Chapter 20
Chapter 20: Farewell Ball
December, 8, 1900
Author's POV
It was the day, of the Ball. A lot of royalties are here, since they are going to leave, the day after tomorrow. Everybody was still waiting for the other royals to arrive.
While, the others are still busy getting ready for either the ball itself or something big. Every single royal is required to attend and that also means, Ryujin and Yeji should attend as well.
Although, the two of them hate the idea of it. They still didn't have a choice. Since, they were both forced to come, by some untreatable people. People like Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai.
Both Yeji and Ryujin, are plotting on how to at least get back at them or maybe kill them. But, then again, all of them were suffering from it, since all of them are here. Including Taehyun and Chaeryeong since they were forced to be here, by Ryujin.
Speaking, of Ryujin, she was visibly looking for somebody, in the ball. Ryujin was also obviously worried, for something or maybe someone. Ryujin, kept on glancing on the entrance where, it was super crowded. Due to all the royalties who are keeps on coming in the place.
Ryujin was still busy looking around the place, while somebody quickly approached her place, and decided to scare her. "Who are you looking for Ryujin?" Beomgyu asked, behind Ryujin making her jump.
"Huh? What do you mean looking? I wasn't looking for somebody." Ryujin said, denying it.
"Oh come on. It's so obvious. So, who is it?" Beomgyu asked, getting much more curious, while smiling.
Ryujin hesitated for a while, but gave up. "Fine. You win. I'm looking for my little sister. Since, this is a farewell ball and they're going back to Roselia. That means this is my last time seeing her." Ryujin said, and smiled bitterly.
Beomgyu's smile, dropped since he knows the feeling that Ryujin currently has. "I know what you're feeling right now. Ryu." Beomgyu said, and comforted Ryujin.
"But, there's something that I can't take off my chest..." Ryujin said. Which made Beomgyu confuse.
"What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked Ryujin.
"Well. Ever since we were kids, whenever Yuna is in danger, I always have a feeling and it was and never has been wrong. All my life and right now. I'm feeling it once again." Ryujin said, and looked at Beomgyu.
Beomgyu, looked around, to see if he can spot Yuna. Which, he did. She was with Kai, laughing and eating desserts on their respective tables. Beomgyu looked over at to Ryujin just to see her still looking around the place.
Beomgyu, tapped Ryujin's shoulder. "Hey. Relax. She's in good hands. She's with my brother." Beomgyu said, making Ryujin a bit calmer. But, then Ryujin somehow made a confused look.
"Wait. Which, brother?" Ryujin asked and tilted her head to the side.
'Argh. Why are you so cute?' Beomgyu thought, and took Ryujin's hand and took her to the center of the ballroom.
"Yah! Why did you do that?!" Ryujin asked Beomgyu.
"Why can't I?" Beomgyu asked Ryujin, teasingly.
"I mean you could've just asked me, and I would've said 'yes' right away." Ryujin said, muttering underneath her breathe. But, it was still audible for Beomgyu, also surprising Beomgyu.
"Uh. I'll just pretend I never heard you. Anyway, the brother that I was referring to earlier was my younger brother. The dolphin screeching penguin, which loves plushies and has really big bread plushy inside his bedroom." Beomgyu said, making Ryujin laugh at him.
They stayed quiet, for a bit. It wasn't awkward it was just right. It was a comfortable type of silence. It was like it was just the two of them in the universe. They were both dancing, just like before.
"This reminds me something, doesn't it Ryujin?" Beomgyu asked Ryujin, remembering his memories.
Ryujin then pretended to think. "You're right." Ryujin said, smiling at him. After that, the both of them continued to dance the night away.
It was almost time for everybody to return to their own bedrooms and rest. That is until; somebody suddenly barged inside the ballroom. Making almost everybody look at that direction.
Even the people who are either busy with dancing or eating. But, once they saw the person, people in the ballroom started whispering.
"Isn't that Princess Minju?"
"Yeah. But, why is dressed in all black manner?"
"Is she out of her mind?"
"I don't even know her anymore."
"It's a shame, why didn't she come in earlier? She just missed the ball."
Minju then quickly walked towards the center of the ballroom, elegantly. She looked over to where Beomgyu and Ryujin were seated with their friends.
"I already thought you knew me better Beomgyu. You know me. I get what I want." Minju said, and looked at Beomgyu straight in the eyes.
"What do you want now, Minju?!" Beomgyu shouted at Minju. Which, Beomgyu quickly signaled both Yeonjun and Yeji to get ready when to strike Minju.
"You know that I only want you!" Minju shouted back at him.
"But, does he want you?" Hyunjin suddenly cut in the conversation.
"Just, leave him alone with Ryujin already! Find somebody else!" Hyunjin shouted at Minju, as he stood up from his seat.
"Shut up will you! I already have a plan and I can make him mine with just a command." Minju said, and looked at Beomgyu and Ryujin.
"So, since we all know that Beomgyu likes the so-called 'Princess Prodigy'." Minju said, and looked at Ryujin glaring at her.
Which, confused Ryujin and she immediately looked at Beomgyu who was looking at the opposite way, avoiding her gaze. "What is she talking about Beomgyu?" Ryujin asked Beomgyu.
Beomgyu took a really deep sigh, before answering her. "I was supposed to be the one to say that to you, before this year ends." Beomgyu said, while scratching the back of his neck.
Ryujin was left utterly completely shocked with what she just heard. 'He actually likes me too?' Ryujin thought.
"Enough of that! I'm not here for that. I'm here for her!" Minju said, as she pointed at Ryujin.
"Wait? Why are you exactly doing this? I just met you like once!" Ryujin said.
"That's right! You only met me once! But, even with that one meeting. You just entered a den. Something very dark. At the same time, something very dangerous. Where you don't know what lurks in it." Minju said, while smirking as if she actually won it.
"I know you wouldn't come with me, willingly. So, now I did something I will never regret in my entire life." Minju said.
Ryujin looked at her confused. "I kidnapped your little baby sister. The second princess. Princess Yuna." Minju said, mockingly. Which, made Ryujin look around the perimeter to check if she was lying or not. Unfortunately, she wasn't.
"Where is she?!" Ryujin shouted at Minju.
Minju just shrugged her shoulders. "You'll know when you come with me." Minju said, and took out a sword and pointed it towards Ryujin's direction.
Ryujin was about to go to her, when somebody suddenly held her. Preventing her from going to Minju or even moving. "No. Ryujin! It's too dangerous!" Beomgyu said, and tries to stop Ryujin from going near Minju.
"Beomgyu! You don't understand! This is Yuna we're talking about! My sister!" Ryujin said, as she tries to get out of his grip.
But, since Beomgyu was very vulnerable when it comes to Ryujin his defense suddenly collapsed down and let her escape from his grasp. "Ryujin!" Beomgyu shouted, as he tried to go near her. When, somebody took out an arrow and a bow and pointed it at him.
"Shot. We're not prepared for this, Yeji." Yeonjun said to Yeji, while glancing at her.
"I know. But, we both took an oath to protect Beomgyu and we will." Yeji said looking determined.
"Come on. You want to save your little baby sister, right? Ryujin?" Minju asked, tempting Ryujin.
"Okay. Okay. I'll come just don't hurt her!" Ryujin said, while going near Minju.
"Ryujin! Don't!" Beomgyu warned Ryujin, but it was too late, Ryujin already reached Minju's place.
Minju quickly put the sword on Ryujin's neck and started pushing her out from the room. Once, Minju was no longer at sight, the minions also started leaving the place, leaving the people inside the room shocked. Especially Beomgyu.
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