XXIX - The Escape
Drops of cold sweat slid down Mirov's forehead, each tick-tock of the clock amplifying his anxiety. The soft leather armchair did not bring him comfort; the wait was like torture. He got up impatiently and began to pace through the room like a caged animal. His heavy steps broke the silence, echoing in his walls adorned with star maps and ancestral weapons.
"Why is Radof, that incompetent, taking so long?" His voice was rough and impatient. "Where is he now?"
The frustration gnawed at him. He needed information, wanted action. He decided to contact Merko, hoping to obtain some clue about the whereabouts of Radof and the progress of the surgery.
"Commander Merko," Mirov said, his voice controlled despite his irritation, "is everything going well with boy's surgery?"
"Yes, Mr. Counselor," Merko said, with calm. "In a few moments, I will personally explain the details of the surgery to you, Sir. Please wait for me."
"Miserable Captain!" Mirov thought, grinding his teeth. "He didn't give me any clue of what is happening. I need a plan B if Radof fails and puts everything to lose."
His eyes traveled the room in search of a solution.
"I know!" He exclaimed in a low voice, a sinister smile forming on his lips. "I'll call Fizard, the head of the Royal Guard."
Fizard, in his quarters, was resting after a long day at work. The bracelet on his wrist, usually inert at that hour, began to vibrate and emit a red light. He activated it, projecting a hologram in the air. Mirov's image, with his penetrating gaze and cruel smile, stared at him.
"Captain Fizard, something happened to my servant Radof. I want you to find out what is happening in the hospital and tell me everything. Remember our promise: You will be the Commander of the planetary troops when I ascend to the throne. Did you do everything as we agreed?"
Fizard felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. The power that Mirov offered him was tempting, but betrayal of the king weighed on his conscience. However, ambition spoke louder.
"Yes, Sir," Fizard said, in a firm voice. "I will send my officers to investigate..."
"Move, Fizard!" Mirov ordered, impatience transparing in his voice. "And don't disappoint me!"
Mirov's image dissipated in the air, leaving Fizard alone with his thoughts. He walked to the window and watched the city extend under him. Mirov's promise echoed in his mind: the supreme command of military forces.
An unimaginable power. But at what cost? Betraying the king, risking his honor, all for ambition? A chill traveled his spine. What if Mirov failed? What if the king discovered his betrayal? He clenched his fists. He couldn't go back. He had gone too far. He would have to move on, no matter the cost.
Meanwhile, in one of the hospital's waiting rooms, Zara felt anxiety grow in her chest. She tried to communicate with Merko and the others, but they asked her ro have patience, saying they were committed to ensuring the safety of Nicholas and the princess. Sivoc, with his wisdom and compassion, did not want her to worry during her pregnancy.
Zara took her hand to her belly, caressing it with love. She thought of Nick, the baby she carried in his womb, and the bonds of love that united them.
"I don't understand the reason for so many secrets," she thought, the concern clinging to her eyes with the color of topaz. "Is anything serious happening? But Sivoc knows what he's doing. I need to be calm..."
She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Unable to hold back her anxiety, she went to where Tibor was:
"What is happening, Zara? Are you worried about Nick?"
"He is very important to me..."
"I know. He is maturing and every day I admire his courage more."
"I hope he's fine."
"Our team is united to make sure everything will work out."
She looked at the floor, thoughtful.
In the command center, Drako monitored the operation carefully. His agile fingers danced on the holographic keyboard, analyzing data and intercepting communications.
Suddenly, an almost invisible spider-robot emerged at his table, conveying images and sounds from Mirov's room. Drako watched the conversation between Mirov and Fizard, a smile of satisfaction opening on his face.
"Good job, my pet. Go back there and keep doing your service."
The evidence against Mirov accumulated. Drako sent the files to Sivoc, who shared them with Kenan. Together they took the evidence to King Zador.
"How can it be?" The king exclaimed, incredulously. "I had known Mirov for so many years... I trusted him! Now I understand his reasons for sending a second spaceship. He wanted to sabotage the mission, intervene with his sinister plans!"
"Yes, Your Majesty," Sivoc confirmed. "Mirov's ambition has no limits. He wants power at any cost, even if it means harming the Princess and destroying the planet Life."
The king, furious, ordered the immediate arrest of Mirov and Fizard, as well as all who participated in the betrayal.
In the hospital, Tibor prevented the entry of Radof into the surgery room. Mirov's servant, frustrated and with no way out, teleported to the corridor leading to his room. There, he would wait for new orders from his master. Drako, who watched him with one of his robot insects attached to his clothes, passed the location to Nicholas.
"Radof," Nicholas said, firmly. "You're under arrest for conspiring against the King!"
Radof, surprised, tried to ready his gun, but Nicholas was faster. With a gesture of his hand, using his telekinetic powers, he disarmed Radof and arrested him with force handcuffs provided by Merko.
Nicholas held Radof's arm and took him to Merko.
"Take care of him, Merko," Nicholas said, handing over Radof to the alien. "I need to go after Mirov."
"Wait!" Merko exclaimed, worried. "Our plan was going together!"
"There is no time!" Nicholas replied, already teleporting. "I will warn you!"
Merko watched the young man disappear, surprised by his courage and determination. But the danger was imminent.
Meanwhile, King Zador argued with Kenan about the arrest of Mirov and Fizard. But a young man, named Croiff, listened to everything, hidden in the shadows. He, a friend of Radof's, moved by ambition, saw in that information an opportunity to approach power. He went to Mirov's quarters with a plan in mind.
"Excuse me, Mr. Counselor," he said with a false reverence. "Can I come in?"
Mirov, surprised by the interruption, stared at him.
"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked with roughness.
"I'm Croiff, a humble palace buttler, Radof's friend," the young man replied with a honeyed voice. "And I bring important news."
"Speak quickly, I don't have time to waste with servants!"
"I heard the King order your prison, Mr. Counselor" Croiff said, with an air of compassion. "And Captain Fizard too. Radof is already arrested. Run away, Sir, before it's too late!"
Mirov felt a shiver run through his spine. He had been betrayed. But by whom? There was no time to find out. He needed to escape.
"Thanks for the warning," Mirov said, disguising his panic. "Now get out of here!"
Croiff left, pleased with his trick. He had gained Mirov's trust and, perhaps, a place beside the future king.
Nicholas, who had gone to Mirov's room, arrived later, not seeing Croiff leaving... He saw Mirov gathering some belongings and heading for a painting on the wall, a portrait of King Zador's father. Mirov pressed the eye of the portrait and, as if by magic, a secret passage opened. Nicholas saw the door closing and ran toward the frame.
"Merko," he whispered in his communicator, "Mirov fled through a secret passage in his room!"
"Don't do anything!" Merko ordered, his voice tense. "I'm going there!"
Nicholas, ignoring the order of Merko, began to touch the picture in search of the mechanism that opened the passage. His fingers traveled the cold surface, finding buttons, slits, recesses. Nothing happened. Suddenly he touched the eye of the portrait and the passage opened. The young man took a deep breath and entered.
He had brought his cell phone from the Earth, and with its flashlight, the boy illuminated the way. Remembering Tibor's instructions, he touched the bracelet on his wrist. A light began to blink on Drako's computer, which warned Merko and the others.
Upon seeing the route that Nicholas followed, the captain understood Mirov's fate: the Mutant Forest, a dangerous and inhospitable place. He needed to prevent the boy from falling into a trap. Drako's nano spider was clinging to Mirov's clothes, emitting an intermittent signal.
Merko, inside a spaceship, with his eyes fixed on the hologram that pulsed on the control panel, followed the light trail that indicated the location of Mirov. The counselor, as a cornered creature, ran through the labyrinthine tunnels of the palace's underground, towards the Mutant Forest.
"He knows these tunnels like the palm of his hand," Merko said, the apprehension growing in his chest. "I need to be faster."
Nicholas also requested the location of the fugitive counselor.
"Drako, give me the coordinates of the place where Mirov is going..."
"I sent the coordinates to your bracelet, Nick."
The boy teleported and reached a dark place that he would never imagine existed on that planet.
The Mutant Forest was an place full of unpredictable dangers. Genetically modified creatures, carnivorous plants, and natural traps lurked in each corner.
Merko knew Mirov was desperate, and was capable of anything, including harming the boy.
Meanwhile, Mirov advanced through the darkness, guided only by the flickering light of his communicator. The heavy and humid air oppressed his lungs, and the silence was broken only by the sound of his own steps. He remembered those tunnels as if he were in the past: the hide-and-seek games with Zador's father, children's adventures... Now that place was his refuge, his last hope.
"I will soon be free," Mirov murmured, trying to convince himself. "Fizard will gather an army under my orders, take the Senate and finish the king as soon as Isadora loses her life. I hope Radof will do his part..."
Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the tunnels, making Mirov shudder. A monstrous creature, with tentacle-ike arms and bright red eyes came from the shadows, blocking his way. Mirov felt the panic freeze his blood. He was trapped.
The creature advanced, showing its sharp claws and threatening teeth. Mirov tried to retreat, but it was too late. He closed his eyes, waiting for the fatal blow.
But the blow didn't come. Instead, he heard a sharp tinnitus and felt a strong air current. When he opened his eyes, he saw the creature being thrown away, hit by a ray of energy. Merko had arrived to save him.
"Merko!" Mirov exclaimed, surprised and relieved.
The captain teleported beside him.
"You're under arrest, Mirov," Merko said, in a cold and relentless voice. "Surrender and avoid more bloodshed."
With a hand under his tunic, Mirov shot. Merko collapsed on the floor.
When Mirov thought of running away, he soon realized that he had no choice. The weapons at the spaceship pointed their powerful cannons at him. He dropped his gun and knelt down. Nicholas was in the cabin aiming at him with the weapons.
The young man teleported and shackled him with energy handcuffs. The Mutant Forest, with its dangers and mysteries, had witnessed the fall of a power-hungry man.
A doctor and a nurse came down to help Merko. Nicholas knelt near him while the counselor was taken cuffed to the spaceship.
Merko opened his eyes and showed the armor in his chest. It had a vest that absorbed the laser rays.
"That was close! I'm glad I was prepared."
They both smiled at each other, while Nicholas gave Merko his hand, helping him get up. He still felt a bit of pain.
From inside a cell on the ship, Mirov stared at them, full of hatred.
"Traitors... I will take revenge on them sooner or later."
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Isadora's surgery was approaching. The girl, lying on her bed, felt a mixture of hope and fear. She knew her life was on the hands of Nicholas and the doctors.
Suddenly, a familiar figure emerged beside her bed. Something unusual was happening and she didn't understand. She rubbed her eyes as she saw two Nicholas. The young man appeared next to another one lying on the stretcher next to her. The one who was lying pressed his bracelet and began to squirm, turning into Sanches.
"Good luck, friend," Sanches said, with an encouraging smile. "Save the princess and take care. We will see each other soon."
Nicholas nodded, his heart beating hard. He was ready to fulfill his mission. They both smiled at the princess.
When Merko received Sivoc's information package, he confirmed them with advisor Kenan. Knowing the Machiavellian plans, Nicholas had a brilliant idea: While Sanches replaced him in the hospital, Nick would be free to use his telekinetic powers and help his friends arrest Mirov. They also needed time to find out if there were more traitors in collusion with the traitorous counselor.
The nurses arrived and took him to the surgery room. Isadora watched him, grateful, her eyes conveying a silent message of hope.
In the surgery room, the atmosphere was tense. The doctors worked accurately. While the holographic monitors showed the vital signs of Nicholas and Isadora, the chief surgeon, with firm hands, began the procedure.
The incisions were made with a laser scalpel, and the bone marrow of Nick was carefully removed. The doctors worked in silence, only the sound of the equipment broke the solemn atmosphere.
After a few hours, the surgery was successfully completed. Nick was taken to the recovery room, while Isadora received the marrow that would give her a new chance of life.
Nicholas opened his eyes slowly, feeling a slight pain in his body. He was in a comfortable bed, in a quiet and bright room. Beside him, Merko and Zara watched him with a proud smile. Tibor was attentive to everything.
"You were amazing," Merko said, his voice thrilled. "You saved the Princess and helped capture Mirov. The planet Life will be forever grateful to you."
Zara smiled at him.
Nicholas smiled back, feeling a deep satisfaction. He had overcome his fears and become a true hero. And all this due to his love of Zara and his altruism to Princess Isadora.
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