Glossary/Map/Character Index
Aramizsa- Founder and patroness of the city of Arzsa, Shikkah's capitol. She is honored on the night of the Founder's Feast.
Pronunciation: Ah-ruh-mee-zsa
Arzsa- The capitol of Shikkah.
Pronunciation: Ahr-zsuh
Citadel- The Shikkan concept of paradise after death. A shining city filled with the cleansed souls of worthy Shikkans, watched over by the Goddess Zsavina herself.
Deme- The male leader of a Dimaraste
Pronunciation: Deh-may
Dimaraste- One of three powerful families that have governed Shikkah since the fall of the Alyezsani Empire millennia before. The Amarin Dimaraste has long dominated the Kyorin and Izsima Dimarastes and functions as practically the sole ruler of Shikkah.
Pronunciation: Dee-muh-rah-stay
Dizsa- The female leader of a Dimaraste
Pronunciation: Dee-zsuh
Eternal Sands- Shikkans believe that after death, souls wander the Eternal Sands until the sins of their life are scoured from them and they are allowed to enter the citadel. If a soul's sins are too great, it will wonder the Eternal Sands endlessly.
Izsai- Heir to a Dimaraste, will become the Dizsa or Deme.
Pronunciation: Izs-eye
Izsaiki- "Protector," the child second in line to rule a Dimaraste who is bound by a blood oath to protect the Izsai. The bond between Izsai and Izsaiki is considered sacred.
Pronunciation: Izs-eye-kee
Kionike- "Little tiger girl." Sholu's nickname for O'otani.
Pronunciation: Kye-on-eye-kee
Mesviraste- "Lord of the Gutter," a pejorative term O'otani calls Sholu.
Pronunciation: Mez-veer-ahs-tay
Noraya- The general term for gang.
Pronunciation: Noh-rye-uh
Rizsava- One of the three major cities of Shikkah, seat of the Kyorin Dimaraste
Pronunciation: Ree-zsuh-vuh
Vasayaste- Literally "little lords," a pejorative term for the formerly middle-class merchants and tradesman who gain wealth and status during Shikkah's second drought when the government loosens control on the Silk market (and on black market activities) to bring revenue into the country.
Pronunciation: Vah-say-ahs-tay
Zsavina- The goddess of Shikkah.
Pronunciation: Zsa-vee-nuh
Brixarana- Kamai priestesses, mainly used in bonding rituals
Pronunciation: Bree-shuh-rah-nuh
H'yon- "Little one," a term of endearment Ambassador Nara uses for Shira
Pronunciation: Hee-yone
Impei- A trickster spirit
Pronunciation: Im-pay
Soriko- The capitol of Kama
Morixi- Kamai regional councils
Pronunciation: Moh-ree-shee
Xa Morixi- Kamai Grand Council, the highest government in the land.
Pronunciation: Sha moh-ree-shee
Y'xala- A ceremonial drink made of Jusu berries.
Pronunciation: Yih-shah-luh
Y'chora- Fermented Y'xala, a popular spirit
Pronunciation: Yih-cho-ra
Xalzan- A popular Kamai card game
Pronunciation: Shal-zan
Notes on language: All of the Western countries have their own languages but share a common tongue, Alyezsin, which functions as the diplomatic standard. The Alyezsani Empire once ruled most of the west, but today only its language remains.
The "zs" sound is pronounced like the "ge" in beige. It's a soft sound partway between a j and a z. Look up "Zsa Zsa pronunciation" on google to hear it.
All "x"s in Kamai are pronounced as "sh"
This character list is exhaustive. You don't need to know every single one to understand the story. The most important characters have a * before their name.
The Dimaraste
The deceased
*Alya Morevni Amarin |Ahl-yuh Mohr-ev-ni Am-ah-rin|
O'otani and Shira's cousin, killed in the massacre. Known for being flirtatious and light-hearted.
Nather Amarin |Na-ther|
O'otani and Shira's great uncle, killed in the massacre. Nather often told O'otani Shikkan myths and legends when she was a child.
Jinnra "Jinn" Amarin |Jinn-ruh|
O'otani and Shira's great aunt, killed in the massacre. She always disapproved of O'otani's impulsivity and violent streak, and let that disapproval be known.
Haim Amarin |Hay-m|
O'otani and Shira's great uncle, killed in the massacre. Known for that time he drank too much and fell asleep on the floor with the dogs.
Valla Amarin |Val-la|
Haim's long-suffering wife.
Damaros "Dama" Amarin |Dah-mar-ros|
O'otani's cousin, killed in the massacre. Known for flirting, drinking, and having a beautiful singing voice.
Rivashi "Riva" Amarin |Riv-ah-shee|
O'otani's cousin, killed in the massacre. A talented musician.
*Deme Sorzsa Ladfel Amarin |Sore-zhuh Lad-fell|
Shira and O'otani's grandfather. Abusive in the worst possible way.
Mirana Amarin |Meer-ah-nuh|
Sorzsa's younger sister and Somitu's aunt and confidante. There are rumors that she poisoned Sorzsa because of his abuse, but they're unverifiable.
Deme Arjuuna Amarin |Ar-joo-nuh|
Sorzsa's only son, Kyoro and Somitu's half-brother. He becomes Deme very briefly after Sorzsa's death. Tries to have Somitu killed because he's afraid she'll inherit in his stead.
Jidda Amarin, née Kyorin |Jid-uh Kye-oh-ren|
Sorzsa's first wife and Arjuuna's mother. She dies in childbirth shortly after they're married.
O'onira Amarin, née Kyorin |Oh-oh-nee-ruh Kye-oh-ren|
Sorzsa's second wife and Jidda's cousin. They're married shortly after Jidda dies to maintain the strong ties between the Kyorin and Amarin Dimarastes. When Sorzsa falls in love with Amsol Kalth, O'onira agrees to a divorce on the condition that her daughter Kyoro not be disinherited.
*Kyoro Amarin |Kye-oro Am-ah-rin|
O'otani's mother and Shira's aunt, killed in the massacre.
*Amsol Amarin, née Kalth |Am-sahl Kall-th|
Sorzsa's third wife. Many believe she used her extraordinary beauty to make Sorzsa divorce O'onira so she could become dizsa instead. In actuality, Sorzsa became obsessed with Amsol and had her husband killed when she refused to be his mistress. She married him to protect her family from further reprisal.
The living
*Dizsa Somitu Amarin |Soe-mee-too Am-ah-rin|
Former Dizsa of the Amarin Dimaraste. Shira's mother and O'otani's aunt. Somitu is a formidable leader and led the Dimaraste for close to two decades before the massacre. She's currently abroad, trying to raise international support and retake Shikkah.
*Izsai Amshira 'Shira' Lyuren Amarin |Am-shee-ruh Lye-uhr-in Am-ah-rin|
Former Izsai of the Amarin Dimaraste and bastard son of Somitu. He's a true Shikkan, polite to the core, with an abiding love of both botany and O'otani. Shira is currently hiding in Kama under the protection of Ambassador Irei Nara.
*Izsaiki O'otani Koritzu Amarin |Oh-oh-tah-nee Koh-reet-zoo Am-ah-rin|
Former Izsaiki of the Amarin Dimaraste and daughter of Kyoro. She's a lady by birth but a warrior at heart whose devotion to Shira is unparalleled. O'otani is currently trapped in the palace by Sholu Verlaina.
The Palace Staff
*Halima Royen |Hah-lee-muh Roy-in|
Maid, friend, and confidante of O'otani Amarin.
*Kaza O'utena |Kah-zuh Oh-oo-tain-uh|
Former House Guard of the Izsima Vasayaste, now a Palace Guard working for Sholu Verlaina. Supports his three sisters and crippled mother.
*Manit Revanas |Man-it Rev-ahn-us|
The taciturn and bitingly sarcastic head of the queen's guard. Very tired of O'otani's shit.
Idriit Revanas |Id-reet Rev-ahn-us|
One of O'otani's ladies-in-waiting.
Tovila Sharna |Toe-veel-uh Shar-nuh|
One of O'otani's ladies-in-waiting.
The Vasayaste
*Sholu Verlaina |Show-loo Ver-lay-nuh|
A member of the Vasayaste who orchestrates the massacre of the Amarin Dimaraste and takes over the government of Shikkah.
*Ambroz "Roze" Marithan |Am-broze Mair-ith-an|
Former member of the Shotori Noraya. Lizsa's brother and Sholu's brother-in-law.
*Esaroth Ysana |Ess-uh-roth Yiss-ah-nuh|
A member of Sholu's council. Outspoken and blunt. An accomplished fighter.
*Kirsham Shirarka |Keer-sham Shee-rar-kuh|
A member of Sholu's council. Serious and soft-spoken. Also a talented swordsman and Rillian Aidha's lover.
Ahalia Kozu |Uh-hay-lee-uh Koh-zoo|
A member of Sholu's council. Discerning, sharp, and seductive.
*Rillian Aidha |Rill-ee-an Eye-duh|
A member of Sholu's council. A showy, theatrical flirt and Kirsham Shirarka's lover.
Kazril Ysana |Kaz-rill Yiss-ah-nuh|
Esaroth's flippant younger sister. She dreams of running off with pirates and having adventures, much to her mother's chagrin.
Dakara Reis |Dah-ka-ruh Ray-ees|
A member of Sholu's council. Has strong ties to the Chalnori Noraya.
Miromi Chayal |Meer-oh-mi- Chay-ahl|
A member of Sholu's council. She challenges O'otani openly during the first council session.
Hanya Vespirsi |Hawn-ya Vess-peer-see|
A member of Sholu's council. A soldier through and through, Hanya has strong ties to the Asrakali Noraya.
Rigel Vespirsi |Rye-gull Vess-peer-see|
A member of Sholu's council. Hanya's bookish twin brother with strong ties to the Asrakali Noraya.
Idera Onra |Id-dare-uh On-ruh|
Delegate Sholu Verlaina sends to the Kamai High Council meeting on his behalf.
The Noraya
Jana Semiroth |Jan-nuh Sim-ear-oth|
Head of the Chalnori Noraya, the second largest gang in Shikkah. Both an ally and rival to Sholu Verlaina.
*Liro Shotori |Lee-row Show-toh-ree|
The leader of the Shotori Noraya who was murdered in a coup by his nephew, Kanza Arishai.
*Kanza Arishai |Kahn-zuh Air-ish-eye|
Liro's nephew who conspired with Somitu to murder Liro and take control of the Shotori Noraya. Killed by Sholu Verlaina.
Luzca Korahaim, née Marithan |Luhz-kuh Koh-ruh-haym|
Amsol's lady-in-waiting and closest friend as well as Lizsa and Roze's mother. She tries to flee the country with Somitu after Amsol dies, but is found out, and hides from Sorzsa's wrath among the Shotori Noraya. While she's there, she meets and marries a cousin of Liro's.
*Lizsa Korahaim |Lee-zhuh Koh-ruh-haym|
Sholu Verlaina's first wife. Luzca's daughter, Roze's sister, and Liro's niece. Killed in Kanza Arishai's coup.
The Kyorin Dimaraste
Ezskor Kyorin |Ezs-kore Kye-oh-rihn|
Deme of the Kyorin Dimaraste. Killed by Sholu Verlaina on O'otani Amarin's orders.
Mishira Kyorin |Mee-shee-ruh|
Dizsa of the Kyorin Dimaraste and Ezskor's wife. She's a strong and resilient woman. Killed by Sholu Verlaina on O'otani Amarin's orders.
Ristalai Kyorin |Riss-tuh-lye|
The eldest daughter. Killed by Sholu Verlaina on O'otani Amarin's orders.
Airi Kyorin |Eye-ree Kye-oh-rihn|
The Izsai, or heir apparent. Exiled by Sholu Verlaina on O'otani Amarin's orders.
Kasrin Kyorin |Kass-rihn Kye-oh-rihn|
The youngest daughter. Exiled by Sholu Verlaina on O'otani Amarin's orders.
The Manor
*Irei'kionaxi Nara |Ear-ay Kee-oh-nah-shee Nah-ruh|
Head Ambassador of Kama and an old friend of Somitu Amarin who takes Shira in and hides him after the massacre.
*Tyro'xiriomi Espen |Tye-row Sheer-ee-oh-mee Ehs-pin|
Ambassador Nara's assistant and friend. He runs the household in the Ambassador's absence and is one of the few whose advice the Ambassador actually listens to. Tyro brings Shira to the Manor when he lands in Kama.
*Avamir Sumarik |Av-uh-meer Soo-mahr-ik|
Ambassador Nara's head gardener and Tyro's lover. A former victim of human trafficking now heavily involved in the rehabilitation of trafficked individuals.
Galia'roxotovi Suxa |Gah-lee-uh Rosh-oh-toh-vee Soo-shuh|
Ambassador Nara's head housekeeper.
Revika Héon |Reh-vee-kuh Hey-own|
Ambassador Nara's stable master, a recent immigrant from Kostayssau.
The Government
*Esato'amarxi Lyu |Eh-sah-toe Am-ahr-shee Lye-oo|
Secretary of Finance and the biggest lecher in Kama. One of Ambassador Nara's few friends.
*Taís'xantaxi Nara |Tah-ees Shahn-tah-shee Nah-ruh|
Grand Councilor and cousin of Ambassador Nara, though they were raised as siblings.
Isrit'fíanami Aith |Ihs-rit Fee-uh-nahm-ee Eye-th|
Grand Councilor, presides over the emergency council session.
Davax'xaitotovi Reiahan |Dah-vash Shy-toe-toe-vee Rey-uh-hahn|
Grand Councilor, argues with Y'merit Bekjaat Yukkaita during the emergency council session.
The Rest
*Tipari'tovaranthi Kaldaxi |Tip-uh-ree Toe-vuh-rahn-thee Kal-dah-shee|
A grand councilor's daughter who Esato Lyu has been in love with since they were both teenagers. He asks her to marry him every year on the Feast of Liars, a night of opposites, just to hear her say yes.
Mikara "Mika" Dusetton |Mee-kah-ruh Doo-seh-tin|
Takes in and rehabilitates victims of human trafficking rescued in Kamai ports. She's a close friend of Avamir Sumarik and Keida's wife.
Keidanori "Keida" Kavaxi |Kay-duh-no-ree Kah-vah-shee|
Irei's straight friend who he fell in love with as a younger man.
*Mirsi Belkau |Meer-see Bell-kow|
The madam of an extremely successful brothel who spies casually for Irei.
Reesah Belkau |Ree-suh Bell-kow|
Mirsi's daughter and the most sought-after seamstress in Soriko.
The Yukkaiti
*Matachai Iskao Yukkaita |Mat-uh-kye Iss-cow You-kye-tuh|
Third Commander of the Shao Asha, Yukkaita's revolutionary army, and sister to General Ekchoht Iskao, leader of Yukkaita. A violent ideologue intent on ridding the world of oppressive monarchies.
General Ekchoht Iskao Yukkaita |Eck-choat Iss-cow You-kye-tuh|
First Commander of the Shao Asha and leader of Yukkaita. Brother to Matachai Iskao.
Y'merit Bekjaat Yukkaita |Yuh-mehr-it Beck-jaht You-kye-tuh|
Delegate Matachai Iskao Yukkaita sends to the Kamai High Council on her behalf.
Granjon Adatya Farithi |Gran-jahn Uh-daht-yuh Fuh-ree-thee|
The leader of Yi'il.
Faal Farithi |Fall Fuh-ree-thee|
A cousin of the Granjon and a Yi'ili delegate visiting Kama. She offers to take Shira back to Yi'il.
Afzul Majaban |Af-zool Mah-juh-bahn|
A Yi'ili delegate visiting Kama.
*Arisha Kthato |Ah-rish-uh K-thah-toe|
Head General of Brekka, in control of the province of Sobirna. Shira's former lover.
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