Chapter 8: Welcomed Back Like Naughty Children
I heard Nico yelp in surprise.
"Nora! Are you okay?" he stammered. "Your skin. Oh, gods. You're hurt!"
My arms were bright red. I felt like every inch of my body had been broiled over a slow flame.
I looked around for Percy and Raph, though I knew they weren't here. It had seemed so real.
"I'm fine..." I pant. I paused thinking, feeling my sore aching body. "I think?"
I lay on the rocky beach breathing hard. The color of my skin turned back to normal. The pain subsided. I dropped my hand and watched as Nico slowly inched closer. His dark eyes were big and slightly scared. Mrs. O'Leary was behind him and came up and sniffed me with concern. Apparently I smelled really interesting. I lay on the beach collecting myself and groaning quietly.
"Did it work?" I asked.
"I dunno. Why you asking me? Do you feel...stronger? Different?"
"No." I shook my head. "Where did you come from?"
"My father locked me in my room. Or.. well.. he tried to. I snuck back out. He was pissed that Persephone went missing."
"Oh yeah...she came to talk to me. Then let me talk to my dad and then snapped me here. But how did you know to come here?"
"Ummm I was uhh...half way to the dungeon when Persephone caught me. She told me to find the dog and come look down the river."
"Oh." I groaned and sat up. I had just grabbed my sweater when a loud shriek sounded down the beach. Alecto was soaring towards us, her big bat wings spread wide. Behind her a group of miss matched army skeletons matched towards us.
"You can't escape the dungeons that easily child."
"Oh shut up. I'm sick of you." I snapped.
I grabbed Nico and pulled him back behind me. I had pulled out my two Kopis knives. And spun them once.
"I have things to do and places to go. You need to get out of my way."
"You entre this territory willingly, but you do not leave."
"Ha. Watch me. I have a war to prevent."
"Obey me!" Nico shouted. Pointing his black Stygian iron sword at the undead.
"It does not work like that half blood. These are your father's personal guards."
The front line of Roman, world war one and two, red coats and an area of other war zombies lowered their weapons and advanced.
Mrs. O'Leary growled and got ready to pounce. Maybe that's what set me off. I didn't want them hurting my dog. Plus, I was tired of Hades being a big bully. If I was going to die, I might as well go down fighting.
One guy threw a spear and it went flying, not towards me, but towards Nico. And that set me off more then them about to hurt Miss O'Leary. No one hurts my Nico. I don't care who you are, no one tries to kill him
I screamed and my hands became flames of fire. I shot a fire ball and the spear disinigrated. Raising my hands I threw a giant flame of burning hot fire and heart at the first few lines. They all disintegrated. Before the rest of the group could regroup, I charged my Kopis spinning and slashing. I had seen Raph do this once, leap into the middle of the ranks. I wasn't as proficient in the hand to hand combat as Raph or Percy, but I wasn't bad, but now, nothing touched me.
It was the stupidest thing I've ever done. A hundred muskets fired at me, point blank. All of them missed. Bayonets jabbed. Swords slashed. Guns reloaded and fired. Nothing touched me.
I whirled through the ranks, slashing redcoats and other army zombies to dust, one after the other. My mind went on autopilot: stab, dodge, cut, deflect, roll. Aurum was a glowing arch of bronze, and Argentum spun in a dead haze of silver. Together, Didymos kynigoí, my twin blades handed out death and distraction. I broke the enemy ranks only to have Alecto dive at me, she tried grabbing at me with her claws, but I twisted and slashed. She dropped and crashed into the beach. I stepped down onto her ripped leather wing, holding her in place.
Silence. The army did nothing to defend their general. I glanced back and realized why. There was nothing left of them but weapons in the sand and piles of smoking, empty uniforms. I had destroyed them all.
"Eleanora Blofis.... listen here child!"
"Enough." I snarled, lowering my blades to cross at her neck. "Tell your master, I'm not under his authority. I'm the daughter of a Titan. I have a war to stop. And if he doesn't want to help save his family that's his issue not mine. But I'm leaving. And if I see you again, I will end you."
I stepped back and let her go. She got up and scampered down the beach, unable to fly properly with her ripped wing. Breathing heavily I turned towards Nico. Now that the danger was over, I realized how tired I was. Every muscle in my body ached. I looked down at my clothes. They were slashed to pieces and full of bullet holes, but I was fine. Not a mark on me.
Nico's mouth hung open. "You just... With just two just-"
"I think the river thing worked," I said.
"Oh gee," he said sarcastically. "You think?"
I smiled at him. "Good thing I didn't die."
He just nodded. I grabbed my hoodie and pulled it on, and shouldered my backpack. I stuffed a yawn. I really needed a nap.
"We need to get outta here. I need some sunshine and the camp is up in arms looking for me."
"You should get going then."
"'re not coming?" I asked.
He shrugged. I climbed up on the back of Miss O'Leary, and reached down and held a hand out for him. "Come on Nico. I just took out an entire mini army for you. Now get your ass up here and let's go. At least come have supper at camp. With me. I know you don't wanna stay, but come back with me. Please?"
He sighed and took my hand. I hulled him up and together we rode Miss O'Leary back up the stone steps. The closer we got to the surface the more muffled my hearing became and softer and quieter my voice became. I finally sighed silently. My curse was back in full effect as we burst into the setting sun, back into central park.
Nico had to whisper the directions for Miss O'Leary. She took a running start and ran straight into the closest tree.
We emerged back into the shadows of the Camp's forest. Miss O'Leary stumbled slightly and Nico and I slid off. I patted her shoulder. She trotted off and curled up under a tree and was asleep in a minute. Nico looked towards the direction of camp with a leery look.
"Let me change quick and we'll go for supper. Will will write a doctor's note and your sitting at my table." I signed. "End of discussion." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Fine. You win. Please to shish kabob me! Or fire ball me!"
I rolled my eyes. And took off down the path. Nico beside me.
"You know...I heard your voice in the Styx."
I nodded. "Every one I love. My dad, you, Percy, Raph, Tyson, Will, Kayla."
"You heard them all?"
"No. I saw all their faces." I answered truthfully. "Only hear Dad, Percy, Raph and Tyson for some reason. And you, my little emo grandpa."
Nico stopped walking and looked at me with dark stormy eyes, he looked at me weird, his face twisting in what looked like pain and then he flew at me. At first I thought he was going to strangle me or something but his arms wrapped around me. I froze confused, but I wrapped my arms around the boy, a small smile of understanding on my face.
"Nico...did you really think, after everything we've been through together, I wouldn't love you?"
He didn't say anything just pressed his face into my shoulder, his thin frame shook. I tightened my grip. I held him as long as he needed. This poor kid has no one to look out for him. He obviously didn't get a lot of compliments or affection. He eventually pulled away and sniffed. He used the heels of his hand to aggressively wipe the tears. I gave him a minute to compose himself and then I tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, what did we originally go to the underworld for?" I signed.
"Oh. Right. Umm. I...I found your mother..."
"What?" My jaw dropped and my stomach twisted.
"Yeah. She's in Elysium. Maybe when Hades cools off-"
I shook my head and placed my hand over his, cutting him off. "No. It's no good to dwell on the past. I can't have her back, it would just hurt too much. Thank you though. That was very sweet."
He hung his head. I lifting his chin.
"It's not your fault your dad's a jackass. And I really do love that you found her, thank you, Elysium...She was a good woman then." I signed with a shrug and a small smile. "Now come on, I gotta change and let's go eat. I can smell barbeque from here!"
Nico waited outside the cabin and then together we walked up the hill to the dinning pavilion. The talking must have gone silent, because every mouth stopped and heads turned in my direction. Every eye was staring at me at Nico.
"What's everyone staring at?" I signed.
Suddenly I was slammed by a huge body. If I could talk I'd have made a wild omph sound. My feet were lifted off the ground. I recognized the arms and the smell. I wrapped my arms around Raph's shoulders. I buried my face into his neck. He pulled me from the Styx, he kept me tethered to reality, if it wasn't for him I would have washed away, my soul burnt from my body. He put me back down and I could see the anger on his face, the fear in his eyes.
Before he could say anything another body slammed into me. My hands were ripped from Raph's face. I could smell the salty sea. I gave Percy a squeeze.
"Where in Tarterus where you?!?" He signed, his face also twister in anger and relief.
"He's pretty close."
Nico gave me a side eye and raised an eyebrow.
I gave my head a small hardly noticeable shake. "They don't need to know. Not yet, anyways."
"Nico and I did some... research." I signed for Percy and Raph.
"And you told no one where you went, a note saying 'went to cool down' is not good enough to go missing for three days!" Raph's sign was sharp and choppy. His eyes dark and story, narrowed and glaring at me. he had grabbed onto my hip again, his hand sliding over my back and arm and hip, like he needed to feel me physically beside him.
"Ops?" I signed and gave them an innocent smile. Raph rolled his eyes, but I felt his hand press more possessively on my hip, as he shifted me closer, so I was pressed into his chest. He wrapped his huge muscled arms around my waist, my back pressed into his chest, feeling how fast his heart was slamming into his rib cage. I felt guilty for making them worry like that.
Chiron came clip clopping up to Nico and me. His face was set in one of parental disapproval. "Where have you two been?"
"Out." I signed. "Sorry, we didn't mean to be gone so long. Got...caught up."
Chiron was regarding me. His eyes flicked to Nico, who held his gaze. I could see the wheels turning, but he didn't push the issue of where we were.
"You know campers are not supposed to leave the boundaries."
"Sorry?" I signed. Though I wasn't sorry at all. And Chiron knew this. He sighed and rubbed his forehead for a minute, I could see his body sag for a minute before he straightened up and looked very pointedly at me and signed. "Nora. Kronos is doing everything he can to get his hands on you, do not throw away-"
"Do you not think I know that?" I signed back, glaring, my face morphed into a snarl. "rut me, of anyone here, I know. Do you think I left camp to put my self deliberately in harms way? No. I left for a specific reason."
"Well...not exactly true. We left for a different reason. And ended up on a side quest."
"Shut up Nico. They don't need to know this."
"All right sheesh, slim it sparky."
"Look..." I took a second to close my eyes and collect myself. "We didn't realize we were gone for three days."
Chiron sighed and looked back and forth between Nico and myself. I knew he wasn't convinced and knew there was something else going on, but he left it. For now.
"Well...your back. Are you hurt?" He asked, trying to xray me.
I shook my head. "We're hungry and could sleep like the dead."
Nico snorted and I gave him a cheek grin.
"Fine. Go eat." He turned to the boys, "Back to your tables."
I turned to the boys, "Why are you two here? I thought you had school..."
"You were missing for three days Nora!" Percy signed, clearly exasperated.
"Chiron contacted both of us. No one at camp knew what happened to you."
I remembered why I left without a word. And my anger flared to life again. "I had enough with a certain blond. I was pushed past my breaking point at the war council. I left camp right after because Nico needed my help."
Both boys looked shooked and looked over at Athena's table. Annabeth sat stiff, her eyes glued to me, and when she saw us all watching her, she narrowed her eyes and looked down at her plat.
"I don't know what's going on with her! She's a bit stand offish, but never like this!" Percy signed, his face looked crestfallen.
"She's always been like this to me." I shrugged.
The boys looked up and around at the head table, Chiron obviously made some kind of signal, because they sighed, and Percy turned to his table where Tyson was sitting. I smiled at the big guy and waved. Tyson gave me a big peanut butter filled smile. Raph kissed my temple quickly before going to join his table.
I turned to my cabin table where the rest of the my siblings were waiting, all standing, waiting to come say hi, but giving me time with Raph and Percy.
"Come on Nico."
"Umm...maybe I should-"
I cut him off by grabbing his shirt at the shoulder and dragging him with me.
"Will!" I signed. "This boy needs to be observed by a doctor, make sure he eats a proper meal. Can you please write a doctor's note, we need to monitor this small gremlin."
"On it!" Will said, pulling out a doctor's prescription pad.
Nico struggled, but I held his shirt right in my hand and didn't let go until Will handed him the note and very pointedly, pointed to the bench where Nico finally sat with a huff. I nodded in thanks to Will, who winked and sat down opposite us. Kayla sat down beside me and Michael slid beside Will. They bombarded us with questions and demanded answers. Nico and I waved off the questions and I apologized for not explaining things better, and we both didn't realize it took so long.
The camp fire was in full swing when I saw Nico try to slip off. I followed. I caught up to him in the woods.
"Where are you skulking off to?"
"I'm not skulking."
"Are too!"
"Am not."
"Fine. Where are you sneaking off to with out saying goodbye?"
"Well...something you said Persephone said. You said you had to understand Luke's anger- makes me wonder what else we should know about him."
"Like his past? I know he ran away and met up with Thalia and Annabeth."
"Exactly. Why would he run away? And what else did he have to do to prepare to host Kronos? I'm curious. Things are building, and I think the more information we have on him, the better. There was also something my father said while he tried to lock me in my room. I want to know who my mother was, why did he lock us away, who was the lawyer that picked us up...Lots of loop holes."
"Okay. I understand, just say good bye next time. Okay?"
"Don't tell me you're going to miss me?"
"I always miss you Nico."
"Well I'll be back."
"Bye, my Emo grandpa."
"Gods, kids these days." He rolled his eyes. "Later Sparky."
I watched as he walked further into the night, the shadows swallowing him up and he disappeared. I wished he would stay. Hades had a grain of truth with his pity party, he wasn't welcome on Olympus, He had no cabin here...and I saw the way most campers kind of shied away from him. It made me sad, I had absolutely no issues with him, and I didn't understand what issues others had with him, other then he was a little dark and creepy and twisted- maybe that's why we got along.
I turned away and went back to the camp fire. Before I made it out of the trees though, a hand caught me around the waist and pulled me into the shadows. I would have been scared and cried out, but I recognized who it was immediately. And pulled them into a tight hug.
"You scared me Sunshine. Please don't do that again." He signed. The fire flickered through the trees just enough to let me see- though with ability to see in the dark, it wasn't a problem for me. I saw the fear still in his eyes.
"I'm here now." I signed back. "I always come back."
He placed his forehead on mine, running his nose along mine. My stomach flip flopped, and I felt my heart speed up. I could feel his also picking up its pace. My hands slid from his chest up his neck and into his hair. His arm tightened around my waist while his other buried in my hair. He stepped closer, making me step backwards. He had me pinned to the tree. He gave me a roguish smile before he kissed me, like he was scared it was going to be our last. He pressed harder into me, his body flat against mine as he kissed me, his hand sliding up and down my side, his other cradled the back of my head.
My head swam for a moment, my knees felt weak and my eyes fluttered shut. If I could have, I would have moaned into that kiss. Instead I kissed him back just as desperately. My hands grabbed at him greedily, not wanted to ever forget this feeling. I knew it would never last, nothing good in my life ever lasted long.
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