Meeting again..
wrote this the day i posted the first page, just didn't finish the ending so i worked on that within like 10 minutes after i'm awake-
lol i dunno why i put it off-
*Scott's pov*
It was the next day, currently was getting ready for the unfortunate meeting.. though it could be nice depending on how my character naturally reacts to it, It is a workaholic after all.. My thoughts drifted but i pulled myself back after finding myself infront of the mirror fixing any mistakes.
'these characters really do just take over until you do....) I thought to myself as i got done, looking at myself before going downstairs and out the door, taking off naturally into the sky, Kinda nerv-wracking, haven't flown in while but my character has. He seems pretty good at it though. I'll get used to it.
after a short bit i got to the meeting place, landing gracefully and walking in naturally into the building early as ever and sat down at my spot. It was a meeting at Katherines, She was sat in her spot,
"Welcome Scott, have a good flight? Want some coffee?" Katherine asked sweetly and offered coffee gesturing to the almost full pot on the table, "Flight was nice, and Sure." I said pretty coldly with a cold forced smile as i grabbed the pot and a mug. making a cup and putting some sugar into it, stiring it and sipped on it..
needed alot of honey, and sugar- but she didn't have honey out and i wouldn't wanna use up all the sugar and burden her with getting more or just getting honey. So i Dealt with it, it was just coffee afterall. i'll just have my own when i get home.
So now it was just me and Katherine sitting quietly, sipping coffee and waiting for other rulers. Which took a bit. Though they arrived one after other, until waiting on one person. The codfather, well that was his title.. My character didn't know his actual name, just his title. Which i'm not bothered by either.
So we waited, and waited. lots of chattering in the backround. i kept to myself just wanting to get this over with. Also my character was naturally complaining in mind about how late the codfather always was.. So thats great to know i might be here way longer than need be.. 'why does my character even come early..?) I sighed in my head bored
After a good long while he finally show'd up, looked familiar, well of course he did i'm going off of my characters memories- Everyone here looks familiar.. but that he spoke. and i froze- internally of course.
"Sorry everyone-! i Swear i tried to be on time this time-!!" The Codfather said Sheepishly and loudly,.. he sounded like jimmy... He Sounded like my sunflower-.. 'is he?.. No no no- he can't be- the chance of us getting thrown into the same lore server-... he might just sound like him- Right? he- Couldn't be. i'm just going crazy- it's just someone else who sounds just like my sunflower-.. R-Right?!) I thought internally freaking out while looking normal on the outside-..
Then he walked over to the only empty seat-.... Right next to mine, "Hi Scott-" The codfather said no doubtly smiling under that mask(useally in my au i don't have jimmy in the mask, but if were talking characters and their getting put in there- jimmy could take the mask off later lol) but he sounded hesitant while saying that-.. probably just cus my character being so closed off-
"Hello Codfather." I manged to say coldly and bluntly, without any shake- 'gosh i'm relaying on my characters natural responses to much-..) I thought as i stared at my cup of half drank coffee- "Now that He's Gotten here, We can Start the meeting" Katherine smiled
I Couldn't focus the whole meeting- Distracted by the apparent fish- or guess cod hybrid next to me.. I let myself subtly rank my eyes over him trying to spot anything that isn't My Sunflower every chance i got...
nothing seemed the same.. though i got a glance of his skin on his hand, Tan.. Like how jimmy's was. 'thats- Normal right- plently people have the same skintone-!..) I thought- as i couldn't catch any other proof on him.. not his hair, eyes or face.. nothing-.. So i couldn't just connect things that weren't there- Right?! right..?
My mind went through this over and over again- Many times- till noicting the meeting has ended-, i finished the now cold coffee in one go and put the cup away- but now that the meeting as ended-.. theirs a group games thingy afterwards i had to survive.. ugh-
Alot of us follow'd Katherine to the comfy room to do that. have fun and stuff- while my mind was freaking out and convincing itself it's crazy- and Of course the fucking Codfather tried talking to me-.. like many other times in my memory. trying to be friends..
"Sooo- Scott how are you?" he hummed cheerily.. "Fine.." I Said bitterly biting into a random snack on the snack table, "just fine? anything happen anytime soon?" he asked probably smiling, "No." I Said bluntly "ah.. Hows the chocolate? is it any good?" he asked looking at the snack i was nibbling on
"..not chocolate, dumbass. It's cinnamon covered cookies." I Scoffed "oh.." He said looking a little dejected with body movement, it was awkward- really awkward... after a moement i spoke again " is good though to answer that Qeustion." I Sassed coldly.
and his body movement light up quite a bit "Really?" He said tilting his masked head. "yeah. it's cinnamon covered cookies.. course their good." I Scoffed. "Well i wouldn't know- any Speaical taste?" He asked happily, i rolled my eyes "why ask when you can try it?? their just on the table-" I Deadpan'd
"well- it's hard to eat with a mask on- Soo just don't" He shrugged "...just break it up on a plate into bits and shove it in your mouth." I Stated looking away as i kept nibbling on mine. he practically lit up more.
"Ohh- thats a good idea!" he said and got a plate and one of them. and did that. he clearly enjoy'd it- and we just sat their eating our cookies..
People were looking at me strange- probably cus i was actually talking back to jimmy- my character just always ignored how he rambled trying to be friends, i ignored it though.. no use of anything more.
"Those were so good-" he chuckled excitedly, i glanced at him, gosh he did definitely act like my jimmy.. my sunflower.. but i couldn't assume he was just off personality right?.. right.......?
of course i couldn't- that'd be dumb. he probably doesn't look a bit like My jimmy and he's just a guy that's similar to him in ways that make me kinda upset, though people do act similar- i have to get over it cus it's not fair for the codfather to have me be upset at him cus he acts like my love in a different life, different server..
"Heyy you two- were playing truth or dare- you two wanna join?" Joey asked- more so talking to the codfather cus my character wouldn't useally play, but.. why not-? whats the worst that could happen-...
Nothing bad could happen right?.
I'll leave yall on a cliff hanger, Shouldn't take to long-(unless i procrastinate) >:3
Word Count: 1250
Story Date: June 13th, 2021
Day Posted on: November 23rd 2024
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