I - game of thrones
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Kendra was used to throne rooms. Diplomatic missions and the tiara upon her head had desensitized her to the beauty and glory of royalty. It all began to blend into the same walls, the same people, and the same dumb, political red tape.
The throne room of Terrabelle, however, took her breath away. The ceiling was decorated like a stained glass artist's dream and wooden spired thrones dominated the room.
The largest of which was occupied by King Dalgorel. The hour was witching, but you'd never tell that he had to have rolled out of bed for this. His robes popped against his dark tunic and the crown depressing his hair had one of the biggest jewels she'd ever seen.
The second-largest throne must've been for a queen. It hadn't been filled for many years if Kendra remembered correctly.
Two smaller thrones sat empty on either side of the main two.
Kendra walked with the dignity of a queen with her diadem high on her head up until a few meters from the King's throne. Prince Garreth continued to walk over, and he sat on one of the smaller thrones.
The Princess touched her knee to the floor and her forehead to her knee. The others followed suit. "Your majesty, I, Princess Kendra and my brother, Prince Seth of Fablehaven, our attendants, and our Head Chancellor greatly appreciate your hospitality tonight. We come to you now to seek refuge past tonight."
Her hands shook underneath her flounce sleeves. Each heartbeat slammed against her chest, making her breaths a tiny bit shorter. But, she kept her eyes down and her back straight nonetheless.
"Rise." King Dalgorel's voice was lower than a mastiff's bark. "The King and Queen aren't with you?
"No, they are not, your majesty. King Stanley and Queen Ruth are on a diplomatic mission to the Lost Mesa."
A raindrop slid off Kendra's hair, just like the lies slid off her tongue, and splattered against the luxurious rug.
"You are currently the highest-ranking official here, Crown Princess Kendra?"
"Yes, your majesty. I am the heir apparent princess of Fablehaven and the House of Soren." Only slightly higher than her brother, but it was best to let Seth stay in the shadows. He'd be more useful that way.
She had never been more aware of the mistakes in her appearance than when dozens of foreign officials scrutinized her. Every silent second was one more moment of torture.
"Fablehaven is currently at peace, correct?"
"Yes, your majesty." Technically, there was no declaration of war.
"My son, lodge the House of Soren. A common room, please."
"Yes, father."
Kendra's most trusted allies turned to leave. Normally, the House of Soren included her but the King's eyes were focused on her. Daring her to move.
"Court, you are dismissed." King Dalgorel studied her. The people standing along the room began to leave.
Soon, the only sounds in the room were the flickering crackles of fire in the braziers.
"Princess Kendra." The King rested his head on his fist. "When did you become the named heir?"
"Last year on my sixteenth natality."
"Your grandsires are waning in their years, are they?"
Kendra smiled. "They are in perfect health."
King Dalgorel's mouth drooped with wariness. "Why do you need refuge?"
The news would reach him soon anyway. "Our kingdom was ransacked, sire. It was in the best interest of the family to flee."
"The Sphinx."
The King closed his eyes and grimaced. "Princess, you know as well as I do that we are a neutral kingdom and the Sphinx—"
"—wasn't after the court!" Kendra stepped forward with her hands splayed. "He went after our gold reserves. Fablehaven had forever been close to the Sphinx's mountains, and it was only a matter of time before he struck. None of us were the targets. You'd just be offering to house collateral refugees. Not anyone he'd care about." She dropped her arms. "We didn't declare war or anything. You'd stay out of politics."
"Politics is a fickle game more twisted than you describe."
Kendra mulled her answer over for a second. "Yes, sire. But the Sphinx sees things black and white. This is black and white. You're in the clear."
"Humans have practiced magic in Fablehaven." A quick breath of air almost choked Kendra. "Sorcery outlawed in the treaty that was signed in this very room."
Another raindrop slid down her violet velvet dress. The throne elevated the King, making Kendra suddenly feel like a mouse in a trap. Her mouth was dry.
"It's hard to police magic so close to the mountains, sire."
He stood from his seat and stalked towards her. "Do not take me for a fool. I sympathized with your father, but sympathy won't carry you far. Honesty will."
"I'm being honest."
He stood only a few feet away. Kendra's head craned upwards. "Did you bring sorcery into Terrabelle?"
Kendra stuck her chin higher. "No."
King Dalgorel studied her face. "I hope that turns out to be true. There is no diplomatic immunity here. Any illegality and your court is thrown out."
He took a step back and Kendra let out a breath.
"You have one night of refuge guaranteed." Kendra opened her mouth, ready to refute. "We'll talk tomorrow."
Pushing down her frustration, Kendra bowed. "Thank you, your majesty."
The King turned and walked back to his throne. "Ask a servant for directions to your room." Glass-stained moonlight glinted off his crown. "Or ask Garreth. I'm sure he'd love to talk to you."
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Firelight flickered on the hall, sending shadows out to grab Kendra in her journey. A servant had given her vague directions to her lodging.
Her mind reeled from the conversation. Only one night of refuge? Why was the King so frustrating? It's not like they could just mosey on to the next kingdom.
The Sphinx was most definitely looking for the two royal siblings, despite what Kendra had told the king. Terrabelle was the most protected citadel and closest kingdom they could have escaped to. The citadel was out of the way, hidden by rivers and forests. It was hard to find for Kendra and her party, even. The safest option.
Well, from the Sphinx. Kendra was starting to question how safe the city itself was.
She lifted her wet skirt so it didn't snag on the roughhewn stone as she marched towards the common room.
Kendra hated politics. Especially this type—the type where she doesn't have the upper hand. It was confusing, just like this dumb castle.
Despite the winding dead ends, Kendra successfully found her way to the room.
She pushed open the door and found Garreth in the middle of talking to her brother. Everyone else was laying out bedrolls. "Oh, hello Kendra! I was just explaining to your brother that we could put you and your brother in a separate room."
"It makes more sense to stick together," Seth said.
"Agreed." Kendra rested her hand on Garreth's shoulder. "Do you want to talk for a second, outside?"
"Oh, uh, sure."
He stepped out and she closed the door. She already knew Garreth was close to the King and harbored some favor for Kendra, or at least was after her social elevation. Now, if only she can successfully exploit that.
"How'd the rest of the meeting go?"
Kendra narrowed her eyes. "He only gave us one night of refuge."
"That's not ideal," Garreth placated. "But you're lodged tonight, and he didn't kick you out."
Kendra frowned at his response and studied him for a beat. "I think you're a good person, Garreth..."
"Thank you."
"But, I'm slowly rescinding my opinion. Unless you do a favor for me."
Garreth leaned up against the wall. The torchlight cast harsh shadows on his face. "What's in it for me?"
"My appreciation." Not like she had much to offer, anyway.
"Not good enough." A slow smile spread across his face. "What about a date?"
"Maybe a picnic of sorts."
"Sure. I'm a knight as well as a prince too." He gestured to his sword sheath to prove his point. "I can protect you from whatever you're running from."
Kendra gave a tight smile. He was delusional. "Fine. You've agreed to do me a favor?"
He put a finger up. Oh no. "What favor?"
"To talk to your father—"
"Oh, great."
Kendra hushedly raised her voice and spit out the words quickly. "And figure out why we haven't been granted safe refuge, and maybe convince him to do so."
"That's a lot for one picnic."
"Well, you're only getting one." She stuck her hand out. "Are you in agreement?"
Garreth made a show of tapping his finger to his chin before shaking her hand. "Meet me tomorrow at the stables. You remember your way?"
"Yes," by which Kendra meant she'd figure it out. It couldn't be that hard. "When?"
"It's technically morning."
Garreth made a face at her. "Get some sleep. I'll send my servant for you later."
"Wait," Kendra laid a hand on his turning shoulder and quickly pulled it back. There was a conflict. "I plan to meet with your king tomorrow morning."
"He made plans for that?" Garreth pulled a face.
"Well, no—"
"How about you meet with him in the evening? He has meetings in the morning and saves lunch for leisure. I'll have softened him up by then."
Kendra pursed her lips and then nodded. Good enough. "Good night."
"Good night, milady." She watched him walk off before slipping back inside the common room. The rolls were all set out and everyone was sitting in a circle.
Seth left the circle and sidled up next to her and the door. "What'd you need with the cox-comb?"
Kendra gave Seth an amused expression. "I'd watch your language. We're not in Fablehaven anymore. And I'll tell everyone in just a moment."
"Warren's going over the laws at Terrabelle." Seth turned his head to her. "No magic here?"
Kendra rolled her eyes. "Absolutely not. They burn sorcerers." She elbowed him playfully. "You'd know that if you ever came on diplomatic missions."
"Don't get me wrong, I love missions. Just not in stuffy castle halls. The real fun stuff is in the wilderness."
"I'm sure."
"We could go over everything else in the morning if you need some sleep."
Kendra shot him a look. "No, it's fine."
Seth cocked his head at her. "Is it? We're only a few hours from the sun rising."
"I'm fine. Come on."
Her leather soles snapped against the ground and prompted the circle to turn towards her. Her third day as the emergency in command, and she already wished her grandparents were back. If only so she could be asleep instead of directing what was left of the royal court.
Which was a selfish attitude that her grandparents would have admonished her for, had they heard it. This was her duty.
She took a seat and started with the same words she had asked for the past three days. "Any word from my grandparents?"
"No," Warren pulled out a scroll from his bag. "It's been five days since they headed out to secure the dragon's protection at Wyrmroost. Wyrmroost is a week's journey away. We don't know if they encountered the Sphinx's forces on their way or are still on horseback, two days away from their destination. We won't know until a dragon or fairy alights on our window sill with news." Which won't happen in this anti-magic kingdom.
"Right. What about the status of Fablehaven?"
"Fablehaven is still captured by the Sphinx's army," Warren said.
Patton leaned forward. "A fairy contacted me earlier on our journey and confirmed that the House of Lords and rest of the castle staff were not able to escape. We can only assume the same for the upper and lower towns. We are the lone survivors besides the court and knights that went to Wyrmroost."
Kendra sighed. "Keep gathering information, but, Patton, you won't be able to find any fairies here." She surveyed the solemn faces of her group. "We are not completely safe yet. King Dalgorel gave us lodging for the night but did not guarantee for more. I scheduled a meeting to talk with Garreth and then the King tomorrow. We'll be up with the sun, so go to bed and get the few hours you can."
The candlelight was soon gone and replaced by the waning moon's glow.
Staring out the window, Kendra caught an impressive view of Terrabelle. The castle stretched around the square which led into the upper town with its markets and businesses. Marked by houses, the lower town was farther down. Brick and mortar stopped at the city walls and fields of grain and grass took over.
Peace blanketed the citadel. She could only hope it would stay that way.
thank you for reading!
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