Jess and John hadn't heard from any of the family the past couple of days. She figured everyone was off doing there jobs Tommy had assigned them or they all were caught up in the craziness of their own lives. Sometimes Jess wished things weren't as serious as they were now. She didn't want to lose anyone in her family especially John. This was all the family she had left.
Jess slowly folded a shirt throwing it in the suit case. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair as she pulled her hair back in a ponytail and was a little overwhelmed with the thought of the next couple days ahead for her and John. They had to travel to Camden Town pretty much to see if it came down to it they would have Alfie as a backup. Plus she was pretty excited to see Clara as well. Clara was from Birmingham and her and Jess had grown up together but after a weekend in London, Clara had fell in love with Alfie. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted as she felt someone grab her from behind.
"What are you doing all up in your head beautiful?" John asked. Jess instantly relaxed at the presence of John wrapping his arms around her. With him she felt extremely loved and protected. Her loyalty to him was never questioned.
"Oh you know, just thinking is all babe." Jess answered shortly. She reached behind her rubbing Johns head as he kissed her neck.
"Talk to me now, Jessica." John said in a stern voice. He called her Jessica so she knew he was serious and that something was on her mind. Jess turned around facing him and she hugged into his chest as she squeezed him tight.
"Are you ever afraid, John?" Jess asked quietly. Johns hands ran up and down her back as he tried his best comfort her. He placed a kiss on top of her head.
"Of what, baby?" John questioned her.
"If shit went bad." Jessica said pulling away and looking up at him. "Like say a deal went wrong and you got ten years in prison. Or say Tommy got you caught up in a job and you killed someone and get sent away for life. Or worse, someone kills you. I cant lose you John. I have done lost everyone else in my life. I cant lose you, your brothers or my friends."
John rubbed her cheek with his thumb and placed a kiss on her lips. Jess kissed him back harder and with passion.His hands trailed down her arm as he slowly gripped her ass in his hand. Jess giggled as she swatted his hand away.
"I am serious, John Shelby." Jess laughed at him.
"Nothing is going to happen, love. I am safe and I will do everything in my power to keep you and everyone we love safe." John reassured her. Jess smiled as she play punched him in the arm.
"You aren't invincible, John. Do you ever think about leaving?" Jess asked out of curiosity. It had been something deep on her mind lately. Her and John leaving to see the world, she could do university classes online and they could always come back to see there friends.
"Leaving as in...away from Birmingham and the gang?" John questioned.
"I know this is your life baby. I knew what I was getting into. But don't you want life outside of here. Or like maybe we stay here but step away for awhile. We have so much left to do together John....marriage...a few kids." Jess whispered.
"I am here for the long haul Jess. You seem to forget that. No one can kill me. I will be damned if I let anyone hurt my girl too." John winked at her. "One sec, I left your surprise in the living area."
John walked out of the room to quickly retrieve her surprise. Jess turned around to continue packing. The thought of leaving upset her but she heard the horror stories of the Kray twins. They thoughtlessly murdered rival gang members spouses and loved ones to get their point across and that is what scared her. Or them taking John. But Jess had decided at this point when it came down to anyone she would straight knock someone the fuck out. Only a rare few had seen Jess and her feisty side and that was one of the many reasons John had fell in love with her. Jess threw a few pairs of Johns socks in the suitcase when she felt a set of hands go over her eyes.
"It's not much...but I know you like all the surprises I get you." John chuckled in her ear. Jess smiled as she imagined his crooked smile on his face.
"Of course I do babe. Now let me see." Jess squeaked. John uncovered her eyes and Jess turned around. She smiled at the beautiful red and black roses, two dozen to be exact, John held out for her. Two dozen to represent the two years they had been together and stuck through it all.
"Do you like it?" John asked nervously. There anniversary was coming up but John figured it would be best to celebrate now as they would probably be working. Jess took the flowers from John as she brought them to her nose and smelt the beautiful fresh bouquet of roses. One of her favorite smells.
"Don't be silly. I absolutely love it John. Simple things like this is why I love you." Jess smiled at him.
"Well there is more..but it is not ready yet BUT as soon as it will get it, I promise." John reassured her. "Are you feeling better?"
"Of course baby. Anytime I am with you I feel safe. I will just say this John, if things go bad...there will be absolutely no holding back from me. I will do anything I have to do to keep you safe. Even if I got to shoot the tall motherfuckers knees out first and beat their head in with a bat to finish them off." Jess laughed. John pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
"I always loved you, ya know that right? Especially when you are feisty like that. It fuckin does crazy things to me." John groaned. Jess smiled. John loved everything about her but one thing that absolutely turned him on was her wild side.
"What does it do exactly baby?" Jess asked as she tried to provoke Johns mood. John pulled her back and looked at her with the most goofiest look on his face.
"Jessica, are you trying to fuck with me?" John chuckled. Jess bit her lip as she looked up at John knowing when she did that it aroused him.
"What are you going to do about it, John Shelby?" Jess asked as she continuously teased him. John turned his head to the side and smiled at her. He licked his lips as he looked at her with eyes full of lust.
"You are wanting me to treat you like a bad girl, aren't you Jess?" John asked seductively. Jess looked at John as she nodded her head as she acted all sweet and innocent. John sighed as he took his shirt off throwing it to the floor. He removed his belt and placed it over his shoulder as he picked Jess up and playfully threw her on the bed.
"What are you going to do to me, John?" Jess asked playfully. John scooted her up and closer to the bed rails and he took her hands tying the belt through the bars and around her hands. Jess looked at him as he hovered above her and tightened the belt. He moved down as he pulled her pants off and taking a knife as he cut her shirt off of her. He trailed the knife down her stomach and looked at her with erotic eyes which instantly left Jess wanting more. He threw the knife on the floor and leaned over her kissing her lips. Jess pushed her lips into his and let a moan escape through her lips. John lightly bit her lip and kissed down trailing through her breasts and slowly started to move down her stomach. Jess bucked her hips letting John know that she was ready for more. He kissed down over her panties before slowly moving and kissing into the inside of her thighs.
"Beautiful, I am going to make you forget about every worry on your mind, I am going to fuck you and then I am going to make love to you." John moaned. That is just what John did too. He made her forget and they spent the rest of there afternoon intertwined in one another. With each other they had all they would ever need.
Jenny and Michael had spent there night no different than any other night. Out partying and making a score with there local drug dealer. Jenny opened her eyes and still felt like she could sleep for like three more days. She stretched rolling over and to no surprise Michael was gone. She turned back on her side pulling the blankets up close to her face.
Jenny had had a lot on her mind lately. Her future and her future with Michael. She could tell the cocaine was taking a toll on her and her grades at the university. But she worried if she stopped than Michael would find someone else. But knew in her heart that was her anxiety. She didn't want to be like this forever. She wanted a normal future and wanted her and Michael to build together and make a family. They were in such a crazy phase of life together. But no one understood Michael like she did. They met and he found out that he was adopted and within a few months of knowing each other she journeyed to Birmingham with him and they had been there ever since. But Michael had been there for her too. She had gotten out of an abusive relationship and Michael offered her an escape and they fell in love. They did actually love each other.
"Are you still asleep, darling?" Michael's voiced interrupted her train of thought. She rolled over seeing him and smiling. He stood with two coffees in his hands and sunglasses over his eyes.
"What time is it?" Jenny asked curiously. She sat up stretching as Michael sat behind her handing her a cup of coffee. He took a sip and wrapped his arms around her.
"It is 3 PM. I got up at about 1 and decided to let you sleep. Surprise you with your favorite coffee." Michael said as he rubbed her arm kissing the side of her neck.
"I cant believe we slept all day. Something has got to give babe." Jenny sighed as she fully relaxed against his chest.
Michael always felt horrible when it came to the cocaine. The foster families he went through as a child put him through some major shit and he found it as a way to cope. He got with Jenny and she had walked in on him snorting a line in the bathroom and curiosity got the best of her and one thing lead to another and she started a not so fun life with snow.
"After this job, I promise baby. We will stop. I don't wanna live like this no more. I just want it to be you and me for awhile." Michael whispered in her ear. Jenny nodded as she brought the cup of coffee to her lips.
"It is fucking crazy. The Kray's, Michael, I mean Rich even thinks its crazy and that is saying a lot." Jenny said. Michael laughed knowing exactly what she meant because to Rich nothing was crazy but everyone knew what they were capable of.
"I got to thinking babe...after this job...why don't we go and see mum and Abe? Get away from here for awhile. Fresh, clean start for us both. Haven't you always wanted to see New York?" Michael asked her. Jenny smiled as she turned around and placed her coffee on the bedside table. She sat on Michael's lap, smiling, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"BABE!!!! If you take me to New I will love you forever. Even more than I already do. That is such a dream of mine. The shopping, Broadway, Times Square and apparently there fucking pizza is amazeballs. Oh and they got Christmas in New York. Lets do that baby." Jenny giggled.
"Anything for you love. I will be with you every step of the way." Michael chuckled. He grabbed Jenny's waist and trailed his hands up the underneath of her shirt as he rubbed her back. Jenny grabbed Michael's face in her hands and pecked his lips. He looked at her as he licked his lips and moved his hands up, tangling them in her hair. He pulled her roughly to his lips and kissed her back. Fighting for dominance he pressed his tongue between her lips. He let out a small growl as he kept one hand in her her and the other gripping her ass. Jenny grinding her hips against his lap the whole time.
"Mmmm Michael, what are we doing? We got work to do baby." Jenny moaned against his mouth. She found it extremely hard to stop him.
"There is only one thing I wanna do and that is you, Mrs. Gray." Michael chuckled. Jenny pulled away with a fake serious face and licked Michael's nose.
"Not yet, Mikey. Not until we got our shit together. Then we can have the wedding bells and baby Grays." Jenny promised him. That was endgame for Jenny. Wedding, family and for everyone to have enough money to be away from the crazy gang life. Michael reached in his pocket and pulled out a little blue vial. Coke.
"Wanna do a bump and get this party started then? We gotta go to the club in London tonight and I don't want no extra shit clouding my head." Michael sighed. Jenny pulled his head up seeing the disappointment of nothing but himself in his eyes. "Why are you with me even? Like I am a total fuck up."
"Because Michael, I love you. I love you, you saved me." Jenny said getting off his lap. She grabbed his hand pulling him off of the bed. They walked over to the bathroom counter and Jenny took two notes out of her pocket as Michael dumped the white substance out in front of them. He took his credit card and moved them into thin white lines as Jenny handed him one of the notes. She leaned down as she snorted her line, instantly feeling the burn. She wiped away at her nose and shoved the note into her pocket. Michael shot his head up and Jenny reached up as she cleaned his face for him.
" I love you babe." Michael replied. Jenny wrapped her arms around Michael as he sat his chin on top of her head. "You always smell so good. Like milk and honey."
"That my dear, is shampoo from the gas station up the road." Jenny giggled. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling away and taking Michael by the hand back to bed. She flopped down as Michael laid his head on her chest. Jenny pulled her phone out as she checked her text from Wendy.
WeNdY BeNdY:
Hey Boo!! Rich and I just got done. Taco Bell before you head to London?
3:30 PM
JeNnY BeNnY:
Of course lovieee. We will head that way now ;)
3:31 PM
"Who was that babe?" Michael asked curiously as he played with Jenny's hair.
"Wendy and Rich wanna get T. Bell before we head to London.... wanna go?" Jenny replied. Michael sat up as he pecked Jenny on the lips. Jenny kissed him back harder as she felt her high starting to kick in which meant her desires for Michael grew even more.
"First one to the car is buying lunch." Michael whispered. Jenny's eyes darted from Michael to the door and she jumped out of bed and took off for the apartment door. She flew the door open and ran down the long hallway hearing Michael trail behind her quickly on her heels. She reached the elevator and repeatedly pressed the button before the doors slowly opened. She ran inside and chuckled. Her and Michael lived on the 42nd floor and it was a long way down to the 1st.
"Have fun taking the stairs, Mikey." Jenny giggled out loud. The doors started to close and Jenny was playfully dancing her victory dance but she heard the doors come ajar. Michael stepped in and the doors slowly closed the rest of the way. "I am not buying lunch..I at least got to the elevator."
Michael stepped forward and pulled into her from behind. "Wanna see how much fun we can have until we get to the bottom?"
Jenny instantly picked up Michael's vibes as he bent her over and slowly undid his pants. To most, they were crazy and extremely reckless but to them this was normal for them for now. They were gonna live in the moment as much as they could. Even if it meant elevator sex and lunch with there friends until they risked there lives stepping into the Krays club in London tonight.
I hope you all are loving each girl and each couples different journeys as much as I am! I love writing for each one. Up next is Elen and Klara! With love, Jenny xoxo
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