since y'all for begging for an update here it issssss
alsoooo Happy Diwali to those celebrating ❤️
Please excuse errors el oh el
"Who's Jon?"
The sudden question caught Reina completely off-guard. Her angry expression morphed into one full of confusion and slight fear, due to Harry's dangerously low tone. Harry cursed with irritation, grabbing her hips and turning her around, fingers digging into her naked skin and holding her in place.
"I said," Harry uttered lowly and slowly, making Reina gulp because she realized she had made a mistake but she didn't know what exactly it was. "Who the fuck is Jon?"
Reina felt her heart tighten in her chest at the mentioning of her previous lover's name, wondering for a moment how Harry had found out about him. But then it hit her, and she remembered. She remembered the sudden flash of memories hitting her when Harry gave her that final thrust and caused her to orgasm. Her heart fell in her chest when she remembered that she had moaned her previous lover's name instead of Harry.
She remembered bringing Jon to the same hot spring pool, but she didn't think of that when she planned to bring Harry there. Reina suddenly felt her heart sinking in her chest at the realization, face contorting with a mixture of emotions as Harry gazed down at her angrily.
"Answer me!" Harry yelled loudly, causing her to tremble and turn away. She had no voice at this moment because she was so overwhelmed.
"He is the man I lost my virginity to," Reina whispered ever so lowly, a part of her hoping that he didn't hear her but he did.
"I fucking knew it. I fucking knew you were not a virgin right from the start," Harry seethed, nostrils flaring with a clenched jaw. "You lied to me."
"I was going to tell you soon after tonight, but you must understand that I had to lie, Harry. I had no choice!" Reina sighed in exasperation. "I am sorry, and I despise myself for feeding you lies during the entirety of this marriage but if it weren't for me lying: this marriage never would have happened in the first place," she explained desperately, sucking in a breath before continuing to speak.
"Your parents would have never agreed to it-"
"Damn right they never would have, and if they found out about this now they would grant an annulment, considering the fact that we do not have children," Harry spat angrily. His words struck fear into Reina's heart, like a knife sinking into human flesh.
"You can't tell them," Reina whispered fearfully, shaking her head.
She didn't fear for the loss of an important alliance for her house. She feared the loss of another person she cared about, which was Harry. She found that the times she felt her feelings for Harry were present was when they fought. It was because every spiteful word he said would hurt her a hundred times more than it should because she felt for him. She had now realized she had become so emotionally invested in him without realizing.
"Harry, please, I do not want this marriage to end. I-I feel for you so deeply-"
"Lies!" Harry yelled loudly, making Reina grimace. "All lies! I give you my fucking all and you moan some bastard's name while I am inside of you! I do not see that as feeling for me, Reina."
"I swear I was not thinking of him. I swear it, Harry. I-It came out of nowhere! I did not even realize I did it!" Reina sniffled with a shake of her head. She was telling the truth but Harry wasn't going to believe her. "T-The wine, fuck, I get so intoxicated when I have wine, Harry. M-My mind-"
"Alcohol is no excuse, Reina," Harry muttered with a huff. "Why the fuck do you always have to attempt to go against society's expectations? There is a fucking limit. You are a princess. You have duties to follow, and one of them is being a virgin before marriage, which you fucking did not do and instead opened your legs to some low-life scum-"
"Stop it!" Reina screeched loudly, tears finally leaking from her eyes. "He was not scum. He was not a bastard! I gave it to him because I was in love with him, just like you did with Rosalie! Do not shame me when you did the same! I actually resisted because I knew that I could not be so stubborn and headstrong all the time. But I was-"
"-In love," Harry continued her sentence in a quiet utter. He did not expect to hear that Reina loved the man she lost her virginity to. "Have you laid with him behind my back? Perhaps that was the reason you were so desperate to come to Vardomos-"
"I came to Vardomos because my grandmother was dying," Reina told him through gritted teeth, his words pissing her off for a moment. "He is dead, Harry."
"I cannot lie about how relieved I am to hear that," Harry muttered in response with cold eyes. "You will never understand, Reina. You will never understand how this world works."
"If you are going to continue to shame me for losing my virginity then go ahead," Reina said angrily, eyes sparkling with sorrowful tears. "I do not regret my choice. But I regret lying to you about it, and hurting you. It was never my intention to do so, lying to you, but it had to be done."
"Unfortunately, I had to find out this way," Harry said bitterly, his expression as hard as the stones they were standing on. "I had to find out that you were thinking of him all this time whenever you were with me. You do not feel for me, the way you felt for him. How could you? He was the love of your life, and I will never be it."
"Harry, please don't say that," Reina felt the hot tears trickling down her cheeks at his words full of sadness. "I never thought about him whenever I was and am with you. It is you whom I care for so deeply and unconditionally. I'm sorry, fuck, I'm so sorry."
She couldn't tell him she loved him because she wasn't at that point yet to say so. She couldn't lie to him and say that to make him feel better because that would just be horrible of her. She was conflicted more than ever and all she wanted to do was to curl up into a ball and cry. In situations such as this, where she finds herself hurting someone she cared for deeply, she felt like she had no control over the situation and that killed her.
"Your apologies mean nothing to me," he spat aggressively, before he climbed out of the rock pool and reached for a towel. "At the end of day, it will always be Jon you'd rather be married to and not me."
"You're a fucking princess, Reina," Harry didn't stop himself from allowing all his angry thoughts to flow out of his mouth and strike Reina's heart like arrows hitting a target.
"Not a whore."
"Ha-" Reina began to say in shock but the hurt was too much it made her let out a sob instead. Harry watched her crumble to pieces instead of grow vexed and full of rage.
"Stop crying," Harry muttered with a huff, trying not to regret his words when he only wanted to fight her instead of upset her so greatly. He had never seen her so visibly upset before.
He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes and trying to show that he didn't regret his words. He wanted to hurt like she had hurt him, but he didn't expect his words to take such a toll on her. She was sniffling quietly, trying to cover up her sobbing because she disliked crying, especially because she didn't defend herself when Harry called her a whore. They got dressed in silence; a silence as bitter as the cold that bit their cheeks and noses. Reina wiped her cheeks harshly, sniffling and turning around to glance at Harry.
He pulled his fur coat on, shivering lightly. His eyes met Reina's and for a second he felt guilt and regret flood him because of how hurt she looked. But then he was reminded of her moaning Jon, and immediately felt the emotions he was feeling dissipate and transform into the hurt and heartbreak he felt before. He cleared his throat with a tight frown, parting his lips to speak shortly.
"Let's go back."
Harry called out loudly at the brooding bodyguard whom was standing by the entrance of the castle, waiting for Harry and Reina's return. Harry climbed off Vaera quickly once she had landed, leaving Reina behind and marching towards Fredric who had a confused look on his face when he noticed that Harry was angry.
"I want you to arrange another bedchamber for me," Harry said sharply, making Fredric's frown deepen.
"Harry, what-"
"Just do it, for fuck's sake," Harry snapped with a scowl. "I do not want to sleep with her tonight."
"Harry, you are being dramatic, calm yourself for a moment-"
"Do not tell me what to do," Harry seethed with angry, gleaming eyes. "Another thing I want you to do is send word to my father now that Reina and I are leaving to Siremeth tomorrow night."
Harry then disappeared into the castle to find a handmaid to tell the same set of instructions to, because Fredric was too dumbfounded to move. His gaze lifted to find Reina standing next to Vaera who was whining quietly, nudging her body as if asking her what's wrong. Fredric noticed her glistening cheeks from the distance, and her broken expression, and immediately felt his heart ache for her. It then hit him, what had happened, and that made him even sadder because clearly the conversation didn't end well.
Reina's teary eyes met Fredric's pale blue ones, swallowing thickly and sniffling while leaning her cheek against Vaera's for comfort. Fredric's facial expression offered her sympathy. But she simply shook her head and walked away with Vaera following her as they walked off into the bitter cold darkness.
"What the fuck did you say to my sister?"
Harry looked up from his breakfast with a deep frown, finding an angry Reyes standing by the doorway, dark brown eyes gazing angrily at him. It was the next morning and Harry was having breakfast in his new bedchamber. He barely got any sleep the night before because all he could see was Reina with Jon in his dreams, haunting and torturing him. He had asked Fredric to check up on Reina, and inform her that they were going to leave that night, but Fredric reported back saying that she wasn't anywhere to be found in the castle.
"It's a bit rude to interrupt a man while he's having his breakfast, don't you think?"
"A man is most definitely the wrong word to describe you, Styles," Reyes spoke lowly, making Harry's smirk disappear. "I think an immature little boy would be the most perfect word."
"Watch yourself, Reyes, you're speaking to the future King," Harry warned sternly. "I can have you beheaded for saying such a thing."
"Well, Harry, you are in my kingdom, so the chances of that are quite slim," Reyes chuckled mockingly, making Harry's expression grown dark. "Now to talk about what I am here for."
Reyes was upset when he heard about what Harry said to Reina. At the start of the story, he sympathized greatly for Harry, knowing that he himself would be greatly upset if his wife moaned another man's name out loud. But after hearing about Harry's angry response, and words about her duty to be a virgin before marriage and that she was a princess not a whore; Reyes got very angry.
What made him even more upset was that Reina was sobbing while she told him the whole story, and he had never seen his sister so visibly upset over something. He had seen her being called the word 'whore' before and many other nasty ones by men, and she had always responded fiercely and made the men look like idiots. But this was different. The fact that she responded to Harry's comment with crying shocked him.
"Reina," Harry uttered quietly, as Reyes took a seat in front of him, while Fredric stood in the corner of the room, watching the conversation unfold. "She lied to me about her virginity."
"It's because Genevieve and I told her to do so," Reyes responded immediately. "The alliance wouldn't have worked if she didn't."
"My parents would have you hanged for that. Lying to the King? You must have some nerve," Harry snarled angrily, while Reyes sat there opposite him, calm and composed.
"We were willing to do whatever it took to establish peace between our houses," Reyes simply said. "Of course, she could have revealed the truth earlier instead of having it come out...the way it did."
"But it hurt me more the way it did come out," Harry exclaimed. "Imagine yourself making love to your wife and she moans out some bastard's name."
Reyes grimaced visibly, trying not to imagine Harry's words in his head. "I understand that that is horrible and heartbreaking, Harry, and I am sorry it all happened in the first place. I support you in the sense that she should have told you earlier, but you have to see her perspective of this all as well."
"What perspective?" Harry scoffed, taking a sip of his water. "Her belief that men and women's virginities are supposed to hold the same value? That's why she lost hers to be rebellious?"
"That is what you do not understand, Harry," Reyes spoke with a clenched jaw, slightly pissed by the way Harry spoke. "Despite Reina having her unpopular beliefs about virginity, she was protective of hers. Our parents taught us everything we know, but the one thing my father asked Reina to do was to keep her virginity for marriage. She took it as her duty as a princess, even though she didn't like it."
"But she still went against her father's commands? Typical," Harry rolled his eyes bitterly, while Reyes swallowed thickly, holding himself back from saying something he'd regret.
"She was in love when she did it, Harry," Reyes uttered quietly. "The things you do when you're in love, it's maddening. She found a man who respected her and admired her and she trusted him enough to give him her virginity. Their love was a forbidden love as well, that is also another factor that contributed to her decision."
"Now, from what she's told me you did the same with a woman named Rosalie, is that correct?" Reyes questioned with an arch of his brow. Harry remained quiet, but nodded slowly. "So, then why can't you see Reina's reasons for doing such a thing?"
"Because-" Harry started with a huff before he stopped himself, realizing that Reyes was right this whole time. "Fuck this, I do not want to have this conversation." Harry made a move to stand up, but Reyes slammed his fist down on the table and stood up, glaring at him angrily.
"We will have this conversation because my sister is somewhere in Vardomos bawling her eyes out with a broken heart, which is very unlike her, because you called her a whore. You say shit about caring about her yet you are so cruel with your words and actions when you are angry. You will listen to what I have to say about her side of this situation, and you will then apologize to her for your harsh words and accept what happened and move on."
"You fucking expect me to move on from this?" Harry stood up as well, and spoke loudly in exasperation. "I could not even sleep last night because all I could think about is Reina and fucking Jon. She hurt me, Reyes. I know now that her love for me will never surmount her love for Jon because how could it? She loved him first! I-I am just a second choice."
"I am sorry to say this, Harry, but you weren't even a choice for her. Your marriage was arranged. Your feelings for her come out of the lust you have for her, and it is probably the same with her. You cannot seriously expect her to fall in love with you so quickly and deeply when you've only been married and have known each other for almost a month."
Reyes' words pierced Harry's heart harder than Harry had expected, the cold, the harsh reality of them was seeping through the flesh and blood, chilling it all. Reyes knew about the impact of his words, and hoped they knocked some sense into him because from what he's experienced Harry acts like a spoiled brat, whom always gets what he wants, and when he doesn't; he throws a fit. But at the same time, Reyes sympathized deeply with Harry, even though he didn't say or show it as much. He felt incredibly bad for him because he understood how painful and shocking it must have been to hear the one he felt for moan another man's name out loud.
"But," Reyes started to say, gaining Harry's attention. Harry's anger had transformed into sadness now. "I know that she cares for you, Harry. So deeply. She would send me letters talking about how isolated she would feel at Siremeth, but would always end it with how you kept her sane and happy. The way she looks at you, I saw it yesterday night, it was the way she would look at Jon when she had feelings for him."
"Jon's gone now, Harry, and Reina would never make you feel like a second choice despite what she did. If you treat her with kindness and respect, even when you are angry, then you will find yourself being the second love who will teach her that love still exists even though she thought it never could again. That is what she thought when she lost Jon."
Reyes pressed his lips shut when he said what he wanted to say, gazing at Harry expectantly. But Harry was quiet. Speechless even. He say truth in Reyes words, but still felt conflicted because he found it hard to change himself, and he was still hurting too much to do so. He needed a push to actually take Reyes' words into account and better himself, not only for his marriage but for himself as well, because being kind and respectful would help him in the long run for when he becomes King. Being a better husband to Reina would automatically make him a better King.
"I hope you mull over my words and be more understanding of the situation. You've already spoken words you regret, don't make the same mistake again," Reyes said softly., before he turned to leave the bedchamber.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Harry let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in during Reyes' monologue. He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his curls with a frown on his face. Fredric emerged from the corner he was standing in, a stoic expression on his face as Harry stood up and stood by the doorway of the balcony. He pinched his lower lip with his fingers. Brows lowered, briefly glancing at Fredric by his side, folding his right arm under his left.
"Will you be informing the King and Queen about this situation?" Fredric asked quietly. His curiosity and worry got the best of him.
"No," Harry muttered.
"Did you truly call Reina a whore?" he continued to inquire, a look of disappointment etching onto his face when Harry looked away guiltily.
"I did," Harry responded.
"I'm-" Fredric began to say, but he stopped with a shake of his head. Harry glanced at him with tightly knitted brows.
"It is nothing, m'lord."
"Fredric, just say what you want to say to me," Harry insisted, though a part of him didn't want to hear his best friend's words of disappointment.
"I didn't expect you to be so spiteful," Fredric said with his gaze averted. "I understand that you were hurt and angry at the time, and-and you still are. But calling her a whore?"
"I know," Harry spoke with a clenched jaw. "It was low of me to do so."
"I truly hope you apologize to her for your harsh words," Fredric almost scolded, and even though Harry had already heard it from Reyes, he felt it hit him more when it came from Fredric. "The two of you have potential to turn this marriage into something beautiful, and I truly want the best for both of you. Do not let one mistake ruin something so beautiful."
Reina was currently deep in the forest near her castle with her chestnut horse, Juno. Her pale eyes turned to gaze at the sweet mare, nibbling on some grass near the tree she was tied to while Reina was sat in her favorite place. Deep in Blood Claw Grove, the forest that surrounded the outskirts of the kingdom of Vardomos, there was a tree. A large, peculiar tree with a thick, trunk, silver in color just like the iridescent shade of Reina's eyes, with multiple branches that were thick enough to pass as mini tree trunks sprouting out. Leaves a gorgeous cherry color, three-pointed with spiky outlines.
Angel Beech trees were what they were called. A very rare kind that only grew in bitter cold places. Their peculiar yet beautiful appearance was what made them unique, and they made Vardomos a little more special. Little Reina first stumbled upon the area with her mother, and after that it became their special little place. Jon was a little lad in training during the time, and he and Reina never spoke, but he would always admire Reina from the distance wishing he could have a few moments with the adorable little dragon princess.
Reina smiled softly when she thought about her mother. A sad smile: one enough to make the nature sigh in despair around her. When her mother died, she stopped coming to the special place when her mother died, partially because she didn't want anyone else to find out about it. It was her special place: hers and her Mama's. But that changed when Reina met Jon. She never noticed or showed interest in him until he was assigned to be her bodyguard. He was a very simple man, who treated her with kindness and respect, and was strangely enough one of the only men who understood the way she thought.
They became great friends far before they fell in love. He taught her to fight. She taught him to read and write. Together, they learnt to love. Their forbidden relationship was innocent and sweet, but it didn't last long when Ronan's Rebellion came along and Jon was support Reina's father in war. They fought the day before he left and she never got to apologize to him after because he was gone by then. Reina's heart was in pieces when she found out that not only did her father die but so did her lover. She found out about her father's death first and was mourning heavily until they brought Jon's body back to the castle.
A tear rolled down Reina's cheek as she reminisced quietly, gazing at the small pond in front of her. The bright, wine-colored leaves floated about on the watery surface, the reflection of a sad, dragon staring back at her. Her ears detected crunching of leaves and branches by horse hooves from her right, keeping her gaze on the pond as her stepmother arrived on a horse. Genevieve saw her stepdaughter sitting by the angel beech tree and let out a short sigh of relief, climbing off the horse and tying him up next to Juno.
Genevieve made her way towards Reina, sitting down beside her on the rock Reina was sat upon. Her kind brown eyes help sympathy, hand reaching out to hold hers. Reina curled her fingers around her stepmother's hand and leaned her head against her shoulder, sniffling a little as she thought more about Jon and how he never would have called her a whore like Harry did.
The way he said the word was what shocked Reina. He said with so much malice and disgust as if he truly meant it. She knew that it was hard for him to change the way he thinks because he was brought up like that, with influences from his father and other men around him who didn't respect women well enough. But when he called her that word, she felt as if that it was him deliberately saying it to hurt her, and it wasn't a result of his rigid ideals.
"How did you know I would be here?" Reina whispered quietly, as the two women watched the leaves float along the glittering water.
"You told me about this place once," Genevieve said with a soft smile, stroking Reina's hair behind her ear. "Because I inquired you about where you were sneaking off to all the time, and you told me so that your father wouldn't find out."
"Oh right," Reina smiled a little. "I think he still suspected something was going on between Jon and I."
"He always noticed the way Jon would gaze at you. During feasts, meetings, even during his training, as soon as you would step in to watch he would lose focus," Genevieve smiled in amusement as Reina chuckled a little, before her laughter died down and she felt sad again.
"I miss him," Reina rasped, pain and sadness present in her voice. "He was so sweet, and-and kind, he didn't deserve to die," she cried softly.
"I know, darling," Genevieve cooed, holding Reina close and stroking her hair. "Jon was a good man. May his soul rest in peace."
"H-He wouldn't have said such harsh words if we fought," Reina continued to say, wiping her cheeks. She never compared Harry to Jon, but after the fight they had she found herself thinking about it.
"When we did fight, it would be over something so-so stupid, such as me being upset because he wouldn't teach me how to use a sword because he was afraid he'd hurt me. He would n-never argue back, he would just stare at me with those-those brown eyes while I would snap at him, with that endearing pout on his face."
"He was quite the man, wasn't he?" Genevieve smiled fondly while Reina nodded with sad eyes. "Oh Reina, I truly am sorry this all happened, the rebellion, marrying Harry, lying about your virginity, all of it."
"I am not sorry I married Harry," Reina muttered, pulling her head up to look at her stepmother. "I feel for Harry, a lot. I-I love his confidence, his charisma, his crass humor, all of it. But he was raised differently, and as a result of that, some of the things he does are...questionable."
"But his upbringing cannot justify him calling you a whore last night, Reina. It may be the reason why he reacted so extremely for not being a virgin before marriage," Genevieve said firmly. "But when he called you a whore last night; he did that to hurt you."
"I know," Reina mumbled, fiddling with a pendent in her hands. "I know," she repeated but this time even more sadly, voice breaking and tears filling her eyes. "I-I wish it didn't affect me so much, Genevieve but-but it does! It hurts. How could he say that?"
"I hate this," she sniffled, squeezing her eyes shut, eyelashes wet with tears. "I hate fighting with him, it hurts me more and more every time. I know I fucked up, but I do not deserve to be hurt like this."
"Of course you didn't deserve this. Neither of you did," Genevieve said, wiping her stepdaughter's tears and cupping her cheek. "You were forced into this marriage, only a few months after you lost the man you were deeply in love with. You were forced to lie for the sake of your house establishing peace and gaining a new alliance. You were afraid of his reaction which was why it took you time to tell him, and it was not your fault you moaned Jon when you were drunk, and at a place where you had memories with Jon."
"I still should have told him earlier," Reina still said. "He wouldn't he hurting as much as he is now if I did so. He believes I will never love him as much as I loved Jon."
"Well, in all honesty, if he continues to behave the way he did last night then of course you cannot grow to love him as much as you loved Jon," Genevieve said with a roll of her eyes. "Do you want me to tell him that? Reyes already spoke to him-"
"He did?" Reina questioned with wide eyes.
"Yes, I do not know what he said though. We can find out when we head back to the castle," Genevieve said, making Reina's face fall when she mentioned the castle. "What is it?"
"Harry wants to return to Siremeth tonight," Reina murmured sadly. "I do not want to go back," she said in a small voice. "I will be alone again."
"Perhaps I can convince him to allow Nira to go with you this time," Genevieve suggested, making Reina shake her head sadly.
"I do not want to separate Nira and Myles," Reina said firmly. "I do not want anyone to leave Vardomos for my selfish desire to have company."
"Reina, you are being isolated in that kingdom, now much more since Harry and you aren't in the best place at the moment," Genevieve murmured sympathetically. "I cannot just sit by and watch my stepdaughter suffer like this."
"I am not suffering, Genevieve," Reina tried to smile, squeezing Genevieve's hands. "I will survive this. If Harry apologizes, then we will work to get through this."
"You are willing to forgive him?"
"I forgive but never forget."
Genevieve nodded and murmured the words 'Never Forget' back before she held her arms out to hold Reina. Reina curled her limbs around Genevieve and rested her head against her chest, a long tear rolling down her mottled cheek. Her eyes fluttered close for a moment as she reminisced to the first time she asked Jon to meet her at the special place near the angel beech tree.
A young dark-haired girl with bright, silvery eyes sat by the white angel beech tree; fingers fiddling, teeth tugging at her lower lip, body shivering. The pond that was usually filled with the three-pointed, blood red leaves of the angel beech tree was frozen, with a thick layer of pure white snow. Reina was waiting for Jon. She was anxious because she was afraid the guards might catch him leaving the castle, and question him. She just prayed to the gods above that she'd be able to see her love here in this special place for much longer than usual.
Reina's mind drifted off to think about Vaera who had just recently laid some eggs, when Jon appeared behind a tree, a few meters away from the huge angel beech tree. He smirked as he brushed his curly, deep brown hair, tying it back before he knelt down and gathered some snow into his leather-covered palms. Compressing the snow into a tight ball, he pulled his hand back and threw it at the girl with silver eyes. The crushed snow hit her back, causing her to let out a sound that was a mix between a yelp and a gasp. She snapped her head around with angry eyes, widening when she say it was Jon.
"That hurt, you fool!" she yelled playfully, making him laugh loudly, brilliant smile shining.
She immediately stood up and created a snowball of her own, whipping her hand back and tossing it at him but he ducked away quickly with a laugh. She huffed and ducked down to make another one quickly, moving out of the way when another one flew in and hit the rock she was previously sitting on. She rushed towards him, chucking the ball right at him and he yelled when it hit his arm. He approached her when she tried to gather up more snow. When he grabbed her hips from the behind, she yelped and dropped the snow, gasping when he picked her up and spun her around.
"Put me down!" she cried with a laugh, making him slow down, her feet touching the ground.
"Still think I am a fool, princess," he chuckled, kissing her cheek lovingly.
"Yes," Reina said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes, turning around and looping her arms around his neck. "My lovesick fool."
"You are correct about the lovesick part," Jon chuckled, dropping his forehead to hers, noses touching. "Lovesick is the perfect word to describe how I am when I am with you."
They shared a short kiss, lips lingering on each other's for a few seconds. It was short and sweet, desperate to taste each other's lips but not for too long because they knew they'd get carried away and eventually get caught. Reina pulled away gently for a breath of air to smile at him, before he leaned in and kissed her again. Reina smiled against his lips, kissing him back sweetly and savoring this sweet moment with him because there were never enough of them.
"I've missed you," Reina sighed heavily, when she pulled away. "So much."
"I have missed you as well, Reina," Jon murmured back, nose rubbing against hers. "I've missed seeing your pretty face every morning, and hearing your wonderful snoring while guarding your door at night. Alright now that I think of it I do not miss you that much-"
"Jon!" Reina smacked his chest lightly in a playful manner while he chuckled deeply. "You miss me."
"Aye, I do, darling," Jon sighed with a blissful smile, hand reaching up to stroke her hair back. "This training for the rebellion is quite tedious and strenuous."
"I wish you weren't a part of it," Reina said sadly. "I do not want you to go into war. I command you not to."
"You can't command me, love," Jon cooed when she pouted at him and said the last sentence in a less serious tone. "I work under your father now."
"I wish he asked me for my opinion when he promoted you to Lord Commander of the Dragonsguard," Reina muttered bitterly. "I never see you."
"I apologize for that, I really do," Jon said sincerely, loosening his arms around her. "But we can be together tonight."
"We can?"
"Yes, I am all yours, Reina," Jon smiled at her, making her heart melt in her chest.
"I always have been."
Yeah Jon is played Kit Harrington. If you watch Game Of Thrones you'll understand this guy is like such a great guy.
❀ What do you guys think of that chapterrrrrrr?
❀ Who do you sympathize with more now? Reina or Harry and why?
❀ What do you think of Reina and Jon?
❀ Any predictions for the next chapterrr?
❀ Also guys for those who are waiting on me to update True Colors I wish I could but I'll be trying to update towards the end of next week??? Not sure!
It's just that school has been INCREDIBLY SHIT like I literally broke down crying today because I'm so stressed and I've NEVER done that. So please please please bear with me okay, cut me some slack because I always find a way to update often unlike most authors do.
Until we meet again...
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