Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Encounter of Hearts
August, 26, 1900
Ryujin's POV
"Eonni!" I heard somebody shout, it quickly made me stay in my place, as if I was glued to the ground.
'That, voice that. That can't be her, right?' I mentally asked myself.
'Is it really her? Is it really Yuna?' I mentality asked myself once again.
My heart says to turn around, but my mind was saying otherwise. But, me being me, I turned around and saw her. I never thought that I will ever see her again, because it's been years since I ran away.
When I saw her, I was still frozen to the ground. As much, as I wanted to run to her and hug her, I couldn't because I was too scared to think what she will do to me.
Thinking it will be probably something bad, I closed my eyes, wanting to wake up from this dream. I really want to see her, but I don't as well, argh. It's hard to make up your mind when you have clouds of thoughts in it.
While my eyes were still closed, I suddenly heard somebody running, I opened my eyes, and I was greeted by somebody hugging me, specifically it was my younger sister Yuna.
"Eonni! I missed you!" Yuna said, and started crying.
Once I heard those words come out from her mouth, tears are also starting to fall from my eyes. I quickly hugged her back.
'It's really her... I can't believe it...' I thought.
I heard more footsteps coming so I quickly pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears that are just as precious as diamonds.
"Shhh.. Mother and Father might kill me if they saw you crying..." I said, and comforted her.
"We have to go now, Yuna. I'll see you when I have time, don't worry. I won't go anywhere this time." I said, while wiping her tears and smiling.
"Promise me?" She said, and held up her pinky finger.
"I promise." I said, and took her pinky finger.
I quickly went over the other two, to drag them both towards the infirmary. When I heard somebody shout my sister's name.
"Yuna!" I heard somebody shout.
That made me looks towards at the person who called her. It was Beomgyu and he wasn't alone, he was with Yeonjun oppa and Yeji eonni, and his younger brother. It looked like they ran all the way over here, and it also looked like my sister caused quite the ruckus at the tea party.
I secretly laughed at her, she still didn't change although she likes to play tea party with me, but when it comes to royal tea parties she starts to throw a tantrum and that often causes my parents to have some small arguments, from time to time.
I took a glance at Beomgyu and the others, they looked so confused, maybe to why we're here, in the first place, and why the Second Princess of Roselia or maybe a Court Herbalist of Clarines was looking at their direction.
But, I guess they didn't mind that and went over to my sister, maybe to take her back to where the tea party is being held. They walked over to where she was standing, and talked to her, I quickly gave her a faint smile.
Yuna's POV
I was still busy looking at Ryujin eonni, when they came in the picture, I saw her give a faint smile, I guess she noticed them also.
"Princess Yuna, Come on. I'm pretty sure, you don't want you parents to be here, just to see you here and look at our Court Herbalists, right?" Prince Beomgyu asked me.
"She's a Court Herbalist?" I asked him, while pointing at eonni.
"Yeah, she's one of the best; actually she is better than Taehyun. If I do say so myself." He said, bragging about it.
But, I sensed something was off, so I quickly turned around to look at him. I looked at him seriously.
"Do you like my sister?" I asked him, which I guess took him a while to digest what I said.
"W-Wait- what do you mean, 'Your Sister' Ryujin never mentioned that she had a sister, and a younger one." He said, while looking at me seriously.
"Stop, being delusional, Princess Yuna. Your sister died six years ago." He said, and looked me at the eye.
"Excuse me! That's my sister, right there! She's the First Princess of Roselia, Princess Shin Ryujin!" I shouted at him, and ran towards my sister's place.
Ryujin's POV
I was busy looking at them, and by the looks of it they were having an argument. I can see Yuna's expression right now, I laughed knowing her, she's already mad.
"Excuse me! That's my sister, right there! She's the First Princess of Roselia, Princess Shin Ryujin!" I heard Yuna shout, I was surprised with what she said. She then, ran towards me.
"Eonni! That guys keeps on telling me you're already dead..." She said, and she had tears on her eyes. I then looked at Beomgyu and the others, they ran her as well.
'Oh boy... I'm in big trouble right now...' I thought.
I saw Yeji eonni's expression saying, 'What should we do now?'
"Ryujin can you please tell Princess Yuna here, that her sister Princess Shin Ryujin, died a long time ago. And you are not, Princess Shin Ryujin." He said, while catching his breath.
For some reason, that kind of hurt me, I admit. Knowing the person you like, tells you that you died years ago, hurts.
"Eonni..." I heard Yuna as, while pouting and saw her tears were already flowing, so I being the sister that I am, quickly frantically, wiped the tears away.
"Yuna... don't cry... Eonni's here..." I said, comforting her.
"What the-?" Beomgyu started.
"Ryujin! I told you to say to her that you aren't her sister!" He shouted at me.
That was the first time Beomgyu shouted at me, it definitely hurts.
"Hey! Who are you to shout at my sister?!" Yuna shouted back at him.
"And who are you to shout at my Brother?!" The third Prince shouted, if I'm not mistaken, his name is Choi Kai.
While all of them were starting to fight, I was just watching them, alongside with Yeonjun oppa, Yeji eonni, Chaeryeong, and Taehyun. We were all just looking and watching them.
When, we heard footsteps, and it seems like this time there were many people coming towards us.
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