Chapter 4
I woke up groggily as sunlight streamed through the curtains of the dorm. My back was stiff, I totally wasn't used to sleeping on such a small and hard bed.
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to adjust them to the lighting, then realised, I controlled light. Like seriously, how could I forget??
I dimmed the light in the room with my magic, and I was surprised to see that all my power had come back to me, and was as good as new.
I opened my eyes and reached for my phone to check the time. No battery. Why hadn't I remembered to charge it before sleeping? I rolled my eyes at myself after I had just forgotten that I could charge it with my magic.
Why is my head so foggy and disoriented? I charged my phone with my magic, and the then finally saw the time: 10 AM.
I had lots messages from an unsaved number.
Unknown number: What time are we training tomorrow? Yesterday, 16:43
Unknown number: Prince Lucian?? Yesterday, 22:09
Unknown number: You're making it very hard for me to be nice to you. Today, 7:37
Unknown number: Are you there? Today, 7:38
Unknown number: Whatever. I'm going to go to the training center, room 2 at 11 AM, come if you want to. Today, 9:17 AM
Oh, it was just Ivy. I was confused as I read the messages. How did she message me yesterday? Shit. I had slept through an entire day.
I sat there in shock. I had never slept through an entire day before! I got my hand up to push my hair out of my face, and I realised I stunk so bad that I gagged. My parents would be so disappointed in me.
I leapt to take a shower, and a warm shower, and lots of bathing soaps and oils later, I felt better. I opened my suitcase and I groaned seeing the numerous suits. Suits and shirts were not good for working out!
I decided on a normal white T-shirt, and black shorts, paired with sports shoes. I ran and made it right on time to the training room 2. Ivy came a few minutes later, and she bore a dark expression on her face.
"You know when people text you, you are supposed to text them back?! That's common human decency!" She said.
I did not want to tell her about the embarrassing event that I'd slept throughout the entire day. "Sorry. I'll text back next time." I said, trying to not cause a scene.
She scoffed, and went to practice on a practice dummy. (Thank god she wasn't practicing on me!)
I watched in horror as she didn't even bat an eye or use hand movements to slice the dummy. The neck of the dummy just fell off, a clean cut, and I didn't even see what had happened. Her magic wasn't flashy as mine, it was lethal.
She proceeded to behead all the dummies, at once, and then she turned to me and said, "I'm bored of training. Show me what you can actually do."
I gulped. I didn't not want to end up like the dummies without their heads. Light magic is all about speed. I didn't know how her magic worked, but I knew mine pretty well.
I used the light magic to send light spears at her, but she flicked her wrist and all my light spears disappeared. What?! I was sure I had imagined that. I blinked, and I saw my spears coming back at me!
I blocked my spears with a wall of light, and I asked Ivy, "How the hell did you do that?"
"I just put the spears in a dark void, and pulled them out and sent them back." She shrugged like it was no big deal.
"That means no magic can ever hit you! Wait, what was that thing that you did on the first day?" I asked in awe, remembering how helpless I'd felt in the darkness where she was choking me.
She rolled her eyes, "I put you in a dark void."
"So your magic is the dark void?" I pointed out.
She seemed offended, "No. I can use light magic too."
I was offended now, "No you can't. I'm the only light user on this planet!"
Ivy squeezed her eyes shut for a couple of seconds, and when she opened them, they looked exactly like mine. Golden.
She sent light spears hurling at the already beheaded dummies behind me, and that magic was exactly like my magic.
"See? I can use your magic too." She said, as I gaped at what I had just seen.
"H-How? What? N-No..." I stammered. No way what I had just seen was real. Nope. I refused to believe it. I stared in her golden eyes, and I watched them fade back to silver.
"How can you use my magic?" I demanded after I had gotten over my shock.
"I don't know." She said, "If I can successfully shift my aura, I can use any magic I want."
I was taken aback, "Shift your aura? What do you mean by that?"
"You must've noticed that my aura wasn't so cold when I used light magic. My aura is always like what I'm feeling. If I'm happy, my aura is warm and my eyes turn gold like yours. If I feel, you know, sad or something, my eyes are silver." She explained.
I took in all the information and processed it. "You're sad all the time?!"
"That's seriously what you took from the story?" She raised an eyebrow.
I nodded.
"I'm not sad all the time, but I, um, get pretty sad most of the time. It is the most consistent emotion, so I always write off my magic as darkness magic." She said looking down.
I wanted to know why she felt sad. I also wanted to give her a big hug, and tell her to be happy. Wait. No I did not! What was wrong with me?!
"Oh ok." I said.
She proceeded to walk out of the training room, and stopped at the doorway. I thought she was finally going to remember to say 'bye, I'm going!' but she didn't.
Instead she said, "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you. As far as you're concerned, I use darkness magic. You got it?"
Her icy aura felt more chilly, and I silently nodded. She then left me stunned and speechless.
"What just happened?" I muttered to myself.
I kept training myself, because I felt scared. Scared of Ivy. Scared that I might actually die in this training centre. Sure, I knew that I would die if I wasn't the best in this training center, but that hadn't bothered me. I was so sure that I would survive. And even if I died, I knew no one would miss me.
But... I didn't want to die. I couldn't die. I was scared to die. I'd thought that I could live with the fact that I could die, but I can't.
I unleashed all my emotions onto the already broken dummies, slicing and dicing them into pieces till they were basically minute dust. I wiped my sweat from my face. I wish they had AC in the training rooms, it got so hot sometimes.
I heard heavy footsteps behind me, "Principe is practicing all alone?"
I turned around to see the Harris brothers. Fuck no. Their black eyes bore into mine, and I knew I had sought trouble when I'd first fought with Hudson.
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