Chapter 4: A New Beginning
"Minerva, have you received the list of students from the ministry?"
"Of course, Albus."
"Which students to we need to appraise of the wizard world this year?"
"Miss Brocklehurst, Miss Fawcett, Mr. Finch-Fletchley, Miss Granger, Miss Perks, Mr. Potter, Miss Turpin..."
"Mr. Potter? Harry Potter?"
"Yes, Albus. He turns 11 today. The magical roster lists him as unknowing of his heritage. Those damn muggles must not have told him who he is." She glared as Albus as she said this.
"Apparently I was mistaken in what they would do for young Harry. I will visit them myself to ensure this situation is properly remedied. Please arrange for the other students to be visited. I suggest you visit Miss Granger."
"Very well, Albus. I'll take care of it." She left a rather disgruntled Dumbledore behind as she left his office. Once her footsteps had faded, Dumbledore stood and began pacing.
"I was certain they would manage to scare his magic into submission. I planned to have him out of the way. Now what?" Dumbledore stopped pacing to stare into his fireplace. He recognized that he needed help, but who to ask? Very few knew the true identities of himself and Harry. He chose to orchestrate his rise to power through secret, underhanded means, preferring to keep his public face clear of scandal. Dumbledore took a pinch of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace.
"Remus Lupin!" A few seconds later, Lupin's head appeared in the fireplace.
"You called, Albus?"
"Harry has been accepted to Hogwarts." Remus visibly blanched.
"I thought you had taken care of him?"
"So did I. I assumed that as a half-blood his magic would be relatively easy to repress. I should have known that he would inherit much of father's power. What should I do, Remus?"
"Save him."
"Please elaborate."
"Save him from his relatives. Be a father figure to him. Show the boy some love and he will serve you well. Who knows, perhaps he will be strong enough to defeat the Dark Lord."
"That would be deliciously ironic. I knew there was a reason I kept you around, Remus. Thank you. That is a marvelous idea."
"Of course, Albus. Until later." Remus' head disappeared with a small POP! as Albus readied himself to visit the Dursleys.
Albus apparated to the familiar street. Very little had changed in ten years. He strode confidently to number 4. He had made this appointment a week ago, and was certain the Dursleys were not looking forward to seeing him. He had made his displeasure with them clear when he set up the meeting. He climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. He could hear Vernon shouting at Harry to get the door. A moment later, the front door opened to reveal a very pale, very scrawny looking child. Dumbledore recognized the glamour he had placed on the boy ten years ago to fool the Dursleys.
"Hello, Harry. I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have an appointment with your aunt and uncle."
"Hello, sir. Won't you come in?" Dumbledore stepped over the threshold and continued down the hallway as Harry shut the door behind him. Harry had never seen such an oddly dressed man. He was wearing a long, periwinkle blue cloak; a tall, pointed periwinkle hat, and crescent moon glasses. He was sure his aunt and uncle would never approve of this man. However, when he closed the door and followed the man down the hallway and into the living room, he watched his relatives visibly recoil in fright.
"Ah, Petunia, Vernon, how nice to see you." Albus nodded to each of them, and they jerked their heads in response, too terrified to speak. He decided to start with Harry so he could prolong their misery. "Harry, dear boy, I don't suppose you remember me. I saved you from your parents' house when you were just a year old." Harry shook his head.
"No, sir, I am sorry." Dumbledore smiled. Of course he doesn't remember. It makes my life much easier.
"That is quite alright, Harry. You were only a year old. I suppose I ought to tell you what happened." Dumbledore sat on the sofa and motioned for Harry to sit with him, which he did. "On Halloween night ten years ago, an evil wizard attacked your family. He murdered your parents, and tried to kill you. However, he was not able to do so. Your mother died to save you, and so you were protected by her love. It is a very ancient form of magic that protected you and caused the evil wizard's curse to ricochet off of you and hit him. He disappeared that day, which only makes you more special. You defeated the most evil wizard to ever live." Harry stared up at Dumbledore.
"I defeated a...a...wizard? How is that possible? And who was he? Why are you here to tell me this, sir?"
"Oh, I apologize, Harry. I suppose I forgot the most important piece of information. You are a wizard, and a very powerful one. I am here to announce that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The wizard you defeated was named Voldemort." Harry stared up at Dumbledore. He wasn't sure he believed this strange man. After all, how could he, Harry, be a wizard? Shouldn't his aunt, uncle, and cousin have been turned into frogs every time they hurt him? No, this man must just be absolutely mad.
"I can't possibly be a wizard, sir. I'm just Harry." Dumbledore laughed.
"Well, just Harry, have you ever made anything weird happen when you were scared or angry?" Harry thought about it, considering everything weird that ever happened around him. They did usually happen when he experienced a strong emotion. He looked up at Dumbledore happily.
"I'm a wizard!" Vernon couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up from the chair he had been sitting in.
"Just one moment! We vowed when we took him in that we would put a stop to this nonsense. We vowed to squash the magic out of him! He is certainly not going to, as you call it." Dumbledore stood. He knew Harry would not understand this conversation for what it was. He allowed his power to swirl around him, causing the Dursleys to cower and Harry to regard him with awe.
"You may have vowed to do it, sir, but you obviously failed. If Harry wishes to attend Hogwarts, you certainly will not stop him. As Headmaster, I will ensure that he attends, with or without your permission." He turned to Harry and spoke kindly. "Harry, we will need to go buy your things for Hogwarts this afternoon. Please go get ready for the day." As Harry ran off, Dumbledore cast a quick silencing charm around the living room and turned back to the Dursleys. "You failed to squash the magic from him as I asked. Now I am forced to take him to Hogwarts where he will be in danger. Our world demands that he attend school if he has any magic left in him at all. You two could have prevented this. I must punish you for your disobedience." Dumbledore then cast the Cruciatus curse on Vernon and Petunia in turn, allowing each to suffer for a full minute. He then removed the silencing charm and called to Harry.
"Harry, are you ready? It is time for us to leave." Harry ran back into the living room, nearly tripping over his too big clothes. Dumbledore knew the wizarding world would be shocked if he took Harry into Diagon Alley looking like that, so he magically shrunk the clothes to fit the boy better. "Harry, before we leave, you should read your letter." He handed the Hogwarts admissions letter to Harry who tore it open and began to read.
Dear Mr. Potter,
We are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary supplies and equipment.
Term begins September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31st.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
"They await my owl? What does that mean?" Harry looked inquisitively up to Dumbledore.
"It is our form of communication, Harry. Instead of sending letters by mail, we send them by owl. However, as I have personally delivered your owl, a verbal interest in attending the school will suffice. Do you wish to go to Hogwarts, Harry?"
"Of course."
"Very well, take my arm and I will transport us." Harry took hold of Dumbledore's arm and gasped as the most uncomfortable sensation he had ever felt passed over him. He was sure he was suddenly being forced through a very small tube. When the pressure release, he drew in a large breath. He looked around and realized that he was no longer standing in the Dursley's living room.
"Where are we sir?"
"I have just apparated you to the Leaky Cauldron, Harry." Before Harry could ask, Dumbledore continued. "Apparation is a form of wizard transportation. However, only adult wizards who have earned their apparation license can do it. It is a little like driving in the muggle world. The Leaky Cauldron is famous in our world as the entrance to Diagon Alley. Why don't you read the second page of your letter now?" Harry pulled another piece of paper out of the envelope and read it.
Uniform-First year students will require:
Three sets of plain work robes (black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags
Set Books-All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Other Equipment:
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring an owl OR cat OR toad
Harry's face fell as he read the letter. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would never pay for all of this. He would not be able to attend Hogwarts after all. Dumbledore saw the despondence growing on Harry's face, but it took him a moment to realize the cause.
"Harry, are you ready to go? We must retrieve your money before shopping." Harry's head snapped up.
"What money? I don't have any money, sir."
"Why, of course you do, it is at Gringotts, the wizard bank. Come along." Dumbledore ushered Harry into the Leaky Cauldron, and carefully maneuvered him through all of the witches and wizards trying to welcome him back. They finally made it out the back door, where Dumbledore touched the third brick from the left with his wand. Harry jumped when the bricks began moving, forming an entrance to a long alley. "Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley."
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