The next morning, Kinsley woke up to sunlight streaming in through the window, and the smell of breakfast cooking. It didn't take her long to realize she was still on the couch, and she had a blanket covering her. She was curled up at the end of the couch, her head on a pillow. She was confused as to who had covered her and left the blanket. She was more confused at why she didn't see her animals with her. She didn't know where Niall was either.
She sat up slowly, yawning and stretching her arms over her head. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to get the tangles out. She paused when she heard the familiar Irish accent that she had grown to love. Her head snapped in the direction of the kitchen and a warm smile appeared on her face when she saw Niall in the kitchen, flipping pancakes. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him in her kitchen. It was something she was used to seeing. But at the same time, it wasn't. She didn't know what made it different. She was used to him sleeping over and cooking her breakfast the next morning. They had done that since they were teenagers. He would always go out of his way to make her breakfast.
They had been friends for as long as she could remember, and their bond had only grown stronger over the years. But lately, there had been a shift in their relationship, a subtle change that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It was as if they were teetering on the edge of something more, something that neither of them had dared to acknowledge. Kinsley watched Niall move around the kitchen with practiced ease, flipping pancakes with a skill that spoke of years of experience. She couldn't help but admire the way he seemed to effortlessly navigate her kitchen, as if it were his own. His tousled hair and the slight crease of concentration on his forehead only added to his charm.
As Kinsley watched Niall move about the kitchen, a sense of warmth filled her chest. She couldn't deny the comfort and familiarity of having him there, especially in such an intimate setting as her own home. But alongside that comfort, there was a growing sense of something else—something she hadn't quite allowed herself to fully acknowledge. Their friendship had always been a constant in her life, a source of stability and support through the highs and lows. But lately, there had been moments, fleeting and subtle, where she found herself noticing Niall in a different light. It was as if the lines between friendship and something more had blurred, leaving her heart in a state of quiet turmoil.
Lost in her thoughts, Kinsley barely noticed as Niall turns around, a grin spreading across his face as he noticed she was awake. "Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake." Niall smirks, noticing that she was awake. "Good morning, love. Sleep well?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at her.
Kinsley tries to ignore the way her heart skipped a beat at the nickname he casually used for her. She couldn't help but roll her eyes and a small laugh escaped her. "Good morning, you dork. And yes, I slept well." She answers him, standing up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen. She leaned against the counter, noticing Roxy and Milo were eating. "You already fed Roxy and Milo?" She asked with surprise.
"Yep, I also already took Roxy out once. So you're welcome." He chuckles, grabbing a plate and putting the pancakes on it. "I've been up for maybe half an hour. You looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't have the heart to wake you up." He added, smiling softly.
Kinsley returned his smile, her cheeks a light pink color. She couldn't deny how sweet that was of him. And it made her heart skip a beat, knowing he cared about her that much. "Thanks, Ni. That's really sweet of you. Don't you have plans today though? You didn't have to stay here. I would have been fine." She told him.
"Yeah, but I wanted to. And I have some plans, but not until later." He assures her, taking a sip of his coffee. "Are you hungry? I made your favorite." He smiled proudly, gesturing to the plate. Kinsley grinned, finding it amusing and adorable how Niall was proud of himself for doing this. It was cute.
"I'm starving. And yes, thank you. This looks great, it smells great too." She complimented him, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
"Only the best for you, Kiki. Enjoy." He murmurs, handing her a plate with the pancakes. "And coffee, of course. I know you need coffee. You were never one who liked mornings." He grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured her a cup of coffee.
Her heart fluttered, a warm feeling appearing in her chest. Not only did he cook breakfast for her, but he remembered what coffee mug she usually always drinks coffee out of. She knows it's not really something a person should get emotional about. But she appreciated how he did things like this, and paid attention to the little details. Like how he not only remembered the mug she drank coffee out of, he remembered she's not a morning person. Her heart warmed, and she smiled softly as she grabbed the mug from him when he handed it to her.
"Thanks, Ni. You didn't have to do any of this." She replies, feeling touched by his thoughtfulness. She takes a sip of the coffee, savoring the familiar taste. "But I'm glad you did. It means a lot to me."
Niall flashes her a warm smile, leaning against the counter opposite her. "Hey, anything for my best friend. Plus, I enjoy cooking for you. It makes me happy to see you happy. And besides, it's the least I can do after you let me crash here last night." He shrugged, giving her a grin.
"Ni, you're my best friend. You can come over whenever you want and crash here, you know that." Kinsley reminds him, her heart feeling warm at his words. "And I appreciate you cooking for me. You always go out of your way to make sure I'm taken care of. It means a lot to me." She admitted, her cheeks a light pink color.
Niall's cheeks flushes a little, his heart racing in his chest. "It's no big deal. Like I said, anything for you, love." Her heart fluttered again at the nickname and she couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. She didn't know why her heart was reacting like this. But it did. She had noticed that he had been calling her love a lot more recently. And every time he did, her heart fluttered.
"So, are you ready for the battles?" Niall questioned as he changed the subject, pushing himself off the counter to grab himself a plate and put some pancakes on it.
"No way." She answers honestly, taking a bite of the pancake. She savors the taste, the warm, fluffy pancakes melting in her mouth. It was her favorite breakfast, and she couldn't deny that Niall made some really good pancakes. He always has. "I'm scared, nervous, and anxious. This is one of the biggest opportunities for my career in my life. And it's terrifying." She admitted, chewing on her lip nervously. She felt butterflies appear in her stomach just at the thought of the battles. She still couldn't believe she made it past the blinds auditions. She had to pinch herself to make sure this wasn't a dream.
"Hey, don't be scared or nervous, okay? You have nothing to worry about. You have an amazing voice and I'm gonna help you get all the way to the finale." Niall assures her as he sat down next to her at the kitchen island. "I'm serious, Kiki. You're going to kill it and everyone is gonna fall in love with you. Like they already haven't." He chuckled.
A small smile forms on her lips, and she shakes her head. "You're too kind. But thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that." She admits, her heart feeling warm and fuzzy. "But you better not be biased, okay? Fair and square. Just because we're best friends, you can't show favoritism. You have to pick who you think is the best." She told him, giving him a pointed look.
"Kinsley, you know I won't show favoritism." After she sends him a look, he chuckles and adds, "Okay, I'll try not to. But like I said, you have nothing to worry about, Kiki. Everything is gonna work out perfectly, you'll see." He smiled softly, his heart racing. He had faith in Kinsley and he was sure she would do amazing in the battles. She was talented and he knew she could win the show.
"If you say so. I'll try not to worry, then. But it's easier said than done." Kinsley sighed, taking another bite of her pancake.
"Don't worry, love. Everything will be okay, trust me." Niall assures her, taking a bite of his pancakes. "This is delicious, if I do say so myself." He grinned as she chuckled and rolled her eyes at him.
"Of course you would say that. But yeah, these are really good. Thank you." Kinsley murmured, giving him a warm smile.
"Anytime, Kiki."
They spent the next hour eating breakfast and talking about whatever came to their mind. They were enjoying each other's company, and neither wanted the moment to end. But sadly, it had to. Niall had to get going because he had plans since he has to prepare for the show. And Kinsley had things she needed to get done.
"Alright, I gotta get going." Niall sighed, pouting a little as he looked at her. Kinsley chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, me too. I've got a lot to get done." She replied, walking him over to the door. She then pulled him in for a hug, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his chest. Niall smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and hugging her close to him. He rested his chin on her head, closing his eyes. He loved hugging her. He enjoyed the way she fit perfectly against him, like a puzzle piece.
"I'll text you later, yeah? We can hang out tonight." He murmurs, slowly pulling away from her. "Bye, Kiki." He kissed her forehead, and opened the door.
"Bye, Ni." She replied, watching as he left her apartment and closed the door behind him. She felt a little sad that he had to go, but she knew she would see him later. She turned around and went to her bathroom to do her morning routine and get dressed. She was excited for the rest of the day and what the future would hold for her.
As promised, Kinsley and Niall did hang out that night. Kinsley was finishing with cleaning her apartment when there was a knock at the door. She walked over and opened it, a bright smile tugged on her lips. Niall stood there with two bags and two drinks from Chick FIL A. One of her favorite places.
"Hey, stranger." Kinsley teased, giggling when he rolled his eyes playfully.
Niall grins, holding up the bags and drinks. "I come bearing gifts," He announces dramatically. "Now can I come in or not? It's cold out here." He pouted, pretending to shiver. Kinsley giggled and stepped aside, letting him in.
"Of course you can come in, dummy. You have Chick FIL A, which I love. There's no way I was gonna say no." She grins, closing the door behind him. "What did you bring me?" She asked excitedly, looking at him eagerly.
"Ah, I get it now. You're only my best friend because I give you food." He teased her, walking over to the kitchen island to set the bags and drink carrier down.
"Well, it's not the only reason, but it's definitely a bonus." She grins, walking over and standing beside him. "Seriously though, what did you bring me?"
"Okay, okay." Niall chuckles, handing the bag with her order to her. "I got you your usual. Chicken nuggets with waffles fries and a large Coke." He explained, grabbing her drink out of the carrier and handing it to her as well.
She smiles wide at him, her eyes lighting up. "You're the best." She says and she kisses his cheek before she walks to the living room. "Thank you for getting me food, by the way. I'm starving. I forgot to eat lunch and now I'm paying the price." She sighed, flopping down on the couch and opening the bag.
"You're welcome. And you're an idiot for forgetting to eat lunch. How could you forget that?" He chuckled and shook his head, grabbing his own food and drink. He joined her on the couch, sitting next to her. Roxy jumped up onto the couch beside them, wagging her tail eagerly, hoping for a treat.
"I've been busy, okay? I had a lot of stuff to do." She argues, grabbing a nugget and taking a bite. She looks at Roxy with amusement as the dog eagerly awaited a treat. Kinsley chuckles and reached into the bag, pulling out a chicken nugget and offering it to Roxy, who happily accepted it and wagged her tail even more. "Plus, I was also too busy thinking about the battles and stressing. And when I stress and get too anxious you know I forget things." She spotted her cat, Milo, curled up on the armchair nearby, fast asleep. She's not sure how he can sleep anywhere no matter what was going on, but she envied his ability to find peace amidst chaos.
"I know, I know." Niall sighed, sending her a sympathetic look. He remembered the first time One Direction had a concert, she had forgotten to eat and ended up passing out from exhaustion. It was an event he didn't want to experience ever again. He remembered it just like it was yesterday.
The band was just becoming famous when they had their first concert at Watford Colosseum in December 2011. The group hadn't had much experience on stage yet besides being on the X Factor. This was their first official concert, and they were nervous but also excited. It was clear that Kinsley was the most nervous of the group.
She had been pushing herself to the limit during practices, wanting to make sure that she did the best she could. And even though her voice was great and she knew she was a good singer, she was still nervous. It was her first concert, and she wanted everything to be perfect.
When the day finally came, Kinsley couldn't eat anything because she was too nervous. Niall kept telling her to eat, but she refused, claiming she wasn't hungry. He knew she was lying and was just worried, but he didn't push it. Instead, he made sure to keep an eye on her. During the concert, Kinsley pushed herself hard, making sure she didn't mess up. It felt like things were a disaster. She knew their voices were pitchy on some parts and it didn't sound like their best. But it was the beginning and they were just starting out. At the time, the band had no idea how successful they would become.
As the concert continued, Kinsley could feel herself getting dizzy. She tried to ignore it, but eventually it became too much. She tried to continue on singing, but she couldn't focus. Her vision was getting blurry and everything sounded muffled. They were so close to being done. She had to push herself a little more and then she could get some rest. She just had to get through these last few songs.
The boys quickly knew she wasn't feeling well. They all stayed close to her, keeping an eye on her during the songs but also somehow acting as if nothing was wrong. The crowd didn't seem to notice which she was thankful for. But as the group finished the last song she stumbled a little and her vision was too blurred. She felt someone grab her arm and steady her, and she faintly heard Harry's voice, but her head was pounding and everything was foggy. She soon heard loud cheering which made her assume the song was over. Harry kept a firm and steady arm around her waist, holding her up. She was thankful he was helping her because she couldn't see straight and was having a hard time standing.
The other boys were relieved Harry got to her in time. He had been the closest to her at the moment and managed to get to her before she fell. But they knew she wasn't well. Once the concert was over, Harry helped her backstage with the other boys following close behind them.
Kinsley felt lightheaded and couldn't focus. All she heard were muffled sounds and her head was throbbing. She was tired, and her eyelids were heavy. She was leaning against Harry, but her legs were wobbly. Everything was fuzzy and dark. She felt someone pick her up, and she felt herself being carried. She tried to fight against it, but she was too weak. She was exhausted and couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.
Harry was worried, and so were the boys. She had been pushing herself too much, and not eating. The poor girl was exhausted and he felt guilty that he didn't try harder to make her eat something and take a break. They had been busy all day, but they shouldn't have let her push herself so much. They should have forced her to rest and eat. Harry had been the one to carry her over to the couch. The boys sat around her, waiting anxiously for her to wake up. Niall had called their manager to tell him what happened.
Kinsley woke up about twenty minutes later. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, blinking them a few times. Her head was pounding and she felt like she was hit by a truck. Everything was foggy and her memory was clouded. She saw the boys sitting around her and looked at them in confusion.
"What's going on? What happened?" She mumbled, sitting up with a grimace. Her eyes squinted at the light and she rubbed her forehead, trying to soothe the headache.
"Kiki, you passed out." Niall sighed, his brows furrowing together as he frowned.
Kinsley blinks, trying to piece together what had happened. "I...I passed out?" She repeated, her voice weak.
Harry nods, his expression full of concern. "Yeah, you did. We were all really worried about you."
Kinsley's eyes widens as her memory started to return in fragments. "I remember feeling dizzy...And then everything went blurry..." She stammers. Then she grew worried and she groans, covering her face in her hands. "Please tell me I didn't faint on stage. In front of thousands of people."
"You almost did, but thankfully Harry was close by and caught you." Liam assures her. "You passed out just when we finished the song."
Kinsley was relieved, but her stomach dropped as her eyes widened. "I hope the fans didn't see it. That's so embarrassing." She grumbled, her cheeks heating up. She felt embarrassed and ashamed. She couldn't believe she had let herself pass out. She knew better than that.
"I don't think anyone noticed, except us." Louis adds. He frowns. "Kins, why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well? We could have postponed the show until tomorrow."
"Or we could have just cancelled the show altogether." Harry chimed in, sending her a pointed look.
She quickly shakes her head at that, but then regrets it when her head throbs painfully. She grimaces and rubs her forehead. "No, I didn't wanna disappoint anyone. And besides this was our first real concert. I didn't wanna ruin it." She mumbled playing with the hem of her shirt nervously.
"Ruin it? Kinsley, you could have gotten seriously hurt. That's not something we wanna risk." Zayn argues. "We care about you, and we're worried."
"Guys, I'm fine. Really." Kinsley argues sighing softly. She hated being a burden. She didn't like seeing the boys worry. She was fine, she didn't need them worrying about her. "Come on, let's go out and celebrate." She suggested, smiling a little as she stood up. But then she suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy again. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart. She felt like the room was spinning.
The boys saw her swaying on her feet and immediately got into action. Liam got to her first since he was already sitting by her. Liam wraps an arm around her waist to steady her. She was trembling slightly, and her breathing was shaky. "Kins, please sit down." Liam murmured softly, leading her back to the couch. Kinsley wanted to protest, but the room was still spinning. She felt nauseous and her head was throbbing. She sighed heavily and leaned against Liam after sitting back down.
"I think you need to eat something." Niall tells her, looking at her with concern. He reaches for her hand, squeezing it gently. "You've pushed yourself too hard, Kiki. It's okay to take a break and take care of yourself."
Kinsley frowns, shaking her head as she pulls her hand away from his. "I'm fine." She insists, trying to ignore the pain in her stomach. "Let's go celebrate." She smiled weakly and tried to pull away from Liam to stand up again, but he tightened his hold on her, keeping her in place. She huffed, giving him an annoyed look. She felt like they were treating her like she was fragile, and she didn't like it. She wanted to prove to them that she was strong and could handle herself.
"Kinsley, you have to eat something. Your body is probably running low on energy." Zayn says firmly. He was worried, and so were the others. They didn't want her to pass out again. "Please, just try and eat something. For us." He pleaded, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Kinsley pouts, feeling frustrated and defeated. She knew they were right, but she didn't want to admit it. She hated feeling weak and vulnerable. She wanted to be strong for herself and for the boys. But she also knew that they cared about her, and she didn't want to worry them anymore than she already had.
With a defeated sigh, she finally relented. "Fine," She murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "But only because you guys are being so annoyingly persistent." She shot them a weak smile, trying to lighten the mood despite how she was feeling.
The boys all breathed a collective sigh of relief, exchanging glances with each other. They knew they were being a bit overbearing, but they couldn't help it. They cared about Kinsley deeply, and seeing her in this state was difficult for them.
"But can we at least go to the hotel? I wanna change into more comfortable clothes." Kinsley requested, looking down at her concert outfit with a grimace. It was uncomfortable and constricting, and the last thing she wanted to do was spend the evening in it.
The boys quickly agreed and they left the venue, heading back to the hotel. Kinsley changed into some comfortable clothes and joined the boys in the hotel room. They ordered room service, and Kinsley managed to eat a little bit, feeling slightly better with some food in her system. The boys kept a close eye on her, making sure she was okay.
After that incident, Niall made a mental note to always keep an eye on Kinsley, especially during stressful times like concerts or important events. He didn't want a repeat of what happened, and he knew the rest of the boys felt the same way. From then on, they made sure Kinsley took breaks when needed, ate properly, and didn't push herself too hard. They were like a family, always looking out for each other.
Niall shook his head, clearing away the memories of that day. He looked over at Kinsley, who was munching on her chicken nuggets, seeming to be content. She hadn't noticed him staring and was too busy watching the movie that was on. He smiled softly at the sight. Even though she could be stubborn and sometimes forgetful, she was still his best friend. And he would always look out for her, no matter what. He sighed softly, feeling grateful for her presence in his life.
"You know, Kiki, you really need to take better care of yourself." Niall finally speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "You can't just forget to eat like that. You scared the living daylights out of us that day at the concert."
Kinsley pauses, turning to look at him with a sheepish smile. "I know, Ni. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you guys. I just...I don't know. I get so caught up in things sometimes, I forget to take care of myself." She admitted, feeling guilty for causing the boys to be so concerned about her.
Niall sighs, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "It's okay, Kiki. Just promise me you'll try to take better care of yourself, especially now with the battles coming up. You need to be in top shape for that." He told her, his tone gentle but firm.
Kinsley nods, feeling touched by his concern. "I promise, Ni. I'll try to be more mindful of my health. I don't want to worry you guys again." She assured him, giving him a grateful smile. Niall returned her smile, feeling relieved. He knew he couldn't force her to take care of herself, but he would always remind her to do so. That's what best friends were for, after all. The two of them continued to enjoy their meal and the movie, cherishing each other's company. Roxy had laid on the floor nearby, she had left Kinsley's room where she had been sleeping on her bed and was now lying by the two best friends, hoping to catch some scraps. Milo was curled up on the window seal, fast asleep. He was used to the company and the noise of the TV and the two humans and had always been a deep sleeper.
Soon, the night had fallen and Kinsley and Niall found themselves curled up on the couch, cuddling as they watched another movie. Kinsley was laying against Niall, his arms wrapped around her as she was snuggled up next to him. They had both had a long day and were exhausted, and neither of them wanted to move. Her head was laid on his chest and they were both content in each other's arms. They didn't need to say anything; their presence spoke volumes. It was moments like these that reminded them why they cherished their friendship so much.
As the movie played in the background, Kinsley felt herself drifting off to sleep, the warmth and comfort of Niall's embrace lulling her into a peaceful slumber. Niall smiled fondly at her, brushing a few strands of her hair away from her face. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple before wrapping his arms around her more protectively. He checked his phone for the time, seeing that it was nearly 10pm and he figured he'd have to wake her soon. He hated doing that, but he knew she would be more comfortable on her bed. He looked back at Kinsley and thought it over with waking her or not. She looked so peaceful and he didn't want to disturb her. But then again, he knew how uncomfortable it was sleeping on the couch.
"Hey, Kiki," He whispers, gently shaking her. He feels her stir in his arms and hears her let out a small groan. "I'm sorry, love, but it's getting late and we should get you to bed."
"Don't wanna move." Kinsley mumbles, burying her face in his chest. Niall chuckles at her, finding her pouty expression adorable. "Stay." She pleaded softly, her voice muffled against his chest.
For some reason, Niall's heart skipped a beat. His stomach was filled with butterflies. He knew she meant nothing by it, but it still made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He couldn't help but smile, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. He didn't know what was happening, but he wasn't going to question it. "Come on, Kiki, let's get you to bed." He whispered, ignoring his thoughts and gently picking her up. She didn't protest and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder. Niall carried her to her bedroom, careful not to disturb Milo or Roxy. He tucked her into bed and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling away. He was about to leave when she reached out and grabbed his wrist.
"By stay I meant stay the night." Kinsley murmurs, looking up at him sleepily. She pauses, realizing what she had just said, and her cheeks flushed pink. "I mean, only if you want to. You don't have to." She dropped her hand, feeling embarrassed. They stayed the night at each other's places before, but for some reason this felt different.
Niall's heart skipped a beat at her words. He felt a rush of emotions flood through him, but he tried to keep his expression neutral. Inside, he was feeling a mix of excitement, nervousness, and uncertainty. He had never thought much about spending the night at Kinsley's place before, but now that she had brought it up, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
"Of course, Kiki. I'd love to stay." He told her, giving her a small smile. Her eyes lit up and she scooched over, making room for him. A warmth spreads through his chest, and he felt like his heart was going to burst. He kicked his shoes off and he went to turn off the light and then climbed into bed next to her.
Kinsley snuggled up to him immediately, resting her head on his chest. His arms automatically wrapped around her and pulled her close. The two of them laid in a comfortable silence, listening to each other's breathing. Niall closed his eyes and buried his nose into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. He loved the way she smelled, like strawberries and vanilla. It was so familiar and comforting. He felt himself relaxing, all the stress and worries from the day slowly fading away. This was exactly what he needed, a peaceful night with his best friend.
As the minutes ticked by, Niall felt his eyelids growing heavy. He let out a yawn and tried to fight off the urge to sleep. But he couldn't, and his eyes drifted shut. Within moments, he was fast asleep. Kinsley was already asleep, her breathing steady and calm. Roxy had joined them in the room along with Milo and the two of them settled at the foot of the bed.
It was a perfect end to a wonderful day, and they couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night.
tagged niallhoran
liked by niallhoran & others
kinsleyscott my favorite Irish boy brought me Chick Fil A for dinner <3
view all comments...
nialhoran had to celebrate with the best girl, of course <3 ️
username ugh THEM !! they're so cute
username get you a best friend who brings you chick fil a for dinner #goals
username i wanna be kinsley rn
username waffle fries from chick fil a are chef kiss
lc.hartley great now i want chick fil a :(
simplypoppyt chick fil a is the besttt
griffinscott wanna get chick fil a now but im too lazy to go out
⤿kinsleyscott @griffinscott bro there's a thing called delivery, you know?
⤿griffinscott @kinsleyscott still too lazy tho
username is it just me or have these two been more cozy lately? seems like they're hanging out all the time
⤿username @username yeah true. though they're best friends so maybe it's nothing
⤿username @username i hope they start dating tho, they'd be so cute together
⤿username @username omg same. they have such chemistry together
A/N i love kinsley & niall so much, they have a special place in my heart
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