( word count: 1,874 words )
GRACE MARIN WALKED INTO the kitchen to see her mother with Ella Montgomery. She was startled to see Ella so soon but she sent a sweet smile to the other woman in greeting.
"Join us?" Ashley motioned for the older daughter to join their conversation as they lounged with drinks in hand. Grace nodded and complied with her moms request.
"Did Hanna say anything about what happened at the fashion show?" Ella asked the Marin woman who sat beside her.
"I didn't press her on it." Ashley sighed as she held her cup close to her chest, glancing up at her friend.
"What do you think that was?"
"Well, you know about mean girls." Grace listened to what the two older woman were saying and what her mom said next made her speak up. "They had them when we were in school."
Grace scoffed shaking her head, "mom, everyone had mean girls in high school. Hanna even is one sometimes."
"Not like this, we didn't."
"No, not like this." Ella agreed with Ashley. This was different from when they were in high school that's for sure.
"And I don't think this just started. I think it's been going on for a while, and we're just now noticing it." Ashley said in a hushed voice, as if someone could hear her. Grace didn't like where this was going. Were Ella and Ashley that bored to gossip about their daughters? Or was this legitimate.
"I think you're right."
"You do?"
"Alison, Hanna being hit by that car Ian in the bell tower, everything else. It's easy to get paranoid start seeing connections where there aren't any connections."
Grace began to think the two crazy ladies were correct. Especially since it all involved her sister and Grace's friend group.
"I knew if I didn't speak to another parent - my head was going to explode."
"Who else have you talked to?"
"Well, Emily's mom is in Texas and I didn't really wanna do this over the phone."
"Hastings? Hey, I'll tell you one thing. I think we rolled over way too quickly on that therapist deal. Separating the girls? I am not gonna do that again."
"It seemed to make sense at the time."
"That wasn't about helping anyone.That was about Peter Hastings. He never met a problem he couldn't buy off one way or the other."
The conversation began to change subject and Grace took it as a sign to leave. She stood up, smoothing her clothes and smiled at the concerned mothers. "I best be off, meeting up with Jason." The older woman smiled at the blonde girl but had quickly turned back to their discussion at hand.
Grace didn't miss the hush whispers as she left the room.
º º º
THE DOORBELL RANG, SIGNALLING GRACE AND JASON'S arrival to the Montgomery house, Jason dragging Grace along by her hand. Jason had convinced Grace to go with him— well that's what he thinks, she just didn't want to leave him alone with Aria. It wasn't really that she thought Jason would cheat on her– God knew that he wouldn't– she just didn't trust a teenage girl.
"Did you really need to buy flowers for them?" Grace grumbled as Jason rang the doorbell.
"Behave, Gracie." Jason scolded quietly, as if the person who would answer could hear her. Grace gripped Jason's hand tightly due to nerves. Even though both were popular in high school, real life had turned them into introverts who rarely went out.
The door opened and Aria answered it. She smiled at the two, her gaze lingering on Jason. "Hey, come in."
"Uh, sorry, we're late." Jason apologised. "Grace takes forever to get ready."
"Um, no, it's fine." Jason passed the flowers to Aria, unsure of what to do. He wasn't one for social events– that was obvious. "Thanks," Grace narrowed her eyes as she noticed the small blush that appeared on Aria's cheeks at the kind gesture.
"They're for your mother," Grace spoke up.
"Oh okay, thanks anyways. It's thoughtful of you to do so."
Grace smirked to herself as she noticed Aria deflate at her words.
º º º
GRACE WATCHED ARIA REENTER THE ROOM, phone in hand, still listening to Ezra's story. She was glad that Ezra was such an animated talker. Leaving the talking to him and Byron was perfect because everyone was content with just listening to their stories, especially Ezra Fitz's adventures.
"I was either going to Japan or Europe. I ended up biking through Connor Pass on my way to Kerry."
"So why did you pick Ireland?" Byron asked. All night the older man had been trying to get to know his daughter's teacher.
"I love Joyce and Beckett. I wanted to see where they started." Ezra explained to Byron.
Byron was fascinated with Ezra's story. "And you did it by bike? That's great."
"You know, I've got a bike in my garage. Every morning it mocks me." The other couple who was there were friends of Ella.
Jason smirked at the words of the friend. "Ah, you'll get back on it. Just have to add a baby seat."
"You cycle?" Ezra asked Jason, looking up at the young man who stood in the corner. Grace was lounging on the couch with Ella, a drink in hand as she looked towards her fiancee.
"Uh, some, yeah. When I first took off from college, I did the Kona coast." Jason felt uncomfortable suddenly talking.
"That's where they have the triathlon, right?" Byron asked Jason.
"Yeah, I wanted to clear my head before I came back here. After the craziness from school. Riding those lava fields is like being on the moon, you know?"
"That's intense." Ezra replied lightly before taking a sip of his drink.
"Yeah, it's what I needed." Jason glanced over at Grace. "But now, I'm glad to be back in Rosewood for once."
Grace blushed, looking down at her lap after she met Jason's intense stare. That stare was definitely not meant for public eyes to see.
Jason's stare was (sadly) interrupted by the doorbell ringing, grabbing everyone's attention to the unknown visitor. Aria was quick to be the hospitable host and opened the door.
"Aria." The unknown voice greeted.
"Are your parents home?"
"Mom? Dad?" Aria called and her parents joined her quickly.
"Hi, Barry." Byron greeted in surprise to see the cop in front of his front door.
"Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, it's about Mike. He's okay, but we have a situation."
"What kind of situation?"
Grace moved from her position on the couch towards Jason, taking a stand beside him against the wall.
"Looks like he broke into a house."
Jason's eyebrows rose in surprise as they eavesdropped on the conversation– it must have been a cop at the door.
Byron's voice rose in volume. "He what?"
"Over on Larson."
"There's gotta be some kind of mistake." Ella sounded distressed as her husband silently fumed beside her.
The officer spoke up. "I'm afraid not. It's Mike. He thought the place was empty. Homeowner grabbed him. He's at the station now. If I can get you to come down there."
"Uh, yes, of course." Byron complied, turning to Ella. "Do you wanna stay here?"
"No, no, we'll both go."
"Aria. Aria, please stay here."
"Yeah." Aria told her parents as they rushed out the door, throwing quick goodbyes and apologies to their guests.
Grace leaned into Jason, letting her lips tickle his ear.
"Well that's an interesting way to end a party."
º º º
GRACE HAD TO LEAVE AS SOON as she could. She couldn't deal with the dinner party and how Aria tried to keep it alive. So, she left. She kissed Jason on the cheek and left, letting him know that she'd be up waiting for him in bed.
Jason sat in the living room, wondering why the hell he didn't leave when Grace left. It was awkward as hell.
"You want some more?" Aria asked Jason, holding out the coffee pitcher.
"Sure, a little."
Aria sighed in frustration. "Mike promised me he wouldn't do this anymore."
"He probably meant it. Give me that. Sit down. Take a breath." Jason pulled the pitcher from her hand and placed it down on an open surface, waiting for Aria to sit and relax.
"He must be so angry at me." Aria confessed to the blond man in front of her.
"Why would Mike be angry at you?" Jason asked.
"Because, I mean, I've been in the middle of this mess with Ian, and Mom and Dad. If it weren't for me, he would've gotten more attention from my parents."
"No, no." Jason shook his head at Aria's words. "Trust me, you're not the reason Mike is doing this."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I know a lot about misplaced guilt. Look, the amount of trouble Mike's in depends on how many times he's done this. I mean, do you have any idea how many places he's broken into? Why would he be angry at you?
"So you teach at Hollis." Jason asked Ezra. He had finished his conversation with Aria, who had gone upstairs for something. He was glad they had to talk away from others after their fight. He really thought of the young girl as a younger sister. Not like she would replace Ali.
"Is that how you know Professor Montgomery?"
Both were awkward with each other. They didn't know what to do after the party guests and hosts left.
"Yes, and I taught with Ella at Rosewood High this year."
"Did you have Aria? In any of your classes." Jason questioned again.
"Yes, I did."
Aria hurried down the stairs, interrupting the two men from their awkward conversation.
"I was just thinking you should go now."
"The both of us?" Little did Jason know but Ezra was hurt by Aria's words.
"Yes, please." Aria said as she moved into the living room and towards the front door.
"Are you sure?" Jason asked, confused.
"My parents are gonna be home with Mike. It's a good idea he doesn't have to deal with anyone but family right now." Aria explained in a rush.
"Do you want us to help finish cleaning up?" Ezra was definitely trying to get a way to stay with Aria but her and Jason were oblivious to his intentions.
"No, I'm good, really."
"Let me know how your brother's doing." Jason told her as a goodbye, noticing how she didn't look him in the eye.
"I'll call." Aria was short as she kicked the two out.
"We'll talk tomorrow?" Ezra asked her, his eyes drinking in her features. He knew she was very flustered and worried over her brother.
"Yes. Absolutely. Thanks. I'm sorry." Aria forced a smile on her face as she shut the door in their faces.
Both men awkwardly stood on the porch after the door was closed, staring at each other.
"Good night."
"Good night."
Jason had to agree with Grace, this was an interesting party.
º º º
I can't believe people still read and want updates on this book! I hope this chapter was okay, I'll try to update again.... soon-ish...
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