There was an unbelievable beauty about the city of Gryffinfall. The capital of the northeastern part of the elven provinces sat upon a constructed lake and sat upon a cliff overlooking the crystal ocean. The city seemed to hover high above the water while its twenty-metre bright white smooth walls made it one of the most impressive sights one could imagine.
It was called the bastion of light and in its ten thousand years since it was built, it had never been breached.
Despite its indomitable daunting features, its marble and golden buildings were one of unimaginable art. Towers extended high in the sky, with the mage's tower in the centre of the city appearing to touch the clouds. Everything was smooth and round, there were no deformities, no edges to anything, the elves simply had made everything perfect.
The large docks sat below the city and housed a number of ships of various designs and size. Two huge ships sat just outside of the docks facing inwards. They dwarfed the Sea Horse as it carefully edged its way towards its berth. Lines of elven archers in their golden-white armour stood along the flanks of the ships like statues. This level of stature, discipline and beauty was something that Loldirr could never have imagined seeing before in her lifetime.
As the portside ship gradually blocked out the sun, Loldirr stood there in amazement.
"Elves are an impressive people, " Ethelston encouraged "but trust me when I say their hospitality will not be anywhere near as impressive."
Loldirr frowned, not appreciating his words of discouragement. This beauty had to be savoured, and their accomplishments praised.
"Can't you just appreciate this beauty. I've never seen anything like it."
Ethelston chuckled as he grabbed his belongings and made his way to the gangway. "I've been to a number of places around this world, I've met many races including Orcs, Goblins, Halflings and Draconids, and to this day I have never met anyone as arrogant and condescending as an Elf." he said rubbing his tired darkened eyes.
"More than you?" an angered Loldirr reacted.
Ethelston laughed. "Certainly my fiery redhead."
The walk up to the outer city gates was a difficult one for Ethleston. After settling their accounts with the Captain, they proceeded up the road but it was steep and long. Ethletson had lost a lot of energy on this voyage across the crystal ocean. Each time he stumbled, Loldirr had to help him to his feet. His arrogance and pride dictated that he do what he could without any assistance, but each time the helping hand came he would let out a small grunt and nod in appreciation.
The golden gates of the city towered above them as they reached the top of the cliff, it's various elven symbols embroidered up along its structure made Loldirr stare in awe, but as Loldirr admired the structure, Ethelston studied the long queue to the two elves sat at a chair approving or rejecting applications into the city. Either side of them stood a complement of soldiers standing upright with hands-on steel and silver ready to draw at an instant. He looked up and watched as the number of archers that manned the walls were enough to take down a small army. It was likely that this was only a small complement of the soldiers within the city.
Considering most of the people requesting access to the city were merchants, tourists, refugees and guild members, it was unlikely that they would last long against this show of force.
As they waited, a small incident could be heard up ahead. It seemed like some human merchants were raising their voices towards the elves who sat approving applications. The only voices that could be heard were the humans as they shouted in argument. The elves mouths could be seen moving, but their voices not heard. As some elven soldiers unsheathed their swords, the humans quickly rescinded their argument, backing down within an instant. Despite them backing down, it didn't stop the Elves from escorting them to a small outdoor prison at the base of the walls.
Loldirr smiled, their discipline and demeanour was something she could learn a lot from.
"Why are you smiling?" Ethelston asked.
"They certainly know how to keep calm in adversity. They certainly showed it with those merchants. I wonder what the argument was about anyway." Loldirr replied.
"For being human." Ethletson responded.
Loldirr laughed. "You really don't like the elves do you?"
"Look around, " Ethelston replied, "do you notice anything about the people entering the city, and the people who are refused entry."
Loldirr looked up towards those entering the city, those in the temporary prison and those looking dejected as they walked away from the city gates.
"That can't be right." Loldirr frowned.
"Only elves are entering the city. Our trip may be for nothing." Ethelston responded with a hint of resentment.
For around three hours they waited in the queue in scorching hot weather and while Ethelston was struggling to stand, Loldirr was starting to get more irritated by the wait. As she continued to watch who entered the city it was becoming apparent that all none elves were being rejected entry. This was one time she didn't want Ethelston to be right.
Eventually, they reached the front of the queue. The fair-skinned pointy-eared Elves refused to raise their bright blue eyes towards the dejected Ethelston and frustrated Loldirr.
"Welcome to Gryffinfall, the Bastion of Light. Your request into the city has been denied, thank you for your wait and godspeed on your journey." the elf mechanically uttered.
Loldirr couldn't believe what she was hearing. They had waited hours in unbearable heat to be refused without the Elf even paying them any attention.
"Next" the second Elf responded.
"Hold on a second, " Loldirr interjected. "I've come a long way to reach this city, I've had to endure hell to get here and you refuse to hear my request to enter into the city."
Ethelston held her arm "Let it go." he responded but Loldirr simply shook it off.
Eventually, the clear blue eyes of the first elf looked up towards Loldirr. "You simply don't fit the criteria that is set to keep this great city being great. Unweorðscipe unwierðe"
Looking towards the soldiers, Loldirr noticed that their hands were holding their swords tighter than before, but she wasn't about to let this go. "And what criteria may that be?" she responded with a hint of venom.
"Pure, Unweorðscipe unwierðe. We do not allow degenerates to taint the purity of this great city. You humans feel you have a right to go where you please, do what you please and destroy what you please." the Elf calmly responded. "The great dominion did not achieve it's superiority by 'dirtying the waters'. Now go, you waste valuable elven time and resources."
Loldirr was taken aback by the sheer audacity this Elf had and really felt up to a war of words with him. But just as she was about to respond Ethelston stepped in. "I apologise for my companion, Weorðfullic beorhtlic, our journey has been long and trying. We shall take our leave."
As Ethelston dragged her away, he could feel the heat of anger coursing through her. "Before you respond, if you had continued we would be spending the next few days with those merchants. We will go to the refugee camp in which we will eat and drink until another opportunity presents itself."
Loldirr could feel the anger rising within her but refused to respond from pure emotion.
"You must learn quickly that things are very different in the real world to what you have grown up to your whole life. One false move could terminate that life quickly. I promised to protect you, I will do that even if it's from yourself." Ethelston informed.
As the sun started to descend behind the horizon, Ethelston and Loldirr entered the refugee camp, it was obvious that the way that the humans had been treated hadn't dampened their spirits. As some were dancing to a jig around a campfire, Ethelston guided Loldirr to an empty log where they could place their stuff down.
It didn't take long for Ethelston to start making acquaintances and using his sharp tongue to barter a meal for the two of them. As he sat down and gave Loldirr her stew he quickly finished his helping before she had even started. He burped and wiped his beard and proceeded to go and barter himself another dish.
As Loldirr took a sip of the peculiar tasting stew, she squinted "Were you hungry?" She chuckled as he returned.
Ethelston downed his next bowl before smiling. "I haven't eaten in days and there is, quite frankly, nothing left in my stomach."
Taking another sip Loldirr responded "I've not had this type of meat before, what is it? It has a very peculiar rich taste."
"Considering I haven't seen any animals since we got here, I feel it's best not to ask the question." Ethelston responded.
Looking at her bowl Loldirr looked at the chunks of meat before feeling a little nauseous. She turned towards Ethelston who continued licking around his bowl. Returning to the bowl she ate a large chunk of meat. Refusing to chew it properly she swallowed it with difficulty. This was not a time to be picky, there was no way to tell when their next meal would be.
"They seem so happy here." Loldirr commented as she watched a young couple swinging each other around the fire.
Ethelston just looked directly at the fire. "This is not happiness, " he commented, "this is forgetting."
As Loldirr looked closer at the faces of the people, she realised that he spoke true. There was sadness deep behind the smiling faces. People driven from their homes or coming here on the next step of their journey only to be treated as outcasts. This was simply a form of escapism.
A young man, maybe just over twenty winters, came dancing up to Loldirr and placed out his hand. There was nothing special about him, his face was plain and entirely forgettable but Loldirr still felt compelled to join him in a dance.
"I shouldn't." she responded as politely as possible. She didn't know why she rejected his advance, maybe all this talk of being an Empress made her feel that she shouldn't be partaking in the joys of the common folk, or maybe it was just embarrassment around Ethelston.
"You should, " Ethelston replied, "Even you need to forget sometimes."
Again, there was truth in his words. This trip had been horrific in nature and a disappointing conclusion to top it off. Maybe having a few moments to switch off and forget was what she needed right now. Perhaps it would also be a little reminder of all she lost at Greenhaven, the common folk, the festivals, dancing with Willis Billingslea.
Without hesitation, she stood and joined the young man flinging herself around the fire without a care in the world.
Ethelston watched before being drawn towards a family of Elves as they started to join the edge of the refugee camp. Likely considered outcasts among their own, they edged around the camp in a hope that no one would spot them. Ethelston spotted them with ease, which would mean others would spot them too.
He was right, a large group of men walked up to them in a menacing fashion. As they approached them, the elven man quickly corralled his wife and two girls behind him. It wouldn't be long before this got out of hand.
"We don't want your kind here." one man announced.
"Your people treat us like shit, and you show yourself here." another responded.
Ethelston stood and made his way to the rabble that had formed.
"I'm sorry, " the elf responded, "We want no trouble."
The head man who instigated the rabble responded menacingly. "Well you've found trouble."
Ethelston coughed to grab their attention. "Elves believe they are superior to us, and your behaviour is proving them correct."
Instantly the men turned to face Ethelston. Fortunately, it was dark and they couldn't see the tiredness that had formed on Ethelston's eyes and the exhaustion that cloaked him, instead, all they could see was an armed mercenary. It didn't appear they would be willing to fight someone who could undoubtedly handle themselves.
"We travelled here for weeks just to be treated like animals by these people." the lead man commented with his voice trembling in anger and dismay.
While Ethelston was prepared for this conversation to escalate, he was happy it didn't appear as it was going to. He was too tired to take on five large men. "And you think these Elves have come here by choice? Unlike them at least we have our own kind to keep each other. Their own people have rejected them."
The men didn't respond but seem to have the fight taken out of them.
"Go and enjoy the festivities, it may be a while before we have some more." Continued Ethelston. With that, the men seemed resigned to returning to the party.
The Elf launched himself at Ethelston's feet, "Thank you my Lord, if there's anything we can give you as thanks for your kindness please say, perhaps one of my daughters?"
It had been a while since Ethelston was last with a woman, but this just didn't feel right at all. This elf was an outcast for a reason and was obviously desperate to survive but to sell off his daughters as thanks was a new low that Ethelston found repulsive.
"You need to learn to gain some respect for you and your family. Don't make me regret defending you this day."
Ethelston swiftly turned around in order to ignore the Elf and returned to his log, hoping to acquire some form of alcoholic beverage to make him forget this encounter.
Allowing himself to relax on the log he let the aches and pains release from his body. He watched Loldirr as she was spinning around with the plain-faced man. He watched as it was the first time since he met her that he had seen her smile. He almost didn't notice the cloaked figure sit beside him.
"I've heard of you, Manticore Hunter. An egotistical womaniser who spends most of his day running from his past and working for the highest bidder." a soft feminine voice calmly commented to him.
A frown descended on Ethelston 's face. "I would like to be left in peace stranger."
"Aggressive temperament, skilled fighter and issues with nobility. Am I close?" the stranger continued.
"Would you like to experience my famous temper?"
"Also known to have a strong sense of honour and protective of the weak and vulnerable." the soft voice seemed to have a calming influence on the continuing conversation. "I saw what you did with those Elves and I'm pleased to say that you did not disappoint."
Ethelston sighed and turned towards the cloaked figure. "Unfortunately today you will not experience my charming personality, state your business and take your leave." he growled.
The cloaked figure turned to him showing her pale soft features and crystal blue elven eyes. "My name is Erdudvyl Ar Moal, daughter of Vaalyun Ar Moal, High Priest of the Tower of Mages. I have come here to find you and your companion, Empress Loldirr Aex-Igh. I have come here to get you both into the city"
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