Chapter 11: Flying Lessons and More
The next day brought some very pleasant surprises for the group of friends. In Astronomy that morning, Gregory was able to find and identify every constellation on Professor Vector's map quiz of the night sky. Not even Hermione had received a perfect score. For his efforts, Gregory earned ten house points and was exempt from homework. Everyone else was assigned a twelve inch essay detailing three constellations of their choice. After class, the whole house gathered around Gregory.
"Well done, Greg."
"Awesome work!"
"You even beat Hermione, mate!" Everyone laughed at this statement, even Hermione. In just a few days, she had already earned an amazing reputation among the Slytherins. No one even thought to question why she was in their house. The crowd of students thinned as they headed off to class at different speeds. Finally, the five friends were walking down the corridors alone.
"So, perfect score. That's awesome. How'd you manage to see them all? It just looks like dots to me."
"You have to imagine it, Draco. You have to look for the whole constellation, not just the stars that create it."
"Um, ok. But how do you do that?"
"I can't really explain. I just see it."
"Well, I think it's wonderful, Gregory!"
"Thanks, Hermione." They all walked into the History of Magic classroom. Because they had dawdled, they had to sit in the back, much to Hermione's displeasure. Their lesson today was a continuation of Tuesday's lesson. They were being told about the ancient witches and wizards.
Harry tried to stay awake and alert, but Hermione had to prod him out of sleep several times. He noticed her doing the same for Draco. Harry made a note to ask Alexander how he stayed awake during class. After class, they all headed off to lunch.
"Finally, flying lesson. I've been waiting for this."
"You're going to love flying, Harry. It's great. I've been flying since I was old enough to sit on a toy broomstick. It's wonderful." Even Vincent and Gregory joined this conversation.
"Flying is amazing. Father promised to buy me the Nimbus 2000 for my birthday next month."
Vincent pouted. "My father said my Cleansweep Seven is good enough for now. Although he did say he might buy me a new broom if I make the house team."
"I think it's ridiculous that first years can't play on their house teams."
"They do it for us, Draco. It is to give us time to get used to managing our schedules without overwhelming us."
"Oh. Are you sure, Hermione?"
"Of course."
"Are you looking forward to flying?"
"Well, I suppose. I've read a couple of books about flying and it seems as though it will be fun."
"Do you have broomsticks in the muggle world?" Harry and Hermione both laughed.
"Of course we do, Draco. They're used to clean." Harry and Hermione laughed again at the flabbergasted look on Draco's face.
"To clean?! Really? I can't picture it."
"Well, imagine how we feel thinking of flying them."
"Oh, hmmm." They all ate quietly. Alexander came over and gave them pointers as usual, and after that they went off to the Quidditch Pitch. They found Madam Hooch waiting next to twenty brooms. Draco groaned when he saw them.
"I've heard about the school brooms. Some vibrate if you fly too high. Others fly slightly to one side, and others are so slow they are often outstripped by passing butterflies."
"Well, we'll just have to hope those have been given to the Gryffindors." Harry and Draco laughed, then crowded in with the rest of the Slytherins as they waited for the Gryffindors to arrive.
"Stand by a broomstick everyone! I want to start this lesson on time, whether everyone is here or not." The Gryffindors arrived shortly thereafter and stood by the brooms opposite the Slytherins. Harry glanced down at his broom. It was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles.
"Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say 'Up!'"
"UP" everyone shouted.
Harry's broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did. Draco's obeyed him the second time he said 'up', but Hermione's had simply rolled over on the ground. It took both Vincent and Gregory several tries to get their brooms to obey. Madam Hooch then showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, and walked up and down the rows correcting their grips. Harry and Draco were delighted when she told Weasley he'd been doing it wrong for years.
"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle — three — two —"
But Neville, nervous and jumpy, pushed off hard before the whistle had touched Madam Hooch's lips.
"Come back, boy!" she shouted, but Neville was rising straight up like a cork shot out of a bottle — twelve feet — twenty feet.
Without thinking, Harry mounted the broom and kicked hard against the ground and up, up he soared, straight toward Neville; air rushed through his hair, and his robes whipped out behind him — and in a rush of fierce joy he realized he'd found something he could do without being taught — this was easy, this was wonderful. He pulled his broomstick up a little to take it even higher and heard screams and gasps of girls back on the ground and an admiring whoop from Draco.
"Mr. Potter, come down this instant!" Harry was nearing Neville when he saw him look down. He saw his face blanche as he gasped. Harry saw, as though in slow motion, Neville slip sideways off his broom and then start to fall.
"Neville!" Harry knew, somehow, what to do. He leaned forward and grasped the broom tightly in both hands, and it shot toward Neville like a javelin. He leaned forward and pointed his broom handle down — next second he was gathering speed in a steep dive, racing poor Neville — wind whistled in his ears, mingled with the screams of people watching — he gripped the broom tightly with both knees and stretched out his hands — just before Neville hit the ground, Harry caught him by his robes. It took all his strength to hold on to him as he lowered a very scared, and very grateful, Neville to the ground. Harry flew a bit lower then dismounted himself.
"Are you alright, Neville?"
"H...Harry, saved my life! Thank you so much!" He threw his arms around Harry and gave him a giant hug.
"MR. P...POTTER!" Harry turned and saw Professor Snape. His face fell.
"In Merlin's name, WHAT were you thinking?" Madam Hooch had made it over to them.
"You could have been killed! You could have caused Mr. Longbottom to die! What were you thinking?" Harry hung his head.
"I guess I wasn't. I was just so afraid." Professor Snape snorted.
"Exactly like your father. Always running off to save people." Harry and Madam Hooch spoke at the exact same time.
"I'll explain later. Now, Harry, follow me."
"Severus, he did save the boy's life. Don't punish him too hard."
"Don't worry, Rolanda, I have plans for Mr. P...Potter." As Harry followed Professor Snape, his heart fell. He was probably going to be kicked out of school. He hadn't even made it a whole week. It must be some sort of record. Professor Snape stopped outside of a classroom. He asked Harry to wait outside as he went in. A few moments later he came back out with Marcus Flint.
"Flint, I have found you an excellent player for your team. Now, as we need to replace all but yourself and Mr. Montague, I would like to have as many skilled players on the team."
"But Professor, he's in first year, he can't play."
"I'll see to that. Now, I suggest either Beater or Seeker. He took off after, chased, and caught a fellow student who had an overenthusiastic broom."
"You caught a student in mid-air, Harry?"
"Well, I couldn't let him die."
"I think he'll do quite nicely as a seeker, Professor."
"Very well. We'll need to get you a broom, Harry. Flint, please return to class. Harry, wait here for your Transfiguration lesson. It will be starting soon." As soon as Marcus had returned to class, Harry called to Professor Snape.
"Yes, Harry?"
"Why does everyone stutter on my last name?" He saw that Professor Snape looked uncomfortable.
"I can't tell you, Harry. You will find out soon, though. That I can promise you."
"Does it have anything to do with the night my parents were killed?" Harry wondered why Professor Snape suddenly donned such a vacant expression.
"Something like that, yes." At that moment, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. "I must be going, Harry. Have a good lesson. Professor McGonagall told me you did quite well on Tuesday."
"Thank you, sir. Hermione did better." Harry saw Professor Snape smile as he turned and walked away. As soon as the classroom had emptied, Harry went in and sat down.
"Harry, you're quite early."
"I was speaking with Professor Snape, Professor."
"Oh, I see. You weren't getting into trouble, I hope."
"No, Professor."
"Very well, then." Almost as one, Harry's classmates flowed in.
"You're still here!"
"I was so worried!"
"I can't believe you saved him like that!"
"You should have seen Weasley's face!"
"Are you in trouble?"
"Quiet down now!" Everyone was instantly silence and sat down. "Now, what exactly is going on?" Hermione quickly explained to Professor McGonagall what had happened during flying lesson.
"You managed to save Neville Longbottom?"
"Yes, Professor McGonagall."
"And what actions did Professor Snape take?"
"He has put me on the Quidditch team, Professor." Harry heard several gasps as well as some excited murmuring."
"I see. Very well. I must also award you fifty points for saving a member of my house."
"Thank you, Professor."
"Now, to work! Today you will once again be turning matches into needles. However, today you will be turning a matchbook into a needle book. I expect you to turn every match into a perfect needle by the end of class." She waved her wand at their desks. "Here are your matches and needle books. Begin." The five friends feverishly began transfiguring the matches. Hermione was, of course, finished first and earned ten points for Slytherin for finishing in ten minutes. She even made needles of different sizes. Harry finished second with a basic needle book. Draco finished third. Other students continued to finish their needle books as well. However, when both Vincent and Gregory produced finished needle books just as the bell rang, the entire class burst into applause. Professor McGonagall even awarded them each a point to Slytherin. She also awarded an extra five points to Slytherin and declared that there was no need for homework as everyone had managed to complete the assignment. They all went to dinner extremely pleased.
During dinner, other Slytherins came up to congratulate Harry for making the house team. No one seemed at all bothered that he had been awarded a place without participating in the tryouts. He asked Draco about this.
"Well, you did save someone's life, Harry. That's a pretty intense tryout right there." Just before dinner ended, Neville suddenly appeared at Harry's side.
"Harry, as I do not own an owl, nor do I feel confident enough in my ability to find the owlry before curfew, I hope you will accept my letter of thanks and apology delivered by hand. I realize it is very inappropriate, but I felt it would be worse to wait until tomorrow." He handed Harry the letter and returned to Gryffindor table. Alexander gave Harry a huge smile and a thumbs up as Neville sat next to him. Harry turned to look at Draco.
"Draco, am I supposed to read it now, or wait until we get to our room."
"Thanks." After dinner, Harry hurried to the dormitory. He wanted to read Neville's letter.
Dear Harry,
Please accept my deepest thanks and sincerest apologies. I would like to thank you once more for saving my life this afternoon. Words cannot express how I feel. I owe you a life debt. I cannot imagine what would have happened had you not flown to my rescue. Again, I thank you.
I would also like to apologize for my past behavior toward yourself. Please believe me when I say I have never believed Mr. Weasley. You are, and always shall be, a great wizard.
Yours sincerely,
Neville Longbottom
"Well, that's very nice." Just then Draco walked into the room. "Draco, am I supposed to reply to this?"
"Um, let me see, I'll tell you." Harry handed him the note and he read it quickly. "Quite nice. I still don't understand why Longbottom was sorted into Gryffindor. But no, you do not need to make a formal reply to this. A simple public show of friendship will be enough. Good-night, Harry."
"Good-night, Draco." Harry changed and got into bed, wondering what tomorrow would bring.
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