Chapter 6: I Lose My Temper...Again.
Hades continued to glare at me. I slowly leaned over to Nico, keeping my eyes on the lord of the underworld.
"Dude....what I do?" I whispered at him. Nico shrugged making me roll my eyes. "You're helpful."
I straightened up and with much arm waving and flailing I bowed again.
"Oh Lord Hades, Sir-"
"Oh shut up Half-Blood. You have zero respect for us. And now you're just mocking me." Hades hissed.
I gasped and pressed a hand to my chest. "Whaaat? No! Who me? Absolutely not!"
Hades ground his teeth, and I pressed my lips together, he called my bull shit right away. And it was even better, when I saw Hades roll his eyes.
"Fine. Wheres my child support?" I snarked fading my arms and sticming my hip out.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. The days I have our shared son, I'm making him eat and sleep, does he not eat down here? What about sleeping? He sleeps like the dead when I have him!"
", like I haven't heard death puns before. And Nico! You're not eating? You told me 4 hours is what human children function on! You're already nothing are you going to take on the prophecy if you're this....this..."
He waved a hand at Nico and frowned. Nico bowed his head and refused to look at Hades or me.
"Four?!" I yelped. I rounded on the boy, "four hours?! That's it!? No wonder you look horrible! You need to sleep more boy!"
Nick held his hands up, "I though we were here because you were made at Nora, when did this become you two hanging up on me?"
"We will discuss this later!" Hades hissed at him. "Your sister never gave me this much grief!"
"Hey. Lay off the kid! He's like 10 and lived his entire life locked in some messed up Hotel. Back off!" I snarled, stepped closer to Nico. My anger was starting to boil. Okay, be rude to others whatever, but the way he was treating Nico was not cool and I didn't care of this was a god or not. No one says things like that to my Nico.
Hades turned his dark eyes back to me and narrowed them. "You. Daughter of the Sun."
"What do you want?"
"I would like to lock you in my dungeons, but for some unknown reason, my son says otherwise."
"Aww thanks Nico! I knew we were buddies!"
"Silence child!" He suddenly yelled.
"Chill man."
Nico snorted and slapped his hand over his mouth. And did his best to suppress a snigger.
"There has been a lot of talk regarding you, Eleanora Blofis. Your liniage has been brought up and been discussed quite a bit since last summer. Apollo claims he is your father...yet...I see how hard my father is trying to get his hands on you. I want to know why."
Persephone sat quiet the whole time, but I noticed she stiffened slightly and leaned forwards.
"I dunno." I shrugged.
"There are many rumors circling you." Hades said dangerously quietly, his thin long fingers laced together and he placed his chin on them.
I chewed my cheek thinking. I stared back at Hades for a moment debating my options. Honestly I didn't know how I could keep my actual identity a secret for much longer. Kronos seemed to know, so I figured the gods would figure it out eventually. I sighed with a shrug.
"It's been explained to me, that Helios, the Sun Titan...flared into Apollo the same night I was conceived. Like the sun had random flares, same with Helios. So I'm the daughter of Apollo, the curent Sun god. And the daughter of Helios Titan god of the Sun. So, best Nico, me and Chiron can guess, Kronos wants his hands on me, thinking I'd be a better body host for his soul, 'cause he's struggling with Luke at the moment."
Hades narrowed his eyes.
"You gonna tell them about it being Sol and not actually Helios?"
"No. If Apollo and Artimis had to swear on the River Styx to keep that a secret...I don't think it's a good idea to tell people. A lest right now. Only you, Percy, Raph and Will know about that."
"So that's why there's so much interest surrounding you."
I shrugged. "I'd rather not be a human host for a twisted lunatics messed up soul..."
"If he used you as a host...Olympus and you camp wouldn't stand a chance."
"Yes ..which is why I put up a solid fight the few times they have attempted kidnapping."
Hades smirked and pointed a long white finger at me, like he just caught me red handed. "Ha! So you agree? They wouldn't stand a chance if they got ahold of you?"
"Uhhh...I guess? I dunno."
"Maybe I should lock you in my dungeon and be the hero of Olympus."
I frowned and looked at him and glanced at Nico. He showed nothing. His face was dark but he didn't show anything.
"I guess. Or you could let me go free and let me fight alongside my friends and family and you could join the fight that's coming. And it's coming to you too, weather you want it or not..."
"Indeed. But why half blood, would I let you walk free? Kronos has you targeted, your friends do not stand a chance and neither do the gods."
"Uhhh...neither do you. If Kronos can destroy Olympus he's gonna come here and destroy you as well! And I don't plan on being used by Kronos. Sure I get Luke's ideology. The gods ignore their children."
I glanced at Nico for a brief second. He looked dejected.
"The gods are jerks to their children." I gave Hades a very pointed look. "..their kids are angry and hurting. I get Luke's anger. But Luke let Kronos twist his mind. Destroying mount Olympus and camp and everything in its wake isn't gonna solve anything."
"Father! Stop, this is stupid. You know she's on our side."
"Our? Our side? No son. No one is on my side."
Persephone cleared her throat. Hades had the decency to look guilty. He patted her hand and rephrased his last sentence.
"No one but my wife is on my side. I stay in my domain, I am not welcome on Olympus and I do not even have a cabin at this camp, as you know, Nico! I am not welcome anywhere. When's the last time Olympus ever helped me, half-blood? When's the last time a child of mine was ever welcomed as a hero? Bah! Why should I rush out and help them? I'll stay here with my forces intact." So no, Son. This Titan hf blood is not on my side. And she is a threat to us."
"Uh Hades? You fall and smack your head?" I frowned. His dark wild eyes fixed back on me, I would have been nervous, but Nico had given me the same angry look so often I just raised an eye brow and stared right back.
"The whole you owe me child support? I found your son in the labyrinth last year, saved his sorry little emo ass a few times. We have been besties ever since. He even came to my birthday, slept at my house and ate my pancakes! He knows things about me even my dad doesn't know."
Hades went to interupted but I continued, waving a hand. "No, not Apollo, my mortal father. Long story. So don't get your Underpants in a knot, about no one liking you. I love your son."
Hades looked at Nico.
"No Father. Not that way, she has a boy friend. In like a sister way. She's my sister."
Hades frowned at his son and then me. "Sister. Your real sister is that easily replaced?"
"Enough!" I yelled. The anger that was boiling in my veins finally flashed. My hands light up and I knew the fire in my eyes was back. I could feel the temperature rising around me. Even Nick stepped away as the temperature rose.
"Interesting." Was all Hades said.
"Sure you stay out of the drama on Mount Olympus, I respect that. But stop being a big sore baby. No one likes me boo fucking hoo. How do you think the rest of us demigods feel? It's not our choice they screwed mortals and we were the result. And stop being such a dick to your son. He's smart kind and respectful. He's helped save camp and me more then once."
"Careful Half Blood!" Hades roared as he stood up. "I should curse you."
"Wouldn't be the first time." I screamed back.
Hades threw his arms back, I mirrored his actions, my hands blazing in fire so hot Hades was just a black ripple in the heat. I threw my hands forward in an x as Hades threw a curse at me. I was expecting something to hurt or my hearing to go or me to explode into dust. But all there was a loud boom, like thunder and the sound of stone splitting.
Whatever curse Hade's threw at me hit the heat waves, and bounced back, splitting the black rock. Nico had called backwards as the ground shook. Hades had toppled backwards off his chair. I distinguished my flames on my hands and spun around towards Nico who was gaping at me like he'd never seen me before.
"Holly shit. Nora did you know you could do that?" He managed to whisper.
"What? Block a weak ass curse? Nope. Just found that out. Just now." I held a hand out for him. "You okay?"
He just nodded, his mouth dropped open still. I turned back to the thrones.
"My apologizes My Lady. I cracked your floor."
"I never liked the floor. It was too hard and cold on my feet. I wanted to redecorate here anyways." She waved her hand and dark red roses sprung from the deep crack. She winked at me and I couldn't help but smirk.
Hades picked himself up, I was expecting him to be even angrier, but he was eyeing me up like I was his next meal. He looked...greedy somehow. It was slightly unnerving.
"You're not part of this big prophecy are you?" He asked, standing at the base of the crack.
"I'm already 16. I haven't destroyed the world or mount Olympus or anything. I killed a goddess and her kroonies on my birthday. But no. Not a kid of the big three."
"No, just a daughter of a Titan god" Hades said thoughtfully. He sat back in his chair and leaned back. Persephone leaned over and whispered something. Hades nodded.
"You say you're nothing special...yet you can block a curse?"
"It's news to me. Maybe don't cure or smite everyone you see. Maybe don't be such a jackass to your son and I won't get so angry."
"Got any suggestions?" Nico said, his dark eyes watching his father.
"Ahhh. I see."
"Uh I don't. Anyone wanna explain this?"
"You know that is the only way if we wanna survive."
"Waiting things out." Hades suggested. "I do not plan on lifting a finger to help. They've never once helped me-"
"Have you asked?"
Hades waved a hand. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not welcome-"
"Your also not very open to company. Cursing them doesn't exactly spawn friendship. Just saying."
Persephone smiled, (though I'm never sure how to feel when an immortal smiled like that at me.) "I like this one. I say we let her live a little while longer. She is not part of this prophecy your so up right about. Maybe she can teach....him," she indicated at Nico, "a few things. And all is well."
"His name is Nico." I snapped. "And am I a captive here?" Crossing my arms and glaring at the couple. Nico hadn't said much, he stood looking slightly dejected and I felt angry again.
I glared back at Hades, my fingers sparked, my veins glowed and I could feel the heat under my skin.
"You did however come into my domain, uninvited."
"Father stop!"
"Father stop." Hades mocked. "Your sister was stronger and smarter- why do you side with the weak?"
"Did you see what she just did?" Nico gasped, pointing at me. "With nothing but heat, she blocked your curse! Her and Percy are the only ones strong enough to stop Kronos! Especially if your not going to help!"
"I don't want to hear about that Percy Jackson under my rough!" Hades roared, he stood up, growing a few more feet, his eyes looked wild now in his anger. Persephone on the other hand was looking thoughtfully at me. I had a hand stretched out over Nico's chest, ready to protect him.
"You know it's true, or else you wouldn't be so angry."
"No! My child will be the one to fulfil the prophecy!" Hades screamed. "Finally a child of mine will get glory!"
"Have you considered maybe they don't want the glory?" I asked, still standing between Nico and Hades
"Nonsense. Every half-blood wants to be a hero!"
"Then you don't know hero's very well. Because all we want is to be seen by our godly parent, acknowledge and left in piece. These death quests are dumb. Glory and honour and that crap is old. Like you we just want a quiet life left out of the gods bickering and petty problems."
"That can be arranged." Hades said with a twisted smile.
Before I could react, he snapped his fingers and I disappeared.
The garden throne room disappeared and the next thing I saw were white boney hands shoving me through a solid black stone wall. I twisted around but the stone was solid. No getting out. My cell had no bars, no windows, not even a door. I wasn't sure if the room was airtight. Probably. Hades's dungeon was meant for dead people, and they don't breathe. So forget living a healthy lifestyle away from the pettiness of gods. I'd be dead in fifty or sixty minutes. So much for that adventure.
I sat on the cold stone floor, feeling miserable. I pulled my backpack off and took a Nectar Aid juice box out and my black marker. My veins glowed so I could see in the dark. I slid down the wall and doodled on my pants waiting for something to happen. I waited a long time. My juice box was long empty, I sighed.
Sitting up straight I called up the sight. The heat waves flickered. And everything else faded.
"Where is she?" Michael yelled. He stormed the arena where Chiron was giving archery lessons to Athena's cabin.
"Who?" Chiron asked.
"Ask her!" Michael yelled again, throwing the paper into his face, and glaring at Annabeth. "She does nothing but bully her and she's done nothing!"
Looking up from the paper, Chiron regards Apollo's cabin leader, "your saying she ran away?"
"You saw how Annabeth treated her at the counsel! Her backpack is gone and Miss O'Leary is gone!"
"This is not good."
The vision rippled and it changed. I saw Percy walking out of the changing room with the swim team. He looked grim, and rather angry. I'm not sure about what, but his sword was spinning around his fingers in pen form.
The vision rippled again and I saw Selina, she was sitting alone on her bed, tears running down her face. She was muttering to herself.
"I can't keep doing this! It's not fare! It's not right! I can't keep doing this!"
The scene changed and I saw Beckendorf wondering the forest with Will and Clarisse calling for Miss O'Leary and calling my name. I felt a stab of guilt that they were all looking for me. Beckendorf looked quite upset and worried. We really had become quite close friends.
The scene rippled and I saw Mr Miles and Raph. He was sitting at the kitchen table, pencil tapping as he stared blankly at the paper.
"I don't get it! How is the angel of this obtuse triangle going to help me survive in a life and death fight? Why is this so stupid?"
He growled and threw his pencil down. I missed him. He looked so frustrated with himself. We all struggled with school, but I was proud of him for finishing his last year.
Mr Miles came over and leaned on the table reading the paper over his shoulder. He pointed at the paper and said something but it was garbled, like the signal was jammed.
My Sight was abruptly cut off. I blinked and shook my head. My Sight had never been interrupted, but when the air around me shimmered and like someone was opening a giant zipper in mud air it zipped open and Persephone stepped into my jail cell.
*Sorry guys I never made a Beckendorf board. But it's up now in Author's notes!*
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