Bonnie groaned against the sunlight.
Even after 70 years of being immortal , hangovers still hated her.
She turned on her back a mischievous smile upon her face to tease her husband for crying as watched his daughter drive away, but a frown overcame her smile when he wasn't there.
"Kol," she called out.
She tried to walk downstairs but instead fell off her bed with a thud.
Since when did her silks sheets turn cotton?
"Kol," she called out again but she couldn't sense anyone in her house.
She looked down at her hand when she couldn't feel her ring but when she did, her wedding ring wasn't there.
Bonnie was shocked before she faced herself in her mirror.
She looked like herself but why was she back in her old house.
A buzz came from her desk.
She saw her old phone from 2010.
Turning it over, she froze at the date.
That's impossible.
She let out a laugh of disbelief.
Before she full out laughs then her laughs turn into whimpers and next thing she knows, she's sobbing.
She sinks to the floor, her breathing laboured.
She can't feel the bond anymore.
Where is Kol?
Where is her daughter?
Where is Hope?
Why can't she feel her family?
Why is she in her old bedroom?
She starts to breathe heavily and the room begins to blur.
She collapses against the floor her body paralysed but her eyes looking out the window and then she sees a crow.
But not just any crow.
Damon's crow.
When Damon had gotten into the car to drive to Mikaelson manor for dinner with Klaus and Elijah, he didn't expect to drive by Bonnie's house to hear her having a panic attack.
He speeds into her room and sees her on her floor paralysed yet a slight flutter of her eyes passes through every now and then through her body indicating that she's still fighting.
He holds her to his chest and holds her shaking hands.
"Witchy. Hey. Hey. Witchy." He says in a commanding tone. "I know you're in there Bon-Bon so I'm going to need you to calm down and breathe with me."
Because he's a vampire, Damon doesn't need to breathe so he fakes doing it and when he hears Bonnie starting to follow his pattern he almost lets out a sigh of relief.
Bonnie doesn't know what happened.
One minute she's having a full-blown panic attack on the floor and then she hears Damon's voice telling her to snap out of it and wake up in Damon's arms.
"Witchy what the hell was that?"
She pushes herself out of Damon's arms and falls against the bedpost.
Too mentally drained to make up an excuse and knowing Damon, he's not going to let her off the hook until he gets answers.
"Let's just say I'm Witchy but not your witchy Damon from this time."
Damon raised an eyebrow and sarcastically said, "Right you're from the future." When Bonnie didn't answer he became more agitated. "Witchy tell me that's not the case."
She shrugged and said, "I wish it wasn't but now's not the time to talk. Go to the dinner with the Mikaelsons Damon."
Damon just stood there frozen.
"What Damon?," She says tiredly.
"What the hell happened to you judgy, your not judgy anymore. You've always insulted me because you're a vampire hating witch." He becomes more confused as he trailed of at the last sentence.
"I'm married to a vampire, my husbands family are vampires and my best friend is a vampire so it's safe to say I got over my vampire-hating stage a long time ago."
"Mar- married." Is all he could say as he stared at the brunette witch in shock.
"Yes married and before you get any ideas it wasn't to you nor Stefan. My husband's British and has brown eyes, now will you please leave or are you going to ask if he's good in bed too because he really is." She says the last sentence with a grin and watches as Damon's face contorts to disgust and he vamp speeds out of the room but not without shouting over his shoulder, "This isn't over Sabrina."
She just snorted and shouted back, "Wouldn't dream of it Edward." She fondly shakes her head at the normalcy of the situation between her and Damon.
Even if the world was ending, their war of nicknames wouldn't end.
She lays down and the last thought she thinks is that she needs to find her mother-in-law to find what the heck is happening to her.
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