since we're going against a grass type gym we should get Jet higher up along with you Grookey." He smiled causing the two to nod. "First let's find some fighting types for Jet and some Water types for you."
Walking in the grass Y/n encountered a Tyrouge as it rushed at him ready for a fight.
"Alright Jet you're first."
Gliding to the the ground Jet looked at it's opponent with determination to get stronger.
Tyrouge ran towards Jet with a tackle but the flying type flew up before his trainer announced the word peck causing the fighting type to fly back and crash into a tree. But, the fighting type wasn't done. Getting up it used focus energy before running up and tackling Jet causing the small bird to get scratches on it.
"Jet one more peck should do it." Y/n encouraged making the bird type fly forwards and poking the fighting type with its beak making it crash onto the ground.
'"Go pokeball!" Y/n exclaimed before catching the Tyrouge.
After a successful catch Y/n smiled before tossing the ball up with Tyrouge appearing.
"Let's get you healed." He smiled before giving the fighting type some medicine and a berry much to the pokemons suprise.
"Hmm. I think I'll name you Rocky." He smiled as the fighting type looked confused. "What? Rocky Balboa is a good movie." He smiled making the fighting type nod. "Now let's continue training."
With training up the team Y/n knew his pokemon are gonna be in for a workout before the first gym. So he promised them that he'll make sure they're ready to go.
Y/n's current team
Grookey: level Ten
Jet: level Ten
Rocky: level Eight.
What's next on this trainers team and will he prevail over the grass type gym leader? Find out next time.
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