BTW I forgot to mention in this story the multiple Mag Agents seen throughout Madness Combat will play a larger role as there are one only Mag Agent of each type that serves as your Elite Force.
These are your Mag Agents:
The Red sky of Hell's Pride Ring was filled with the Screams of sinners as the annual extermination was in full swing.
Blood and body parts were flying everywhere as Executioners tore Sinners to shreds.
A Sinner who's torso was completely severed attempted to crawl away only to receive a holy spear through the back of the skull.
The Executioner responsible then simply tore the already dead Sinner's head off.
The rest continued their killing spree, completely unaware that 2 figures were watching from one of the roofs in close proximity.
One of the figures was you, (Y/N) The Auditor.
The other figure was a member of your elite force, The Mag Agents this one went by Torture.
You and him watched the slaughter below without any concern or emotion.
How pathetic. You stated lowly keeping your glare.
The Executioners or the scum they're cutting to pieces? Torture asked Crossing his arms.
After a bit of silence, you simply replied:
Every Extermination went the same, Executioners killed Sinners and then you showed up and killed every single Executioner as well, took their weapons, reforged them and sold them to other Sinners.
Yes Every. Single. Executioner. Fell at your hands.
You think after murdering so many of his "children" God would try to give them a bit of extra protection. Torture commented once more preparing a Sniper Rifle which was big enough for him.
Either God truly does not care for his so-called "Lambs" or they're arrogant and stupid enough to believe they can take me on despite what history may say. You concluded making your right hand chuckle and take aim.
I'm gonna aim for the Balls. He replied simply and then began waiting for the signal.
Fire. You ordered quietly.
As the poor unfortunate Executioner fell down dead, the others turned to wear the gunshot came from.
The moment they did however you immediately ignited the flames around you and pulled out a Mini gun you had brought along.
You then immediately began to open fire on the Executioners.
Your bullets mowed down quite a few of them while some managed to dodge your barrage.
The ones that survived began flying towards you and dodging the bullets while Torture aimed far more precisely with his Sniper rifle taking out a lot more, until finally they crashed through the building you both were on.
By the time they made it, there were only 4 left and the both of you dropped your guns and went to fight the last 4 personally.
You summoned 2 katanas after dropping your gun and headed down the building.
Both you and Torture came to a wide empty room big enough for you 2 to battle in.
Torture looked around while you kept calm and twirled your swords just waiting.
There were four, so Boss, you take two and I take two? Torture asked cracking his knuckles.
You simply nodded.
Suddenly a sound reached your ears and you quickly turned around and blocked a spear strike from one of the remaining Executioners with one of your blades.
Without wasting an instant you stabbed your other sword into their stomach forcing them to back off.
Suddenly another Executioner attempted to strike you from above only for Torture to easily grab them by the torso.
The Executioner attempted to break out of his grip but due to his immense size and strength it was impossible.
Seriously? Torture scoffed staring at the Executioner in disappointment. "I don't get why everyone in Hell is so scared of you weaklings!"
Without wasting any time, Torture grabbed the lower half of the Executioner and tore them apart as if they were nothing.
Suddenly one of the last 2 Executioners flew in and aimed their spear at Torture's head only for the Mag Agent to raise his left arm and let the spear pierce his wrist harmlessly.
Torture chuckled and flung his impaled wrist swinging the Executioner off him into the far wall.
Meanwhile the Executioner you were fighting went down on one knee as you approached.
They glared and pulled out the katana before lunging at you again.
They simply flew through you with you taking absolutely no damage.
What!? They asked surprised.
Do you seriously have no information on me? You asked raising a brow.
The Executioner stood straight and aimed their spear at you as you picked up your second sword.
Did your God seriously not tell you about how none of his Executioners made it back to Heaven after every Extermination? You asked once again.
Of course he did, but why should any of us be afraid of some lowly Sinner? The Executioner asked with a scoff.
Prehaps it should be the fact that absolutely none of your associates made it back. You said narrowing your eyes at this Executioner's stupidity.
They were weak! They argued making you raise a brow.
And you are not? You asked flatly.
You pointed at Torture who had just finished stepping on the other Executioner who attacked him before.
Just the two of us managed to wipe you and your companions out as if they were nothing! You stated walking towards them.
They flinched and stepped back out of fear much to your amusement.
You loved watching your victims breakdown after they realize their inferiority.
Torture! You yelled out making the Mag Agent stand at attention.
Yes Boss? He asked attentively.
Go find the last Executioner and bring them to me. You ordered and Torture nodded.
With that he went off leaving you and this Executioner.
I think they're scared. You said suddenly.
What? The Executioner asked confused.
Your fourth little companion, I believe they're terrified. You explained before plunging both your blades into the ground and folding your arms.
"Don't you think it's odd how only three of you came at us, but there were four of you left by my count?"
The Executioner realized you were right, where was their fourth member?
They realized you wouldn't be able to defeat us and ran away. You said with a shake of your head before slowly approaching the Executioner who was beginning to sweat.
What type of Angels are you Executioners anyway? You asked curiously.
Huh? They asked confused.
God has Nine Choirs of Angels correct? You asked rhetorically knowing already you were correct. "What of the nine Choirs are you Executioners?"
Before the Executioner could say anything you raised your hand to silence them.
Do not answer, I already know, you're Archangels. You said in a condescending tone. "You are second lowest among the Nine choirs above only regular Angels."
Yes, so? They asked again.
And that explains why I have absolutely no problem dealing with you. You said before raising your hand and blasting a small stream of Black flames at the Executioner who was not quick enough to dodge it.
The flames immediately engulfed their entire head and they began screaming as you manipulated the flames to travel down their throat and up their nostrils burning them from the inside out.
You are merely God's clean-up crew, your low-ranked, expendable and weak, thus God can afford to lose quite a few of you. You explained over their screams of agony as the flames scorched their insides.
"All you're really good for is killing the thousands of weak Sinners and even then a few who are strong enough can take on at least one of you."
Just then the Executioner's head exploded in a gorey display of blood and viscera and their scorched and headless body fell to the floor dead.
"If God wants to destroy Overlords, he'd at the very least send a Throne."
Just then, Torture came in holding the last Executioner who was struggling uselessly in his grip.
This little Bitch tried to make a break for it, but I wouldn't let that happen. Torture laughed before putting the angel in front of you.
So you tried to run away huh? You asked with your ever-present glare. "I don't know weather to praise your intelligence or scoff at your cowardice."
P-please let me go. They begged making your glare intensify.
And now you're begging for your life? You asked before shaking your head in shame. "Truly pathetic."
It really was in your opinion, an Angel begging a Sinner like you for mercy.
Who did they think you were...GOD!?
You see, I cannot do that. You stated lowly materializing a cigarette, using your flames to light it and took a puff.
Torture had always wondered how that worked, did you even have lungs?
He however never spoke up about, because the last guy that did became your target practice dummy.
A poor unfortunate minion was unceremoniously pumped full of bullets by your Holy machine gun.
HOW DARE YOU EXPECT ME TO EXPLAIN THE PHYSICS OF THIS SERIES!!! You yelled relentlessly sending out bullets at the now already dead minion while Torture watched with a neutral expression.
Flashback Over:
The Executioner was shivering and sweating as you stood before them.
If I let you go, then that means you'll go back to your God, that means an Executioner escaped and that means other Sinners will begin to question my power and I can't have that. You explained calmly placing a hand on the Executioner's face and giving them a fake kind look which terrified them even more.
"Just know that you never truly mattered in the eyes of your God."
That's not true! They yelled angrily. "God loves all his creations!"
Really now? You asked curiously. "Then tell me, if God truly cares for all he created, then why does Hell even exist?"
Because the people of Earth lost their way! The Executioner yelled only to be silenced by Torture adding a tiny bit more pressure to his grip to gag them and loosening his grip to not kill them...yet.
Have they really? You asked again. "The way I see it most Sinners ended up in Hell due to situations beyond their control."
Silence! They yelled again.
The second you insulted their God, they went from fearful to defiant despite their certain death.
It honestly boggled you how these things had such faith that their lord was fair and just despite evidence that says otherwise.
You Sinners are simply paying for your mistakes, you did not trust God in your troubled times and as a result... The Executioner attempted to argue only for you to silence them.
How do you expect us to put faith in a God that has failed us time and time again? You asked once more.
You all failed yourselves, God puts you through trials and you failed... Before the Executioner could continue you put the burning end of the cigarette into their eye making them scream in agony.
Please stop screaming when I'm right in front of you. You said slightly annoyed. "It's quite rude."
The Executioner glared at you through their tears while you continued to talk.
We are only Human, we have emotions and we make mistakes, while some truly are evil, there are those who feel genuine regret over their choices, so then why does it only take a single mistake in your entire life to earn a ticket down here? You kept probing and the Executioner stayed silent.
You can be good your entire life, but just one little slip up of pure emotion and suddenly your down here with the so-called "scum of the Earth." You growled angrily.
(A/N: Seriously, Ms Mayberry got done dirty.)
Should we not feel up in Heaven? You asked. "Are we too Human for you?"
The Executioner had nothing to say to that, not that you'd let him anyway.
Torture, we've wasted enough time, kill them and let's go take their weapons. You ordered not wanting to waste your breath any further.
Without hesitation, Torture squeezed the unfortunate victim causing their head to burst and splatter everywhere.
You didn't get a single drop of blood on you however due to you being made of fire.
With that done, the 2 of you headed towards the Extermination sight, ready to pick corpses clean of their weaponry.
You barely show any emotion, but topics like God and Heaven truly get under your infernal skin.
You always viewed God as a dictator, be perfect your entire life and only then you will be granted eternal paradise?
The guy that left his baby on Earth, wasn't there his entire life and only when the kid became famous did God want him to come live with him.
That is so common for humanity.
God wanted puppets and that's why you respected Lucifer.
He was the first to defy God, he helped Adam and Eve break free of their perfect little world and open their eyes to the world beyond.
Lucifer did not cause Humanity to suffer in your opinion, he freed them and allowed them to grow and learn and God, angry because people began paying less attention to him decided to make all of humanity suffer.
As you and Torture picked up all the now ownerless weapons to be melted down and reforged later, you noticed that a crowd of Sinners began coming in to scrape up the body parts of both the Executioners and the Sinners that perished.
All did their best to keep their distance from you and Torture as you both began to depart.
No one dared even look at you or tried to steal some of your haul.
In your opinion, Hell wasn't that bad, just a more violent version of Earth with less laws, it actually WASN'T that bad.
In fact you'd much rather have this life than eternal paradise,this life was fun.
There's the prologue, I basically only did this to establish you as a character and learn a bit about you.
BTW in case some of you didn't know, the nine choirs of Angels are a thing at goed like this.
That's just something for you guys.
Also another thing, Updates to my other stories will be a bit infrequent as I tend to run into writers block a lot, but don't worry, once I start a story I always intend to finish it. I don't know when but I will.
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