VII - the journey
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Abnormality colored the meeting in which King Dalgorel heard Kendra's plea for refuge. No servants waited in the shadows, and no nobles stood to advise the king. Maybe that was on purpose.
Maybe he wanted to show her how alone she really was. It was the King's decision if Kendra stayed another day, and his decision only.
So, she laid her plea out with her knee knelt to the floor and waited for the verdict.
There was no grandiose speech. It was a few simple words that ended her recent transient life.
"Your accident in the woods cost me and my knights time and money to retrieve you. After this, I considered you a liability. However, my son convinced me otherwise."
Thank you, Garreth.
"I grant you indefinite stay."
"Thank you, sire."
The candlelight flickered underneath the kingdom's banners.
"But I will not have idle hands."
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True to his words, the King put her to work.
While Seth was out adventuring around the castle with Terrabelle's princess, Kendra sat in the throne room with the rest of Terrabelle's court. It was a dance—one she hated. The only thing that saved her from the hours of nobles spelling out the worst policies she had ever heard was Garreth's subtle glances when a lord voiced, always with such confidence, a particularly bad take.
However, the court meetings in which Garreth didn't attend—those meetings—oh, my. Sometimes, the awful chairmen and their long, droning speeches convinced
Kendra that she would be better off in the wilderness, braving the Sphinx's army.
This day's meeting had been particularly bad. The horrendous politics had finished, and the meeting had transitioned to gossip. That part was fine. However, the old men's talk had turned to Garreth.
"Are you training Garreth as a squire, yet, your highness?"
"He attends their practices in the mornings. He isn't as taken to it as I would like." King Dalgorel twisted his face like he sucked on a lemon. Kendra couldn't quite imagine Garreth with a sword in his hand, hacking at enemies like a knight. He seemed more the artist that would paint the gruesome scene rather than draw blood himself.
One of the noblemen laughed. "Well, make sure not to mention that when finding a suitable match, sire. The lasses want a fighter."
One of the younger nobles leaned forward. "Speaking of, have you found a bride yet?"
Kendra evened her breathing. She harbored some tiny feelings for the prince.
There, she admitted it.
It wasn't fun to hear about his potential marriages considering the fact that she has resigned herself to never acting on said feelings. Horrible selfcare, she knew, but the kingdom came first. That's what her grandparents would want.
"I haven't found anyone of a suitable match yet," at those words his eyes drifted to Kendra and she wanted to die. Look away, Dalgorel.
"I'm holding out for a princess from one of the strong monarchs. Possibly Mesa, but their Princess Mara has yet to signal she's ready for engagement."
"Ah, truly a good choice, sire."
"Very good choice."
"Very pretty, I hear."
"Hopefully, we'll be able to see her beauty in person."
"Hopefully, at Garreth's wedding," a noble teased.
Another noble dabbed at his face with a handkerchief. "And, of course, if that doesn't work out, my daughter is always available. Not as beautiful to look at as Mesa's princess, but nothing a paper bag couldn't fix."
Laughter filled the room.
Get me out of here, she thought.
The second the clock struck the end of their allotted time, Kendra burst out into the hallway only to be met with a huffing, puffing Garreth. His curls were pushed back like the wind had tussled with him.
"I don't want to talk right now, Garreth." Keep the lump in your throat down, Kendra. Goodness, when did she get so emotional?
"Kendra." His outstretched hands wilted. "I had something to show you."
"I—" She sighed, and twisted her necklace. "I'm sorry. It was an exhausting meeting."
"I know." He took her hand and brought her gaze back up. "Can I show you something?"
"Is it..." Kendra waved her free hand helplessly. "I can't deal with politics right now."
"No, no. It's not that. Remember the play I was talking about earlier?"
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It was amazing. Kendra hadn't felt such catharsis from watching a tragedy in years. Or ever, really.
Maybe it had something to do with Garreth. He would whisper witty comments in her ear, and the breath would tickle her neck. Carefully, she'd control her reaction, lean away from the tingles, turn, and smile. Perfect.
The candlelight shadowed everyone but the stage and Garreth's smile. That was all she really needed.
At the end of the play, the actors and musicians came out to bow.
Garreth pointed to a young woman holding a stringed instrument. "That's Elise."
Garreth caught her eye and waved. The musician smiled and raised her eyebrows.
Having the tact to know it was about the closeness between her and Garreth, Kendra slightly leaned away. After all, the King wanted the Princess of Mesa for Garreth. Not her.
But, don't think of that right now. Just have fun. She deserved it.
But what would her grandparents say? What a foolish way to ruffle the King's feathers.
Kendra frowned. Why did their voices always haunt her decisions?
Didn't the King want her to spend time with Garreth?
Garreth touched her hand. "Hey, Kendra. Are you alright?"
"Oh, um, yeah. Just thinking about the ending." He didn't pull his hand away, and she encoded the feeling of his skin, knowing she'd have to lose it soon.
He smiled. "Remember, it's about the journey..."
"Not the ending," Kendra finished. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should just enjoy herself and stop always thinking about her future. Of course, Kendra didn't think she could actually do that, but it was worth a try.
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The wooden rafters held candles lit for no one but the two sat on the balcony. The musicians, actors, and rowdy patrons had all left. The leather seats had formed around Kendra, the time she had spent with her legs tucked underneath her leaving an impression.
Garreth and Kendra still hadn't left the theater. Mostly because if they left, they'd have to part their separate ways for bed.
"I know something's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong." A bitter taste grew in her mouth as his eyes lasered marks into her skin. The stage looked serene from this height. Kendra followed the curves of the curtains, hoping for a peek backstage.
"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. I just thought you should know that I know."
"Garreth." Kendra swung her gaze to his waiting eyes. "With all due respect, everything is wrong. I am a refugee in a kingdom without knowledge of my family's well-being, and all the while I'm stuck in a courtroom. I don't know why you would ask me to pick out a specific, awry detail."
She returned her gaze to the stage. Pressure grew in her chest. The candlelight cast shadows on her clenched fists. There was so much tension inside of her nowadays.
"Kendra, you're crying." His voice was soft.
She lifted a hand to her face and pulled it away damp. "Frustrated tears."
"It's alright if it's not just frustration."
"Garreth." Her voice was taut. "You will make me cry more."
Shallow rivers slicked her face. She hated crying. The pressure in her chest, the congestion, the salt deposits on her skin—all of it.
Deep breaths.
Garreth leaned back into his chair. "What do you think Eve and Seth are doing?"
Kendra wiped at her face. "Sleeping, hopefully."
Garreth chuckled. His laugh was like warm honey, and it brought her back to the present. "Together they're quite a force to reckon with."
"A scary force," Kendra muttered. It was only a couple days ago that she saw the two of them on a tower's roof and nearly had a heart attack.
"I'm glad they occupy each other. It keeps Eve off my back."
"Is she always pestering you?" Kendra teased.
"Always. I love it, but, well you know. Is Seth like that?"
"I mean, most of the time, he's not home. He's usually out adventuring with Patton or screwing around with his friends. Don't even get me started with his friends, they're two rowdy sa—" Kendra swallowed the word about to slip out of her mouth and covered it with a sheepish smile. Newel and Doren would not be welcome in a conversation in Terrabelle. "I suppose I shouldn't speak ill of his companions."
"Oh, come on," Garreth playfully pushed her shoulder. "Now you're leaving me hanging."
"They're just a tad bit of a bad influence, is all. Me and him—after suddenly becoming orphans, of course," Kendra tried to throw in a teasing lilt but it didn't look like Garreth exactly saw the humor. "We took separate paths. I do the manorial work, he does the exploration."
"Do you ever wish you had the exploration part of it?"
She shuddered as memories of damp tarps and sore saddles flashed by like a slideshow. "Please, the couple of weeks of sleeping on the ground to get here has cured me of any such wanderlust."
"But, what if I had an adventure for us?" Garreth smiled like a Cheshire cat.
"Your last 'adventure' had us stranded in a treehouse."
"It wasn't that bad."
Kendra fought a small smile. "No, it wasn't. But, besides that, I still have to rest. I don't know when my grandparents' letter will arrive." If it even does. "The instructions will probably involve a long journey."
"I could come with you," Garreth said, with such faith.
He didn't even know half of it. He knew nothing of Wyrmroost, how or why the Sphinx was looking for Kendra or any of the bad parts. It hurt, a little, that he didn't know that huge piece of her—her magic. But, it's better to lie than to be dead.
"Like your father would ever allow that."
Garreth rolled his eyes. "I don't do everything he says."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, really. I'm my own person," he stated with conviction. His smile attempted to sway her.
Kendra studied his face. If it came down to that, would it be true? If he had to choose between his father and her...would him choosing her be too much to hope for?
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Morning light turned Kendra's eyelids pink as she struggled to remember where she was.
Fablehaven? No. Terrabelle...? Yes.
But, this didn't feel like her bedroll.
"Garreth? Princess Kendra?"
A bright blonde bob swung in front of Kendra's blinking eyes. It was the musician from last night—Elise.
"I'd be more sympathetic to your slumber, your royal highnesses, but he's here."
Garreth peeled himself from his balcony cushion. "Who?"
"The messenger. Lord Rose!"
Garreth's mouth dropped open. "Oh, no. I need to be in the courtroom, like, right now."
Kendra stifled a giggle at Garreth rapidly straightening out his clothing.
"Yeah, you do need to be there," Elise agreed. "Guess you're just too busy being a lovebird."
Blood rushed to Kendra's cheeks. She was too tired to protest against Elise's accusation.
Garreth just flashed a smile before it turned into a grimace.
"My dad's going to kill me."
thank you for reading!
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