Chapter 1
"Natasha, there's no easy way to say this but, we feel like, what I'm trying to say is-" "You're out princesa. We gave you to Heartsteel." Natasha only blinked as she was trying to process what her friends just told her. "Wait, I'm out...what did I do?!" Qiyana simply shook her head and smiled softly. "You didn't do anything querida. We just think you'd be better off with them." Akali nodded. "Plus, they said they were looking for a girl member and we recommended you! We sent them that video of you singing and they liked you and asked us for you so we said yes." The vastaya girl listened before nodding and standing from the couch.
"I appreciate it but you could have told me beforehand instead of just giving me away to some other group." Going to her room to pack her things, Natasha stumbled upon Yasuo who was busy mixing beats while sitting on her bed. "Hey Yasuo..." As the girl pulled her suitcases out from under the bed and opened them to start putting her stuff inside, the man stood from his seat on her bed and put his hand on her waist. Both silently gazed into each other's eyes before the man leaned down and pressed a sweet and gentle kiss to Natasha's lips and then took his leave. She knew that was his way of saying goodbye. To her and to the fling they had shared for the time she was there.
After she finished packing and saying her goodbyes to her former bandmates, Natasha stood on the sidewalk outside of the penthouse to wait for her ride. "Want some company?" Natsha turned to the voice and only nodded softly once she had seen it was Ekko. "You know, we're gonna miss you and I want you to know it wasn't my idea to give you up. I wanted to keep you but ya know how voting goes." With droopy ears and a sad expression, Natasha barely listened to anything he said. "Oh come on, don't look that way puppy. You're gonna make me sad too." Ekko said as he put a hand on Natasha's shoulder.
As the pair stood there for about what could've been an hour or so, the two suddenly turned their attention to the noise of a jeep pulling up next to them. Looking at the man driving, Natasha felt herself perk up at how handsome he was. "Hey K'Sante! What's up man?" Ekko enthusiastically greeted the man as he stepped out of the jeep to help Natasha with her suitcases. To say he was huge was an understatement and to call him just plain handsome seemed criminal. The vastaya girl's tail began to wag slightly as the large man stepped to her and gently took her bags. "Let me take care of these sweetheart." He said with a smile and a wink.
Natasha then watched the man put her bags in the back seat and open the door to the front seat for her. After giving Ekko one last hug, she bid him goodbye and got in the jeep with K'Sante watching all the while to make sure she had gotten in ok. As K'Sante go in the driver's seat and started to drive off, away from her old home, Natasha noticed just how much of a size difference there was. Just looking at how his hands gripped the steering wheel, Natasha's tail couldn't stop wagging as her mind flooded with dirty and perverted thoughts of what else his large hands were capable of.
"So Natasha, Tell me a little about yourself. Starting today we're bandmates. So I want to get to know you a little better." Natasha's ears perked up as she found herself very attracted to the man's accent. Yet through this, she answered the question. "Well, I was a secondary vocalist in True Damage and I'm Vastaya and I really like to dance. Red bull and starbucks coffee are my best friends and I like to listen to Pentakill. I wrote a few rock songs myself but I don't think I'll be able to perform them anywhere. So they're just chilling in my notebook unused." K'Sante looked over at the vastaya and smiled a bit. "You wrote a few songs huh? Maybe we could swing them by Yone. See if he can come up with a perfect time for you to sing them?"
Natasha only shook her head and blushed slightly. "Oh no! I couldn't ask him to do that! Not when I just got in with you all! I'm gonna lay low for a bit and see how you guys do things before I can just go in and start requesting things." As the drive continued, Natasha and K'Sante shared juicy gossip about each group. "Kayn got stuck in the vault door? How did that happen?" Natasha asked as she tried to catch her breath after laughing. "That's the thing, None of us know how or why it happened. We did know however, that it was incredibly funny." K'Sante chuckled as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the apartment complex.
"We're here. Are you ready?"The man asked after he stepped out of the jeep and opened the door to the back seat and grabbed her bags. Natasha took in a deep breath as she followed suit in getting out of the vehicle. "Born ready. Let's do this." As the two made their way into the apartment complex, they headed straight to the elevator where Natasha watched as K'Sante pressed the very top button. "Penthouse?" Natasha asked as K'Sante nodded. "Yep, penthouse." After the comfortably silent elevator ride, Natasha followed K'Sante to the door and watched as he unlocked the door. As they walked in, the pair was immediately greeted with the sound of playful arguing. "That's it! You've lost your glue gun privileges Ezreal! Give it here!" Natasha watched as Ezreal ran past the door laughing with a bag of patches and a hot glue gun in hand while an exhausted and partly annoyed Yone ran after him.
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