Dedicated to @fhenty_esther for constantly voting and for commenting on the first chapter.
Carl Hardman's POV
It was past nine at night and I sat in the confines of my office trying to get to the bottom of the Empire dealings for the deposition tomorrow. But nothing seems to sink in as my thoughts wander off constantly, dwelling on my soon to be personal assistant. She was witty, smart, a sharpshooter and I had that gut feeling she was the right choice.
I smile as I consider another meaning to it. Everything about her drew me to her. Her hazel eyes that had that searching glint in it, her jet black hair, her sexy curves, everything about her drove me crazy.
I have never felt like this before. Not even with Madison made me feel like I've ever felt. It makes me want to go for her and screw her senseless.
Hey! You don't do love! So stop acting lovesick, get your shit together and finish this deal for the deposition.
Right! Deposition! Got it!
I leaf through my notes and the deal records and then the email of all transactions made by Empire Records in the past twelve years for any hint of fraud. After three extra hours of trying to focus in the deals yet failing miserably, I called it a night and called my driver who arrived after thirty minutes in my latest Lamborghini model.
“Good evening sir. Sorry for arriving late, sir. There was traffic congestion close to the office. I promise it will never repeat itself", the man bowed and apologized. I put on a cold demeanour and scowled as he cowered away and opened the door for me to get in.
“You know how much I hate tardiness. I will spare you though but next time it repeats itself, just prepare to deliver your resignation letter in my office the next day, is that clear?", I said and the poor driver nodded profusely and scurried to the driver's seat.
Poor guy, you scared him shirtless.
About another hour later, I was already home in sweats. I stared at the man I had become. Heavy eyebags, a product of sleepless nights. Scars on my bare chest, a product of constant beatings from my childhood. I turn away from the mirror, not wanting to think about it. I unlocked the pill cabinet and pull out the aspirin tube.
Popping the lid open, I threw three of it into my mouth without gulping down water and turned to the master bedroom Madison and I once shared as a lawfully wedded couple.
All that is in the past. I had about three hours minimum to catch some sleep and a deposition to attend as early as 8:30 am tomorrow.
Ruby Wyatt's POV
I jumped off the bed feeling panicky. I was late. 7:08 am. Stupid alarm clock. What use are you of, if you can't wake me up.
You really are dumb. You dismissed the thing and went back to sleep, dumbass.
I jumped in the shower and hurriedly had a bath. I run a hand through my hair that was a total bedlam, as I apply my body lotion and throw in a light green flair sleeveless dress and a long sleeved green bolero. I finally comb out my hair, curl it and throw it over my right shoulder.
I suck at makeovers so I apply some powder and swipe a nude pink lipstick. Grabbing my cellphone and handbag, I storm out of the hotel room.
I arrived at the office building with 7 minutes to spare. Whew, that was close. I am so not sleeping late. Like ever.
That's what you say today, and the next day, and the day after that and every other day.
Okay, I get it. I'm not a morning person. Happy?
I take a elevator. ‘PRIVATE', it reads. I really don't care because the other ones were in use and I was running late. I notice that people, including the slutty receptionist, were gazing at me like I was crazy or I had grown a third body part.
Not my problem, anyway.
Few minutes later, I arrive at his office. He had his eyes on me. And he didn't look happy.
“You are late. On your first day on the job", he said, his face in a deep scowl.
“By a few seconds", I replied, frowning too.
“Still doesn't change the fact that you're late. And to top it all, what makes you think you could use the elevator meant for me".
Really?What's wrong with him?PMS or what?
Awww! He's so drool worthy!
Hey! Work with me!
I put on a straight face. “Well, I didn't realize that the Managing Partner of Pearson Hardman, formerly known as Pearson Saunterland, had a private elevator with his name perfectly etched on its door ", I deadpanned. That shut him up. For the time being.
I continued. “I'm ready for my assignment, Mr Hardman". He looked at me like I was out of my mind. Then he sighed and called the secretary through the intercom. Bertha arrived moments later.
“Please give Ms Wyatt her daily routine and show her to her office. Inform me when she is settled. And ready Conference Room A for the Empire Records deposition", he ordered and Bertha nodded. She led me to a small office outside his office and I smiled.
“Thanks. Um, please, is he always like this, grumpy and all?", I asked and she chuckled.
“Hun, that is the least of his attitude. You should see him on his bad day. Anyways, after every conference, you should go in thirty minutes after with a cup of black coffee. No cream and three cubes of sugar. Any guest that wish to see him privately must be first announced by you before he or she can be seen. Lunch break is by 1:30 pm. You mustn't leave your cubicle for any unnecessary reason except he calls for you or you are on your lunch break or on an errand. You must let him know when you leave for lunch break, okay? Ooh, and your sister told me to let you know that she'll be waiting for you during lunch break to garb a drink, some food perhaps", she shrugged.
I smiled and thanked her. She nodded and walked away. Sighing, I plopped down on the comfortable swivel chair and dropped my handbag on the table. I boot the computer and type in the administration password as given to me by Bertha.
“Ms Wyatt!", the intercom buzzed as his voice boomed in a commanding tone. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. “Ms Wyatt, I need you in my office. Now!", he ordered and I sighed.
“You wanted this see me sir?", I ask, with a fake smile on my lips. He cleared his throat.
“I need you to collect the deposition reports from the paralegal afterwards and run through some files for the Carrillo Contract. Give it to Davis to read, extract, rewrite, type, print, photocopy and hand back to you, which you'll proofread, correct for errors, retype, reprint, photocopy again and bring them to me for signing latest tomorrow by 8:30am. You will get the contract papers from Ms Wyatt. Get to work immediately", he almost barked out orders and I roll my eyes.
I mean, who does he think he is?
Your totally hot, drop dead gorgeous, sex god of a boss.
“You don't have to bark at your employees, okay? You could just request. That would be a lot more nicer", I snapped and he raised his head to look at me with surprise.
“What did you say to me?", he asked, still astonished.
“I said next time, you should request for a good job, okay? And also thank the person in advance for a job well done. It is good for reputation sake", I repeated, my confidence growing.
“Do you realize who you are talking to?"
“My boss, who clearly lacks the basic manners to treat the society".
“Do you mind watching your mouth. You are too expressive for my liking", he spat.
I scoffed. “I appreciate the fact that you could point that out. I will not have you boss me around, I will use any elevator I damn well please and I certainly won't take shit from you. If you have a problem with that, suck it up", I said and left his office without his door closed and stepped into the private elevator.
Before the door closed up, knowing that he could see me, I smiled and blew him a kiss. Then I sat on the elevator floor taking huge deep breaths. I almost puked at just the thought of what happened moments earlier.
What the FUCK did I do?
You had the guts to do what no one has dared to do. Should I still break that down for you?
Gee, thanks. I get the point. It was supposed to be a rhetorical question, anyway. But what should I do now?
Great! Gone when I need help.
I am literally hiding somewhere like right now😨😨. I am really sorry for the late update. I have no excuse whatsoever.
I have not been busy. Just having some problems getting inspiration on what to write (I know this chapter sucks. Like hell) 'cause of school and stuff. And church as well. I'll post some pictures of it when I can on Instagram(Check me out and follow: Courtney Steels/ Valeriejolie4)
Please don't forget to click that shiny star and also comment. I would really appreciate it. Also know that this chapter is unedited. When I'm through with the book. I will flmake pit time to go through and edit for errors.
~ Valerie Jolie ~
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