Chapter 12: Back to the Regular Scheduled Chaos
Word of our arrival spread as soon as we landed in the shallow water, while Percy joined us and we all walked up to the beach.
Our beach is on the North Shore of Long Island, and it's enchanted so most people can't even see it. People don't just appear on the beach unless they're demigods or gods or really, really lost pizza delivery guys. (It's happened- but that's another story.)
Anyway, that afternoon the lookout on duty was Connor Stoll from the Hermes cabin. When he spotted us, he got so excited he fell out of his tree. Then he blew the conch horn to signal the camp and ran to greet us.
Connor had a crooked smile that matched his crooked sense of humor. He's a pretty nice guy, but you should always keep one hand on your wallet when he's around, and do not, under any circumstances, give him access to shaving cream unless you want to find your sleeping bag full of it. He's got curly brown hair and is a little shorter than his brother, Travis, which is the only way I can tell them apart. They are both so unlike Luke it's hard to believe they're all sons of Hermes.
I could see his arms waving and he was shouting something. He skidded to a stop his jaw dropped and his eyes flicked over the three of us. His crooked grin said it all.
"Your back!" He signed. "What happened? Everyone has been worried sick!"
"Am I though?" I sighed back, matching his crooked grin. "Am I back?"
He looked at Raph, and I had to focus really hard to watch what he said, "Chiron is not happy you left."
Raph shrugged, and pulled me closer. Connor finally turned to Percy and I did my best to follow the conversation.
"Percy!" he cried. "What happened? Where's Beckendorf?"
I hung my head. I knew this was going to be a thing, and I'd have to explain. I could feel the hurt and pain in my chest. I felt my eyes prickle with tears. Raph looked away, his face darkening. And Percy looked away. Connor looked at the three of us and his smile melted.
"Oh, no. Poor Silena. Holy Zeus, when she finds out . . ."
Together we climbed the sand dunes. A few hundred yards away, people were already streaming toward us, smiling and excited. Percy's back, Raph found Nora, they were probably thinking. They saved the day! Maybe Percy brought souvenirs!
We all stopped at the dining pavilion and waited for them. No sense rushing down there to tell them the terrible news. I intertwined my fingers with Raph and held his hand tightly.
I gazed across the valley and tried to remember how Camp Half-Blood looked the first time I ever saw it. That seemed like a bajillion years ago. In reality it was about only a year ago and I felt like I had been enveloped in this world for my entire life. So much had happened in that one year.
To my right spread the woods. To my left, the canoe lake glittered and the climbing wall glowed from the lava pouring down its side. Twelve cabins; one for each Olympian god; made a horseshoe pattern around the commons area. Farther south were the strawberry fields, the armory, and the four-story Big House with its sky blue paint job and its bronze eagle weathervane.
In some ways, the camp hadn't changed. But you couldn't see the war by looking at the buildings or the fields. You could see it in the faces of the demigods and satyrs and naiads coming up the hill.
There weren't as many at camp as last year. Some had left and never came back. Some had died fighting. Others, we tried not to talk about them—had gone over to the enemy. And no one new had come. I was the last new camper. It was strange.
The ones who were still here were battle-hardened and weary. There was little laughter at camp these days. Even the Hermes cabin didn't play so many pranks. It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one. I snorted at my own dark thought. Raph gave me an inquisitive side eye. I just shook my head.
Chiron galloped into the pavilion first, which was easy for him since he's a white stallion from the waist down. His beard had grown wilder over the summer. He wore a green T-shirt that said MY OTHER CAR IS A CENTAUR and a bow slung over his back.
His gauze flushed over the three of us.
"Percy!" he said while also signing for my benefit. "Thank the gods. But where . . ."
I shook my head. "I." I had to stop. Closed my eyes and tried again. "I tried Chiron. I really did."
Raph laid his large hand over mine and lowered them. "It was a hero's death. We'll fill you in at a council."
"Raphael. You were given strict orders not to go."
I looked up sharply. I wasn't really paying attention, but now Chiron had my full attention. I frowned.
"If him and Glitter hadn't shown up-"
I was cut off when a blond came charging passed. She didn't hug Percy, but she grabbed his arms, giving him a slight shake.
They had been weird lately. Most of the time they couldn't get through a conversation without trying to strangle each other. I mean I'd happily strangle her. We didn't bother with each other anymore. After her out burst and when I ran away last month with Nico...she had pretended like I was invisible. Which was fine with me.
"What happened? Is Luke-"
"The ship blew up," Percy answered and signed for my sake. "He wasn't destroyed. I don't know where-"
Silena Beauregard pushed through the crowd. Her hair wasn't combed and she wasn't even wearing makeup, which wasn't like her.
"Where's Charlie?" she demanded, looking around like he might be hiding. Her eyes locked onto me. My eyes whelled with tears. And I bit my lip hard. Charlie was one of my best friends at camp. This was awful. I glanced at Chiron helplessly.
The old centaur cleared his throat. "Silena, my dear, let's talk about this at the Big House-"
I could see he was trying to be gentle, with her. She looked so fragile and broken already. He also signed while he spoke, clearly seeing my distress.
"No," she muttered. "No. No."
"Selina...I'm sorry!" I finally signed frantically. "I tried! I really did!"
"Wait....Nora. you were there?" Chiron asked, glancing at Percy and Raph.
Selina started to cry, and that set me off. I rushed forwards and we just sunk to the ground crying together. The rest of the campers stood around, too stunned to speak. We'd already lost so many people over the summer, but this was the worst. With Beckendorf gone, it felt like someone had stolen the anchor for the entire camp.
Finally Clarisse and Kayla came forward. The two of them got Selina and me to our feet and put her arm around us. Clarisse and Selina had one of the strangest friendships ever- a daughter of the war god and a daughter of the love goddess- but ever since Silena had given Clarisse advice last summer about her first boyfriend, Clarisse had decided she was Silena's personal bodyguard. And over the year I had gotten to know Clarisse, and yeah she was gruff, mean and straight forward, very rough around the edges, I liked her. She was loyal and always had your back if you proved you had hers.
Clarisse was dressed in her bloodred combat armor, her brown hair tucked into a bandana. She was as big and beefy as a rugby player, with a permanent scowl on her face, but she spoke gently to Silena.
"Come on, girl," she said. "Let's get to the Big House. I'll make you some hot chocolate." She paused and pulled me into a tight hug for a moment only to pull away and sign, "glad you're not dead- your like a sister. The ONLY Apollo kid who I will tolerate!"
I was too focused on the pain in my chest right now to fully understand what she meant. She stomped away. Kayla said something to Raph, who nodded and Kayla led me to the showers while Clarissa led Selina to the Big House. I didn't even care at this point.
Will followed and the two of them got me sorted out. I felt so lost now. Beckendorf's death finally hit me fully. He wasn't coming back. And it was my fault. I couldn't save him. I lived because one, I was immune to fire and two, the curse of Achellies. I realized how much it had saved me over the last month. If Percy and I were going to be the main targets of Kronos, if we were going to war...Percy also had to take on the curse. He didn't stand a chance if he didn't.
I finished with the shower and pulled on the clothes Kayla grabbed for me. Jeans and black tank top. I ran a brush through my wet hair and brushed my teeth. Feeling a little more human again, I went looking for Percy and Raph.
I found Percy, Annabeth and Raph talking to Chiron. I slowly walked up. Raph pulled me into a hug, I placed my cheek on his chest, and let his hand run up and down my back. It was soothing.
"Nora, dear. I'm sorry it's been an emotional while for you, but please tell us what happened." Chiron signed.
I closed my eyes for a second and slowly pulled away from Raph. I told him everything. From what that Jones kid back in the train station said, how I made everyone leave and I would stay behind, the weird feeling I got and the prison appearing to waking up in a cage on the boat, what happened with Kronos, the black magic the twins used on me, how I tried to get both Percy and Beckendorf off the boat.
"How did you not also die in the explosion?" Annabeth asked.
"I'm immune to fire, Sun Titan remember?" I signed back, narrowing my eyes.
She was about to respond when Raph straightened up and stepped slightly infront of me. He would never hit a girl, but he was also getting real sick of her attitude towards me. My stomach fluttered with butterflies. He was so protective. There was a tense moment before Percy spoke and signed again.
"One more thing." He took a deep breath. "When I talked to my father, he said to tell you it's time. I need to know the full prophecy."
Chiron's shoulders sagged, but he didn't look surprised. "I've dreaded this day. Very well. Annabeth, we will show Percy the truth- all of it. Let's go to the attic."
I'd never been to the Big House attic before. All I knew was that was where the hippy boho grandma lived, the spirit of Delphi. When Percy asked if I wanted to come I shook my head. I didn't want to be so close to that shell of a person. She gave me the creeps. I could still taste the green smoke and I shuddered.
A ladder led up from the top of the staircase. I wondered how Chiron was going to get up there, being half horse and all, but he didn't try.
"You know where it is," he told Annabeth. "Bring it down, please."
Annabeth nodded. "Come on, Percy."
I stood at the bottom and watched until I couldn't see Percy anymore. He shot me one more look, a pleading, please come with me I don't want to do this look. I waved him good bye and have him a thumbs up. I turned and went with Raph to wait in the council meeting room. The senior counselors had gathered around the Ping-Pong table. Don't ask me why, but the rec room had become the camp's informal headquarters for war councils. When Raph and I came in, though, it looked more like a shouting match. Raph gave my hand a squeeze and went to sit beside his sister's open seat.
Clarisse was still in full battle gear. Her electric spear was strapped to her back. (Actually, her second electric spear, since Percy had apparently broken the first one during his first game of Capture the Flag. She called the spear "Maimer." Behind her back, everybody else called it "Lamer.") She had her boar-shaped helmet under one arm and a knife at her belt.
She was in the midst of yelling at Michael Yew, our new head councilor, which looked kind of funny since Clarisse was a foot taller. Michael stood four feet six, with another two feet of attitude. He reminded me of a ferret, with a pointy nose and scrunched-up features—either because he scowled so much or because he spent too much time looking down the shaft of an arrow. He glanced at me when I walked in, he nodded his head and went back to yelling, but now he added sign launguage so I knew what was going on.
"It's our loot!" he yelled, standing on his tiptoes so he could get in Clarisse's face. "If you don't like it, you can kiss my quiver!"
I waved my hand catching their attention, "What's the problem?"
They both started signing and yelling at the same time. I held both hands up, unable to understand. Confused I look to Raph. And he leaned back in his chair and signed, "that chariot you guys found on the train raid."
I looked back to Michael and Clarisse in shock.
"Your arguing over that stupid thing?" I signed. "Seriously?"
Around the table, people were trying not to laugh; the Stoll brothers, Pollux from the Dionysus cabin, Katie Gardner from Demeter. Even Jake Mason, the hastily appointed new counselor from Hephaestus, managed a faint smile. Only Silena Beauregard didn't pay any attention. She sat beside Clarisse and stared vacantly at the Ping-Pong net. Her eyes were red and puffy. A cup of hot chocolate sat untouched in front of her. It seemed unfair that she had to be here. I couldn't believe Clarisse and Michael standing over her, arguing about something as stupid as loot, when she'd just lost Beckendorf. When we all just lost him.
Percy and Annabeth along with Chiron just came in. Percy frowned and surveyed the scene. Micheal up in Clarisse's face, yelling over Selina. I was completely shocked and frustrated. I could feel my hands heating up.
"STOP IT!" Percy yelled. As I slammed my sparking hands down into the table, spilling some of the untouched hot chocolate. "What are you guys doing?"
Clarisse glowered at Percy. "Tell Michael not to be a selfish jerk."
"Michael you're a selfie jerk." I signed. "Happy? Can we move on? We have bigger issues here!"
"What are you talking about?" Percy demanded. I could see by everyone's body laungue they agreed, but for whatever reason, Michael and Clarisse felt very strongly about this chariot we found in the train raid.
Pollux cleared his throat and raised his hand, he was another camper who took it up one himself to learn sign launguage so he could talk to me and I really did appreciate it. He wasn't very loud or outgoing, rather quiet and gentle, he probably threw the best cabin parties, but he was anxious in big crowds- probably why we got along.
Pollux explained in fluent sign for me and Percy. "Clarisse has refused to speak to any of us, until her, um, issue is resolved. She hasn't spoken for a few days."
"It's been wonderful," Travis Stoll signed, with a wistful expression.
"What issue?" Percy asked, looking around the room.
Clarisse turned to Chiron. "You're in charge, right? Does my cabin get what we want or not?"
Chiron shuffled his hooves. "My dear, as I've already explained, Michael is correct. Apollo's cabin has the best claim. Besides, we have more important matters-"
"Sure," Clarisse snapped. "Always more important matters than what Ares needs. We're just supposed to show up and light when you need us, and not complain!"
"That would be nice," Connor Stoll muttered, I didn't hear it, but I could clearly read his lips- for a thief he wasn't very sneaky.
Clarisse gripped her knife. "Maybe I should ask Mr. D-" I didn't need her sign launguage to know what she said. Her red face and angry eyes told it all.
"As you know," Chiron interrupted, his tone slightly angry now, "our director, Dionysus, is busy with the war. He can't be bothered with this."
"I see," Clarisse said. "And the senior counselors? Are any of you going to side with me?"
Nobody was smiling now. None of them met Clarisse's eyes. I raised my hand.
"I don't care what happens to the dam chariot. We have bigger issues!"
"Sorry Nora, your not the head councilor. It's up to Michael." She signed and folded her huge arms and turned to Michael. Who also folded his arms and stared at Clarisse without blinking.
"Fine." Clarisse turned to Silena. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get into this when you've just lost . . . Anyway, I apologize. To you. And Nora. Nobody else."
Silena didn't seem to register her words.
Clarisse threw her knife on the Ping-Pong table. "All of you can fight this war without Ares. Until I get satisfaction, no one in my cabin is lifting a finger to help. Have fun dying."
She stormed to the door but froze. She turned and looked over her shoulder at Raph.
"You staying with a bunch of selfish jerks or your Father's cabin?"
Raph's dark eyes flicked to me for a second. I raised an eyebrow. He was still. Everyone was watching. Wondering what he would do. I obviously didn't care what happened to the chariot, but if he stayed he would betray his cabin. If he went with Clarisse then he was betraying the rest of us, leaving us to fight alone. It seemed as if eternity went on. And then he did something that just about ripped my heart out.
Raph stood up and left the war council, and didn't look back.
Sorry everyone it was a long break in-between chapters! I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
We're getting into the actual book plot now! I don't think I'm going into all the extra Percy detail, but definitely following the book plot now. :)
Hope it's up to the PJO fandom standards.
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