Chapter 8
"Do you, Pearpaw, promise to hunt, care, and fight for this group of cats, even at the cost of your life?"
Blackspring's mew rumbled across the quiet sky as moonlight showered Pearpaw. Her pelt glistened and shined in the light, her eyes bright with excitement. "I do."
"Then from this moment on, you will be known as Pearlight. Your enthusiasm for every task you complete is a blessing to us, and I hope you will always serve for what you believe is right whether we are a Clan, or wandering."
"Pearlight! Pearlight!" Excited cheers rang up from the cats below as Blackspring and Pearlight touched noses, the black cat's eyes soft with fondness. She turned to Heatherleap, who was sitting at the base of the rock that Blackspring and Pearlight stood on. "Heatherleap, please take the honor of talking to our StarTree ancestors," she ordered. With a nod Heatherleap closed her eyes and dived deep inside her mind, thinking of Pearlight's smooth pelt and fierceness in battle.
A glimmering shape slowly appeared before her eyes, and Heatherleap's eyes widened as she recognized Molly, Gorsepaw's mother. She had been brutally murdered by her own campmates, but her son had lived and was now an apprentice. "Molly!" breathed Heatherleap, touching noses with the brown she-cat. She looked happy, and gazed down at her son. Gorsepaw was a great apprentice, his fighting skills sharpened to perfection by Snowytail. "Are you happy there? Is StarTree really a place? I thought Blackspring was just trying to make it up!"
"It is real. We all meet with our fallen kin, each growing a new StarTree. My lost kits are here - Gorsepaw's littermates," answered Molly, her eyes shining with sorrow and pride. "So, does every cat accept Pearlight as a warrior?" asked Heatherleap, gazing fondly at the newly made warrior who was getting licked all over by her denmates. Molly's gaze sharpened. "I cannot say, for I was not a true Clan cat who lived the ways of a warrior. But I do have a message to share," the she-cat whispered. Heatherleap leaned closer as the brown she-cat started fading into the starry sky. "Trust your instincts. Watch out for the ignored." And with that, Molly faded into a single star shining in the sky. Heatherleap groaned and was about to resurface to the world when another starry figure bounded into her vision. She looked awfully like Brindlesong, her fur golden and her eyes as green as a newleaf plant.
"Who are you..?" whispered Heatherleap. The medicine cat stretched her nose out to sniff the strange cat, and recoiled when she recognized the scent. "You're Brindlesong's kin!"
"Yes, I am. I am Mistclaw, Brindlesong's mother. I am from RiverClan, one of the ancient Clans," mewed the cat. Her eyes were deep with age. "I have crossed many paths to come here from StarClan." Heatherleap's eyes widened. Her kittypet mother had told her tales about the early Clans - ThunderClan, SkyClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and WindClan. "Wait, that means-"
"Yes. My daughter has Clan blood. Brindlesong is in great danger because my mistakes. Follow the stars each night. A different fallen warrior wil guide you each moonhigh. Starting from tonight," breathed Mistclaw. "Pearlight will make a good warrior. She has all the strengths respected in our Clans," she replied, at Heatherleap's questioning gaze. She had no idea what just happened, but she gave Mistclaw a faint nod and opened her eyes.
All the cats stared at her, their eyes waiting and anxious. Suddenly a light breeze tingled at her mouth. "Pearlight is ready to become a full warrior of LightClan." Heatherleap felt dazed. She was talking against her own will! "LightClan?" asked Applestripe, padding towards her. "You are LightClan. We will blaze through the sky and start our generation." Mistclaw suddenly appeared at her side, and every cat gasped in surprise.
But no cat was more shocked than Quailnose. Heatherleap remembered that Quailnose was Brindlesong's sister - so Mistclaw must be his mother. "Mistclaw!" he wailed. Even though the cats couldn't touch, a sweet smell drifted from Mistclaw's pelt. "Oh, my son. I am sorry I left you. You have grown into such a powerful cat," she murmured. She dipped her head at Tansycloud and Pearlight, who looked faintly amused and surprised at her father.
"Hello... Mistclaw. What's this about LightClan?" Blackspring cleared her throat, and her authorative voice made every cat freeze once more. Mistclaw nodded. "You must be Blackspring. I suppose you all deserve an explanation."
"Many seasons ago, Brindlesong, Quailnose, and more kits I named Havenpaw and Briarkit were born. I was old at that time - nearly an elder. My Clan refused to take care of my kits, so I had no choice but to abandon them. I could not leave my Clan - none of us would survive. I died soon of greencough, but my two kits survived. Brindlesong led many cats - some of which are still here now - to start a new Clan to rebel against mine. She blamed RiverClan for my actions, but there was nothing I could do. Quailnose, you were there then. You helped her achieve her goals. But then she was taken by an eagle. Every cat - including me and Quailnose, thought she was gone forever. Her beloved Clan scattered, and every cat disappeared. But here we are now. I found Brindlesong, barely alive, imprisoned by rogues and Twolegs over the mountains and waterfalls. That's why I came to you. Please. You must help my daughter. She will lead you to great victory and pride."
Mistclaw's story left every cat stunned, and Hayclaw was the first cat to respond. "I think we should go on this mission," she announced, nudging Snowytail as she stepped on her tail. "We can't just stay here, not a proper Clan. We all have warrior names and Clan customs, but we're not fully a Clan."
"I agree." Umberfoot flicked her tail in agreement. Gorsepaw looked excited at the sound of a new adventure, and Wavestorm grudgingly nodded, his tail curled over Lightwillow's. Pearlight and Applestripe stood huddled together, but their eyes were shining and interested. "I totally agree with this," Heatherleap added, trying to convince every cat. Sunclaw nodded at Blackspring.
"Then we will go on this so-called journey, if it means saving my cats. Get ready. We'll be leaving next moonhigh."
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