Izuku Midoriya sat there in his apartment as he read the piece of paper he held in his hands.
It read:
Dear Mr. Midoriya,
We are thrilled to say that you have been offered a job position here at Wayne Enterprises in America to help us set up our new Quirkless Aid Program. Due to your exemplary services to the world and recent circumstances of losing your quirk, we would like to offer you the chance to help people again with this program, as well as give you a tremendous pay.
We look forward to hearing your response.
- Bruce Wayne
Izuku had just gotten the letter in the mail. He had heard of Bruce Wayne. He was a quirkless billionaire who's parents were murdered right in front of him when he was a little boy. That's because he lived in a city in America known as Gotham City... which was also the most crime-infested city in America.
Gotham was a city filled with crime and dangerous super criminals who killed countless innocent people. There were people like the Gotham City Police Department who were protecting people from these criminals, but many of the GCPD were corrupt.
But there were also rumors of... other people who protected the innocent. Throughout the last three decades, there have been rumors and unconfirmed reports of a vigilante in black who protected the innocent and took down criminals.
This vigilante was simply called...
The Batman.
No one knows who he truly is, what his quirk is, or if he even really exists. But there have been confirmed sightings of a light being shined in the sky that displayed some sort of symbol of a bat. The light was reportedly seen to be shined from the roof of the Gotham City Police Department building, but many believe it may just be a scare tactic the GCPD uses to scare criminals.
The Batman presumably also had other vigilantes with him who helped in his fight against crime. Others known as Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Red Robin, and a few others. But they were also speculated to be urban myths and nothing more.
One way or another... the offer from Wayne Enterprises was intriguing to Izuku.
He sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
"Do I really wanna leave Japan?" he said to himself.
He looked back at the paper and saw the phone number on it. He decided to call the number.
It rang for a few moments, and then someone answered.
"Hello?" a voice said in English.
"Uh... hi. This is Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said in English.
"Ah, it's good to hear from you, Mr. Midoriya. This is Bruce Wayne. And you don't need to speak English, I know how to speak Japanese." the voice on the other end said, this time in Japanese.
Izuku's eyes widened. He didn't expect the CEO himself would answer his call, or that the CEO could speak Japanese so flawlessly.
"W— Wow. I didn't think this number was your personal number. I thought it was the number for your company or something." Izuku said in Japanese and in as surprised tone.
Bruce chuckled on the other end.
"Well I wanted to talk to you about this job personally. But first off, I'd like to give you my sympathies. I understand how difficult it must have been for you when you lost your quirk." Bruce said.
"Th— Thanks. It's already been a few months since I lost what was left of my quirk and I'm still not used to it." Izuku responded.
"I'm very sorry for what you lost. But besides that, I take it you're calling about the job I offered you?" asked Bruce.
"Yeah... I accept the job." Izuku said.
"That's great! You'll be helping a lot of people this way. I'll be in Japan in a few days to bring you to the airport." Bruce said.
Izuku was even more surprised.
"You're— You're coming here to Japan?!" he said.
"That's right. This is an important job for you, Mr. Midoriya. And I thought it would be formal to greet you personally." Bruce said.
"Ok. I'll see you in a few days, Sir." Izuku said.
A few days later...
Izuku had all his things packed and was ready to leave. He had told All Might and his mom that he was moving to America, and they were at his apartment to wish him goodbye.
"We'll miss you, my boy." All Might told Izuku.
"I still don't think this is a good idea, Izuku. Gotham City is a very dangerous place." Inko said while wiping tears away, "I hear there are insane villains there like that evil clown man, that half-burned man, that plant lady, and tons of other crazy villains!"
"I'll be safe, Mom. Don't worry." Izuku said.
"I agree with your son, Inko." All Might, "Gotham has plenty of good law enforcement and pro heroes."
"The only pro heroes there are seen as myths. There's never been any direct confirmation of that Bat guy or his sidekicks." Inko pointed out.
"But what about that giant Bat light that shines in the sky from the roof of the Gotham police building? Why would they use that if that Bat guy isn't real?" Izuku countered.
"It could just be to scare criminals into thinking someone's coming to get them. A scare tactic or something." Inko said.
"Mom, I assure you I'll be fine in Gotham. Bruce Wayne has already sent me pictures of what my new apartment will look like. And trust me, it's much bigger and safer than this place." Izuku said, referring to the apartment they were in.
"Well, I'm glad you'll be safe, Midoriya. I'm glad fellow quirkless individuals like Bruce Wayne are looking out for you." All Might said.
Thats when a knock was heard at the door. Izuku answered it to be greeted by...
(A/N: Pretend he's not wearing the exo-skeleton.)
"Wow. I still can't believe you really came all the way here, Mr. Wayne." Izuku said.
"Like I said, I wanted to be formal, Izuku." Bruce said, "Ready to go?"
"Yeah. Let me just say goodbye to All Might and my mom. Would you like to come in?" Izuku asked Bruce.
"Absolutely." Bruce said in a delighted tone.
Izuku and Bruce went inside the apartment to see All Might and Inko.
"Very nice to meet you, Mr. Midoriya." Bruce said as he shook Inko's hand.
"Thank you, Mr. Wayne. But PLEASE take good care of my son in Gotham City." Inko said worriedly.
"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to him on my watch." Bruce said assuringly.
"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Wayne. You've done a lot of good for your city." All Might said as he extended his hand out to Bruce.
"The honor's all mine, All Might. You and Izuku truly are some of the World's Finest heroes she's ever had." Bruce said with a grin as he shook All Might's hand.
Izuku then hugged All Might and his mom goodbye.
"I'll call you guys everyday." Izuku told them.
"Goodbye, sweetie." Inko said while trying to fight back more tears.
"Goodbye, my boy." All Might said, also trying to fight back tears.
"Goodbye, guys." Izuku said to them, also fighting back tears.
Izuku and Bruce then left the building and went to Bruce's fancy car:
"Wow. Cool car, Mr. Wayne." Izuku complimented.
"Thanks. But call me Bruce." Bruce said.
Then they drove to the airport.
"Will your friends from your UA days be waiting for us at the airport to say goodbye to you?" Bruce asked Izuku as he drove the car.
Izuku lowered his head.
"I tried to reach out to them, but... they never responded." Izuku said with a sad expression on his face.
Bruce sighed.
"I'm sorry to hear that." he said.
Once they got to the airport, Bruce's car was loaded into the large plane, then he and Izuku got inside the fancy aircraft.
The plane took off and Izuku decided to pull out his laptop to do his research on the Batman myth.
He was able to find some old pictures on a forum that were presumably of Batman:
The last picture gave Izuku goosebumps, and not in a good way:
He also found a picture that was presumably of Robin:
For a moment, Izuku thought of asking Bruce to have the plane turned around and take him back to Gotham.
And apparently Bruce knew what Izuku was thinking.
"I can tell the pilot to turn the plane around if you want." Bruce said.
"Huh?" Izuku said.
"Gotham's a dangerous place. So I understand if you don't want to do this anymore and want to go home." Bruce said.
Izuku inhaled and then exhaled.
"Do you believe the Batman exists, Bruce?" Izuku asked him.
Bruce sighed.
"If he does, he won't hurt you. Trust me." he assured the young man.
Izuku took a deep breath.
"Ok. I trust you, Bruce." he said.
Hours later...
The plane finally landed in America. Bruce's car was taken out of the plane, then Bruce and Izuku got in the car and drove to Wayne Manor.
"Before you start your job... there's something you need to know, Izuku." Bruce said as they pulled up to Wayne Manor.
"What is it?" Izuku asked.
"Follow me." Bruce said as they got out of the car and went inside Wayne Manor.
This is Wayne Manor:
Then they went inside the manor and Bruce brought Izuku to his study.
Bruce then turned one of the hands on a grandfather clock, and the clock moved out of the way, revealing a hidden passageway.
"What... the...?" Izuku said in confusion.
Bruce brought Izuku down a stairwell. When they reached the bottom, Izuku saw...
"What is this place?" Izuku asked Bruce in shock and confusion.
"Izuku... There's another job I have for you." Bruce said as he pressed a button on a wall.
A large metal door opened, revealing this room:
(A/N: Pretend the suit on the far left doesn't have guns on it.)
Izuku stared at Bruce in shock and disbelief.
"You're... Y— You're..." he stuttered in shock.
"That's right... I'm the Batman." Bruce said.
Izuku tried to comprehend this all.
"But— But you're quirkless!" Izuku said to Bruce.
"And? I don't need a quirk to fight crime and help people... and neither do you, Izuku." Bruce said.
"What... What are you saying?" Izuku whispered.
"I want you to join my crusade. I want you to become the next Robin." Bruce explained.
"M— Me?! W— Why?!" Izuku asked.
"Isn't it obvious? You saved the world from All For One and Tomura Shigaraki nearly two years ago and sacrificed so much to save the world. Even though you don't have One For All anymore, you still deserve to follow your dream and be a hero. When I lost my parents, I decided I wasn't gonna let anything or anyone stop me from helping the innocent, so I trained for years to become Batman. I'd like to train you to be the next Robin." Bruce said.
"Wait! Izuku said, "How do you know about One For—"
"I'm the World's Greatest Detective, kid." Bruce said with a smirk.
Izuku stumbled back and fell on his ass.
"I... I don't know about this. I want to be a hero, but this is all too much to take in." Izuku said.
"I understand if you need time to think it over." Bruce said.
Izuku then realized something.
"Wait, what happened to the last Robin?" Izuku asked.
"Nightwing was the first Robin, then it was Red Hood who was Robin, and then it was Red Robin. They've all moved on to their own personas, and now I'd like you to train you so you can one day take up the mantle of Robin next and help me protect Gotham." Bruce said as he extended his hand out to Izuku.
Izuku contemplated this for a few moments. The cave was silent as Izuku thought about this. The only noises were the waterfalls in the background.
He remembered feeling so weak and useless when he lost One For All.
He remembered feeling so alone when his friends became distant from him because they were so focused on their hero careers.
He wasn't gonna be weak, useless, or alone anymore.
He took Bruce's hand and Bruce helped him up.
"I accept the offer." Izuku said with a grin.
Bruce smiled.
"In that case, welcome to the Bat-Family, Izuku." he said.
That's when a number of other people in hero costumes dropped down from above.
Those people were:
"Looks like we've got a new Robin." the man in black and blue said as he unmasked, "I'm Nightwing, but underneath the mask I'm Dick Grayson."
The woman in the bat costume unmasked next.
"I'm Batgirl, but my real name is Barbara Gordon." she said.
The man in the red helmet removed his helmet.
"Name's Red Hood, but you can call me Jason Todd." he said.
And finally the man with the red cape unmasked.
"And I'm Red Robin, also known as Tim Drake." he said.
"I know you three." Izuku said as he pointed to Dick, Jason, and Tim, "You're Bruce's adopted sons."
"Guilty as charged." Dick said.
"And you." Izuku said as he pointed to Barbara, "You're the daughter of Gotham's police commissioner. Does he know you're doing this?"
"No." Barbara said, "And I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way."
Bruce put his hand on Izuku's shoulder.
"Your training will begin tomorrow, Izuku. But now let's go to your new apartment." Bruce said.
And like that, Izuku was following his dream again.
Three years later...
A group of criminals were about to break into a building, but then Batman dropped down in this costume:
(A/N: He can turn his head in this version of the costume. Also he's not covered in blood.)
"It's the Bat! He's real!" one of the criminals shouted.
But then a laugh was heard from all around them.
And then...
Izuku dropped down in his new costume:
(A/N: The bottom part of his face is also covered.)
"Not just him." Izuku said to the criminals.
Yeah I know many of you are probably tired of Batman Izuku stories, but what can I say? I like writing them. Also it's because I have a lot of different ideas I want to use and some of them I can't use in the same book because they contradict other ideas I have. That's why I'm doing more than one of these kinds of books. I have plans for one other Batman Izuku book after this, but I'm still working on it.
Another thing I should point out is obviously you're supposed to read Bruce/Batman's lines in Kevin Conroy's voice since he's playing Batman in this. But as for the other members of the Bat-Family, read Nightwing and Red Robin's lines in the voices of Dick and Tim from Young Justice, read Batgirls's lines in the voice of Barbara from Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, and read Red Hood's lines in the voice of Jensen Ackles portrayal of Jason.
Until next time.
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