Chapter 10: Equilux Festival
Welcome back to Hello Charlotte everyone I hope that you guys enjoy the chapter I worked hard on it. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT. It means a lot to me and I like talking with you guys. The song is Freak show by Set It Off. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~
This chapter is dedicated to _deranged_delusions_ her historical romance book is amazing even though I can't exactly pronounce the name of it. But still, check it out because she's awesome.
"Okay, I honestly think you should be wearing this Delilah," I told her as she adjusted the sash on my outfit.
She snorted and glanced down at her light pink nearly see through robe. "Too much clothing for me. I used to walk around naked but Atlas forced me to stop." She stood up and took a step back before walking around me slowly.
A grin soon appeared on her face. "That ceremonial robe just makes you look cuter. Now, do you want the bangles on your tail?"
"Delilah, Charlotte isn't a doll for you to play with just because you like the way she looks. I highly doubt that she'd want that stuff on her," Ivo told her as he passed through the door without opening.
Delilah looked at him with wide eyes before a nervous sounding laugh escaped her mouth. "I don't think of Charlotte like that. Also, I thought I told you to wait outside with Atlas," she sighed as she crossed her arms.
Ivo shrugged. "I was going to but he's finishing up his tribal paint make up for this festival. Besides, I already know what Charlotte looks like."
I felt heat creep across my face as I looked away from Ivo. "Y-you don't just go around telling people that," I mumbled.
The door opened up as Atlas entered the room. His blonde hair was tied back, above his eyes looked like something similar to purple eyeshadow. Just like me, he was wearing a ceremonial robe for the festival except his was a light red compared to my light blue one. At the top of his wings were small gold hoop piercings.
He was holding a bouquet of lilies in his arms. "Wow, you look really good in that," he said as he grinned at me.
I smiled back at him. "Thanks, you look pretty good yourself. Although those piercings look like they'd be uncomfortable."
"They kinda are but since it's for the Equilux festival it's worth it, besides I'm not the only chimera dressed like this. Especially the male villagers they tend to get more extravagant and colorful with their piercings and robes," he informed me as he readjusted the flowers.
"Anyway, I need to go do something before I meet up with you and Ivo in the village. It shouldn't take more than ten minutes though," Atlas said as Delilah walked back over to him.
"Alright, I'll just find some way to enjoy myself while I wait," I sighed.
When we left the house Atlas headed in the opposite direction of the festival in the middle of town, instead he began walking towards the neighboring forest.
"Let me guess you're going to go start stuffing your face?" Ivo guessed as a slight smirk spread on his face.
"You are a giant bastard," I grumbled.
As I was wading my way through the giant crowds, I could see what Atlas had meant by other Chimeras went all out with their robes and jewelry. All around us were chimeras having fun and drinking various liquids everything from alcohol to juice. Some were dressed in extravagant colorful costumes with jewelry on their tails, horns or wings. The men were wearing dark or colorful makeup either around or above their eyes.
Food was laid out across multiple tables on each side of the walkways. Which allowed everyone to watch the festival and eat.
There were game stalls opened up along with snack stalls, various small children stood at them either with their parents, with friends or alone.
"This is so much different than the Equilux festival I had back home," I whispered as I sat down at a table that didn't have that many people sitting there.
I grabbed a piece of meat off of the giant plate at the center of the table. Ivo sat next to me looking around with great interest.
"What was the festival like in your village, I can't really picture those people coming together to celebrate like this?" Ivo asked.
I smiled softly. "That's right you never got to see one of these festivals. Well in my village we had the holiday but, it was more out of tradition than anything and instead of a festival, we would have a brief parade before going to the church. My village wasn't exactly a really festive place but, I'm sure you could figure that out by yourself."
For a moment Ivo was quiet then he let out a long sigh and looked at me. "Listen to me Charlotte, I'm sorry I spoke to you that way but we do need to leave. If we don't the Aveon will track us here," he told me, then grabbed my hand, "I know that you don't want to leave but truthfully it's no longer our choice."
I frowned as I let out a soft sigh and set my food down. "I know I just wanted time to at least act like a normal chimera for a bit. Besides Atlas was the first person I met who actually knew what it was like to summon someone like you. So I felt happy kinda about that."
Ivo scowled at me before releasing my hand. "Oh trust me I understand. I will admit that I was a bit relieved to see Delilah again. Even if she can be very annoying at times."
Suddenly Ivo jumped as Delilah flung herself at him from behind. "We're baaack!" She announced in a sing-song voice.
"Yes, Delilah I can easily see that, especially when over half of your body is on me," Ivo mumbled.
Atlas sat down next to me on my right side. "Are you having fun so far?" He asked giving me a large grin.
I let out a snort. "So far I've just been sitting here stuffing my face full of undercooked meat."
I poked the piece of steak I had in front of me only to have it start dripping blood.
I wonder if this whole place eats their meat raw?
I took a deep breath and held it allowing my chest to grow hot very quickly the heat spread to my cheeks making my face feel warm. A second later I let the breath out in a huff allowing my small spurt of fire to come out and roast the meat.
"Woah, I didn't know that dragon chimera could do that!" Atlas exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.
"It's hard for young dragon chimera to do it because the heat sacks in their lungs aren't fully formed. Since I'm not a completely adult chimera I can't blow fire for that long so I do best with small spurts. We hold our breath which causes the oxygen in the heat sacs to increase and begin to heat up burning the excess body fat we keep stored in there for the actual fire. Then the rush of carbon dioxide caused when we finally breathe out causes the fire to happen," I explained as I nibbled on the meat I'd cooked.
"We don't have any dragon chimeras here so I really never saw anyone spit fire before. Poison definitely, but no fire. But you're saying that your heat sacs work similar to my air ones," Atlas told me.
I frowned giving him a confused look which caused him to chuckle and tap his own chest with one claw. "Chimera that can become airborne have air sacs near their lungs so that they can fly higher in the sky and still be able to breathe. But since they also provide us with something similar to a backup oxygen tank we can hold our breath underwater for about ten minutes. One drawback is that we're sensitive to things like smoke," he explained.
"And you thought me breathing fire was cool," I snickered.
Atlas smiled a slight red blush appearing on his cheeks. "Well it is, I've seen dragons fly over the village before while they migrate toward the volcano for the winter but, seeing a dragon chimera is something else. Chimeras are made up of different creatures so seeing one that's part of something that big is just amazing."
I flicked my tail against the ground a smile on my face. "There's more like me out there. Sure our numbers have dwindled quite a bit but you just have to know where to find us," I reminded him.
"Considering your made up of more warm blooded animals than cold blooded ones, I would assume that you can take a bit of cold from the environment." Atlas guessed as he grabbed some food.
Ivo rolled his eyes. "You've seen her using me as a body pillow at night, so I don't know what would make you think she was completely warm blooded."
"I hate to say it but yeah Ivo's right. I don't do well in the cold and my body temperature is a bit below the normal human temperature. It's usually only eighty-five degrees," I informed him.
Suddenly Delilah let out a squeal and threw her arms around me. "Aw, you're such an adorable snow kitten."
Instead of pulling away or putting up a fuss I decided to let Delilah cuddle me after all the sun was going down so it was starting to get a bit chilly.
Once it was nighttime the festival slowed down a bit compared to the high octane event that had occurred in before the sun set.
Many chimeras either sat at tables eating or stood with their families at booths, simply having fun.
I yawned as I looked up at the dark red full moon.
God, I'm fucking stuffed my stomach even hurts. It's during this time that the moon looks the prettiest though.
I felt Ivo softly running his hand through my hair and I started fidgeting a bit beneath his touch. He glanced at me then stopped for a moment. "You're stomach hurts, doesn't it? After all, you practically inhaled half the plate."
I scowled before letting out a small content sigh. "Yeah, it does. So please don't touch me you know how I feel about that."
Whenever I didn't feel well I developed a strong aversion to touch no matter who it was.
Delilah reached out to pet my head for what was probably the twentieth time today, however, Ivo smacked her hand away.
"Don't touch her when she's not feeling good." He practically snapped.
Delilah pouted as she massaged her injured hand.
Atlas yawned and stretched raising his arms into the air. "My brother used to be like that. He was also really picky about who touched him," he told me.
I looked at Atlas. "You have a brother?" I asked frowning.
Have I met his brother before? I don't think I have.
He smiled sadly. "I used to have a brother. An older one but he's long gone now. The flowers I had earlier were for him, those were his favorites," he told me softly.
" mean that your brother is dead?" I asked softly.
It took him a moment but then Atlas nodded. "Yeah," he looked up at the moon, getting this really far away look in his eyes, "I had no choice but to kill him," he whispered.
I saw Delilah frown at him but after a moment she just sighed.
"What was your brother like?" I asked softly.
"Caesar was a nice guy, to be honest. While I would be out hunting in the forest he would usually be around helping Melody watch the children or fix up certain houses in the village. Compared to Caesar I wasn't even on our mom's radar," he said as he looked at me.
"Did that ever make you jealous? After all sibling rivalry happens all the time," I asked him.
Atlas shook his head. "It was quite the opposite truth be told. I didn't like to be in the spotlight. I was able to truly be myself since no one expected anything from me."
He ran a hand through his hair taking it out of the ponytail. "I was in the woods chasing rabbits out of their burrows when I found Delilah's symbols in a book buried in the ground. I thought it was just a regular book in a different language since the patterns were so intricate."
Atlas let out a humorless chuckle. "I was looking at the book's pictures in my room when my brother caught me with it and he was beyond pissed. Back then though I couldn't understand why and since I wouldn't give it to him. My brother beat me senseless, pulling my feathers out and everything. He told our mom that he did it because I was a devil child that would bring ruin to the village," he explained.
"Did you believe him?" I asked as I stared at Atlas.
"I wanted to but, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not because I didn't think he was right, but because when he'd been beating me I saw glee in his eyes I could sense this odd wave of relief that practically radiated off him. It was so strange, I'd never seen him like that it was chilling like I was suddenly staring into the face of a strange that absolutely despised me. I knew at that moment that despite how he acted, he was the type of person who enjoyed looking down on those he found beneath him. So every day I went to the forest to read the book, I didn't take any chances keeping it with me at all times. I always noticed him watching me, following me everyday. Like I was a fucking idiot." Atlas ran a hand over his eyes while he tapped one finger on the table.
"It was a few weeks before I actually tried summoning Delilah. I took a stick and drew Delilah's symbol in the dirt using my brother's old one as a sort of guide line. Even though I couldn't understand anything in the book, I couldn't help but be infatuated with Delilah in a strange way. I would leave dog eared pages in my wake as I tried to find out everything I could on Delilah from the book's pictures. As soon as I finished drawing her symbol and it lit up my brother lunged at me from a tree, pinning me to the ground with his claws around my neck. He yelled at me how I didn't deserve to have her, that he was the only one that was worthy of having something so powerful and beautiful. That he didn't deserve to have everything forced on him. Before I knew it though roots supported out of the ground and impaled him. And I just sat there watching the blood spread across the symbols filling them up. Even though I was screaming, crying and completely distraught I felt a tiny pinch of relief." Atlas told me.
"And today is the date of your brother's death?" I whispered.
He let out a humorless laugh before he sighed. "Exactly, the same day where Chimera's celebrate family and unity is the day where I killed him. It was one of the world's cruelest jokes and I still can't bring myself to fucking laugh at it," he muttered as he flexed his wings.
I frowned as I stared into my wine. "I know exactly what you mean. Truthfully I think whatever deity watches over creatures like us, really hates his fucking job," I whispered.
I felt Ivo grip my hand and this time I didn't move away from his touch. I jumped though when I heard a loud howling similar to a wolf.
Are some of the chimeras getting too rowdy?
However a moment later Melody came up to us. "You two monsters come with me right fucking now," she snarled.
I looked at Atlas but he shrugged saying he had no clue what this could be about.
Ivo glared at her. "Why should we you dumb tiger?"
Without answering him Melody reached out and grabbed me by one arm tightly causing me to yelp as her claws dug into my arm.
A second later Ivo was between me and her, causing her to stumble back this drew attention to us making more than a few chimeras focus on us. As the howling sound came again Melody looked over her shoulder a bit frantically.
I followed her gaze to see the crowd parting, mere seconds later I could see a pack of enormous wolves led on leashes by humans who wore the Aveon spiritual robes of white and dark blue.
"Son of a bitch," Ivo hissed under his breath bearing his teeth.
"They-they brought werewolves to help hunt us down," I said in shock.
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