XII - The Face of Evil
On planet Life, counselor Mirov, with a predatory smile on his lips, intercepted every word exchanged between Sivoc and counselor Kenan. The satisfaction of spying on the movements of the scientific team was almost palpable.
"Commander Sivoc, the girl will not resist long without proper treatment. King Zador is on the edge of collapse. We need to act, because the council has not yet decided on the succession in the event of the king's disability, due to his daughter's illness. His attachment to her is notorious."
"We already have the boy, Mr. Kenan. Soon we will depart. We will warn you when we cross the spacetime bridge."
"Safe travels, Captain Sivoc! I wish success in your mission."
"With this loss, the King will sink into a deep despair. My chances of ascending to the throne will be immense if the mission is successful. I will show everyone that I am the most competent counselor to rule. My spies watch the royal family day and night and some military men support me if it is necessary to take power by force. This planet will be mine! After eliminating the girl's old nurse, I will put a substitute under my control. She will change the princess's medicines, and perhaps death will come earlier than expected."
Mirov narrowed his eyes and continued to think:
"If she survives and the Earth specimen is necessary, I depend on Captain Merko's success so I can stand out on the Royal Council, in a possible election for the choice of the new monarch."
Mirov's gaze was dark, his thoughts overflowed ambition. Accompanied by his advisor Radof, he contacted Commander Merko. The captain's holographic image materialized before him.
"We intercepted a communication from Sivoc's ship," the counselor announced.
"Please, Sir, send us the coordinates."
"Radof has not yet been able to determine the exact origin of the signal, but in a few hours, we will have the information. Wait for my contact."
"Yes, sir! We are anxious."
In the ship Science, the crew discussed what would be essential for the survival of the boy. Drako proposed:
"We can implement a chip on Nicholas' retina, allowing direct access to our database. He will be in permanent contact with computer X2."
Tibor, a muscular man, approached and stated:
"I will train him in combat. He needs to know how to defend himself from the dangers awaiting him. It's a task that pleases me a lot!"
"What do you think of this, Nicholas?" Zara asked.
"Will I learn to read minds like you?"
"Yes, but that requires longer training. You will learn the main fighting techniques, but you will have to adapt your body to your mind. Tibor will be your mentor."
"With this thin body, you will have to work hard. I will prepare food supplements and special vitamins I usually use to strengthen skinny humans." Tibor said with a smile.
"I'm a little scared. Is there any risk?"
"My dear Nick, I'll take care of you personally. I am a specialist in chip implants", Zara said with love, seeking to reassure him.
Nicholas returned the smile. He was curious to try the technology of his new friends, and learning to fight was a privilege for a young man like him.
The preparations for surgery started. Zara applied a sedative and then anesthetized Nicholas, placing him on the operating table. After a 3D scanning, the computer X2 built a holographic model of the boy's skull, determining the best access point for the implant. They took the opportunity to insert another hippocampal chip, expanding his memory capacity, and a third in the temporal region, for future transmutations.
Zara followed Nicholas' recovery closely. Hours later, he woke up disoriented, but soon regained his conscience. He watched the lights on the ceiling, recognizing Science's surgery room. His eyes found those of Zara, always present. He saw the nurses and the robotic arms around. He thought, "My mind looks different. Everything I see brings me information."
"Is everything okay, Nick? How do you feel?"
"Yes, I can see you. If I died, I think I'm in heaven."
She smiled:
"Let's go to the recovery room next door. There you can rest until you restore completely."
In the recovery room, Zara touched a button on the wall and the image of Sivoc emerged.
"Captain, any sign of the enemy ship?"
"Not yet, but we need to leave as soon as possible." He looked at the boy. "How are you, Nicholas?"
"Fine, sir. The operation was a success."
"Excellent. We can start the preparations for the hibernation of the ship."
Zara then explained to Nicholas:
"We have implanted some chips on you. One will allow genetic transmutation so you can become one of us when necessary. Another will give you access to our database, and a third has increased your memory."
"So that's why I feel strange. I think I'll like it," he said with a slight smile, still feeling relaxed.
Nicholas began to realize that he understood the functioning of everything he saw and touched. His mind was faster. In the first moments, he felt disconnected, absorbing information from everything around him.
He smiled as he felt the power of knowledge. Now it was time to prepare for the challenges that awaited him.
Zara led him to the front of the ship.
"Don't worry about the changes, Nick. I will be by your side to help you adapt. Knowledge is the best weapon for it allows you to find solutions to any problem."
Tibor approached:
"Give me your right arm."
He removed the bracelet from Nick and reprogrammed it.
"This bracelet is from our planet. I don't know how your father got it, but it can teleport you to the ship or anywhere on Earth. The lue light indicates the ship, and the other allows you to select one place using its coordinates. After the first transport, the device records the location, which can be selected with a touch."
Nicholas looked at the bracelet, marveled. He didn't know how he got it, but he was happy that he did.
"Man, this is amazing! Terrific!"
Tibor, Drako and Zara smiled at the boy's excitement.
It was time to leave the ship, because danger approached. Safety depended on staying hidden, and Nicholas' training was about to begin.
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