Ruby Wyatt's POV
Darn it! It's past 6 in the morning and I have a bad hangover. Thanks to the rich nonentity that thought I could be bought to his bed with a shot of Scotch.
God, I hate rich people.
It's Monday, you moron. Ring a bell?
Shit! The interview. And I'm not ready.
Dear Lord, why did I agree to my sister taking me to have some drinks? Now my hangover might get worse by the minute.
I jump into the shower and have a refreshing bath, then dry myself and apply my homemade lotion for my overtly sensitive skin.
I put on an off white off shoulder shirt neatly tucked into a royal blue skirt and a pair of black shoes. A few minutes, a few hair styling and some little touch of make over later, I was ready to leave. I put all the necessary documents that I was gonna need into my handbag and checked out of the hotel.
7:12 am said the time as I stopped by at Starbucks to grab a triple nonfat sugar - free mocha latte. I hail a taxi and got in.
“Pearson Hardman, please".
The driver nodded and I take a sip of my latte as he drives off to my destination. Few minutes later, the driver stopped and I downed the last of my mocha latte as u give him my fare. I got out and hurried to meet up for the interview.
A receptionist_thingy lady had a scowl on her face. And an outfit that screamed blue murder. Her boobs looked ready to spill out of her face. And her make over was 200% in excess. I smiled as I stopped by her desk.
“What do you want?", she said, still scowling and chewing bubble gum in an offensive manner.
Whoa, slow down bitch!
“I'd like to see the CEO of the company, Mr Hardman", I replied, putting on a sweet smile.
“For the interview,I presume?".
“Yes,please", I nodded and she placed a call to someone and I had to wait a few moments.
“Take the elevator to the 17th floor. That's where the interview takes place".
“Thanks", I said, about to leave but stopped. “And for the record, spilling boobs on office wears isn't a good match. Also, try doing something about that scowl of yours. It's bad for good reception", I said and I could swear that her scowl was going to leave a permanent mark on her looks.
Not my problem, anyway.
I dial my sister as I get into the elevator and clicked the 17th floor button. She answered on the second ring.
“Hey, bitch. How's your hangover going?", I teased because after the trauma inducing incident, I was already sober. My sister and her boyfriend on the other hand, were drunk as hell and were having a heavy make out session.
“I feel like a thousand horses are having a stampede on my head", she groaned and I chuckled.
“Serves you right for getting yourselves sloshed as fuck. Anyway, I'm in the office building. Would you like to see me and wish me luck", I asked.
“Sorry, but the 17th floor is off limits to anybody except Mr Hardman and Mike. Maybe after the interview I will. Just go meet Bertha, the secretary on the 13th floor and ask of me. She'll show you to my office", she said and ended the call.
Ding! Finally! The elevator stopped and I got out. There were many other applicants, mostly ladies.
Wow, obsessive much?
I sat beside a guy when was nervously tapping on his file jacket.
“You can't go through life if you don't face it, you know", I said and he turned to look at me.
“Excuse me?", the blonde haired, hot looking guy asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“Oh, sorry. I'm Ruby Wyatt. You are? And oh, I was just saying, you don't need to be jittery about the application. Just have faith and you'll get it", I said and he smiled.
“Thanks. And I'm Scott. Channing Scott", he said and flashed a grin that could make any girl go under, weak at the knees.
“The personal assistant spot, huh? I'm sure you'd get it", I said and he frowned.
“Oh, I'm not applying for that position. I'm a fifth year, from Harvard. I'm applying for an associate position", he said and I nodded.
“There's that too?".
He just said that, idiot!
Shut up, bitch!
“Yeah. What about you? What are you applying for?", he asked.
“Personal assistant. Graduated Kingston. International Relations".
“Yeah, magna cum laude".
“Wow, that's fantastic!", he said and I smiled.
A few hours and some crying leaving applicants later, I was called. Scott, who was waiting for me after his interview, gave me a thumbs up as I knock on the frosted floor to ceiling glass pane.
Carl Hardman —Executive Partner, it said.
“Come in", a grouchy voice mumbled and I enter into the fascinating office. The grumpy CEO was looking at his Macbook and typing away like the World War II was about to happen all over again. I take a seat and waited. Still no answer.
“Mr Hardman?", I called. No answer. Then he spoke.
“So how did the party end up last night?", he asked and I was taken aback.
What the heck is he saying?
“And by the way, did you end up speaking to your mother?"
“Sir, I don't understand what you're talking about", I said, my face creased in confusion.
“Don't you?", he asked and looked at me.
Fuck my life!
Carl Hardman's POV
I woke up with a terrific hangover. All that drinking had a terrible effect on me, quite alright.
Maddie didn't come home last night. Neither did she leave a note as to where she might have gone nor she sent a voice mail.
Not that I care anyway.
I groan as I drag myself into the shower. Few hours later, I called my driver, as I fixed my tie and three piece suit. The man who had been my private chauffeur since college arrived quickly.
“Good morning, Mr Hardman", Harold, my driver greeted and opened the back seat door for me to get in as he collected my suitcase from me and dropped them in the front seat. He started the car and soon I was driving off to the office.
The receptionist, Stella or Sheila or whatever, who had been trying to get my attention since her employment here, changed her expression from her usual scowl to a sweet seductive smile.
“Good morning, Mr Hardman", she greeted flirtatiously and handed a file to me as I signed in for the day. “Mr Blaine Carter dropped these files for you and said to inform you that he would come see you later this week. Should I schedule an appointment for you sir?"
“No. That's what I need a personal assistant for", I replied and headed to my office on the 17th floor.
After a few moments, I reached my office and settled to go through the file.
Traced Call.
Caller: Ruby Wyatt.
Age: 21
Status: Single
Educational status: Recently graduated. International Relations from Kingston University. Magna Cum Laude. 4.3 GPA.
Work Application: Pearson Hardman, personal assistant.
Social Media Platforms: Facebook -RubyLiz
Twitter: nil
Tumblr: nil
Instagram: Bettie2018
Last Call: Rachael Wyatt
Really! So the beautiful chick I met at the bar last night was the same lady who had insulted me on the phone hours before. And the badass associate that Mike Ross is dating is her relative. What a small world! What's more, she's one of the applicants for the personal assistant spot. If she didn't give a damn about who I was last night, she'd be petrified at what's coming after her today.
The applicants started coming in for either personal assistant spot or associate position.
Soon, she came in. From my computer, I could see her gracefully walking in an off white off shoulder shirt in a royal blue flair skirt. She looks beautiful in her outfit and her perfume is__.
Stay on track, dude!
“Mr Hardman?", she called. God, I could get used to her calling my name all the time.
“How did the party end up last night?", I asked and saw her frown. “And by the way, did you end up speaking to your mother?"
“I don't understand what you're talking about", she said.
“Don't you?", I asked again, this time looking up at her and getting the full glimpse of her features.
Her eyes were wide as saucers and her face was drained of colour. She was surprised to say the least.
Oh, this is gonna be interesting!
Hey guys,
Two chapters on the same day. Great, right? Hope you like it. and it's unedited , like every other chapters.
I'd love for you to comment on the book ‘cause I need to know if the book is good. Don't also forget to hit that shiny vote icon.
~ Valerie Jolie ~
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