Chapter 1: Coming Soon!
It's funny how cruel the world can be--. The smell of blood and smoke fills the air, villagers were screaming and running for their lives... I can barely move.
Me, a major of this village, couldn't sense the attack coming. I missed all signs because I was so naive--so ingenious of my surroundings.
"EREN! Connie, Mikasa, Sasha! Get that rubble off him! We need to take him away from here!"
A weight is lifted from my chest as they pull some of the rubble from the office off of me. I'm hoisted to my feet and we run to the stables to retrieve my horse. Once I'm set, we take off through the village to try and help who we can. Suddenly, the sheriff blocks our way.
"No! You must leave the village! The Titans are too strong!"
"No, we can't! My mother, wife and kid are still here!"
I shout back, trying to get around him. We stop hearing a voice shouting from behind the sheriff.
"Eren! Your mother! Sh-she was taken!"
"We have to--!"
She yelps and falls to her knees, holding her right leg. I scream out to her, struggling to unbuckle the straps on my feet. The sheriff turns to help, but gets shot down off his horse, mid-run. His horse panics and sprints frantically in Annie's direction.
I shout and fall off my horse in my haste to get to her. The others try to run to her, but their horses retreat in fear. The sheriff's horse tramples her injured leg and she screams, falling down completely.
I freeze at the most horrifying sight before me.
I feel broken...
LOV: Gomen. I didn't want to give too much away, but that probably didn't work out... Who all do you think died, if any at all? I labeled it as coming soon, but I still need to go over the story so it may take a little longer than expected... Some aspects may change as well...
~Sorta Delirious,Out!~
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