"CELESTE, DID YOU GET the flyers?" Mary Lou asked from the door as the girl was grabbing her things.
"Yes ma'am." Celeste mumbled, straightening out her cream blouse and pulling on a royal blue colored princess coat.
"Hurry up, Credence is already there." The older women huffed impatiently.
"I-I'm sorry- I, uh- I'm ready." Celeste slipped on her white gloves on quickly as she walked out to the door.
She began to twist two sections of her hair towards the back of her head, grabbing a bobby pin from her pocket as she attached them to her head. The cold air of New York kissed Celeste's face, causing her to walk faster to the bank.
There was already a crowd around the bank, most of them waiting for Mary Lou and the others wondering what the flag was for.
"Um, Mary Lou will be here soon- Oh and there she is!" Celeste put on her fakest smile, standing next to Credence.
"Did she...?" She whispered to her younger brother. Credence replied with a soft, sorrowful nod, glancing down at his palms.
Celeste softly grabbed his hand, careful no to hurt the scars. "I love you, bub." And she placed a soft kiss against his knuckles, earning a small smile from Credence until he had to pass out flyers.
Usually when Mary Lou was giving these painfully long speeches, Celeste would be looking among the crowd or looking at the clouds. She would often make sure no one was giving her baby brother a hard time, since he had trouble fitting in.
She gazed at the crowd, very bored and tapped her feet to a tune, earning a glare from Chasity. Celeste stuck her tongue out at her adoptive sister. She grinned and made a mental note to tease her later.
Celeste pushed her dark brown hair out of her face and over her shoulder, pulling her princess coat closer to her body as a breeze of cold air flew over the group.
Celeste's hazel eyes landing on a chubby man who fell over something. She chuckled quietly, biting her lower lip as Chasity scowled at Celeste's childish behavior.
"You, friend," Mary Lou pointed at a man wearing a blue coat and held a large brown suitcase, his eyes widening in surprise. "What joined you to our meeting today?"
"Probably just trying to pass like everyone else..." Celeste mumbles.
"Oh, I was just passing." The man spoke, his British accent shocking Celeste as he gave Mary Lou a uncomfortable smile.
"Are you a seeker? A seeker of truth?" Mary Lou taunts.
"I'm more of a chaser really." The British man confessed.
Celeste rolled her eyes as Mary Lou began to drone on and on about something Celeste couldn't care less about.
"Excuse me." He said quickly, walking up the stairs of the bank in and rushed manner.
"Take me with you...." Celeste mutters, her eyes following the his blue coat until he got inside the building.
Mary Lou huffed in annoyance, but continued on with her nonsense. After another five minutes, Celeste began to immediately regret not going to the bathroom before leaving. But she felt her bladder about to explode and she didn't even care if Mary Lou was going to yell at her, she needed to pee.
Celeste was able to walk away from the group and into the bank, her eyes wandering over the large area.
"Looking for something ma'am?" A man walked up to her.
"Just the bathroom." She gave him a small smile.
"To your left and the door across from the staircase." The man returned the smile before walking away.
Celeste mumbled the directions and began to follow them. She was about to pass the stairway until she saw noticed a familiar blue coat. The British man and the chubby man from earlier were huddled together. The British man held a... egg? In his hand and a stick in between his lips.
They were very hushed, causing Celeste to slowly walk closer. Suddenly the egg in the British man's hand began to hatch. Her eyes widened as she gasped loudly. She quickly hide behind the closest wall.
Celeste slowly looked over the corner and the British man and chubby man were gone. Away. Adios. Her eyes widened the seconded time today. She pressed the back of her hand against her forehead to make sure she wasn't feeling ill. Celeste swore she them and they were right there, but now they aren't.
"Quick note: never go to the bathroom in the bank ever again." She murmurs to herself and began to walk towards the main entrance.
That was so bad, sorry guys.
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