Peace and serenity embraced Erdudvyl in her dreams as for once it did not focus on situations of the present or future. Rabbits and rolling hills littered her subconscious, giving her a state of bliss she had long forgotten.
The bliss was short-lived as her sleep was broken abruptly by the thunderous banging of her bedroom door.
"Cursian wægn ôs" she shouted as her heart felt as if it was splitting in two, angrily surveying the room to identify the horrific disturbance that had taken her away from a state of joy and calm.
The door rattled like an angry snake, with each hit the thundering noise echoed the room endlessly. As Erdudvyl stared at it with a ferocious glare she cursed once more in her elven tongue "Cursian wægn ôs".
She clambered out of bed with a lack of grace unbefitting a woman of her stature and race, and as she glared at a reflection of herself on her dressing table she cursed once more hoping that whoever was behind the door would have a damn good reason to disturb her at this time of night.
The banging continued, not helping Erdudvyl's mood, as she plodded towards the door. If she had the power to rip the door off its hinges, she would have done so.
Unlocking it proved difficult; a combination of tiredness and irritation had made her clumsy. She took a deep breath, remembering that as an Elf, appearances were everything, she must try and not hit the person on the other side repeatedly.
Fortunately, the banging had stopped.
As she eventually managed to pull the door open she looked up to see the tearful, distraught face of Chrys with a cheek that had turned purple and swollen leaving her normally cheerful face, deformed.
Erdudvyl wanted to ask what had happened, but her voice came out empty. A combination of tiredness and confusion had left her literally speechless.
"Loldirr... She's... Oh my God... They...they" Chrys started crying hysterically as she tried to explain what had happened, but while her explanation was none existent, Erdudvyl had picked up this was an extremely catastrophic situation.
Quickly pulling Chrys into her room, Erdudvyl quickly glanced towards the two guards standing outside her chambers. "No one enters," she instructed before slamming the door shut and locking it behind her.
Chrys struggled to breathe in between her floods of tears. No words exited her mouth as she was trying desperately to explain the dire situation that they were in.
Erdudvyl needed answers immediately though.
"Milde," said Erdudvyl in her elven tongue. Her hand glowed white instantly calming Chrys to a state in which she was comprehensible. "Explain what happened."
As Chrys explained to Erdudvyl the events just passed and how Loldirr was to be executed when the sun will be at its highest, Erdudvyl face seemed to pale with each word.
"I don't understand, why would they do this to her?" Chrys sniffled. Her heavily bruised cheek, covered in tears, glistening in the candlelight.
Erdudvyl sighed, determining the best cause of action. Their plan to appease Lionmane had unravelled drastically, and now it was damage limitation. Chrys had shown loyalty up to this point, and soon, whatever will happen, she deserved to know some of the truth.
"Loldirr Fargold does not exist, " explained Erdudvyl, "she is, in fact, Loldirr Aex-Igh, the rightful Empress of Isovine. It is possible, however unlikely, that the Emperor has been made to believe as such. As a result, we are now all in grave danger."
Chrys' face was plastered in shock. Her response was none existence.
Erdudvyl looked towards the door before facing Chrys once more. She needed to move quickly to try and calm the situation down and hopefully gain some traction again in this disastrous diplomatic mission.
"Can you prepare me quickly to see the Emperor?" Erdudvyl asked as she tried to untangle some of her eccentric-looking hair. "Afterwards, you must leave the castle immediately."
A look of shock embraced Chrys' face. "Leave?"
Erdudvyl carefully placed her hand on Chrys' bruised cheek, almost instantly the swelling that had started turning black was easing and returned to normal. "If they suspect Loldirr, they will not hesitate to kill you and the rest of her staff."
Chrys patted her cheek, expecting there to be some pain, instead, it felt normal, and her vision, which had been partially impaired was back to normal. "But what about you?"
Erdudvyl smiled at Chrys' naivety and innocence. "They would dare not harm a representative of the Deayitora Dominion. Do not worry, when the time is right, I will contact you. But in the meantime, escape the castle, and lay low in the streets of Lionmane."
Chrys nodded. The pain may have gone from her cheek, but the streams of tears continued to flow.
Flanked by two Ravenscourt soldiers, Erdudvyl briskly stormed towards the most likely place for the Emperor to be, apart from his bed-chamber. The throne room.
Despite her short stature, her determination and frustration meant her stride forwards were brisk and abrupt. She had spent the last twenty or so minutes winding herself up while Chrys was preparing her for an introduction with the Emperor.
Erdudvyl had discerned that in order to not feel intimidated by the huge and formidable frame of the Emperor, that she would need to come across confident and assured in her position and ability. If there was any way to have Loldirr released from captivity, it was imperative that Erdudvyl was equal to the most powerful human in the realm.
As she headed towards the doors of the Emperor's throne room, two guards, with halberds, instantly crossed their weapons with a swish and a clang. "No one may enter, milady."
Erdudvyl stopped just short of the door. "I demand an immediate audience with the Emperor," she ordered.
"The Emperor is not to be disturbed milady, not by anyone."
"You will let me in, or I'll make sure that the Deayitora Dominion is aware that it was you two that caused a diplomatic incident between our two races." she barked.
Clearly, the time spent winding herself up had worked. She had no authority from the Dominion to do anything, but how would they know? All they could see was an angry little elf with two fully armed soldiers behind her. The look on their faces showed they were certainly fearful.
Initially looking at each other they then returned their gaze on Erdudvyl. They may fear her, but they feared the Emperor more. "We're sorry milady, but no one may enter."
As Erdudvyl waved her hand, the two soldiers behind her, unsheathed their swords so a small part of the steel could be seen glistening in the candlelight.
The change in the posture of the soldiers meant the one's guarding the door briefly took their eyes off Erdudvyl and onto the immediate threat. Just enough time for her to slip under the Halberds and push the doors open wide with purpose.
Pushing her way into the hall, the guards instantly lowered their halberds in a threatening manner. The sound of two swords slipping from their sheaths could be quickly heard afterwards.
Knowing that behind her bloodshed was a possibility, she didn't look back; she had to remain focused on her task ahead.
Looking up, she spotted the Emperor sat on his throne, with Nimue standing in front of him adjusting her dress. Whatever she was doing clearly embarrassed her as she avoided any eye contact with the outraged elf, but Erdudvyl was not interested in this scandal, she had far more important matters to deal with.
"Your majesty, I demand you immediately release Lady Loldirr from captivity at once. Her arrest was unwarranted and unsanctioned." Erdudvyl urged assertively.
The Emperor looked up towards Erdudvyl as Nimue took the Queen's seat beside him. The smile on her face suggested she was planning to enjoy this war of words.
It was no war, though, it would be a slaughter.
"You demand? Unsanctioned? Unwarranted? You storm your way into my throne room and make demands off me?" the Emperor's voice gradually increased in volume with each question. "I am the Emperor of the Isovine Empire, how dare you come in here and demand anything. Should you have been anyone else I would execute you where you stand."
Erdudvyl refused to back down despite the threat. "This morning, you and the Lady Loldirr enjoyed archery together, and dined all afternoon? How is it now possible that you wish to have her executed?"
"Do you not understand?" bellowed the Emperor "I do what I feel is right for the Empire. Sources close to me claim she may be an heir of my predecessor and I can not; no; will not have anyone or anything cause instability in the realm."
Erdudvyl knew, as a diplomat, she should remain calm, but she was not bred to be a diplomat. "The only cause of instability to the realm is from yourself and the woman sat next to you. Loldirr is Lady Fargold and until this evening, a close friend of your majesty."
The Emperor slammed his fist on the arm of his throne before standing abruptly. He looked towards the two guards who had returned to Erdudvyl's side before returning his gaze towards her. "You dare insult me and the Lady Nimue? You bring that redheaded woman to my court? Any possible reconciliation between Lionmane and Ravenscourt has now been made forfeit. I will send a raven to demand the reinstatement of Lord Millendahl, or I will burn Ravenscourt just as I will burn that whore tomorrow. Sir Searmundr!"
There was a clunk of metal from a darkened corner of the room. The fully armoured Lionguard stepped from the shadow and swung his Zweihänder sword from off his back. As he grabbed it with both hands, carefully holding the blade behind him, he started to stomp towards the Ravenscourt guards.
As the golden flames of the candles flickered against the golden armour, the two guards looked visibly frightened as they unsheathed their swords. With the menacing, towering figure of Sir Searmundr, one of the most accomplished knights of the realm, bearing down on them, they wondered what damage they could do.
As the first guard swung towards Sir Searmundr's torso, Sir Searmundr released his hand from his sword and raised it, allowing the guard's strike to hit the torso true. As Sir Searmundr lowered his arm again, clamping the sword tight, the guard realised that his attack had done no damage except leave a dent in the Lionguard's armour.
With ferocity, Sir Searmundr headbutted the guard with all his might, knocking the guard down until he almost lost consciousness. As the guard struggled to his knees, Sir Searmundr raised his Zweihänder with both hands, bringing it aggressively down almost cleaving the man in two.
Pushing the body away with his foot, he released his heavy sword and focused on the remaining petrified guard.
The guard swang at Sir Searmundr's head in desperation. Equal to his attack, Sir Searmundr ducked underneath it and charged at the guard, knocking him to the ground.
As the guard looked up towards the towering Lionguard, he begged for his life. Desperately trying to get out of the reach of the massive sword he slivered backwards, but all Sir Searmundr was interested in was the sound of fear from the man's voice, the desperation and cries of mercy, until he had heard enough. Swinging the sword down, the cries ended and the sprays of blood painted the golden armour with glee.
Turning his attention towards Erdudvyl, he edged towards her. She refused to move from her position.
"You will dare not touch me," Erdudvyl exclaimed, determined to show no fear towards the man that appeared almost twice her size.
"And what will you do elf?" Sir Searmundr toyed, "I am a knight of the Lionguard."
Erdudvyl walked briskly towards him, her eyes full of hate, "And what will you do, human? I am a Sorceress of the Elements!"
There was a brief hesitation from the Lionguard, aware of the power the short woman had in her hands, fortunately, the Emperor raised his hand before the fight could escalate further.
"She lives, " the Emperor ordered, "We have no quarrel with the Dominion, and that is the only reason you exit this hall with your life. Escort our guest to her chambers, where she will remain until Ravenscourt is dealt with. Let it be said that the Emperor of Isovine is not without mercy."
As Erdudvyl's arms were grabbed by two Lionmane guards, she looked to the floor to watch the 'Emperor's mercy', how two young men were piles of meat and blood on the throne room floor. She looked up to the angry expressions displayed by the Emperor, before turning towards the smile of the seductress, Nimue.
Being escorted out of the throne room abruptly, Erdudvyl couldn't help but feel exasperated by the failure of her actions. Not only had she failed to protect Loldirr and stave off her execution, but her actions had also caused the possible destruction of Ravenscourt, or at the very least, a civil war within the Isovine Empire.
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