The battle of Blastoise and Giritina.
"Blastoise, Hydro Cannon!" Y/n commanded as his starter fired a massive blast at Saturn's Toxicroak sending the pokemon into it's trainer causing them to hit a pillar. "Scar thunderbolt!" Y/n yelled as his shiny Luxray jumped over him and electrocuted the red beads that surrounded Palkia and Dialga. Just then Junipers skuntank jumped at Y/n only to be hit by his Rampardos as it stood infront of her trainer. "Thanks Savanah." He smiled making his fossil pokemon nod.
"Y/n go. Berry and I got this." The league champion Cynthia reassured him as her Garchomp stood next to her battle ready.
"Are you sure?" He questioned as his pokemon stood next to him.
"Yes now go. Dialga and Palkia will only keep that open for a short time. You have to beat Cyrus and bring him back so he can answer for his crimes." She said as Berry's infernape kicked Mar's Purugly.
"Just go and get him back Y/n!" Berry yelled as the eleven year old nod at them.
Nodding the trainer and his pokemon rushed into the distortion worlds portal. The trainer returned his Luxray and Rampardos as they were coming close to the ground. "Blastoise use Hydro Cannon to slow us down." He yelled as his mon held him close and fired the strong liquid before the two came to a slow down. Placing his feet on the ground Y/n could feel the distortion worlds gravity making him dizzy slightly. Blastoise looked around as if it was dizzy as well.
"Come on buddy we need to find Cyrus and bring him to justice. " he said making his mon nod at him.
"Blast." He replied before the two ran around the area figuring out the traps with the help of the lake guardians.
After fifteen minutes the two found Cyrus as he looked at a cliff smiling.
"So you decided to come after me huh?" He smirked,facing his opponent, he readied his pokeball. "I'll have you know I'm not so weak anymore." He smirked as he threw out his pokeball as his Houndoom ran through flames it created.
"Savanah let's go!" Y/n yelled as he threw his pokeball with his shiny Rampardos appearing as she shook the ground with her entrance.
"Flamethrower." Cyrus commanded as his mon shot a massive flow of flames as Savanah stood there not fazed by the attack.
"Head smash." Y/n commanded as his mon rushed forwards with her head glowing white causing houndoom to fly passed his trainer and into a platform.
"Yes. You've grown considerably since the last time we battled." He smirked before sending out Weavile. "But so have we, ice punch." He commanded his weavile as it zoomed to Sanavanh and punched her hard sending a blast of cold air out of her before she zoomed past her trainer.
"Savanah!" Y/n yelled as he noticed her sliding off the edge. Rushing forwards he sucked her back into her pokeball making him sigh in relief. Appear pissed he turned to Cyrus. "Are you insane?! If we fight here we could lose our pokemon!" He yelled as Cyrus chuckled.
"That's the point. To start a new world one must get rid of the past. Now send out your next pokemon."
"Tch." Grabbing a great ball from his belt he enlarged the small object before tossing it out. " Roku!" He yelled as a shiny Magmortar appeared. "Fire blast!" He yelled as Roku held its cannon out as a japanese symbol for fire appeared missing the Weavile.
"Night slash." Weavile rushed forward with its claws glowing black before summoning a kunai out of shadows.
"Dodge it!" Y/n yelled as his pokemon began to use its flames to shoot itself into the air. "Flamethrower!" He yelled as the mon held its cannon forwards with its arms to steady it.
Looking up the weavile was met with flames before being knocked out.
The back and forth fight continued as Y/n's shiny Garchomp, Luxray and Togikiss were knocked out. But the same could be said about Cyrus's Crobat,Gyarados and Honchcrow.
"Now it's time for you to meet my newest addition." The galactic leader smirked as Blastoise and Y/n stood ready. A sudden shift in the wind pushed the two back,looking up, the two saw the legendary pokemon Giritina.
"Get ready Blastoise. This will be our hardest battle yet." He said as his pokemon stood next to him before nodding. "Dragon pulse!" He yelled as Giritina fired a shadow ball at the two. The two attacks fired from their respective pokemon as an explosion went off making the distortion world shake. Suddenly a tail came hurling towards them. "Protect!" He yelled as Blastoise summoned a blue dome making the two safe but it cracked the dome.
"Ice beam!" Shattering the dome Blastoise fired a massive beam of ice causing it to freeze one of Giritinas demonic wings.
The legendary pokemon looked at them before slightly shifting causing the ice to shatter.
"Acient power!" Cyrus commanded as the pokemon fired multiple rocks from all over time.
"Hydro cannon!" Counter attacking the attack Y/n and Blastoise watched as the rocks barreled threw the water and slam into the water type as it caught one of them and tossed it to the side. Suddenly a shadow ball flew towards them making Y/n tackle his water type out of the way as the attack flew off into the distance.
"We're not done." Y/n grunt as the worlds distorted gravity started to have its effects on him.
"Dragon pulse." Cyrus commanded as the two didn't have time to react before they were shot to another platform. Y/n bounced as he came close to the edge before grabbing it. Looking down he saw the black void making him gulp. Blastoise ran to its trainer and helped him up as the two nod.
"Ice beam!" He yelled as Blastoise fired at the legendary. Dodging the attack quickly Giritina flew at them and slammed it's tail at them causing the two to seperate.
Outside of the portal
Dialga and Palkia both let out a cry as they felt the distortion world shift with the legendary pokemon attacking Blastoise. Cynthia and Berry looked inside seeing Blastoise get knocked back by an ominous wind attack. Y/n ran to his pokemon as the he stood in front of Blastoise.
"Giritina, Dark pulse." Cyrus commanded as Y/n stood in the way with Blastoise looked up with shock.
"Blast!" He yelled as his trainer was hit directly with the attack making the boys clothes burnt and slight tore.
"Blastoise....are you okay?" He smiled before his eyes turned white with him falling forward as the water type ran to his side with it tearing up as it shook his trainer.
"Blast! Blast! Blastoise!" He cried as he shook his trainer. Tears ran down the pokemon's face as it hugged the boy.
Cynthia and Berry looked in shock as Y/ns pokemon appeared from their pokeballs each of them shocked at what happened. Roku stood in front of the group along with Gong the Bronzong and Angel the togikiss.
Scar walked to its trainer before placing it's head on it's trainers lap whimpering at its trainers condition.
Cynthia looked in shock as Y/n laid motionless with his pokemon protecting him while Blastoise cried but so did his other pokemon.
Cyrus smirked as he commanded Giritina once more but a sudden golden light appeared as the pokemon looked up.
"I am disappointed in you Giritina. You are to create balance but you allowed yourself to be captured." A godly voice spoke making everyone look up.
"No way. Its Arceus." Cynthia gasped in amazement as it entered the distortion world.
"The pokemon of all." Cyrus mumbled in wonder.
Looking down Arceus looked at the pokemon that surrounded the trainer as all of them but Blastoise looked up at it. Arceus looked down at Blastoise as it cried.
"You have lost a dear friend of yours." The god said as Blastoise slowly looked up at it. "I am deeply sorry."
Blastoise was about to speak but he was stopped by the mystic pokemon.
"You wish for me to bring him back. You all do." It said looking at the six pokemon.
They all nod and looked at their trainer.
"He saved you three from terrible fates." Arceus said as it looked at the shiny Luxray, Garchomp and Magmortar. "But he also brought back a pokemon that was dead for it to relieve its life in care and comfort." It spoke as it looked towards Savanah. "And gave one a caring home." Looking at the Togikiss it nod. "Finally he gave you the ability to fight strong pokemon and allowed you to evolve to get even stronger." It said looking at the starter.
Summoning a small ball the god pokemon allowed it to gentle fall towards the trainer as it entered the boy making him cough before opening his eyes.
"Blastoise?" He asked as the starter hugged him along with Magmortar,Bronzong. While Savanah Scar, Jaws and Angel all cuddled up to him. "Woah." Getting a good look of his surrounding Y/n looked towards the god pokemon. "Arceus." He mumbled as it nod to him.
"Not many people are as kind as you boy. Thank you for saving my pokemon." He spoke making the boy bow to him. "I will bring judgement upon the two in front of you."
Shaking his head Y/n stood up as Blastoise and his pokemon stood by his side. "We want to end this our way." He smiled making the Mythical Pokemon look at him before nodding.
"Good luck trainer." Was all god said before vanishing in powder.
"Blastoise Hydro Cannon, Savanah Rock Slide, Roku Fire blast,Scar Thunder, Angel Aura Sphere, Jaws Draco meteor!" He commanded as one by one each and every pokemon attacked Giritina causing it to protect itself but wasn't able to withstand the power of the six with their strongest attack before being knocked down as Cyrus moved out of the way before Y/n rushed forward and stole the Masterball from Cyrus."you want you're own world? Fine but you're gonna have to fight him for it."
Pressing the small button a red glow came from it as Giritana was set free as it looked up at the two. Putting the Master ball into his bag Y/n returned everyone before returning them to their pokeballs except for Angel. Giritina roared getting ready to fire a dark pulse.
Jumping onto Angel's back the two flew out of the portal with Dialga and Palkia destroying the portal right when he flew out as the two landed on the ground roughly making Y/n sigh in relief after checking his hurt Togikiss. Her smile gave him the sigh of being all right as he hugged her before fixing her wounds and sending her into her pokeball.
"Y/n." A couple of voices rang out as he turned around seeing Cynthia and Berry running towards him.
"I'm alright." He smiled as Dialga and Palkia looked towards him before he looked towards them. The two of them bowing slightly before flying off into space and time. "I guess I have their respect." He smiled as he looked towards the two Pokemon's portals.
"What happened to Cyrus?" Berry asked his rival as Y/n looked at the now solid rock flooring.
"He's dealing with Giritina." He spoke before turning to the rest of team Galatic. "You're leader isn't gonna be around anymore. Stealing pokemon and meteorites along with harming Dailga,Palkia, Uxie,Mesprit and Axulf. You all should be going to jail." He said making them growl at him before a shift in the air appeared as landing behind him stood Blastoise as it got ready to attack if they tried to pull something. "But growing up I was raised to see the good in you. You're team is disbanded and if anyone of you tries to restart it. You'll have to answer to me and my pokemon." He warned before leaving Spear Pillar.
Walking towards the step with his starter Y/n looked towards Cynthia and Berry.
"Berry. I expect to see you at the pokemon league. Also Cynthia don't feel too comfortable. We're coming for you next." He smiled causing the other two to nod.
After getting the final gym badge and defeating Berry along with four members of the elite four. Y/n stood on an elevator as he felt anxious but Blastoise looked towards his friend.
"Blast." He said gaining his trainers attention. "Blastoise." He said as Y/n could see the fire in his eye like when they first met.
"Right. We got this." He smiled as the two looked towards a door before it slid open showing Cynthia as she smiled.
"I've been waiting for you two." She said as Y/n and Blastoise looked at each other and nod. "You and your pokemon have gone through so much. You have my deepest respect for helping at Spear Pillar. Not only did you gain Dailga and Palkias respect by also Arcues. Now as Pokemon Champion I will accept your challenge and give you two a battle for the ages." She smiled making Y/n hold out a pokeball. "Spiritomb!"
Holding his Pokeball Y/n pulled his arm back before throwing it with a spin.
"Angel you're up first!" He yelled as his Togikiss appeared ready for a fight.
"Let the pokemon battle begin!" The announcer said as the two battled.
Y/ns mother watched in anticipation as Y/n returned Jaws as she was beaten by Cynthia's final pokemon Garchomp.
"Blastoise. You ready?" He asked as his starter walked to the battle field as he fired his cannons ready to fight.
"So now we're down to our final pokemon. Let's see who wins your Blastoise or my Garchomp." She smiled as Y/n smirked.
"Let's settle this." Y/n said as Blastoise leaped forwards.
"Do your worst!" Cynthia overly enjoyed as Garchomp rushed forwards with the two clashing heads before the scene changed.
Y/n stood next to Blastoise as Cynthia held her hand out to him. Behind her was Garchomp as it was wounded and unconscious.
"Congratulations Y/n. You are now the pokemon league champion." She smiled but Y/n shook his head.
"As much as I would like to be the league's champion. I can not accept this, for this isnt the region I want to be champion in." He said causing his mother to watch in confusion. "I still have many adventures to come too. Being champion isnt something that makes me feel like I'm making a difference." Smiling he pulled his pokeballs out showing his shiny pokemon. "I want to help and save as many pokemon like my team. I want to travel the world saving these unique pokemon giving them a safe home and showing them they don't have to be alone. That's why, I'm gonna become a Shiny Hunter. So I can save everyone like I did when hunter Jay was around. I'm sure my team agrees with me." He smiled as his pokemon let out a cry of agreement.
"If that's the case. Then I'll still be known as the pokemon champion. But for you and your pokemon Y/n. You will be my champion and I will add your pokemon to the hall of fame." Cynthia smiled as Y/n nods with the two coming to a machine as he placed his trainer card and his pokemon on the scanner showing a picture fade in as him and his pokemon stood. "Welcome to the hall of fame Y/n. I do hope we see each other again." She smiled as Y/n smiled back.
"I'm sure we will. Bet on it." Giving her a thumbs up the two smiled and left the area as Blastoise looked back at the picture with a proud look but remembers Leon and his Charmander. "Blastoise come on. We're gonna go find some pokemon. You coming?" He asked as his starter made his way towards him as his team all waited for him.
"Don't worry Blastoise. When we're ready, we'll go back to Galar and challenge him. I promise." Y/n smiled as his pokemon nod at him.
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