Hell, He Wrote | Chapter Seven
Hell, He Wrote
Chapter 7
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves"
**Tyson's POV**
I was going crazy. I had to be. There was no way that Noelle had managed to switch into all of my classes. That would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I kicked a rock as hard as I could and winced when my foot made contact. Good. Feeling anything other then shock was good.
I was about to kick it again when I heard a voice.
"Raul, it's Noelle. Do you think you can make it down here by tomorrow?"
Noelle. Figures, I would've thought the girl was stalking me if I hadn't known the reason behind it. I could barely hear her, so I instinctively moved closer.
"Do you, Raul? I need to know because if you can't I need to call someone else."
I didn't dare move as her voice moved closer to my hiding spot. I should've ran then, but something stopped me.
"That's great. Are you okay posing as my boyfriend for a few days?"
Say what now? My mouth went dry as the truth sunk in. Was she really going to take it this far? There was only one reason why Noelle would be calling some Raul guy to pose as her boyfriend.
"This one's a big one-and it's becoming personal."
Oh... it fucking is now.
"Alright, see you tomorrow." I listened as she disconnected her call. Only a few seconds later, the double doors swung open and she skipped-she fucking skipped!-past me.
I released a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. She thought she could fool me? Didn't she realize that I was two steps ahead of her? Well, bring it on. It takes two to tango. "Let's see how you are when you get a taste of your own medicine, Sherpa" I spat under my breath.
I was hyperaware of everything as I sat on top of my silver Camaro. Noelle's usual spot was empty, but school didn't start for another ten minutes. I was ready for her.
A loud roar interrupted my thoughts and I turned just in time to see a black Ferrari wiz by. People murmured in approval as it easily slid into a spot next to mine. No...she wouldn't...
A tall, exotic-looking guy, presumably Raul, gracefully jumped out of the driver's seat and went around to open the passenger door. Surprise, surprise. Noelle popped out and giggled as he wrapped his arms around her. I couldn't stop the poisonous hatred that sufficated me. It didn't matter that this was all a setup. He had his fucking arms around her. Just for that, I'd kill him.
I was just about to go say a few colorful words to the happy, new couple when a loud voice cried, "Baby!"
I gave the voice's owner a crooked smile. She was just in time.
As soon as she was close enough, I took her entire mouth with animalistic passion. I stroked her face, ran my hands through her hair, nibbled enticingly on her lips. She moaned against my mouth as I moved my hands lower to cup her ass.
"Oh, baby." She dipped her head back as I moved down to her neck, teasing her.
"Noelle, don't!" I heard a voice shout.
I looked up just in time to see Noelle raise her hand. It took me a moment to realize what she was about to do, but by then it was too late. When she made contact with my face, the noise from the impact was loud enough to cause my ears to ring. I swore and jumped away from her, anticipating another hit.
When I looked at her eyes, I felt my heart stop. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, threatening to spill out. I wanted to go and comfort her, but something in her expression kept me away. It killed me to know that I was the reason for those tears.
Her jaw dropped, as if she'd just come to grasp with what she'd done. She furiously blinked away her tears and allowed Raul to pull her away. I stared dumbly after her, forgetting about the girl I'd bribed to make Noelle jealous.
I'm an asshole. But how was what I did any different from what Noelle had planned to do? Why do I feel like the bad guy? Was what I did wrong?
I climbed back into my car and drove off. I couldn't be with Noelle right now. I needed to be alone with my thoughts.
**Noelle's POV**
"What the hell was that Noelle?" Raul said as he pushed me into an empty classroom.
"I don't need this right now"
"Oh, really? Look, I'm on your side, but can you please explain to me what just happened?"
I closed my eyes and said nothing. What could I say? That I had wanted to smack that girl silly? That the whole time I'd watched them, I would've traded anything-just at that moment-to be the girl in Tyson's arms? That I was becoming a fucking nut job for letting myself care enough to resort to violence?
"Oh my god. You like him, don't you?"
"Noelle, that's... wrong. How can you even think about him like that after everything he's done? You're the one who told me that he raped two little girls just because he felt like it. I know that you're convinced that seducing him and hurting him is the right thing to do, but I really think that we should go to the police and turn him in.
"Rape isn't like what you usually work with. Cheating on someone isn't the same as violating the safety and privacy of two little girls and scarring them for life. You can't tell me you're actually attracted to a monster like that."
My eyes welled up again, and I stubbornly held them. "Fuck, Raul. You think I don't already know that? Of course I do! It's just..."
"Just what, Noelle? What fucking excuse can you think of to make rape okay? Please, enlighten me."
I glared at Raul. He was right. He was so right, and here I was defending Tyson. "I haven't known Tyson for very long, but I just can't see him doing any of the things he's been accused of doing. Call it a girl's intuition, but I think he's a decent person once you get past all the cockiness."
"So you think that some guy just decided to make up some story that Tyson raped his two little sisters? Can you even hear yourself?"
"Shut up, Raul" I snapped. He looked up at the ceiling as if he were questioning the great beyond itself. "I need to go."
He shrugged. "Fine."
I shrugged into my jacket and left Raul and the room behind. He made too much sense. I couldn't be with him right now. Classes had already started, so I snuck into the bathroom and checked that all the stalls were empty. Then, and only then, did I allow myself to fall to the floor and let go of everything.
**Oooo, drama. Please comment and vote! Again, I'm sorry for cutting this chapter short, but this was a big moment for Noelle (she's actually admitting to herself that she's developing feelings for Tyson!) and I didn't want to add anything else to this scene. Thanks again (;**
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