"I- HI."
THEY stared at each other curiously, realizing how much has changed. Newt got taller to Celeste, not to mention that nothing really changed to her. Just his hair wasn't as curly and was a bit shorter. Celeste was just as beautiful to Newt. He didn't notice anything different other than how she seemed happier.
"I can't believe you're here. Oh my- was Queenie in on this? Oh, I'm going to-" Celeste realized she was rambling and then felt her cheeks redden, hiding her face with her hands.
"She knew, so did Tina." Newt chuckled, softly bringing her hands away from her face and hands her the white rose. "It was my idea to surprise you, even though I wanted to show up earlier, Queenie insisted it would be better to show up on your birthday."
Celeste smiled softly and carefully took the rose from Newt, her hazel eyes look up at him. "Quite the Christmas present if you ask me."
"You're the one who was born on Christmas Eve, Celeste." Newt grinned as she smelt the white rose, a soft smile falling onto her lips.
"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Celeste asked, seeing that the restaurant was getting packed and packed by the minute.
"Uh, sure. Where to?" Newt slips on his classic blue coat on as Celeste puts her mauve princess coat over her body.
"It's a secret." She winks at him and then takes his hand, walking out of the restaurant.
¤ ¤ ¤
They ended up in Central Park and Celeste was able to steal some skates for them to use on the ice rank.
"Are you sure you're dressed for this?" Newt questions as he gets his skates on.
"Do you want me to change?" Celeste asks playfully as she rests her hands on her hips.
"I-I, uh-" Newt's eyes darting over her body quickly before looking at the ground and his face slowly turning crimson, embarrassed to answer.
"I'm kidding with you, hun." Celeste breaks out into a fit of giggles as she slowly walks over to him. "Have you ever ice skated before?"
"If you count that one time Jacob and I had to get one of my creatures, but no." Newt shakes his head.
"Well this will be interesting." Celeste chuckles and then holds her hands out for him. "Just slowly glide across the ice, alright?" She slowly gets on the ice as Newt's grip on her hand increases.
He gets on the ice, but the tough part was staying up. He would occasionally fall or cling onto her, but she didn't mind at all. It was honestly the cutest thing ever. Celeste continued to help Newt with his ice skating skills by teaching him to made small strides and not to be scared to fall. And honestly, they were both struggling with that if you understand.
"Hey, you're getting it." Celeste's grin widened.
"I guess I am." Newt smiled and slowly let go of her hand, their fingers grazing over each other until they felt cold once again.
"Want to try to go around again? Maybe without the death grip?" She teased.
Newt's face turned red as he nodded and started to skate ahead of Celeste. She felt her a small smile fall against her lips as her skated over to him.
"Did you get my letters?" Celeste asks after a moment of silence.
"All of them." Newt said firmly, looking around at the night around them, which was snowing.
"Why didn't you answer them?" She stops and watches as he skates ahead of her a little, coming to a stop.
"I... I didn't know how t-to, um, how to reply to them." He said in a hushed tone, causing Celeste to skate over to him slowly, gently touching his back as she skates in front, facing Newt.
"I was scared that you didn't want to see me again honestly." Celeste mumbled, her heart slowly racing as her hand flew up to the golden chain, rubbing the metal softly.
"Of course I'd want to see you." Newt watched her play with the chain as he began to smile, feeling his heart beat quicken. "You still have it."
"It was pretty." Celeste grinned playfully before looking up at Newt, her hazel eyes scanning his face for any sign of boredom or anything else.
Another silence fell among the two and it was quite peaceful. The sky above was shinning down with stars and Celeste swore she saw a shooting star out of the corner of her eye. Newt watch Celeste curiously as she looked around the snow covered ground of Central Park.
He noticed how her smiles weren't forced anymore or how her aura was happier. His lips still tingled from when he kissed her two years ago. Newt had no shame in his feelings anymore, well at least he thought he didn't. He was more worried to ruin the friendship he has with Celeste than anything else.
The no-maj has made quite the impression on Newt's life during the two years he was absent. She'd always slip into his mind somehow and he didn't have a problem with that at all. He slowly moved closer to her with his hands behind his back and mumbled, "Orchideous." A small bouquet of white roses appeared and he handed them to Celeste.
Celeste's focus started to direct itself on Newt after she saw the roses. Her hear skipped a beat as she smiled, taking them from him. "Thank you, these are beautiful." She took a moment to smell them and grinned.
"Not as beautiful as you." Newt looked down at her, his cheeks turning pink.
"You're such a liar, Scamander." Celeste felt her cheeks face burn up. Credence, Queenie, Tina and Jacob have always told her that before, but she didn't know why her stomach was bubbling when Newt said it.
"I am not." Newt looked down at her and smiled.
"The moment I first met you, I-I uh, wanted to just kiss you." He confessed, slowly reaching out to touch her cheek before cupping the right side of her face.
Celeste felt her breathing hitch as her hazel eyes looked up at him, slowly inching closer to him. She swore he could hear how loud her heart was beating as they got closer. Everything kind of went in slow motion from then on.
Celeste was the first one to lean forward and press her lips against his softly. Newt's other hand slowly gripped on her waist as their lips moved in sync. It was very slow as if they were scared to move too fast. Celeste's free hand grasped his coat to pull Newt closer.
Newt was the first was to pull away, a smile on his lips. Celeste grinned softly before looking up at him again. "Who knew you were quite the kisser, hm?" She said playfully.
Newt's face couldn't get any redder and at this point he didn't have anything to loose, before mumbling, "Please, just be quiet." And pressed his lips against hers once again, both of them smiling wide.
When they pulled away, they would give each other small pecks of affection as they skated on the ice, their hands clinging onto each other. The two didn't notice the snow falling around them, but they couldn't care less in this moment.
This was the hardest and cutest chapter I've ever wrote.
I plan on writing another fanfic, probably not soon, but I'm still working out the kinks to it. Maybe I'll ask you guys on how it should be made like I saw with another book.
I'm glad and saddened to say that this is the end of Celeste and Newt's story, but feel free to make predictions on what happened to them in the future.
Thank you for joining me on this amazing journey ♡
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