XXV - The Prisoners
While Nicholas, trapped at Star Hunter, wondered about his destination, other men invaded the apartment where Sivoc's team was.
Drako, who had elaborated an intruder detection system, captured an intermittent signal from his room. He warned Sivoc and Zara, who, in the blink of an eye, teleported to a damp, dark alley. The smell of trash contrasted with the sweet aroma coming from a nearby bakery. The distant noise of the mall and the cold wind cutting the alley gave them a feeling of vulnerability.
In the apartment, Merko's soldiers advanced cautiously around the room. When they stepped on a rug in the center of the living room, four submission collars were launched from hidden compartments on the ceiling, attaching to their necks with a metallic click. Drako, controlling the artifacts, smiled, satisfied. Collars, commonly used on the planet Life to control dangerous prisoners, would neutralize the threat. Drako pressed his bracelet and teleported along with the four immobilized soldiers to the amphibian ship that was camouflaged in the warehouse.
Sivoc and Zara, gathered with Drako in the alley, knew they needed to act fast. If they had been attacked, Tibor and Nicholas were in danger too. They ran toward the fighting ring, Zara's heart hammering in her chest.
When they arrived, they found Tibor unconscious, lying on the floor amid puddles of sweat and blood.
Zara knelt beside Tibor, the agile fingers examining his injuries. Sivoc and Drako, with serious countenances, activated their communicators, calling the rest of the crew spread across the city.
"Check if there are any humans wounded nearby!" Sivoc ordered the crew that arrived, the concern obvious in his voice.
Tibor, with the help of Zara, sat, still dizzy and with a severe headache. "Took you long enough! What happened?" He asked, his voice weak.
"We had to deal with some of Merko's soldiers. They attacked us", Drako explained. "Where are Nick and Sanches?
"Merko... He took them..." Tibor replied, panting.
"So what now?" Zara exclaimed; her eyes teary. "What will we do without Nicholas?
"We can't lose him, Zara." Sivoc comforted her with a firm look. "Let's eliminate any trace of our presence here and go back to our ship. The space-time portal opens in three days near Calisto, and we need to reach the planet Life before Merko. Nicholas' and Sanches' lives are at stake, and we don't know what Mirov will do to them.
"Merko invaded Science! We need to make sure he didn't sabotate it!" Drako exclaimed, anxiety showing in his voice.
"I think he wouldn't do that. It would not be in his interest to leave us trapped here. He knows he would be severely punished." Sivoc pondered. "I'm going back to the ship with Tibor. Zara, you and Drako go to the apartment. If everything is in order, come to us. And don't leave traces! As soon as we get to the spaceship, we will warn everyone to teleport there."
The amphibious ship, activating the invisible mode, slid out of the warehouse like a ghost, disappearing into the darkness of the night. Minutes later, it dived into the depths of the sea.
After confirming that the apartment was safe, Zara and Drako returned to Science. The crew, gathered in the ship, began the preparations for the trip back to Planet Life. Each millimeter of the spaceship was carefully verified, ensuring the safety of all. Tibor, still recovering from the confrontation, rested in the ward under the care of Zara. Meanwhile, Wolfie, the robot dog, was fixed by machine engineering.
"Where will Nick be? I hope he's fine..." Zara thought, squeezing the pendant he had given her, the cold metal against her skin bringing her some comfort. "We need to follow Merko and get to Planet Life. It's the only chance to protect him, my dear. Somehow I feel he's alive."
In the abandoned warehouse, agents of Collin Netil, led by Ronald Steighem, searched the place in search of clues.
"We were warned that there were people paralyzed here. Alien weapons!" Steighem exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses. "Make a complete scan! They must have left something behind!"
"Yes sir!" Agent Ann Soliver answered, starting the search.
In her room at the spaceship, Zara tried to focus, seeking a telepathic connection with Nicholas. With each attempt, a rock wall seemed to be between them, distorting her thoughts. She didn't know that the Star Hunter stalked them from the depths, dangerously close. Merko, determined to fulfill his mission without interference, planned to freeze all Science's crew.
Nicholas ran great risk. Not even Merko, who now believed to be his father and would give his life for him, imagined the real threat. What they didn't know was that counselor Mirov plotted in secret, thirsty for power, and would do everything to eliminate the boy.
With the ship ready for the trip, Sivoc contacted counselor Kenan.
"Captain Sivoc, I hope you have good news! The portal is about to open! Is the boy with you?" Kenan's voice showed apprehension.
"I'm sorry, counselor. Merko took him from us." Sivoc answered, the frustration evident in his voice.
"Absurd! There was no need for it!" Kenan exclaimed, indignantly. "I will monitor the arrival of the young man and secure his safety. I don't trust Mirov... Get ready for the trip and come as soon as possible! I will need you here more than ever!"
"Yes sir. Soon we will see each other." Sivoc finished communication.
At Star Hunter, the intercepted message caused a stir. Merko, his eyes shining with determination, summoned Crom and five more men.
"Crom, let's invade Sivoc's ship and capture the crew!" Merko ordered, his voice firm. "Z8, establish communication with Science. While I talk to Sivoc, disable the shields remotely!"
"Commander Sivoc, Captain Merko requests contact." Drako said.
Sivoc, suspicious, went to the bridge of command. A hologram of Merko materialized in the room.
"It's an honor to talk to you, Sivoc. I see that you are all together." Merko started the conversation, a fake smile on his face.
"What do you want, Merko? We don't have time to waste!" Sivoc replied, impatiently.
"I wondered if you didn't leave anyone behind. It would be reckless..." Merko was speaking about the danger of leaving humans on Earth, while Crom, at another point in the ship, worked on the deactivation of Science's shields.
"I find your concern strange, Merko, after what you did!" Sivoc confronted him.
"All for the mission!" Merko justified himself. "Where are my soldiers?"
"They are fine. And you have something that belongs to us. How about an exchange?" Sivoc proposed.
"I would never deliver the boy! He will be in my custody until I hand him to Mirov."
"You know what we think of Mirov..." Sivoc warned him.
"King's orders! That's what matters!" Merko ended the conversation, after receiving the confirmation of Crom: "Shields deactivated!"
"What a strange talk... What did he really want?" Sivoc questioned, suspiciously.
"Maybe he was really worried about his men..." Drako considered it.
"I don't trust him! Prepare security teams! Merko will come after his men!" Sivoc ordered.
The ship Science was in high alert. Merko, Crom and the other soldiers materialized in the ward. Tibor, who was resting, injured in his bed, was frozen in seconds.
"One less, commander." Crom announced coldly.
"Keep discretion. Surprise is our weapon." Merko ordered.
In the engineering room, two guards reacted to the invasion, but were rapidly subdued by Crom and Merko. One by one, Science's crew was frozen. The propeller system was turned off, inactivating the ship. Merko's soldiers, previously imprisoned, were released.
Science's alarm sounded, warning of the invasion. Soldiers ran through the corridors, but were intercepted and frozen by the invaders. Crom returned with a Star Hunter engineer.
"Sir, the ship will reconnect the engines in a month, according to the plan."
On the command bridge, Sivoc and Drako watched, incredulous, the ship's systems turn off. Darkness took over the environment, only the emergency lights illuminating the room.
"Drako, check the instruments! I'll see what is happening! But how...? Our defense system failed?" Sivoc questioned, perplexed.
Drako, with a brilliant idea, reprogramed Wolfie to pretend he was still damaged.
Merko and his soldiers broke into the bridge of command, pointing their weapons to Sivoc and Drako.
"Merko, we need to talk! Mirov has obscure plans! Don't trust him!" Sivoc tried to argue.
"I promised to take the boy safely! You will be frozen for a while to not interfere!" Merko replied, ruthless.
"We can unite, Merko!" Sivoc insisted.
"Don't worry, Sivoc. I never failed in my missions." Merko fired his freezing weapon.
Crom went to Zara's room.
"What do you want now? Was it not enough to have kidnapped Nick?" Zara confronted him, furiously.
"Do you know how the boy got that bracelet?" Crom questioned.
"Not even he knows! It was from his father!"
"Strange... let's find out the truth in our planet. You will sleep for a month, doctor. When you wake up, we will have fulfilled the mission." Crom explained, coldly.
"You are crazy! Mirov will sacrifice the boy! He wants to be king! Please, Crom, don't do that!" Zara begged.
Crom, ignoring her appeals, froze Zara. Then, all Science's crew members were taken to the cryogenic chambers. The ship was scheduled to return to planet Life in a month.
Nicholas, at Star Hunter, tried to communicate with Zara, but to no avail. A tightness in the chest, a sense of anguish, invaded him.
"Zara, can you hear me? Drako? Tibor?"
Silence was the only answer. He, alone, felt unable to react.
Merko led Star Hunter to the depths of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, where they could wait until the moment of the trip. No one knew Mirov's plans, not even Merko, who believed he was fulfilling orders from the King.
On the Royal Council, Kenan wondered, "Why does Mirov want the boy so much? What does he hide?"
Read #ThePhantomMan Duology by #ChaieneSantosWriter
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