Chapter 1: Murder Family:
Here's chapter 1 folks.
Within Pride City, we focus in on an alley.
Within this alley was a trashcan and within this trashcan snoring could be heard.
Suddenly a little imp scampered into the alleyway and gained a sadistic grin once he heard the snoring.
He thought it was some poor Hellborn or Sinner he could easily mess with and so he entered the alleyway, walked up to the snoring trashcan and opened it.
His sadistic smile soon turned into a face full of horror.
Inside the trashcan was you and him opening it had woken you up.
You let out a low hiss and before the poor bastard could even scream you grabbed his whole face and pulled him into the trashcan.
The trashcan shook and rumbled for a few seconds before stopping for a bit.
Seconds later, suddenly blood sprayed from the trashcan like a geyser confirming this little shit was dead.
You let out a sigh as you hopped out of your bed and stretched giving a yawn.
"That was fun..." You stated before looking at your wristwatch. "Well, gotta get to work."
Yeah, this alleyway was your home and this trashcan was your bed.
You couldn't afford a house and the apartment Loona and Blitzo was staying at only had 1 bed which Loona occupied while Blitzo slept on the couch.
No, you were not gonna share a bed with a dog or share the couch with Blitzo.
Moxxie and Millie also only had 1 bed in their home and you felt it wouldn't be right to sleep in the same bed as a married a couple or live under the same roof.
So you resorted to sleeping in a trashcan in an alleyway.
The trashcan was honestly a lot more comfortable and cozy than one would think and living in an alleyway gave you plenty of opportunities to mug people to make some extra cash cause I.M.P did not pay you.
It was fine though, hopefully you wouldn't be working with them for too long.
For now though you were, and you needed to go to work.
So with your alley now sufficiently covered in blood, you took your streetsign which was against a wall near you and happily walked towards the I.M.P building with a spring in your step.
Meanwhile other Hellborn and Sinners all ignored the now bloody alley as this was pretty standard in Hell.
You entered the I.M.P office and saw Loona laying on the couch holding up a picture of a family and the M&M couple behind the desk.
Moxxie was holding a crossbow while her wife was attempting to coax her into shooting.
Moxxie was quite soft-hearted, especially for an Imp.
When it came to murdering people she was either hesitant or just outright did not wanna do it.
Especially if the victims were families and while you understood her reasons to an extent.
If the client wanted a family dead then you all had no choice so Moxxie needed to grow a pair.
Being a female was no excuse in your opinion.
"Seriously Moxxie?" You asked suddenly getting everyone's attention. "Ya still don't have the balls to do your job?"
"Nope, she's still being a pussy about it." Loona stated making you sigh.
You walked over to the Imp and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Mox come on, our job is to kill whoever our client wants, so we can't afford you being a pussy." You stated.
"Sorry but the clown's right sweetie, whoever the client wants dead has gotta die." Millie said also placing a hand on her wife's shoulder.
"I mean if it were a shitty dad..." Moxxie said before speaking in a stereotypical Italian mobster accent. "Or a mob family, that's understandable."
You rolled your glowing red eyes at her.
"But to eradicate an entire innocent, seemingly in this case upper middle class family bloodline?" The Imp asked.
"Hey you don't know they're innocent!" Loona yelled before pointing to the boy in the picture. "This kid probably sets dogs on fire."
"Yeah, maybe the daughter gets off to bullying on Australian kids online." You suggested with shrug.
"And I can garuntee you the dad definitely watches." Loona added on with clear disgust in her voice.
She may have been a Hellhound but even she wouldn't be that disgustingly low.
"They're right Hon, Humans are full of secret nasties." Millie agreed.
"Why else do you think most of em end up here?" You asked.
"But..." Moxxie attempted to say but you placed a finger over her lips to silence.
"Look Mox, I get it, the first ten or twenty times you take a life it's eerie..." You started in a gentle tone. "For me, I remember every detail, the look of fear in their eyes before their life faded completely is burned into my memory and no amount of whisky could ever wash them away."
"Um..." Moxxie said nervously unsure of what to say.
"But then eventually I stopped caring, now I can casually rip some poor bastard into mincemeat while deciding what I want for dinner." You stated. "Sometimes I consider using my mincemeat victim, but I'm not that barbaric, also I'm pretty sure I'm starting to like it..."
Moxxie went from concerned to terrified upon hearing that.
"I am the judge the jury and the executioner, I love the feeling of snuffing out a life." You chuckled creepily.
If Moxxie didn't fear you before, she did now.
"So Moxxie, I'm pretty sure if you kill enough people, you'll come to feel the same way too." You said suddenly gaining a more friendly tone and pleasant smile under your metal mask.
"Th-that doesn't make me feel better." Moxxie whimpered meekly.
Suddenly Blitza entered the room along with someone you've never seen before.
Ms Mayberry:
"Everyone, meet our latest client!" Blitza yelled startling Moxxie.
This in turn caused Moxxie to accidentally fire the crossbow.
The arrow with extreme speed was laucnehd and began ricocheting off of every surface.
It pierced the picture of the family Loona was holding, ricocheted off the tank of eels in the room and was heading straight for the new client.
It would have pierced her skull if you hadn't quickly caught it.
"Tricky, you're finally here!" Blitza said happily. "Good timing cause we got a job."
"Yay, I get to murder more." You said happily.
"More?" Loona asked with a raised brow.
"Killed someone earlier today, it was fun." You answered.
"Good, you already warmed yourself up, now let's go!" Blitza ordered only for the tank of Eels to suddenly fall over releasing the slithery creatures all over the floor.
Due to them being literal electric Eels, a fire had started in the office which would eventually lead to it spreading throughout the building.
All Blitza had to say as the fire started was:
"Goddammit Moxxie I just got those Eels!"
Everyone including you and the client who you found was named Ms Mayberry were now outside as the firemen of Hell did their thing and attempted to put out the flames.
As they attempted to quell the flames you turned to look at Ms Mayberry.
She seemed particularly pissed as she took a puff of her cigarette.
You decided to talk to her to get some info on your next victim before you all head off.
"So, Mayberry, who do you want dead?" You asked suddenly making the former teacher turn to you.
She let out a scoff and responded with pure disdain in her voice.
"A Hillbilly whore named Martha, after I caught my husband cheating on me with that bitch, I shot em both and then myself." She replied surprising you.
"Oh damn...did it just happen or did it go on for a while?" You asked a bit concerned.
"I don't know, I found out, I got angry, tossed a kid through the roof of my school, got a gun and shot my bastard Ex and that stupid slut and then myself." Mayberry growled. "But that slut survived and now she's being praised as a hero for surviving a "crazy bitch" like me."
"She's getting awards, appearing on talk shows, she's rich and getting her STD-ridden ass banged by multiple dicks!" Mayberry continued as her white hair flared up resembling fire as she let out a growl.
"School?" You asked. "You were a teacher?"
Mayberry's angry expression was relplaced by one of sadness and regret.
"Yes..." She muttered as you could see tears beginning to form from the corner of her eyes.
She crushed the cigarette she was holding, took off her glasses and quickly wiped them away.
"I loved those children, I-I... I always thought...I'd have kids of my day." Mayberry lamented putting her glasses back on and giving a soft sniffle. "I always thought...I'd be a mother."
You had no idea how to respond to all that.
It was clear this "Sinner" was a good person back on Earth judging from how she spoke and after one very understandable fit of rage, she was denied into Heaven and the woman who was in part responsible for her fit of rage was busy profiting from it.
That was just beyond fucked up in your opinion.
This poor woman made one mistake after being good her entire life and that one mistake had her end up here when she didn't deserve to be.
It made your blood boil, sure you were a psychotic killer clown, but that didn't mean, but even you could see how unfair her situation was.
You placed a hand in her shoulder making her look at you.
"Sorry..." Was all you could say and even though you were wearing an iron mask Mayberry could tell you were giving her look of pity.
"What are you apologizing for?" She asked looking down. "You didn't do anything to me."
"Still though...I'm really sorry." You replied. "I promise that bitch is gonna end up down here with you, I'll kill her dead!"
Hearing you say that made the former teacher smile a bit.
"Thanks clown." She said softly. "So far you've been the nicest person here, to me at least."
"Really?" You asked surprised. "Thought at least a few guys would fall all over themselves for a girl as pretty as you."
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" She asked with a raised brow leaning against a lamppost.
"I'm just speaking the truth ma'am, your husband was a dumbass for cheating on you." You said and Mayberry couldn't help but blush a little at your comment.
She rarely got compliments from people, usually only her husband and with recent events those compliments felt hollow.
Even though you were a deranged clown, it was still nice.
A taxi suddenly arrived to give Mayberry a ride to her home.
"Well, see ya clown." Mayberry said getting in and you gave her a wave in return.
Mayberry got in and the Taxi drove off.
"Bye!" Blitza waved as the fire was finally put out. "I promise we'll get that Skank in less than twenty four hours or your first kill is free!"
"When did we start implementing that deal?" Moxxie asked.
"When you set fire to my office in front of a client YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT!" Blitza yelled shoving the smaller Imp away. "Now please tell me that fancy book is still in tact!"
"You mean our only ticket to the other side?" Loona asked holding up the Grimoire. "Yeah I got it."
"And that's why you're my favorite Loonie." Blitza said hugging the Hellhound much to her annoyance. "You get a tweat now."
Bltiza held up a dog biscuit and Loona looked disgusted.
"Ew, stop." She growled.
Suddenly you tackled Blitza to the ground and took the dog biscuit from her.
"MINE!" You yelled devouring the biscuit.
"YOU'RE BOTH SO GROSS!" She snarled.
"You eat humans Loona." You said getting up. "You have absolutely no right to judge the diet of others."
The Hellhound rolled her eyes.
Meanwhile Millie drew a pentagram on the ground which opened a portal to the human world.
"Alright guys, now let's go lick some ass!" Blitza yelled getting up.
"The expression is kick some ass Blitza." Millie corrected.
"Mine's better." Blitza stated.
"I'M GONNA KILL SOME ASS!" You yelled swinging your sign over your shoulder and twitching excited at the thought of spilling blood.
"Love the enthusiasm Tricky!" Blitza said giving a thumbs up.
With that everyone entered the portal to the human world ready to put an end to a bitch.
In the Human World:
You and the gang now stood in front of a house atop a hill which was the location of your target.
You slammed your sign onto the ground leaving a large crack in the earth.
"Let's go, gonna use that bitch's skull as an ash tray." You chuckled.
"You smoke?" Millie asked confused. "I've never seen you smoke before."
"I don't, gonna dump all the ashes of people I killed by burning in there." You explained walking towards the house dragging your streetsign behind you.
"Sweet!" Millie said with a wide smile following you.
All of you stood by the window and came face to face with the dining room which had not only what you presumed to be the victim Martha.
But also her husband Ralphie.
Along with her kids.
The Kids:
"Oh this is gonna be the easiest kill ever." You chuckled. "So easy even Moxxie could do it."
"Great idea Tricky, we should have Moxxie take this one." Blitza stated surprising Moxxie.
"Me?" Moxxie asked happily.
"Yeah, it's just a happy mother who got out of the hospital." You replied with a shrug.
"Huh?" Moxxie asked looking into the window.
She saw the family about to sit down for dinner.
"Wait, are we actually killing a family!?" Moxxie asked horrified.
"No, of course not...just the mother." You shrugged. "We're ruining a family more than anything."
"Now hold on!" Moxxie tried to say only for Blitza to interrupt.
"Well ya snooze ya lose Mox!" Bltiza chuckled taking out a rifle and aiming directly at Martha's head. "Gotcha bitch!"
Just before Bltiza could actually shoot, the smaller Imp suddenly pushed Blitza's gun upwards making her miss.
Instead the bullet hit a mirror in the room startling the family.
"What was that Ralphie?" Martha asked her husband who seemed just as confused.
"I don't know Martha..." He said before suddenly pulling out a rifle of his own. "But they're gonna be tomorrow night's dinner."
Martha grinned and pulled out a rifle of her own.
"Kids, guns out!" She ordered.
Each kid pulled out a gun of their own.
"Looks like we got some rabbits to catch young'uns." Ralphie chuckled and the rest of the family joined in with an evil laugh.
Meanwhile back outside, Blitza was not happy.
"Moxxie, what the fuck!?" She yelled.
"Now they know we're here!" You added your eyes glowing with fury.
"I'm sorry, they just seemed so wholesome and happy!" Moxxie wheezed out and you growled.
"Moxxie, no one on Earth is that wholesome!" You yelled grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and bringing her up to your masked face. "If someone acts THAT wholesome it's an act and there's always something wrong with them!"
You shook her to emphasize your point.
"One minute they're all smiles and the next you get a bullet to the skull!" You yelled.
Suddenly a bullet was shot directly into the side of your head piercing your brain and you dropped dead.
"Tricky!" Everyone yelled in shock and horror as your limp body lay there in the dirt.
However another gunshot forced them to scatter and leave your body in the bush.
Moxxie however stayed and hid in the bush as another gunshot shot a large hole through the home.
Martha and Ralphie leaped out after the 2 Imps that fled.
Moxxie peaked out only to have her tail grabbed by one of the kids and dragged in to an uncertain fate.
Your body meanwhile remained hidden within the bushes.
It seemed this was the end for you, you were dead and gone, except it wasn't.
Your seemingly lifeless body began to twitch as red sparks began flying off it.
Odd static enveloped reality as large words in red text appeared around your twitch body.
Were the words that appeared and suddenly your body shot up back to life still twitching Violently as more text appeared around you.
One more bit of static blinded reality and you were gone, vanished into thin air.
Millie had ran down to a dock dodging the various bullets Ralphie was shooting at her.
The female Imp dove into the lake to avoid detection.
Ralphie stood on the wooden dock, his guard up as he tried to find the Imp.
"Where are you ya little critter?" He asked. "Ya'll can't hide for too long."
Suddenly, Millie burst up through the dock knife in hand and Ralphie on instinct swung at her.
Millie dodged to the side and ran behind the human ready to stab him only for Ralphie to quickly turn and land a strike with the bottle on her head.
Millie was knocked to the ground and fell unconscious due to the blow to her skull.
Moxxie woke up with a groan and much to her shock she found herself tied to a chair in the dining room.
However, she was horrified to find the chair had stitched human skin over it.
Moxxie looked ahead and gasped in fear as the kids stood in front of her with evil grins.
The looks filled Moxxie with deep fear, but she still tried to diffuse the situation.
"Well...hello there little ones." She said nervously. "Aren't you cute?"
"It's nice to have a new critter to play with." Both kids suddenly said in creepy voices.
Moxxie looks up and she was horrified to discover the house was decorated with various human parts including a stuffed and mounted human head on the wall.
She also finally noticed the table in front of her had a cooked human corpse prepared like a Hawaiian pig.
"Oh crumbs." She muttered realizing these were NOT innocent little children, that this was not an innocent family.
This was a family of cannibals.
Even were gone because of her.
If she had just let Blitza shoot the mother, then you wouldn't be dead right now.
You all would have been home right if it weren't for her and the pain and guilt stung worse than the fear right now.
Blitza ran for her life bullets from Martha's gun whizzing past her followed by the deranged laugher of the woman herself.
Blitza runs and hides behind a tree as Martha attempts to find her.
"Come on out, I promise to make it quick, just let Mama Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull." Martha yelled.
Blitza held her breath trying to remain silent only for her phone to start ringing.
"Shit!" She groaned grabbing it and answering.
"This is not a good time right now Stolas." She whispered angrily.
On the other end a giggle could be heard which belonged to the Princess of the Ars Goetia herself Stolas.
Who was currently in the middle of a relaxing bubble bath.
"Oh when isn't it a bad time Blitzy?" She asked.
"What is it!?" Blitza asked frustrated.
"I've been meaning to follow up on our last conversation regarding my Grimoire." Stolas stated confusing Blitza a great deal.
"What did you call me?" The Imp asked.
"My book Blitzy, the one I was given to do my job." She replied slowly. "That I have allowed you to use to do yours."
Suddenly on Blitza's end, a bullet penetrated the tree she was hiding behind forcing her to run.
"Anyhoo, as you know I have allowed you and your friends to access the living world less than legally for some time now, but I do need it back to fulfill my duties." Stolas stated casually popping a few bubbles in her tub. "What if we worked out some kind of exchange, favors for favors?"
"Listen, can it with your fancy rich people talk and tell me what ya want so I DON'T GET FUCKED IN ALL THREE OF MY HOLES!" Blitza yelled only to immediately regret it as Martha heard the yell and shot in that direction forcing Blitza to duck and run once more.
"I'll keep it simple then..." Stolas stated as Blitza kept running with her phone. "Once a month on the full moon you return the book to me for a night of passionate fornication..."
The way Stolas emphasized that last bit made Blitza uncomfortable.
"And you get to keep all the rest of the time." Stolas concluded. "Does that sound fair my little Imp?"
"Fine, whatever!" Blitza growled dodging another bullet.
"Oh and I wouldn't mind if that charming little clown joined us." Stolas giggled. "How is Tricky by the way?"
Blitza gained a look of sadness as she remembered seeing you die at the hands of that horrendous family.
"He's...uh..." Before Blitza could answer Martha suddenly sprung from the bushes and pushed the butt of her gun onto Blitza's neck making her drop her phone.
"Gothca!" She laughed. "So you little Devils gonna drag me and my kin of to Hell huh?"
Martha once again let out a laugh.
"Not today Satan!" She stated pushing the gun further into Blitza's throat. "Gonna send ya'll back to where ya came from."
Suddenly a sound caught the kids' attention.
It sounded like something hit the floor above them.
"What was that?" The boy asked.
"I'll go check it out, you make sure this lil critter don't get any bright ideas about escapin." The girl instructed going upstairs and into the attic.
Once there, she was met with nothing more than dust and cobwebs covering various knickknacks and bobbles.
The girl was extremely confused and entered to have a look around.
As the attic door shut behind her it revealed a tall figure with glowing red eyes watching her.
The sound of heavy and distorted breathing finally caught her ears and the girl swiftly turned and her eyes widened in horror at what she saw.
It was you, your mask removed and with a very pissed expression.
"Hey Kid, wanna see a dead body?" You asked lowly before lunging at her.
Back below the screams of the girl could be heard making the brother worried and Moxxie confused.
"Sis!" The boy yelled worried grabbing his gun and getting ready to go upstairs.
He wouldn't need to though as the entire celling above them gave way as something crashed through it and breaking the dining room table and landing on the floor.
Play this:
A pair of red glowing eyes belonging to you glared through the dust the rubble kicked up and the boy immediately took aim at you.
"Hey, where's my sister!?" He yelled angrily and after a few seconds you gave him his answer.
From the dust you threw something at his feet and when he saw what it was the boy gained a look of shock and horror.
What you threw at him was the decapited head of his sister and suddenly he was hit by her headless body which you tossed at him.
As the poor traumatized child attempted to push his dead sister's body off him you walked over to the seat Moxxie was tied to and ripped the ropes off her.
"Tricky!?" She asked. "You're alive!?"
You said nothing and untied her before going to the boy who was still trying to get his sister's headless body off of himself.
You wrapped your hand around his throat and began choking the life out of him.
"Don't you worry you little shit." You growled following it up with a chuckle. "I'll be sure to find you in Hell and kill your entire family all over again!"
The boy tried in vain to get out of your grasp and you laughed at his struggle.
Suddenly you felt a hand grip your arm and you turned to see Moxxie.
"Tricky, let him go." She demanded and you gave her a shocked look in response.
"Are you serious?" You asked angry. "You wanna spare this little shit after all this!?"
Moxxie nodded.
"He's a child Tricky, he has his whole future ahead of him." She stated and you just gave her a flat look.
"His family used humans as furniture and ate them, we're gonna go kill his mom and I traumatized him by killing his sister..." You said with the same flat look. "I'm pretty sure this kid's gonna end up more messed up than he already is now."
"You're...probably right, but shouldn't everyone get a second chance?" Moxxie argued and you laughed.
"Only if they deserve it." You growled.
Ms Mayberry never got a second chance and she was an actual good person, better than this Bitch and her entire family.
She only made one and in your eyes justifiable mistake and that one mistake caused her eternal damnation.
"(Y/N)...please, for me." Moxxie asked giving you puppy dog eyes and you scoffed.
Those eyes had no effect on you, but looking up you saw something that made you smile.
"Fine." You sighed letting the kid stand up. "Let's go help Blitza and Millie."
The small imp smiled up at you and gave you a hug around the waist.
"Thanks Tricky." She said and you returned the hug.
"Yeah yeah, let's go." You said picking her up bridal style causing her face to to turn redder than usual.
With that you ran off with Moxxie in your arms leaving the poor boy traumatized.
He stared at his sister's decapited body and dropped to his knees.
He promised upon this day he'd get revenge on you, he would find you and kill you.
(A/N: Good fucking luck you little shit.)
From now on you were his prey and he would not rest until he's avenged his sister.
Suddenly a crumbling sound from the celling could be heard making the kid look up.
Suddenly the kid was sliced in half by your streetsign which fell from the celling.
That's why you let the kid go, you were hoping your sign would fall and kill him.
Your wish was granted.
You ran towards the forest where Blitza and Mille probably were.
You knew you were on the right track when you saw Blitza's phone near a tree with a hole in it.
You put Moxxie down and picked it up seeing someone was still calling.
"Hello?" You answered only to immediately regret it when you heard Stolas on the other end.
"Oh, it's my favorite little clown, I was worried something might have happened to you." She said actually sounding a bit relieved.
"Well, I got shot in the head, but I'm fine now." You stated making the owl demon chuckle.
"Well then, since you're okay, what do you say to joining me and Blitzy for a night passion?" She asked and you gained a look of absolute disgust.
Moxxie also seemed disgusted because she knew what would come next.
"I'm quite eager to feel your big green [Beep] inside of my [Beep]. To [Beep] the..." She rambled on and you immediately dropped the phone out of disgust as Moxxie cringed.
"So...are you gonna join them?" Moxxie asked looking up at you.
You shook your head and replied.
"[Beep] use while you me and Blitzy [Beep] and jelly sandwiches all night..."
As Stolas rambled on you just got more disturbed and ran along with Moxxie.
Blitza and Millie were currently tied to a pole while Ralphie poured gasoline on them and Martha was holding a torch.
"I had the shot, goddammit Moxxie!" Blitza growled disdain evident in her voice.
"Satan, we return your filthy creatures back to the pits of Hell!" Martha declared. "May the root of evil be honor as we continue thy work."
Martha dropped the torch onto them lighting the 2 Imps on fire.
This would normally result in screams of pain and anguish but not for these Imps.
They seemed fine despite being on fire.
"Yeah, that's not exactly how it works Lady." Blitza chuckled. "Fire really doesn't hurt us, but I can fake it if that'll get your dick hard."
"Oh Shit..." Martha said with a sigh before pulling out a shotgun. "Guess I'll just have to shoot ya in your smart-ass mouth."
"That would be more effective." Blitza stated.
Millie glared up at her boss for that remark.
Martha let out an evil laugh as she took aim at them both.
Millie and Blitza closed their eyes awaiting their fate.
They flinched upon hearing a sudden gunshot, but were confused when they felt nothing and so they opened their eyes and were surprised to see Martha now had a giant gaping and bleeding hole where her right eye should be.
The vile woman dropped to the floor revealing Moxxie behind her with a rifle trained on her.
"Moxxie." Millie yelled happy to see her wife alive.
Everyone suddenly heard the screams of Ralphie and turned to see you doing this to him.
You let out a joyful laugh as you swung the man's spine around.
"(Y/N), the kid." Moxxie yelled at you completely unaware of the child's fate.
"You said not to kill the kid, you said nothing about killing the parents." You replied tossing Ralphie's head and spine to the back. "I'm sure the kid will be fine, he'll live in the wild and become a jungle person."
"You're alive!" Blitza yelled happily ripping the ropes that bound her off and ran up to hug you.
Blitza wrapped her arms around you and you happily hugged back despite her still being on fire.
The flames engulfed you both, but you were fine as Moxxie ran up to Millie and both shared a loving embrace.
"Thank God, you're alive thought I'd have to fuck Stolas on my own." Blitza said relieved.
"You are." You replied before shoving her off of you.
"What!?" Blitza asked getting up with a desperate look. "No, Tricky please..."
"Forget it, I ain't touchin that feathered ass!" You yelled with a slight hiss.
The I.M.P boss slumped down in defeat before getting an idea.
"If you do, I'll pay you." Blitza catching your interest. "I'll pay you actual money you can use."
"Fine..." You stated begrudgingly. "Only if you promise to do it regularly."
"Only if you promise to help me out once a month with her horny ass." Blitza replied and you groaned in response as she held her hand out for you to seal the deal.
"Deal." You sighed shaking her hand.
"Ma'am..." Came a meek voice.
You all turned and saw Moxxie looking up at you both.
"I'm sorry." She stated. "I compromised our mission and put us in harm's way, it won't happen again."
"Apology accepted." Blitza said with a smile bringing Moxxie in for a hug.
Moxxie soon gained a face of shock when Blitza brought her closer and said this.
"But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will get Tricky to join me to fuck both you and your wife!"
"I'd do it too just to fuck Millie." You replied with a toothy grin. "Your wife's one sexy Imp Moxxie."
"Oh...well, I wouldn't mind..." Millie said surprising everyone.
"Oh really?" You asked tilting your head.
"Yeah, I've seen you staring at my thighs." Millie said giving you a seductive look and sauntering over to you. "You're a clown who likes em thicc huh?"
"And you're a girl into some freaky shit." You retorted leaning down to look her in the eyes. "You'd sleep with a killer clown."
"I'm not ashamed to admit Murder's a turn-on for me." Millie replied with a shrug.
"Well then that makes two of us." You chuckled resisting the temptation to just outright kiss this gorgeous Imp right now.
Meanwhile, Blitza and Moxxie all stared awkwardly and Blitza pulled out her spare phone to call Loona to open the portal back to Hell.
With that all seemed to be over and done with, our..."heroes?"
Our Protagonists all headed off back to Hell to have a well-deserved celebration.
This is the end.
But there's more:
Back by the wrecked home which once belonged to the now dead Murder Family a black car pulled up.
The front door opened and from it stepped a male draped all in black with red goggles.
Hank J Wimbleton:
The man known as Hank took a look at the destroyed home and pulled out an odd device which resembled a tablet.
Upon the flashing screen there were 2 words in large red letters and it read.
"Hm...this is gonna be interesting." Hank said in a gruff but calm voice.
Okay, this gave me a headache.
These long chapters are a big reason why I take so long with this story.
So like with my Hazbin Hotel story I will be splitting episodes into parts to help keep myself from burning out.
Also that will hopefully stop updates from taking so long but don't bet on it.
Hope you enjoyed my longest chapter ever.
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