" Guys, I'm bored. " Brendon said, melting into the couch.
" We can go sight seeing. " Andy suggested.
" Boring. "
" Watch a movie? " Kenny said.
" Kinda boring. "
" There's a paint ball site near here. " Pete said.
" Bor - wait, where? "
. . . . .
Brendon immediately ran out of the van and into the counter to get him the rest registered.
Team Red consisted of Pete, Dallon, Patrick, and Spencer. While Team Blue was made from you, Brendon, Kenny, and Joe. And Andy decided to be the referee.
" You're going down you little shits! " Brendon shouted.
" Don't you think I'm the one who's supposed to say that? " Dallon laughed.
" Shut up! "
Andy stood in between the two teams, discussing how it's gonna be, " The game is simple, its just capture the flag. Try not to be too rough because we got a lady here. "
" The lady who's going to kick all of your asses! " you shouted.
" But (Y/n), we're teammates. " Kenny said, gesturing to himself and the other two.
" Fine . . . "
Andy let out the go signal and Pete immediately started shooting while your team went for cover.
" We need to take out Pete first. " Kenny said.
" No shit. " Joe huffed, almost getting hit.
" I'll do it. (Y/n), cover me. " Brendon said and you nodded.
You and Brendon moved out of cover and Pete followed Brendon as planned.
You were about to shoot, but a blast of paint just missed your feet. You glanced over to your left, where the paint came from, and there you saw Patrick grinning widely while aiming his gun at you.
You muttered curses before making a quick turn for cover. Looking to your right, you saw Joe crouching, taking cover on huge concrete cover, which was being riddled with paint from Dallon.
Kenny however, was no where to be found. Probably taken out already. But all of a sudden, he squeezes next to you on the cover, muttering sorry as he almost got hit by Spencer so he had to squeeze in a bit more.
" Where have you been? " you asked.
" Working out my tactics behind the farthest cover like a pussy. " he replied.
" Good job. Now, tell us dear one, what are your tactics? "
" Is Pete out yet? "
" No. "
Kenny cursed, looking around, then going back to you. " You think you can take out Dallon? "
You peered over to Dallon, who was laughing like maniac while riddling Joe's cover, then looked back to Kenny and nodded.
" Great! I know he's tall and all, but that's what makes him an easier target. " Kenny said, " Now go. I'll cover you from Spencer."
Kenny stood up and began shooting, making Spencer duck into a wall. At the same time, you stood up as well and made a clean shot to Dallon's chest.
" Nice! " Kenny high- fived you then did a mock face to Dallon, who in return, glared at you both before joining Andy by the sidelines.
Joe shouted a thanks, then went to fend off a giggling Patrick.
" What next? " you asked.
" Uh . . . I honestly didn't think it would go this far. " he replied and you gave him a look, " Okay, how about this? Go and help out Brendon while I try to take out Spencer. "
" Alright then. "
You parted ways from Kenny as you switched from cover to cover, eyeing Pete and Brendon battle it out. You were only two covers away from Brendon's spot before a line of paint missed your face.
Immediately, you ducked behind the nearest cover and peered over to see Patrick grinning widely.
You wondered where the hell is Joe, but you realized he got taken out when you faced the sidelines. But the good news was that Spencer also got hit.
So now, its two against three.
Kenny squeezed in with you again just as Patrick missed your foot that was actually sticking out. Quickly, you adjusted yourself so you wouldn't get hit.
" Got a plan? " you asked.
" I'm all out. " he replied wearily.
Then suddenly, Brendon squeezed between you two. " Hi guys! Mind if join in? " he said in a fast tone.
" Where's Pete? " Kenny asked.
" Huddled with Patrick. "
You all went pretty sweaty as you three stayed in the same corner, standing up to shoot sometimes.
" Okay, here's the plan. " Brendon said, after a round of shooting, and pointed to you, " You and Kenny will distract Patrick while I will try and make a go at Pete. "
" Why are we bait? " Kenny huffed.
" Because I said so. "
" Fine. " he sighed and stood up along with you. Patrick quickly followed.
You two were running from cover to cover, slowly getting closer to Pete. The next cover stood between an open space, which could be easily deemed as a suicide route.
" We're gonna have to run really fast. " you said.
" Yeah, but where the hell is Patrick? " Kenny said.
Patrick was literally no where to be found, and Brendon was getting his ass kicked.
" Screw it! " Kenny grabbed your arm and made you go first. Patrick suddenly went out of his cover on your left and aimed to shoot at you. But Kenny quickly jumped to your rescue, getting himself shot. " Go without me! " he shouted and you nodded, ducking into a corner.
" You can do it Patrick! " someone shouted, and you and Patrick both looked over to the sidelines.
There, you saw Pete and Brendon cheering for their respective teammate.
" Kick his ass (Y/n)! " Brendon shouted.
" Avenge me 'Trick! " Pete yelled and Patrick have a thumbs-up. And while he did, you shot him on the chest.
" Aw, man. " Patrick puffed cutely.
Brendon cheered and ran towards you, then lifted your arm. " Winner! " he shouted.
Pete groaned, but shook your hand nevertheless. " Good game. " he said.
" Losers have to watch Boku no Pico! " Brendon declares.
. . . . .
It didn't end well.
None of the four slept. Especially after Brendon locking them inside one of the bedrooms and made you put a hidden camera.
Pete, Dallon, and Spencer was able to get over it, but Patrick was so disgusted that he didn't even talk to Brendon for a week, but they still managed to patch up anyway.
The video from the hidden camera you placed was total blackmail material though and Brendon decided to keep it for himself.
A/N Can we just give a moment of appreciation to Kenny because I absolutely love him so much.
Thank you
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