Hell, He Wrote | Chapter Six
Hell, He Wrote
Chapter 6
When nobody will look at you, you can stare a hole in them. Picking out all the little details you'd never stare long enough to get if she'd ever just return your gaze, this, this is your revenge.
~Chuck Palahniuk~
**Noelle's POV**
I watched in disbelief as Tyson stalked off. What the hell? I'd just spent the entire weekend convincing myself to make this just another quick job-in and out with no problem. I mean, Tyson had made it painfully clear that he was attracted to me when he kissed me. I already had him hook, line, and sinker. But, if that were true why was he walking away from me now?
If Tyson had gone and decided over the weekend that he wasn't interested in me anymore, then my job would be a hell of a lot harder. I'd need to bring out the big guns for this one.
I smirked as the bell rang. I knew exactly what I needed to do. By this time next week, I'd have Tyson wrapped around my little finger. He didn't have a chance.
"Can I have a schedule change?" I asked quietly, batting my eyes at the school receptionist.
She looked up and wordlessly pointed at a large stack of Schedule Change Request forms sitting on her desk. I flashed her my man-killing smile and took one.
I had already taken the initiative to sneak a copy of Tyson's schedule. Now all I needed to do was get into a few of his classes and I'd be all set. It would definitely be a stretch since school had started a month ago, but when I set my heart to something I didn't let go. Ever. Losing to Tyson was not an option.
I tapped on the receptionist's desk and handed her the form with exaggerated vigor. She pulled out her drawer and carefully tucked it into a manila folder. I cleared my throat and she glanced up at me in surprise, apparently believing that I had already left.
"I'm sorry, but do you think you can try to get me into my classes now? I want to start as soon as I can, since I'd already be so behind." I smiled sweetly to remove any of the impatience that had leaked into my voice.
The receptionist studied me a moment before responding, "Honey, I'm going to be completely honest-I would be very surprised if I could get you into any of these classes. It's a little late to be changing your schedule, so you'd need a very good excuse".
I nodded sadly, quickly getting into character. "You see, everyone on my father's side of the family has gone to the same college ever since my great-great grandfather first got accepted. I thought I'd have the right credits to apply, but the information I was given was outdated," I gave a soft sniffle before continuing, "If I don't get into these classes, I won't be able to apply. I knew which college I was going to ever since I could talk-to say my family is obsessed is an understatement.
"I know that you must have students coming in all the time asking for schedule changes, but my entire future depends on this. I'm willing to study hard to make up for it. I would be so grateful if you could try to fit me in."
I pretended to calm myself by taking a big breath. The receptionist raised an eyebrow and leaned back further in her chair. "Well, that is certainly quite a story. I can try to fit you in now, but I won't make any promises."
I feigned excitement as she opened her cabinet and pulled out my form. She adjusted her glasses and studied the form closely-as if looking for flaws.
"Hmm. What was it you wanted to do when you got to this college?"
"Oh, well I'm hoping to get my major in English, so I need to go to a college with a strong English program."
"Really? So why are you wanting to sign up for woodshop? You haven't even requested any English-related classes."
"Oh, um. They want well-rounded students, and woodshop is one of the requirements. They have a very famous woodshop program. Maybe you've heard of it?"
"No, I don't believe I have. I'm sorry, I don't think I caught the name of the college. What was it again?"
Double shit.
I looked down at her desk and spotted a picture of a hideous Yorkshire Terrier. "It's Yorkshire State University."
"Wow, I've never heard of YSU. I'll need to look it up when I get the chance."
I tried to smile, and managed a weak twitch. "Go Terriers"
I almost sighed in relief when she turned around and began typing away furiously on her computer. After a minute, she rolled her chair over to her printer and snatched up the top paper.
"I managed to get you into all your requested classes, so here's your new schedule. You'll need to show this to your teachers since there isn't enough time for me to notify them all myself. Good luck." She dismissed me with a wave of her hand, and I didn't need to be told twice. I spared one last look for her Yorkshire Terrier before retreating back into the hallway. Today just officially became interesting.
First period was chemistry. I had to sprint to the other side of the campus to make it to class on time. The classroom was quiet when I barged in; at least I was making an entrance. I scanned the room for Tyson, and found him scowling at me from one of the back seats. The bastard.
I smiled perkily as I introduced myself to the teacher. Now that I was into Tyson's classes, the second part of my plan needed to be set into motion. Might as well start with a bang.
I ruffled my hair, aware of everyone's eyes on me. When I was allowed to sit down, I swayed my hips all the way to my new seat (which was only a few seats in front of Tyson's).
"Hey, I'm Noelle." I whispered to my new neighbor. He was your average, golden-boy "quarter-back" type with short, brown hair and clear eyes. He was nice to look at, but I couldn't see him as anything other then a tool to use against Tyson.
"Hey, I'm Brent." He whispered back, winking at me. I giggled softly, careful not to make enemies with my new teacher.
Brent seemed fascinated by me, just as I had planned. I desperately wanted to turn around and see if Tyson was watching, but I couldn't risk it. Brent and I flirted for the rest of class, but I was always wondering what Tyson was thinking. When class ended, Brent asked if he could carry my books to my next class, but I refused; Tyson had fled from the room as soon as the bell rang, I noted smugly.
I glanced down at my schedule again to confirm my next class. Art.
I got lost along the way, so I arrived to class a few minutes late. I immediately picked out Tyson's face from the sea of faces. I decided not to dwell on that.
The look on his face was priceless. I couldn't help grinning as his expression went slack with disbelief. Oh, this would be good. Now all I needed to do was get a seat at his table. I had to settle with a seat at the table next to his, but I had no trouble leaning over and talking at everyone at his table. Except him.
It was best for him to wonder at my reasons for changing my schedule. I wanted to be one step ahead of him at all times, and by making myself unpredictable I accomplished this. He wouldn't expect me to change my schedule to match his and then just ignore him. So that's exactly what I did.
The rest of the day went by more or less the same. I would arrive to his class (though be didn't look so surprised by fourth period), flirt with anyone and everyone around me, and then ignore him. I knew it would drive him crazy, but he refused to give the satisfaction of blowing up in my face. Instead, he ignored me just as well as I did him.
By last period, I had built up the nerve to confront him.
"Hey, Rendfield. Your cheek is looking better." I said, not making an effort to lower my voice. A few people glanced back at us curiously.
He didn't even look up at me as he nodded his head. I pressed my lips together in a hard line before trying again.
"You were really desperate to get in my pants at the party. I wonder... do you ever get laid?"
Tyson finally looked up, and didn't look away. The heat in his eyes burned through my shield and indifference, leaving me helpless to his stare. Just as quickly as he'd captured me, he released me-smirking as he scooped up his stuff and left the room. Now I was the one staring in disbelief.
I had spent the entire day trying to get through his guard, and he'd managed to do the same in less then twenty seconds. I shook myself as I left the classroom. If I couldn't get though to him by meaningless flirting with other guys, then I'd need to step it up. Again.
I flipped open my cell phone and called someone I hadn't expected to talk to in a very long time.
"Talk to me" a familiar, husky voice answered.
"Raul, it's Noelle. Do you think you can make it down here by tomorrow?"
He chuckled softly, which on a different day would've melted my heart. "Hello to you too."
"Do you, Raul? I need to know because if you can't I need to call someone else."
He sighed. "Noelle, of course I can be there. I still owe you for helping me get revenge on my sister's ex-boyfriend."
"That's great. Are you okay posing as my boyfriend for a few days?"
Bless his heart-he didn't miss a beat. "Yeah, no problem. I guess I should've expected as much... you're always out on some job!"
"This one's a big one-and it's becoming personal."
"Good, I can't wait to meet him." Raul teased.
"Alright, see you tomorrow." I hung up with a feeling of success. Raul was definitely drool-worthy; if he didn't stir up Tyson enough to do something then nothing would. It also helped that he was a very convincing actor. Yes, sooner or later Tyson would be mine. It was only a matter of time.
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