Date Night
UGhhh I hate mondays. The only good thing about them is that I have form with Nick. I'm on the bus with my headphones in when I feel my phone buzz
Heyy babee
Where are you?
Come to the supply closet next to our form
im on the bus
be there in a bit
Waiting for you<3
I pocket my phone and put away my headphones. When my bus arrives I jump off and start walking fast. If Nick wants to see me before form it only means one thing: He wants to make out,without anyone seeing. We came out at least a year ago but still we don't want to be watched. I make my way trough the corridor. When I finally get there I see that the door is closed. I know Nick is in there so I just go in.I close the door and before I even have the chance to turn around I get pushed against said door. Next thing I know, someone-aka nick- is kissing me very roughly. "Eager, aren't you?" I tease "Yes, one weekend is too much time away from you" he says "Are you obsessed with me or something?" "Actually, yes very" I kiss him back. We make out a bit.
He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist while he's still pushing me against the door. I would gladly stay here all day but unfortunately we have school. I reluctantly pull away"Nick, we're gonna be late" "ugghh school is homophobic" He says and puts me down. I giggle at him and try to make his hair look somewhat normal. And like the good boyfriend I am I make his tie and shirt look presentable.
We get out of the closet (very ironic I know) and the bell rings. When we sit down in class our fingers are automatically interwined. The class was really boring so rested my head on his shoulder.
A few minutes pass when I hear Nick whisper in my ear "Hey babe?" "What's up?" He takes a breath, like he's nervous "Do you wanna go on a date this saturday" I snort at him "Why on earth were you nervous to ask me that? Of course i will!" I lean up and quickly peck his lips. "Where are we going?" I ask "Its a surprise!!"
After form we go separate into different directions. Aghhh It's only monday and our date is saturday. I'm going to die while waiting that long.
It's now saturday and I'm getting dressed for our date. Nick only said to come casual but comfortable. And he's getting here at 8. I successfully asked my mum if i could go and she said yes. Now I'm just in my room waiting for my beautiful boyfriend, when I hear the doorbell ringing and opening, Ollie's voice shouting "NIICKKK"
I rush down the stairs and see Nick with oliver in his arms spinning around. "Hey buddy! isn't it past your bedtime?"he asks in a voice you speak to little kids with. Before Ollie could answer I interfere "It is actually and you should go before mum and dad get mad!" He sadly jumps off of Nick and runs upstairs. I turn to Nick and he opens his arms for a hug. I lean into him and we just kinda stand there in the door, but i don't want to move. It's too comfy. Okay, when is a Nick Nelson hug™ not comfy? "Char babe, we should go" Says nick pulling away from the hug and taking my hand in his. "Fineee" I say sarcastically whining. We get out the house and I lock the door.
Nick is dressed nicely and he looks very very hot. He's wearing slightly baggy jeans that make his ass look magnificent with a white tank top and a baby blue flannel. I just put on some comfy pants with a sweater vest and a white t-shirt under it with a necklace. 'You look pretty" i hear Nick say "And you look handsome" I say back, (because he does.)
We're walking hand in hand when I notice the picnic basket in his other hand. "Why are we going to picnic in the evening?" I look at him. He must've seen my confused expression, because he chukles and says "We're going star gazing, my love" (wow) "very romantic" And we keep walking, making small conversation.
We get to the park and go to our tree. Okay its not like we own the tree but we have been here with nellie, our friends,together for picnic dates and we even have our innitials carved in the tree, its a very sentimental spot for us.
He lays down a blanket for us to sit on. He plops down and pats the spot next to him. I sit but instead of the spot he pointed to, I sit between his legs and lean back against his broad chest. He hugs my waist from behind and nuzzles his face in the spot between my head and shoulder. He's pressing light kisses there, I feel so safe in his arms. He feels like my real home. "Recharging?" I ask him. He always does this, its comforting for him and for me. "We should probably lay down if we want to star gaze." he murmurs in my neck but makes no move to do so. after another minute he eventually pulls away and lays down. I get out from between his legs and lay next to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close, and starts pointing at different things he sees in the sky. He's so cute, I'm so lucky to have him . I look in the basket he brought and see that he made my favourite cheese and cucumber sandwitches. "I love you soo much, but i love these more!" "and what about nellie and henry?" he asks me with a smirk on his face. "Nellie and Henry are my top priority and I love them the most. Then your sandwitches and the you." I beam at him with a proud smile on my face. He acts offended and pouts like a baby "I'm not your top priority? your really mean." "I'm only joking sweetheart, I love you the most, and you're my first priority, and then Nellie and Henry" he leans in and kisses me softly "I know. But I wanted to hear you say it" he says grinning,I gasp "You dickhead."
I eat a bit of fruit that he cut up into neat slices. I feed him some strawberries like a romantic couple. we kiss,hug, talk about the different star shapes we see and laugh.
We've just been laying here in silence for a while when I check my phone to see the time 21:47. Wow almost 2 HOURS?? I look at Nick and he looks down at me. Just as I'm about to say something he leans down and kisses me gently. I obviously kiss back. The soft and gentle kiss turns into heated making out. And just as I'm gonna pull away he pulls me closer so that I'm straddling his lap and he pushes his tounge in my mouth."Nick we're in public. We should at least go home˝ ˝But you're so sexy right now˝ He says and leans in to kiss my neck. He starts kissing a spot very roughly, which is probably going to bruise but right now I dont care, it feels so good. ˝We could do more if we went home.˝ ˝ughh fine then,get up˝
We get back to his house, but we have to be quiet because Sarah is already asleep. He takes my hand and leads me up to his room. He closes the door behind himself and leads me to the bed. ˝Now where were we?˝ He says when we lay down and starts kissing me again. ˝ Nick, maybe we shouldn't do this today. I have to get home˝ ˝ You could stay here-kiss-with me-kiss-I dont like sleeping in my bed-kiss-without you˝ I roll my eyes at him. I'm about to fight back but he's kissing my neck so gently that I can't help but moan a little ˝ See, you're also enjoying it˝ He says ˝i never said I wasnt enjoying it˝I say while he goes back to kissing my neck but harder. ˝Fine, this one time I stay, But if you dont see me for the next 2 months you'll know why˝.
We make out a bit before I get inpatient and want to go further. I roll us over so that I'm in his lap and grinding on him while not breaking the kiss. He groans and moans into the kiss. He takes his hands and cups my ass and starts squishing it a bit. I let out moans into the kiss,I only break apart to take off his shirt while he does the same for me. He flips us over and kisses all down my chest until he reaches the waistband of my jeans. He looks at me for permission and I nod. He unbuttons it and tugs it off me with my boxers soon joining it on the floor. He starts kissing my hips and down until he reaches my cock. He kisses down my shaft while I try to stiffle some noises. ˝Alright get up here. I dont want your mum hearing us and I want to feel you inside me˝ He gets up from his knees and and comes up to kiss me more. I shuffle up his bed a bit. He's over me and I fiddle with his belt and trousers until hes naked. He reaches into the bedside drawer and grabs lube and condoms. He gets a little lube on his finger and pushes in. I try not to moan to loud but nick has other ideas. He pushes two more fingers in and starts punishing my hole. after a while I stop him ˝Nick i think I'm open enough now˝ He gets his fingers out. I whine a bit at the feeling of his finger going away. But not for long because I feel something bigger enter me. I moan out loud and grab the sheets until my knuckles turn white. He starts thrusting in me with all his power and I feel like I'm on cloud nine already. He tries to stiffle some of our moans by kissing me and my neck and all over my body. ˝ I'm so closee Nick, Dont stopp˝ ˝Me too but can you hold on a bit? I'm -fuck- kinda searching for something over here˝ And that's exactly when he hits it. I almost scream but quickly close my mouth and let out a big groan and whine ˝I'm cumming nickkkk!!! FUckkkkk!˝ I moan and whisper yell and come all over myself and him ˝ME too. Fuck charr˝ He says as he cums and slowes his pace. We just lay there panting. A minute later he pulls out and flops down next to me and looks at me
˝ I love you. And that was amazing˝ ˝I love you too ˝. He stand up and quietly heads to the bathroom.He comes back with a wet flannel in his hand.Coming over to the bed he kisses me gently and starts cleaning me up. Once he's done he pulls me so that my head is on his chest. ˝wait a sec˝ He says rushing out again and grabbing boxers a jumper and two sweatpants. He hands me the jumper and one of the sweatpants and boxers. We get dressed and cuddle up together.
˝Goodnight, mon amour˝ ˝ Goodnight,sweetheart˝
hope you enjoyed <3
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