Hello my darlings❤️. We are reaching higher and higher reads💃💃. When I started HEELS, I left it for almost 6 months before coming back to complete it. In just a few months of coming back, it skyrocketed to Soo much reads, votes and comments. Thank you guys❤️❤️ I really appreciate all the love.
Writing has always been a part of me and I think I'm good in what I do. Sometimes I feel like a mini celebrity lol! Especially when someone ask me if I'm Khayr Souf or when I'm introduced to someone as "This is Khayr Souf" or "Author of HEELS". Nonetheless, I'm grateful for your endless support.
Have you read Imperfect Perfections?? Then do! Seriously you don't want to miss out. It has such great context that I want to dictate to someone and have them type because tbvh the updates aren't exactly regular! But I promise to come back on track.
I've been busy setting up my business, (Yes your girl started a self made perfume line). This is totally not something I need to say but I'm saying it anyways, I feel like you guys should know a bit of things happening in my life.
Also it's MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah Ya Rabb! Alhamdulillah for the gift of life, cheers to all that was, all that is and all that will be. I'm proud of the woman I'm becoming, I'm proud of her strength, the things she can hold and the things she healed from.
Say a prayer for your girl, that's a special request from HAFAIRA. Lol!
Anyways these are the updates. Thank you for your continuous support, do check out IMPERFECT PERFECTIONS and leave a prayer for your girl ❤️.
Love, Khayr ❤️
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