Today was a good day so I got my shit together finished a new chapter of HC.
Since it's been a while I'm going to do a recap of all the important details of Heavy Crown concerning the Messian drama, with all the terms and events and everything right from the beginning so that you guys know what you need to know in order to understand the future events. I figured this was important because when updates become sporadic like mine have, readers tend to forget certain details, plus it's not like this Messian shit is easy to remember.
Soooo I highly recommend reading this before reading the new chapter. None of these details are spoilers, all of this has been mentioned in the book before.
Caunwaiton: the fictional country Harry and Reina are King and Queen of.
Khidos/Foreign Lands of Khidos: the country and surrounding islands that's a little away from Caunwaiton. Reina's mother was from there.
Siremeth: the capital of Caunwaiton and the kingdom ruled by House Styles
Vardomos: a kingdom in the north, ruled by House Rahraenos.
The Messian Faith/ Faith of Messiah: the religion that is prominent in Khidos. Reina's mother used to follow it.
The Faith of the One: the religion that is prominent in Caunwaiton. Harry and Reina follow it.
The Followers of The Messiah/ The Messians: the terrorist group that's been attacking and ambushing the different kingdoms of Caunwaiton. They are what makes Khidos and the Messian faith as a religion look bad.
The five great houses of Caunwaiton are the five royal families that rule the five main kingdoms of the country.
House Styles
Sigil: Lion
Head: Harry Styles.
Other members: Diana Styles (mother) and Gemma (daughter/sister).
House Rahraenos
Sigil: Dragon
Head: Reyes Rahraenos
Other members: Reina Rahraenos (sister/step-daughter) and Genevieve Rahraenos (step-mother).
House Payne
Sigil: Bear
Head: Liam Payne
Other members: TBA
House Tomlinson
Sigil: Eagle
Head: Aldwin Tomlinson
Other members: Louis Tomlinson (son)
House Mikkelson
Sigil: Snake
Head: Kirsten Mikkelson.
Other members: TBA
- Ronan Rahraenos (Reina's father) signed a marriage proposal with Desmond Styles to solidify the alliance created in fear of getting dragged into the Payne-Tomlinson war during the time. This happened when Reina and Harry were three years old.
- Reina's mother, Rhoda, died the same year the proposal was set. But this was before the proposal was set. The way she died hasn't been mentioned.
- Ronan Rahraenos and Jon, Reina's lover at the time, both died fighting in the Rahraenos Rebellion, the war that was against House Styles where they fought for the throne.
- Desmond Styles of House Styles (Harry's father). Murdered at his birthday ball.
- Aella Rahraenos of House Rahraenos (Reina's grandmother). Poisoned by an overdose of nutmeg.
- Bradyn Payne of House Payne (Liam's father). Murdered during a raid done by the Messians.
- Maxar Mikkelson of House Mikkelson (Kirsten's brother). Murdered during an attack on the Mikkelson Castle.
Words and phrases mentioned by the Messians:
For the first time ever we are going to have a foreign Queen, it would be a shamethe foreign Queen representing Khidos isn't even a Messian
This realm must be cleansed of non-Messian believers and ruled by Messian-based governance only. Only then will there be justice and freedom for the foreignersof Khidos. Khidosi whom follow the Messiah of course
All must die. All will die. The followers of Messiah will cleanse this realm. All of you will cease to exist: Dragon, Lion, Bear, Eagle and Snake
The Faith of Messiah is the one true faith. All must die.
Important details (this is more of a recap of what was discussed in the previous chapter) :
- The masks the Messians wear are made of gold. Harry and Reina and the rest of the council suspects that someone must be providing them with money to create these gold masks. An Ally.
- Aella was killed because she had suspicions, it could possibly be about who the spy was. When she was killed the warning left in Reina's room said that she knew too much.
- Reina believes that the royals were killed for specific reasons, Aella of course being because she knew too much, such as about the Messians or the spy. Desmond, because Harry would be King after him and Reina Queen. So she believes that from what they said and how she's Queen now, the Messians want her to convert to the Faith of Messiah when she follows the Faith of The One.
Also so that there could be a chance of the Crown turning into a Messian-based government, which basically means the laws and stuff will all be based on religious law, specifically Messian law. But of course the motive isn't clear so none of this is certain.
- Lastly, Declan suspects Reina and her family of being the Messian ally, and also murdering the king, a crime known as regicide. Declan's reasoning for this is because the masks have the same symbols as the necklaces her mother wore because she follow the Faith of the Messiah. He believes that there is some connection because House Rahraenos are importers of the spice, nutmeg, which was used to poison Aella. They import it from Khidos because of the family connections to the country, and sell it to other houses.
❈ Ok I think that's all you need to know for now. These sorts of things are important to know because the plot twists in the future depends on every little thing.
Please let me know if there's anything more I need to add and if you're ever confused please just comment or message me I would be happy to explain.
I'll be updating a new chapter very soon!
❈ Lastly I want to thank you all for the lovely supportive comments that were left for me. It means the world to me, it truly does. I can safely say I'm more confident than I was during that time about this book after taking time with planning it more in detail. A break was very much needed.
I have a lot planned and a sequel coming up after this book, so hopefully it's all still interesting enough to keep you reading. Fair warning tho the next chapter is more of a transition chapter than an action-packed drama at one. Pls forgive lol.
I just wanted to say one last time to those who think the story's slowing down or dragging or whatever, it'll pick up the pace don't you worry.
It slowed down for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. I can't exactly rush things now, I've made a lot of changes because I decided to look at things from the reader's perspective while planning. If you're impatient I get it, there's not much action going on (there won't be any in the next chapter) and the Messians are still a mystery.
Trust me it'll all come, just you wait and see.
If you're bored or whatever then just don't read lmao. I'm tired of explaining but I feel the need to do so because this is the hardest book I've written (or am writing) so I work extra hard and I get frustrated.
Ok love you guys, I hope all goes well and I'll see you in the next chapter (;
Until we meet again...
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