Chapter 51: Throne Room Tension
All the gods turned to look at the rest of us standing beside the still bent doors. I felt the nervousness that rippled through the four of us. Not everyone looked happy to see us.
Athena called Annabeth forward.
Annabeth squeezed Percy's arm, then walked forward and knelt at her mother's feet.
Athena smiled, though it still looked tight lipped and stern.
"Do you still want the commentary?
"Please. Only a few use ASL. She looks like she's been sucking on a lemon."
I felt Nico sniggering in my head. I caught his eye and we looked away. Raph gave me a questioning look, then he saw Nico desperately trying to hid his giggles. Then he understood we were talking.
"Okay okay... Athena says: her daughter has exceeded all expectations. She have used her wits, strength, and courage to defend this city, and their seats of power. It has come to our attention that Olympus is trashed.
I noticed a few glares shoot in my direction.
"Says The Titan lord - though she sounds like she would rather use your name..."
I suddenly heard the screams Kronos made me listen to in my head and I stumbled into Raph, who grabbed my arm. I also felt Nico gasp and shudder, He must have also sensed with pain in my head. I shook my head trying to rid my thoughts. Raph slid his hand down into mine and held my hand tights, his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. Nico kept going, but he was definitely more hesitant now.
"- did much damage that will have to be repaired. Athena says they rebuild it by magic and make it just as it was. But the gods feel that the city could be improved. They will take this as an opportunity. And Annabeth will design these improvements."
Annabeth looked up, stunned. "My- my lady?" She signed.
Athena smiled wryly.
"She asked if Annabeth was an architect, and studied the techniques of Daedalus. Said, who better to redesign Olympus and make it a monument that will last for another eon?"
"You mean . . . I can design whatever I want?" Annabeth asked, and signed. Though her hands were shaking really bad.
"As your heart desires. Then added; make us a city for the ages."
"As long as you have plenty of statues of me," Apollo added with sign and a wink at me.
Aphrodite raised a dainty hand and I had a hard time not stepping forward and smacking her. Raph clamped my hand harder, and then wrapped his arm around my back, gripping my hip, like he was expecting me to lung. Which to be fare, I had considered.
"Hey, and me!" Ares said, surprising me buy also using ASL. "Big statues with huge wicked swords and- "
Athena interrupted him and waved a hand to silence him. She said something else and Annabeth got to her feet and stumbled back to our group.
"Way to go," Percy told her, grinning.
I also smiled at her. "Awesome job!" I signed.
For once she was at a loss for words. "I'll... I'll have to start planning . . . Drafting paper, and, um, pencils-" She signed, her mind already a thousand miles away.
"Raphael Merino!" Ares bellowed, with his fluent sign. It still baffled me that Ares and a few of his minor god offspring children were fluent in sign language. Raph gave my hip a squeeze and then lifted his head and walked forward. He planted his feet apart, hands behind his back and his chin raised.
"My son." Ares signed. "At ease, solider." Raph readjusted his stance, but not by much. "It did not go unnoticed that you came to the aid of the others, when it seemed like there was no hope. I also noticed you were in the throne room when we arrived. How did you break through the titan lord's barrier?"
Raph was quiet for a moment. Then he signed, "Permission to speak freely, my lord father." He signed with a slight respectful bow.
"I knew Nora was in trouble. I felt...I felt her pain, and her please for help. It's hard to explain. But She...needed...I needed to be there beside her."
"Explain." I knew it was Zeus who said this, because the throne room shook with his thunder. I felt all the gods eyes flick to me. I felt my cheeks warm up, but I was determined to stay where I was. I wouldn't cower before these beings, who had messed with me, screw humanity over...and just about destroyed all of the known world because they were too proud.
I looked to Nico. He straightened up and signed for me.
"Why would you need to be beside the one who destroyed his throne and most of Olympus?"
"Because, Lord Zeus." Raph signed while he explained. "It wasn't her, she was under the control of the Titan Lord. He messed with her mind, and showed her awful things, driving her mad. He forced her to use her power."
"That doesn't explain how you broke the barrier, when I couldn't!" Hades signed.
"Love." he said simply.
I saw Aphrodite squeal and smile, and clap her hands. "Awww! I knew it!"
I saw Raph stiffen, and turn his head in her direction. I saw his dark wolf stair, and my stomach fluttered. "No, you miss understand me, my lady." He signed, and I could see his face was hard. "You would not have gotten through just because you are the goddess of love. My apologies, but you don't understand the lengths I would go to to be with her. I have been manipulated, and my mind messed with, I had...charm speak set on me, and yet. Yet...I always found my way back to her. She took on a curse," He looked pointedly at Aphrodite who ground her teeth and her eyes flashed dangerously.
Raph went on. "She is the only one who can brake my fathers gift of battle lust. I needed to be beside her, so I was going to be there. I saw the Lord of time grab her and disappear into the building, Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia gave chase. I followed, the barrier held me back only for a brief second, and then I was through. When I got to the throne room, she was on her knees, dying. Her soul trying to leave her body because what He did to her."
All eyes turned to me. Yet my eyes were glued to Raph, half way though his speech, he turned to me and spoke to me. "I would have died, kept my soul together. Anchored it back to my body. You and Percy and Nico." I signed and like he was a magnet, I was drawn to him, and into his arms. I held him tight, arms tightly around him. He held the back of my head. For just a moment, everything faded and it was just me and him. But like all things, it always comes to an end.
"You would do wise to remember where you are."
A sharp voice stabbed into my mind. I thrashed and screamed, in my head and outwardly. I ripped from Raph's arms and spun to the goddess.
"Stay out of my fucken head." I signed. Hera looked at me blankly. The rest of the room filled with tension.
"What did she say?" I red Hera's lips. No one wanted to answer, until, Apollo stood up, slipped his ray bands on, and stepped up beside me, "I will translate, dear step mother." Apollo made another huge mocking bow. "She said," He spoke and signed, "Stay out of her fucking head."
There were a few gasps I could see. I glared.
"I had a titan use me, forced me to see things and hear things, he fucked with my mind. I did none of the devastation to Olympus willingly; as much as I would love to blow a few of your statues up, I have self control." I paused and looked at my dad. "Get all that?"
"You got it my Sunbeam." He signed back with a wink over the top of his sun glasses, and spoke what I signed. Hera, Zeus and Aphrodite looked like they were ready to blast me. Poseidon looked thoughtful. Ares threw his head back and howled with laughter.
"Okay, son, I see why you like this demigod. She is feisty. Sure she isn't one of mine?"
"Positive." I signed back, "Though thank you for the compliment."
Ares grinned, but it looked more like a grimmes.
"She is in fact all mine." Apollo added.
"We know." Hera hissed, glaring at the two of us.
"Oh I know you know." I snapped back at her. "We have matching dark magic scars."
Apollo lost his smile and looked hard at me, then frowned. "What do you mean, Nora?" He signed.
"Nothing." I signed back.
"You will be silent girl. You have no idea what you are playing at."
I screamed, silently. And threw a heat shield up so fast no one could react, which slammed into the base of Hera's throne. Her chair shook, and I saw her shriek and leap out.
"I said stay out of my head!" I signed back, my face had twisted into such rage I did think maybe I had a piece of Ares DNA. Raph grabbed me pulling me back as Apollo spun to Hera, also looking angry, his arms out stretched. I noticed no one jumped to Hera's rescue, and that made me feel better.
"Enough Hera." Apollo snarled. Then took up his sign language for me, as he spat the next few things at her. "Leave my child alone. If you can't bother to communicate with her properly, you will ask for assistance."
Zeus stood up, the throne room shook, as he growled at everyone.
"We are off track." He bellowed, making the room shake. "Ares, do you bless your son with something?"
Ares nodded, and then looked at Raph, who still had me clamped tight into his chest. His fierce protectiveness plane on his face.
"You will become the camp's sword and weapons master, you will lead and train the campers that come through. And from now on, your mind will be your own."
Raph nodded, "Thank you father." He signed quickly.
The tension in the room was incredibly high. Apollo turned to look at me, he had a fatherly look of concern on his face. Then it morphed into a wink and then he went to Poseidon and leaned over and whispered something, in which Poseidon groaned and rolled his eyes.
"PERCY JACKSON!" Poseidon announced. His hands also in fluent ASL. "Eleanora Blofis. Front and center."
I detached myself from Raph. I caught Percy's eyes, and I shrugged, no idea what Apollo had up his sleeve. I caught Hestia smiled at me reassuringly. She was in the form of a girl now, and she seemed happy and content to be sitting by her fire again. Her smile gave me courage to keep walking.
Percy bowed to Zeus. Then he knelt at his father's feet. I stood stiff and unbending. My arms crossed over my chest. Though I did incline my head at the god. He had my respect.
"Rise, my son," Poseidon said. "Nora..."
Percy seemed to stand uneasily.
"A great hero must be rewarded," Poseidon signed. "Is there anyone here who would deny that my son and Apollo's daughter are deserving?"
"Despite the few blown statues and buildings and other things that can be rebuilt- which is no better then that one time Ares threw a temper tantrum because he couldn't find his shield. I might add...I made a poem about his anger that day, it was an excellent use of my time-"
"Apollo!" Poseidon interrupted, smacking his hands.
"Yes yes...Anyways. These two stood firm between Kronos, Lord of Time and our home." Apollo finished.
"Yes, without these two...our home would have been destroyed beyond repair." Poseidon summed up.
I waited for someone to pipe up. The gods never agreed on anything, and many of them still didn't like me, but not a single one protested. I looked at Percy, and he raised an eyebrow, I shrugged. This was a first. Zeus said something and rolled his eyes.
"What he say?"
"Says the Council agrees. Says you two will have one gift from the gods."
"Wait! Is this one gift Percy and I have to share? Or like...we each get a gift?" I signed, looking at my father. I saw him press his lips together and try hold a smile back.
"Good question My Dove. I'll ask." Apollo turned to look at Zeus, and asked, and I saw Zeus's face turn red. I smirked. I saw Hera hiss something.
"Be quiet woman!" Zeus thundered.
"I can hear them whispering." Nico said in my head- he was the only one who seemed to be able to be in my head without setting me off. "She says the gods shouldn't give you a gift, your already too powerful, and if you wanted to you could probably take the seats of power for yourself."
I waved a hand, getting Apollo's attention.
"Tell her holy cow, that she should remember just that. I could take it if I wanted. But I don't want power or glory. I want to be left the fuck alone." I signed. He frowned at me for a second, and then turned and interrupted Zeus and Hera's urgent whispering.
"Nor? What are you talking about?" Percy signed.
"Nothing." I signed back and glared at Hera.
"Did you just call Hera a holly cow?"
Everyone was stiff with tension, until Percy hesitantly asked. "Any gift?"
Zeus nodded grimly. Nico took up the commentary, "He knows what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it'll be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but, Perseus Jackson- and- he's struggling with your name, but managed to spit it out, like a bad taste- if you wish it— you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all time."
Percy and I stared at him, stunned. "Um . . . a god?" Percy finally asked, his face white as a ghost.
Zeus rolled his eyes. I heard Nico chuckle in my head. "Zeus said a dimwitted god, apparently. But ya, with the consensus of the entire Council, he can make you two immortal. Then he's gonna have to put up with you forever."
"Well that would be a plus. pissing them off for all eternity."
"Hmm," Ares mused. "That means I can smash him to a pulp as often as I want, and he'll just keep coming back for more. I like this idea."
"I approve as well," Athena said, though she was looking at Annabeth.
"No." I signed immediately. "I don't want it."
Percy glanced back. Annabeth was trying not to meet my eyes. Her face was pale. I glanced at Raph, he looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. After his big speech, I could only imagine him thinking he was going to loose me forever. I didn't want to be immortal and put up with the gods. I didn't want to watch everyone I love grow up, and die leaving me alone forever. I thought of all the crazy old gods and immortals in the the nursing home, sitting blank eyed and vacant, wallowing in misery and loneliness. I thought about my friends from camp: Beckendorf, Lee, Michael, Silena, Castor, and so so many more. So many others who were now dead. I thought about Ethan Nakamura and Luke.
And I knew what to do.
"No," I signed again. "Hell to the no."
Percy also shook his head, I wasn't sure his reasoning, but he looked at me hard, he didn't waver, his sea green eyes were hard and steely. The Council was silent. The gods frowned at each other like they must have misheard.
"No?" Zeus said. "You are . . . turning down our generous gift?"
There was a dangerous edge to his voice, like a thunderstorm about to erupt.
"I'm honored and everything," Percy signed, though I saw his mouth moving. "Don't get me wrong."
"Please, for me, take all the offense. I am not honored." The few people and gods in the room who understood sign language all snickered. I kept a straight face. Somehow Percy also kept a straight face. The gods were glaring at us, well, most of them, Apollo looked more taken aback then angry. Persephone and Hestia were the only other two who didn't look surprised. I glanced at Raph, and his dark eyes were full of some kind of emotion I couldn't read.
"I do want a gift, though," Percy signed, catching my attention. "Do you promise to grant my wish?"
Zeus thought about this. "He says if it is within their power."
"Sneaky little bugger."
"Be carful with this Nora, he's sneaky and I sense he's gonna try to get out of loop holes."
"It is, Percy promised. "And it's not even difficult." I raised my eyebrows, "For Ethan." He signed. And I understood immediately.
"But we need your promise on the River Styx." I signed. Percy translated for me, Apollo still looked hurt over me turning down poem writing for all eternity.
"What?" Dionysus cried. "You don't trust us?"
"About as far as I can throw you, Mr. D." I signed back. I saw the purple fire dance in his eyes.
"Someone once told me," I signed, looking at Hades, "you should always get a solemn oath."
Hades shrugged. "Guilty."
"Very well!" Zeus growled. I folded my arms narrowing my eyes. I heard Nico in my head.
"In the name of the Council, we swear by the River Styx to grant your reasonable request as long as it is within our power."
The other gods muttered assent. Thunder boomed, shaking the throne room. The deal was made. I dropped my arms. And nodded. I looked at Percy, we both nodded. This was it. We straightened up, squared out shoulders and I lifted my chin.
"From now on, we want to you properly recognize the children of the gods," He said and signed on behalf of both of us.
"All the children . . . of ALL the gods." I added, which Percy translated.
The Olympians shifted uncomfortably.
"Percy," his father asked, "what exactly do you mean?"
"Kronos couldn't have risen if it hadn't been for a lot of demigods who felt abandoned by their parents," Percy replied. "They felt angry, resentful, and unloved, and they had a good reason."
Zeus's royal nostrils flared. "You dare accuse- "
"I will accuse anyone who says other wise." I signed angerly. "I heard every single one of the abandoned children from the dawn of time until this morning, I heard them all praying and pleading, I heard them screaming for help and got nothing. You want proof, just listen to them from my head!"
I wish I could have screamed. Apollo translated what I signed and I felt the tension rise. Some of the gods and goddesses looked ashamed, some looked ready to strike me down.
"No more undetermined children," Percy said. "We want you to promise to claim your children- all your demigod children- by the time they turn thirteen. They won't be left out in the world on their own at the mercy of monsters. We want them claimed and brought to camp so they can be trained right, and survive."
"Now, wait just a moment," Apollo tried to protest, but Percy was on a roll, and I stood behind everything he was saying (Or signing.)
"Shush father. He's right and you know it!" I signed.
"And the minor gods," Percy said. "Nemesis, Hecate, Morpheus, Janus, Hebe-- they all deserve a general amnesty and a place at Camp Half-Blood. ( I scowled at the name Hecate, after what she did to my mother and me) Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too."
"And Hades- " I signed, turning to look at him.
"Are you calling me a minor god?" Hades jumped to his feet.
"No," I signed. "But your children should not be left out. They WILL have a cabin at camp. Nico has proven that. No unclaimed demigods will be crammed into the Hermes cabin anymore, wondering who their parents are. They'll have their own cabins, for all the gods. Also I would like to have an honorary cabin for Hestia and Queen Persephone. If Hera and Artemis get one, so do they." I actually bowed to the two goddesses, Persephone and Hesta, who both beamed at me.
"And no more pact of the Big Three. That didn't work anyway, clearly. You've got to stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods, I know what happened and stop cursing us demi gods because your pissed at teach other. We're going to train them and accept them instead. All children of the gods will be welcome and treated with respect. That is our wish."
Zeus snorted. "Is that all?"
"Want me to get the list out? This is just the basics." I signed.
"Percy," Poseidon signed, his face was hard and his eyes were stormy, "Eleanora, you two ask much. You presume much."
Aphrodite stood up, she looked hard at me. I glared back, my hands feeling hot and tingly, but I didn't shoot her with a fireball, so I was proud of myself. Then with her perfectly manicured fingers she signed fluently. "You would ask this of us instead of asking me to lift your curse so you can hear and speak again?"
"Yes." I signed simply. She looked shocked and her painted lips opened and closed a few times. Apollo finally got over his shock and then his kindly fatherly smile spread across his face, and his blue eyes twinkled.
"To prevent another war, this is what you must do."
"I hold you to your oath," Percy said. "All of you."
We got a lot of steely looks. Raph and Annabeth and even Nico stood up and they came over and stood beside us. the five of us stood shoulder to shoulder, challenging the gods.
Strangely, it was Athena who spoke up, and also signed for me: "The children are correct. We have been unwise to ignore our children. It proved a strategic weakness in this war and almost caused our destruction. Percy Jackson, I have had my doubts about you, but perhaps" -she glanced at Annabeth, and then as if the words had a sour taste in her mouth because her face puckered, —"perhaps I was mistaken. I move that we accept the children's plan."
"Humph," Zeus said. "Being told what to do by a mere child. But I suppose . . ."
"All in favor," Hermes said.
All the gods raised their hands.
Percy and I nodded. And we both let out the exhale we had been holding.
"It is done."
Whoa, LONG chapter this time!
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