Anxiety was a conflicting feeling that sent fire to her hear and sent chills down her spine. Hands shaking, and breathing quick she sat staring at her phone. She had so many things she wanted to understand, wanted to say to them but every part of her yelled not to.
Fearing something, and then confronting your fears were very different things, and nothing anyone had ever said to her made it easy. For months, it had been Lynn, Quil and herself. She had hardly spent a moment without them her side when the Cullen's were gone, and she absolutely refused to think of them as a substitute because they were anything but.
Lynn was a friend that she had always needed, a friend that she had truly made by herself without anyone help. The girl was lively and protective, full of bright colours and deep laughs that made Andy believe that the sun truly did shine in the cloudy region because it lived in her smile.
Quil was everything from the moment he somehow managed to get her phone number from her sister. The boy was the only one that had ever truly looked at her, and she him. He was the only boy that ever existed for her, the one that made her slightly crazy in love because she loved him so much.
They weren't replacements but she was never meant to fear being in the same room as them.
She wanted to do as her sister advised, to call them and talk things over. Bella had expressed how important it was that she spoke to Quil because if she was bothered by the distance between them, then he was falling apart. She wanted to understand everything, but she feared what they would say. Everything she had learnt of the pack was from Bella and the Cullen's and she knew not to trust everything they said.
Rolling back her shoulder, Andy reached out and dialed the number that she knew would be the easiest conversation.
She was being shaken softly and her eyes fluttered open to see a tired Bella sitting beside her on the bed.
"What?" she groaned, turning over, she placed her head on her sister's lap and closed her eyes.
"Andy, you need to get up Jacob needs to come in and smell your room," Bella whispered softly. "Jasper has already been in here and Alice wants you to sleep at their house tonight."
"What's happening?" the sleepy girl muttered.
"Just get up Andy!"
"I'm up. I'm up," she said following with a few curses under her breath.
She made her way downstairs slowly, each step wobbly and unsure as she tried to shake off the limp that held her back. Her sister was no where in sight, only her father who sat in front of he television watching a game of football. Passing by him undetected, she stepped out into the front lawn.
Jacob and Edward stood close together, Bella standing to the side begging them to stop. It was an odd scenario and she half expected them to turn and begin to argue with her. Watching them together, it was hard to see what Bella saw in either of them. Both were furious, ready to rip the other to shreds just to be with her. Andy was no expert on love or relationships, but none of that seemed about right. They were angry, but she viewed arguing because she did not choose you as ridiculous.
"Bells," Andy called out, announcing her presence. "You can send the others in, I have al I need."
Jacob left the couple and came to the young Swan's side he moment she made herself known, not reacting to the way she backed away from him as he got closer.
"We're setting up a guard detail for you guys at night to keep you safe," the shifter told her. "Quil and Lynn claim to be here every night but since you've already spoken to Lynn today, she should have let you know."
She looked at him quizzically, before eyeing her sister. "Why do I need a guard detail?"
Jake waked towards her quickly, reaching her side before she could back away. Leaning down, he placed his hands on his shoulder with a feather touch before sniffing her. Almost instantly she began to feel sick as her stomach swirled with the wolfs emotions; anger, disgust and disbelief hit her senses and she had to resist a shudder.
"They didn't tell you, even if the leech was in your room and touched you," he ground out, body shaking and an overwhelming sense of fear filled Andy at the prospect of Jacob phasing, the pain that she would go through. "He was so close to you while you were sleeping, while your father was sleeping."
"Wh- I don- What's happening?" she rushed out. Frantically, she pushed at his hands in an attempt to get away. "No one touched me. Does this have something to do with Lynn because it's been a week since the incident and I've been with Alice and Jas the entire time."
She looked around, begging Bella and her boyfriend for help. It was Edward that stepped forward hearing her silent plea. Using his vampire speed, he forcibly placed himself between Jacob and herself. Instantly she relaxed, her hands coming up to press into his back lightly in thanks, her weight pressing against him as she took the pressure off her leg.
"Get out of my way," Jacob snarled. Andy curled further into the vampire's cool skin when his anger hit her.
"You need to calm down," Edward spoke smoothly, calmly. "Do you not see how much your emotions affect her, how the shifters anger affects her. She's scared of all of you, petrified. You need to relax."
"Ands, let's go inside," Bella called out. The elder sister stood near the front door, hand held out expectantly for her sister to take. "I'll get my keys and then drive you to Alice. She should be waiting for you."
Nodding absent mindedly, she staggered to her sister, gripping Bella's hand firmly when she reached her side.
"Go get Mr. Darcy and I'll get your medication," Bella whispered.
Stumbling up the stairs dangerously, Andy moved to her bed and scooped the sleeping kitten into her arms easily. Petting and cooing, she let the little ball of fur drift to sleep before collecting her phone and leaving the room.
Mr. Darcy turned out to be the perfect little kitten and for that she was incredibly grateful. He stuck to her side constantly, crying out for her as she left for school. It was as though Darcy knew when it was the right moment to play and when it was time to sleep. The best part was that he hated anyone that wasn't Andy, only tolerating them wen Andy was present- of course this did not include Alice, whom the cat adored only less so than it did Andy.
"You ready?" Bella asked poking her head into her sister's room.
Together, the sisters made their way down the stairs and passed their father, muttering a nonsensical explanation that Andy was going to be spending the night with Alice and that she'll most likely be back tomorrow.
Leaving the house, the pair were not expecting both Edward and Jacob to be still arguing. Both were only inches apart, hotly seething furious to the other about something far too low for the girls to hear. With both of their emotions thick in the air, Andy felt her knees collapse under the weight, Mr. Darcy fell from her arms and her stomachs contents began to empty themselves.
Everyone grew still, the tension immediately draining away as they onlookers remained frozen. Andy whimpered softly as a new wave of emotions hit her; panic and distress canceled out everything else. It was a low thrum that rang through her starting from the pit in her stomach, growing larger and more intense by the moment.
Spitting out a mouthful of spit, Andy sat back on the ground and let her legs extend in front of her. Her stomach continued to twist and turn. Nauseous, she placed her head between bent knees and began to take deep controlled breaths.
She felt a small pressure on the back of her hand, recognizing the soft fur brushing her skin she looked up and brought Mr. Darcy into her lap.
Glancing around, she could see Edward speaking on the phone in rapid, hush tones. Occasionally he would look in her direction before turning back and staring in the general direction of his house. It seemed that both Bella and Jacob jumped forward at the same time. Bella was behind her, rambling a flurry of words that made little sense to the situation. Jacob was in front of her, eyes wide and forehead set with worry and he spoke lowly and slow as though she couldn't understand him.
Hands were touching her, grabbing at her gently as they each checked her over. It made her head spin.
"Stop, just stop it," Andy snapped, taking them both by surprise. Turning to face her sister, she pushed her unease of having her back to Jacob and spoke pleadingly, "Can we just leave? They should be waiting for me and you know how Allie gets when she can't see me."
Bella grimaced and helped her sister to her feet, letting Andy get steady before pushing past Jacob and leading her to the truck. The shifter followed them, highly confused on what in the world was going on.
"Where are, you going?" he asked, lingering at the driver side door.
"To the Cullen place. They think it's safer for Andy to spend the night there," Bella explained.
"Why? We can easily protect her."
"Do you not see how easily you can hurt her without even trying? It doesn't help that she doesn't want to be near an of you," the elder Swan countered sharply.
Andy looked over at Jacob and gave him a forced smile. "Tell them I'm sorry but they can stay home tonight and I promise I haven't forgotten about Quil, I'll call him but I just don't know what to say yet."
Nodding, the boy made his way off into the woods with slumped shoulders.
She wasn't sure how long she sat there staring at her phone. Mr. Darcy was seated in her lap, nipping at her shaking fingers in a form of comfort.
She was anxious, that much was easy for her to distinguish. She wanted to speak to him, even if Bella hadn't urged and pleaded with her to do so. It didn't feel right, avoiding him like he was just another person because he was so much more, deserved so much more and she wasn't giving him that.
It wasn't just that either. Andy cold feel herself slipping back into the horrible habits that she had before first arriving in Forks and she was worried because she didn't know how to stop it. Everything started to go wrong when she stopped talking to them, when she pushed him away because fear was too much.
She didn't feel all that afraid anymore to speak to him, but if that was herself or Jasper's influence she was not entirely sure.
There had been many times when she had picked up her phone and stared at his number with a blank mind, not one word could be summoned to form a simple greeting.
Bella had confided in her sister that she had learnt of something that involved her directly from Jacob. Bella said that Andy needed to know, but that it was not her place to say and that Quil was the only one that could tell her.
Pushing herself, Andy called the number before she could stop herself and waited. She didn't know what to expect exactly, it wasn't all that late but she knew that the shifters were often out late or spending down time sleeping.
"Hello?" someone answered. Sitting in Alice's room, she was well aware the other occupants of the house could hear her but she didn't know what to say. It wasn't him, she never thought that someone other than him would answer the phone and she froze up in shock. "Hello?"
"Uh- hi," she squeaked out.
She could make out noise on the other end, hectic yelling hushed nearly instantly. "Andy?"
She swallowed thickly but it did nothing from stopping her voice from shaking. "Is Quil there? I told Jacob I would call. Is Jacob there?"
The phone was being handed off, she device making scratchy noises as it met some else's hands. "Andy? Is everything okay?"
"Oh Jake," she breathed out in relief. "I wante- I didn't know what to say to anyone else. I wasn't ready to speak to anyone else."
"It's fine," Jacob told her. "You didn't want to talk to Paul anyway, he's an idiot."
The name snapped in her mind. "Paul? I didn't recognize him. I had no idea that was him."
"It's fine," he laughed. "They're too stupid to take offense."
Growling rang over the phone and she felt herself freeze again as fear dominated Jasper's hold on her emotions. The shaking in her hands increased and the phone nearly slipped from her hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked when she didn't answer. The laughter died down almost immediately.
"He growled at you, and it sounded much worse than a wolf," she stuttered.
The door to the room opened and Alice came storming in. The vampire easily snatched the phone from Andy's hand and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"You are scaring her even when Jasper is influencing her emotions," Alice spat, sounding like an angry mother. "Quil is clearly not there so have him call when none of you other animals are around."
She hung up and gave Andy a kind smile. "Come along. You need to eat, and then we have party planning to deal with."
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Baby Andy nearly spoke to Quil, oops.
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