(every 3rd part, his POV will appear!)
I watched (Y/N) lay on the couch. They look so sad, but this had to be done. April had been on the better side of the friend spectrum, but I knew of what she thought of (Y/N). They were too good for scum like April!
I sent those texts after killing April's family in the woods. They were going camping for around 3 days, so it's quite easy to cover up their deaths. I stole April and her mom's phones, and had that little group chat with (Y/N). After that, I threw their phones in a river near their campsite.
Even if the bodies get discovered soon, it was hot as fuck near their campsite, the coroner wouldn't be able to tell when they died! (Y/N) doesn't watch the news, so they'll only find out if the cops come to their house. When (Y/N) tells them that they texted them, that'll make them suspect they were killed after that. I have an airtight alibi.
I text (Y/N).
Me: Why are you so sad, honey?
(Y/N) 💞🌸: stop texting me, bruh
Me: Do you want me to send you a present to cheer you up? :)
I watch them get up, throw their phone on the couch, and go to their room.
I get out my notebook and a flashlight.
When I first developed feelings for (Y/N), I didn't know how to know more about them. Before I knew how to properly know how, I looked at their social media 24/7. About a couple months ago, I learned that they don't really act how they act on social media in real life, so I searched for a new way.
I learned that her apartment is just a ways away from mine, so I started with that. My first idea was to become a employee at their apartment complex, but that would clash with my current job, and they pay less then my current job. Then, I thought to move next door, but that wouldn't work, because their apartment complex is all filled up, and I couldn't wait.
I then found out what to do. Funny thing is my mom gave me the idea. She took me shopping and we could hardly find any in my size. Everyone called me tiny, and that's when it came to me.
That night, I tried to enter the ventilation system in their apartment. It worked!
Whenever they left, I collected small things to put in our love journal.
I've hit a growth spurt recently, so I can hardly fit in the vents anymore, but 4 apartments became available. My lucky day!
I want to laugh. I want to take her away and make them become mine.
But I can't. I won't.
I'll just wait for the day they see that no other guy is worth it.
Comment what type of yandere you want. 👉👈😳🥺
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