The coaches chairs were turned the other way, their names on the back of the chairs as always faced her. Kelly being at the left end, Chance and Niall by her, and then Blake at the right end in his usual chair. She thought it was an honor that she would be able to audition on Blake's last season of The Voice. She was so surprised when she found out he wouldn't be a coach anymore, but she understood why. He had been a coach on the show for a long time and probably wanted a break.
When the lights went out, she knew it was only seconds away before she had to start singing. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the band started playing the song. She decided on singing 'Best Song Ever' by One Direction. But she planned on changing up the lyrics a little.
Just as the song started, Niall immediately knew what it was which made him grin. "Oh, I love this song!" Kelly said excitedly.
"Isn't this a One Direction song?" Blake asked, glancing at Niall with a bit of confusion and earning a playful eye roll from him.
"Yes, yes it is." Niall replied.
The coaches were confused when the crowd started cheering loudly as the song started. They figured they knew something they didn't. But as the person started singing, they realized why they were so excited.
"Maybe it's the way he walked (wow). Straight into my heart and stole it." Niall had immediately presses his button when he heard Kinsley's voice. He grins at seeing her on stage and she returns the grin back to him after noticing he turned. "Through the doors and past the guards (wow). Just like he already owned it. He said, "can you give it back to me?" I said, "never in your wildest dreams"."
Kelly then pressed her button before the chorus, smiling widely at seeing who was on stage. She figured it was Kinsley, but she was happy to know that for sure now. "And we danced all night to the best song ever. We knew every line, now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget him. 'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever. I think it went oh, oh, oh. I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it goes ooh."
"Said his name was Niall Horan. Who?" Kinsley pretends to act confused, shrugging her shoulders as she kept playing her guitar. Kelly laughs at the lyric change, smiling in amusement at Niall, who was chuckling and grinning back at Kinsley. "And he was in One Direction. Said he had a dirty mouth (he had a dirty mouth). But I kissed him like I meant it."
As Kinsley continued singing her heart out and playing her guitar, Chance eventually turned around and so did Blake. They both had a feeling who was on stage and were pleased to find out their suspicions were right. While Kinsley sang, Niall had mouthed along to the words of the song and had the biggest smile on his face. He was surprised at seeing her on stage, he didn't think she was planning to audition, but he should've known she would because he's seen her watch The Voice multiple times.
Kelly was standing now, swaying to the music while smiling widely at Kinsley. She loved her voice and couldn't wait to work with her if Kinsley picked her as the coach. She knew Kinsley was super talented, but hearing her sing live was different than watching her videos online.
Blake was grinning in excitement, nodding his head to the beat. He was happy to find out Kinsley was on stage. He honestly didn't know much about the band Niall used to be in, but one of the things he knew was that Kinsley was in it before and that they were close friends. He had a feeling he and the others didn't have a chance at being her coach with Niall being there.
Chance was smiling as he listened to Kinsley sing. He listened to some of her songs before and even heard some of the One Direction songs and knew she was very talented and had a great voice. He was excited and happy that she decided to audition on the show.
Whenever Kinsley got to the chorus at the end and sang Zayn's high note in the song, everyone was surprised and impressed. The coaches were even more so since it was a high note, and they were even more impressed at how easily and perfectly she did it. It wasn't easy to hit a note that high, but she did it effortlessly and perfectly. And the fact that she sang the note even a note higher than Zayn did was impressive.
When the song ended, Kinsley took a deep breath, smiling as she put her guitar behind her. She smiled while the audience cheered for her along with the coaches. "Oh my gosh! That was so good!" Kelly said happily, clapping her hands together.
"You've got a really beautiful voice, Kinsley." Chance compliments, smiling at her. "I mean, we all should know that by now." He added with a chuckle, getting a few chuckles from the crowd and the other coaches.
"Are you actually auditioning or this like when Jimmy Fallon pretended to audition?" Blake asked, narrowing his eyes at Kinsley as he pointed at her. His question caused some chuckles and a bit of laughter from some people.
"Honestly, I'm really auditioning. Might be thinking, why would I need to audition? Well, ever since I got into my solo career, I've kinda been in a slump. So, I've decided to take a break from music and just enjoy myself. Then I found out my old bandmate, and one of my closest friends, Niall was a judge this season, and I was like, 'I should audition'." She explained with a smile.
"Oh, great." Kelly groans. "So you're saying we shouldn't even bother with saying anything to try and get you on our team?" She asked, playfully glaring at Kinsley.
Kinsley grins, biting her bottom lip and shrugs. "Hey, you never know. I might decide I want to work with one of you. I love all of you. And I'm horrible at deciding things so..."
"It's true." Niall speaks up with a chuckle. "She is."
Kinsley playfully rolls her eyes. "Okay, I'm not that bad."
"You kinda are." He retorted, and Kinsley glared playfully at him.
"Well, in that case, I'll just help you decide." Kelly pulls out a red jacket, turning it around to show 'Team Kelly' is on the back of it. "Wouldn't this look so cute on you?" Kinsley giggles along with the crowd who chuckles or laughs at her question. "But anyways, really, I would love to be your coach and I'm not just saying that. You are such an amazing artist and singer. You're voice is so versatile. And you've got a great range, and you are definitely someone I want on my team."
"Thank you, Kelly. You are so sweet." Kinsley said, smiling at her.
"You are definitely one of my favorites from tonight. I can tell you have a lot of potential to go even farther as a solo artist and I think it would be a crime if you weren't on my team." Chance tells her. "You have a unique voice, and it's one that's hard to not fall in love with. Not only are you incredibly talented and have a great voice, but you have a stage presence. You really light up the stage and the crowd. You're so charismatic, and I love your personality. I can tell that you'll be a fun contestant to have on the show. So I'm just gonna say that you should surprise everyone and take a chance with Team Chance." He grins. "See what I did there?"
Kinsley snickers. "Yeah, I got it." She smiles. "Thank you, Chance."
"Well, it should be obvious who you should go with." Blake speaks up and Niall points at himself, mouthing 'me', earning a giggle from Kinsley and some laughs from the other coaches and some of the audience. Blake sends him a glare and rolls his eyes. "Not you, you dummy. I meant, me. I mean, I don't know if you've heard, but this is my last season ever on The Voice, and I would love to have a really talented and strong artist like you on my team. We all know how talented you are with that band, whatever the name was," He said, earning an offended look from Niall and some laughs in the room, including one from Kinsley. "But I know I can help you be an even better solo artist. I know you're more into the pop, rock, whatever, but I don't only have country on my team so...Just saying. I would be honored if you were."
"Thank you, Blake. I appreciate it." She says with a smile. "But you guys, you should know that no matter what I choose, I would be happy and blessed to be on any of your teams."
"Stop, I knew you were sweet, but I didn't know you were this sweet." Kelly gushes. "I love you. Please pick me." She pleaded, earning some laughs as she leaned forward in her seat with a pleading expression and folded her hands together.
Kinsley giggles, her cheeks turning pink. "I love you too, Kelly. Literally, you're the best."
"Do I need to even say anything?" Niall chimes in with a cheeky grin.
"Oh, don't get cocky now, Mr. Horan." Kelly teases, pointing her finger at him.
"What?" Niall puts a hand over his heart and a fake hurt expression appears on his face. "I was going to say, you should come to Team Niall because obviously you have to. We're best mates, you can't not choose me. What kind of a friend would that make you?" He teased, earning a playful glare from Kinsley and a few chuckles. "Really though, you are so unbelievably talented, love what you did with the lyric change by the way. And I would be honored to work with you again because even though I worked with you before I could never get enough working with you."
Some awes filled the room at that and Kinsley smiles softly at that. "And we're doomed." Chance dramatically said, leaning back in his chair with crossed arms.
Kelly chuckles and smiles at Kinsley. "Alright, Kinsley, the time has had to come eventually so the question is, who do you pick as your coach?"
The audience immediately began shouting the coaches they thought Kinsley should go with. Blake was doing his iconic move while the other coaches had took out their gifts the new team member would get if they got on their team. Kinsley didn't know what she was going to do yet. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and she didn't want them to hate her if she didn't pick them. She didn't know why she was overthinking things so much, and her anxiety was rising. Kinsley took a deep breath and started to say something. "This is so hard." She said with a nervous chuckle. "Seriously, it's really hard because I love all of you guys so much and I don't want any of you to hate me if I pick someone else." She confesses, fidgeting with the strap of her acoustic guitar. "But I'm just gonna go with my heart and my heart says..."
She trails off and turns around, looking at the audience behind her. They all immediately begin screaming and chanting the coach they want her to pick. She could tell the majority of the audience were Team Niall, and she couldn't help the grin on her face. She glanced over at backstage where Carson Daly waited with her parents and brother, who were all smiling proudly at her. They just shrugged or pointed at her and she smiled since she knew that meant they wanted her to pick who she wanted not who they would want. She turned back to the front, taking a deep breath.
"I'm going to go with Team Niall." She finally said and cheering and applause filled the room. Kinsley couldn't help but smile as the crowd went wild. She laughed when Niall got up from his chair, excitedly raising his arms in the air as he cheered.
"Alright! Get over here!" Niall said, grinning widely as he opened his arms for a hug.
Kinsley grins and sets her guitar on the ground. She quickly runs over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as his go around her waist. "I can't believe that just happened." She muttered, tightening her grip on him.
Niall chuckles. "I'm so glad it did. You are going to do great. I'm sure you'll go far, no doubt about that." He said as they continued to hug longer than they probably should, his arms tightening around her waist. He didn't care that they were still on camera, and neither did Kinsley.
"Can't even be mad after watching that." Kelly admitted with a smile on her face.
"Yeah, they are pretty cute." Chance added with a smile.
"We are not cute." Niall and Kinsley denied at the same time. They broke the hug, and looked at each other before looking at the other two coaches, sending them a playful glare.
"Oh, right, this is yours now." Niall said, handing her the hoodie everyone who picked him for their coach would get. Kinsley smiled softly at seeing the hoodie. It was grey and had a flower on the back of it with 'team niall, the voice' around the flower. It was so simple but Kinsley loved it.
"It's so cute, I love it." Kinsley grinned, taking the hoodie he handed her as they walk backstage.
Niall had planned to follow her back stage as he had been doing with all of his new members to greet their parents. But since he already knew Kinsley's family, he just wanted to come back to say hi. Lorelai, Daniel, and Griffin stood there with big grins on their faces as they walked back. Then they all cheered while pulling Kinsley into a hug.
"Oh my gosh, we're so proud of you." Lorelai said, kissing her daughter's forehead. "And we're so happy you're working with Niall. We're happy no matter who you pick, but we're just extra happy it's him."
"Speaking about that, its great seeing you again, Niall." Daniel smiled.
"Same to you." Niall nodded.
"I'm really proud of you, sis." Griffin spoke, smiling at her and giving her a side hug.
"Thanks, Griff." Kinsley smiled.
"Alright. I gotta head back out there, but it was great seeing you guys again. Kins, I'll see you soon." Niall spoke, fist bumping them all with a grin before going back on stage.
"That was so good. You've got a wonderful voice." Carson complimented, shaking her hand. "Congratulations."
"Thank you so much." Kinsley grins. "It was a blast once my nerves and anxieties went away." She admits, chuckling a little.
"Oh, I completely understand." He nods. "Well, welcome to the show and I hope to see you go far. We'll be seeing a lot of each other and the others."
After she was done auditioning, Kinsley and her family went to celebrate. They went to their favorite restaurant, and after that they went back home. Kinsley couldn't stop smiling and it felt great. She was happy that she decided to join the show and she knew she would have a lot of fun. She should've known she would get on The Voice but she still had those insecurities about herself. When the band split she decided on doing a solo career, not wanting to stop doing music at the time. But it was hard making a name for herself when people just knew her as the girl from One Direction. That was how most people saw her. But she wanted to show people who she really was and the music she could create.
It wasn't easy though, and the slump she had gotten in was frustrating. She hated having writers block and not knowing what to write. She had songs written that weren't ready to be released yet. It was difficult trying to make a name for herself when she was still just "the girl from One Direction" in most people's eyes. She knew she would get there eventually but she hated how it was taking longer than expected.
That was the main reason she agreed to auditioning for The Voice. She wanted to make a name for herself and she wanted to try and find herself and her sound while also having a bit of fun. She wanted to push herself as an artist, and she wanted to grow and learn new things. She knew she could learn a lot with this show and she couldn't wait for it to start.
tagged kinsleyscott
liked by kinsleyscott & others
nbcthevoice @kinsleyscott sang the best song ever at her audition <3
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kinsleyscott I'm still in shock that this happened. It's crazy to think about. excited to see where this goes <3
_lorelaiscott_ So proud of my girl! love you sweetheart, you got this <3
daniel_scott that's my daughter! couldn't be prouder :)
griffinscott I can't believe my little sister made it past the blind auditions and is going to the battles! congrats, kins!
username yes she got on!! love her so much
username the fact she picked niall for the coach was adorable. #kinniall
username her voice is so amazing, can't wait for more!
username @kinsleyscott can't wait for you to continue, you're such a sweetheart.
officallyfelixh i had no doubt at all that you would get on, kins. keep going, you've got this!
elorih ah i knew it!! i knew you would get on the show, you're incredible.
username I'm so happy for you and so excited for the battles. I'm going to be rooting for you, can't wait to hear more!
username not surprised at all she went through, she's talented!
username still dont understand why she's on the voice when she was in one direction
lc.hartley dont listen to the haters @kinsleyscott!! bestie, you are incredible & im so so happy for you <3
username no point in her being on the voice. should let someone else who's not already popular on it
username kinsley doesn't need the voice, she's already famous.
username @kinsleyscott please leave the show. we don't want people like you on the voice
Kinsley sighed, rubbing her temples. She closed out of the app, not bothering to respond to any of the comments. Of course there were some who supported her, like her friends and family and her fans...She knows she will always have negative people like them who commented. They just wanted to tear her down. She was used to it and she had gotten better at ignoring them. Sometimes, it still got to her. But she refused to let people bring her down, and she wouldn't let them ruin this for her.
When she got another notification, she looked at it, smiling a little at seeing Harry had commented and even some of the other boys who had been in the band. She was a bit surprised though when she saw some old band members commented as well. She shouldn't be surprised though since she was still friends with them all and they were still friends on social media. Kinsley was glad that no matter how long it had been, and even though the band split, the boys were still supporting her and were still in her life.
harrystyles knew you could do it, @kinsleyscott, so so proud of you! can't wait to hear the rest! <3
louist9 proud of you, kins, can't wait to hear what's next!
zayn you got this @kinsleyscott, we're cheering you on.
liampayne we're so proud of you, couldn't be happier! you're gonna go far, kins
She was slightly amused at seeing some fans freaking out about the fact the other band members commented. Though she was surprised though when she suddenly got a text from Niall. Her heart warmed at seeing he was congratulating her. The fact that he texted her personally to tell her that made her heart flutter and she couldn't help but smile.
kiki, im so proud of you & so excited to work with you again!
aww thank you, niall. I'm so excited, it's gonna be fun working with you again <3
no problem! i'm sure it will. I can't wait, you're an incredible person, kinsley, and i know you'll go far on the voice.
thank you, that means a lot, niall! I hope so, and I can't wait!!
I know you will, you're incredibly talented, and we're gonna have a blast! I can't wait, kiki.
me either! I'm so happy to have a great coach like you. and I'm excited to continue this journey with you!
Kinsley couldn't help but grin. She was so grateful and lucky that she got past the blinds audition. She was looking forward to the battles. She knew it was going to be a blast, and she was excited for what was to come.
A/N literally so proud of myself for making that edit! it was so hard but i love how it turned out
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