I needed a plan.
Convincing Make Them Scream that my wolf was not a danger wasn't going to work. Alex was their leader, and there was no way any of them would take my word over his. He could literally read all their minds, so even if they did believe me, he'd probably find out and put a stop to it.
The only one I might have a chance with was Veronica since she wasn't technically part of the pack, but the odds of the two of us against the rest of them were bleak. Not to mention she was absolutely loyal to Reggie, so if he wasn't on my side, she wouldn't be either.
Alex was convinced that my wolf was going to attempt to take over me tonight and steal my body . . . but if I could stall long enough to keep us from reaching the clearing in Montana before sunrise tomorrow morning, then they would realize I was right. Halloween's blue moon would pass, and I would still be here.
That was all I had to do.
Easier said than done.
The engine roared and the bus vibrated and buzzed as we careened down the road. I scooted back onto the bunk, lying down with my face to the window. I pulled the blackout curtain back with my teeth. The bright light of day streamed in, blinding me for a second. I didn't know what time it was, only that it was well into the morning now. I must have been sedated all night.
Outside, tall pines and barren deciduous trees rushed past. A single car whizzed down the highway, uncomfortably close to our bus. The lanes were so narrow. We must have been on some backroad or old highway that wasn't used much anymore.
I gritted my teeth. Short of breaking out of these ropes, storming the front of the bus, grabbing the wheel and driving us off into a ditch, there wasn't much I could do to slow us down while the bus was still moving.
But, we couldn't keep driving forever. Eventually, we'd have to stop for gas.
I fidgeted with my hands, trying to get them loose from the ropes. If I could get myself free, I could wait until we pulled over. Then, I could make a run for it. I would catch everyone in the main room by surprise and get past them. I wouldn't have to escape from them for good, just delay us long enough that we didn't make it to the clearing tonight.
The chances of it working were slim, but it was my best option. I was willing to try anything.
If I could just get my wrists out of these ropes!
My numb hand was finally regaining feeling. I flexed my fingers as a tingle of pins and needles rushed through my palm and the pads of my fingertips, like I'd laid on it too long and it was just regaining blood circulation.
I rubbed my hands together, twisting them around in every way I could imagine, but it was no good. The ropes were too tight, and Liz had tied the knot too far up my wrists for me to get to it.
My tongue ran over my teeth.
That could work.
I scooted to the edge of the bunk. The bus went over a bump, and I simultaneously leapt, pushing myself to my feet. After lowering myself to the ground so I was sitting on my ass, I stretched my arms and curled my legs back into a ball.
I gritted my teeth against the pain of nearly dislocating my shoulder as I bent my wrists under my ass and around my feet.
A huge gasp of relief escaped my lungs when I finally got my hands in front of myself.
I brought my wrists up to my teeth, picking at the knot to loosen it.
"Come on," I muttered under my breath.
Finally, with a jolt, the knot released, and the rope slacked around my wrists. I shimmied them against each other until I pulled them free. I threw my hands up in the air, having to stop myself from shouting in victory.
Instead, I moved onto my ankles, quickly untying the rope around them.
I leapt up to my feet in victory. Free! Yes!
"Should I go check on her?" A voice called from beyond the door. It was Liz.
My heart pounded. If she came back here, she would just tie me up all over again. She'd probably end up sitting in here with me or sending someone else in to watch me if she found out I'd tried to escape once.
"I'm sure she's fine," Reggie voice repled.
Yes. She's fine! No need to check on her.
"She's just been really quiet," Liz said. "She's got to be scared and nervous."
As quickly as I could, I grabbed the rope from the floor. I sat down on the bunk and wrapped it tightly around my ankles. Behind them, I tied as loose a knot as I could. I was sure I could slink out of it in an instant, but at a glance no one would notice the difference.
"Well, she's locked up in a room by herself," Reggie continued. "Of course she is quiet. Who is she supposed to be talking to in there?"
"Why can't she just sit out here with us?" Veronica asked. "It's mean to make her sit in that room all by herself."
I put my hands behind my back, wrapping the second rope around them and holding the ends in my fists.
No one would notice!
"It's not like she has anywhere to go," Veronica continued. "I don't see why she has to be in there all by herself."
No! She's fine by herself! She likes being by herself!
"Yeah, you're right," Liz finally said. "I just thought it might be awkward for her to have to sit out here with us."
"I'll go see if she wants to join us," Veronica said.
Shit! What do I do?
Her footsteps approached the door, and in a split second, I did the only thing I could come up with. I snapped my body around and lay down, closing my eyes and lying with my head on the pillow.
"Allison?" Veronica's voice called as the door creaked open.
I'm asleep. I'm asleep.
I heard Veronica's breathing, and I tried to hold my own, like I thought people didn't breathe while they slept or something.
The door slowly creaked closed, and like someone trying to open a beer secretively in a silent classroom, it ended up being twice as loud because she tried to do it quietly.
"She's asleep," Veronica whispered on the other side of the door.
"Oh," Liz said. "That's good, I guess. She could use some real rest before tonight."
"Did you tell her what the exorcism involves?" Reggie asked.
"No," Liz replied.
I bit down on my cheeks. Sweat beaded on my back as I waited for Liz to continue.
"I didn't tell her any of the details. I didn't want to scare her."
| | |
It had to have been hours later when the bus finally took a turn and slowed down. I rolled my head over and pulled back the thick blackout curtain. Trees still surrounded us, but now a cliff rose on the side of the highway we had just turned off of. Mountains towered in the distance, their caps frosted in white snow.
We braked at a light, and then the bus pulled in to a gas station, parking right in front of the pump. This might be the only chance I would get. I had to move now!
We're going to be okay. I pushed the thought through my mind, hoping somehow my wolf might hear me. I won't let them hurt you.
I didn't know what I was expecting to hear, but I got nothing in response.
It would have been some nice reassurance to hear my wolf—to know she was still there and fighting with me—but I knew the channel was hard for her to hold open. Not to mention the Hell Flower Liz had injected me with had probably weakened her and made it even more difficult to communicate with me.
I glanced out the window again, planning my next move. Alex, Jake and Veronica were walking across the parking lot together towards the gas station shop. Alex had a sweatshirt on with the hood pulled up—maybe to hide the bite on his neck. Jake wore a leather jacket and his black beanie over his head. A flurry of snowflakes drifted through the air as Veronica jogged along beside them to keep up. She wore a royal purple hoodie, glittering silver leggings, and boots that came up to just below her knees.
They must have been heading into the shop to use cash to pay for the gas to avoid using a credit card. Veronica probably wanted to buy candy or something.
That was three of five obstacles out of my way, and Jake and Alex were the two I was the most worried about. Jake was easily the biggest and strongest of the group in his human form, and Alex was their leader.
I wasn't too worried about Veronica since she was only about five-foot-two and probably weighed ninety pounds soaking wet, but hey, two verses one was better than three verses one. I'd take it.
I heard muffled voices on the other side of the door. Liz and Reggie were still on the bus, but it was now or never.
Taking in a final gulp of air, I slung the binds off my wrists and slinked my ankles out of the ropes. My feet were bare, but I didn't have any time to look for my boots.
I swung the door to the main compartment of the bus open and charged.
"Allison!" Liz leapt off the couch and darted towards me.
She reached out to grab me, but I reacted faster. I flung both arms up and shoved her by the shoulders. She stumbled back, tripping over the side of the couch and falling.
"Shit," she hissed as her hip hit the plastic floor with a crash.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed me by the arm. I yelped, swatting at it like it was a spider crawling over me.
"You have nowhere to run, Allison," Reggie said as his fingers dug deeper into my upper arm.
"Get off me!" I flung my arm down, and his grip slipped just enough for me to pull free.
"Allison!" Liz shouted as I ran for the exit.
I rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping over my own feet, and swung the door open.
I leapt from the bus. My bare feet landed on the rough, cold pavement. Tiny stones and gravel cut into my soles as I ran, but I refused to slow down.
I need your help. I tried to push the thought through to my wolf. I can't outrun them by myself.
There was no response. Where was she?
I glanced over my shoulder. Liz and Reggie charged after me, only a couple dozen yards behind.
Quickly, I took a turn and darted off to the side of the gas station, toward the woods behind it. A sharp sting of pain cut through my heel as I ran over something sharp.
"Fuck!" I stumbled forward, catching myself on my palms. Pain flared through my skin as my hands and knees scrapped against the ground. A shattered beer bottle surrounded by shards of glass lay on the ground next to me.
Wincing, I jumped back up to my feet. I leapt over the rest of the glass and continued running on the ball of my foot. Sharp pain pierced through my heel with each step, but I ignored it, limping as best I could.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I need to shift now!
I ran my hands over the trunks of trees as I sprinted into the forest. I took turn after turn, hoping maybe I could lose them in the woods. My feet burned as a crisp layer of snow and small twigs and stones cut at my bare skin.
"Got you!"
I screamed as a hand grabbed me around the waist. Reggie lifted me, and I kicked midair, trying to shake myself free of his grip, but he was too strong.
"Get off me!" I pounded my fists against his arm and swung my foot back, striking him in the shin with my heel. He grunted and his grip loosened, but he didn't let go.
Liz ran up beside us, panting. "What were you thinking?" she growled at me.
I tried to shrug out of Reggie's grip one more time, but he held me firm. Grimacing, I blew my hair out of my eyes. "I'm not going to let you take my wolf from me. I'm not going to let you kill her."
Liz narrowed her eyes. "You better hope that there aren't cameras at this gas station. The paint job on our bus is already obvious enough. We don't need someone running off into the woods barefoot like they've been kidnapped drawing any more attention."
I panted, my heart still racing from the run. I hadn't even thought about that. Right now, we were supposed to be on our way back to Minneapolis, not somewhere in the middle of Montana. If anyone recognized us here and word got back, it would be suspicious for sure.
But still, anger boiled in my gut. I was being held against my will and forced to participate in an exorcism that would take a piece of my soul from me.
"Come on," Liz finally said. "Let's get back to the bus. Only a few hours before we get to the clearing. We shouldn't need another stop."
I spat onto the ground and scowled at her. I would find another way to get out of this exorcism—a way that didn't involve me getting caught by the cops and thrown in prison for the rest of my life.
I just had to be smarter.
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