Where the Demon King retires
???'s POV
"What do you mean, you're leaving, Your Highness? You can't just... leave!" my most loyal confident and friend asks with irritation, his steps in sync with my own as I walk to my quarters for what I'm hoping is the last time.
"I told you. I'm tired of my job," I repeat with a sigh as I take a sharp turn left to reach the high black doors engraved with gold linework. The two demons standing guard on each sides raise into salute before opening the path for me, and I keep walking into my private quarters with the loud man behind me.
"Tired or not, you have responsibilities!" he insists, his voice going up a pitch as I make do with a simple black travel bag to stuff a few of my belongings within. I don't want to take too much with me in prevision of the trip to come. It's not like there's much that truly matters to me in here anyway.
I don't know yet how far I will go, but I will need to leave the demon realm for the human one, so it will take me at the very least... a week of flying. Is a storm announced in the coming days? Flying over the Sea of Death will be difficult, so the lighter the bag, the better.
"Jimin, my responsibilities always have something to do with destroying or killing people. I'm always inducing pain left and right," I start as I select a few clothes of various shades of black. Everything I own is black, isn't it?
The younger demon nods his head like this is granted, his face very serious when I look over my shoulder to glance at him. "I am tired of destruction."
"But you are the Demon King," he insists, not ready to give up when my disappearance ought to bring about a catastrophe to our realm. I honestly couldn't care less at this point. The people here have drained me of the care I once had for this kingdom.
"Well, the Demon King is retiring," I counter as I zip up the bag. What I miss upon starting my new life, I can always find later on. I have enough gold to last me a century in there. Humans use gold, right? If not, I'm going to have to find a merchant that does trades with demons.
I bring a hand to my large black horns, then sigh. These won't be possible to hide, but there are demon refugees living in the human realm so I should be fine. If they can live there in peace with other humans, so can I, not that I plan on living near any human civilization anytime soon.
"Where will you go?" Jimin asks as he follows me once more on the way out.
"Somewhere," I answer with a shrug, hand motioning here and there as if pointed at unseen sights. "I will let the wind guide my wings. Maybe the sea breeze will share some secrets with me on the way? Who knows."
"The storm will swallow you whole, maybe you could wait," he continues, brows furrowing as he anticipates the weather that will try to block my exit. A Demon King has never left as I am about to do, it's possible that the lines separating the different worlds try to get in my way.
"Tomorrow, the princess of the Bitter Clan will show up with a marriage proposal," I let out as I turn right. "I don't want to be there to hear her tantrum when I refuse the proposal. The storm will be a challenge, but I believe I am strong enough to make it through in one piece."
Jimin groans as the guards push open the large doors leading to the main hall. The black marble beneath my feet shines with every steps I take, as if reacting to my blood and magic. I never could explain why the castle seems to come alive wherever I go. I will certainly miss that.
"Who is to deal with her, then?"
"Unless you quit... I believe it will be you."
"Damn it, Your Highness- no. Jungkook!"
I grin at the utter lack of formalities that just left his lips, it seems he is starting to accept that I have well and truly resigned from the heavy and burdensome title. Denial will do him no good.
He stomps his feet on the floor when I turn around to stare at him, my bag propped on my shoulder as to not hinder my wings as they impatiently flap at my back. They're itching with the desire to cross the sky and get out of here.
"You are not playing fair. I have followed you all my life, from as young as my fifty years old. I have been by your side for five... no, six hundred years, and now, you're leaving me behind like I'm worth nothing in your eyes. What am I supposed to do without you?"
I turn silent, lips losing of the amused curve to fall flat. I walk until I stand in front of him, then let a hand fall over his head with a gentle pat, right between his golden horns. His eyes stare at me with a wounded glow, and I sigh softly. I was hoping he wouldn't take my leave as me abandoning him, but it seems that was too optimistic.
"You're right," I murmur softly. "I couldn't have done my job for as long as I have if not for you, Jimin. Your support was irreplaceable, and I thank you for it. I saw you not as a servant, but as a dear friend, which is why I am telling you that I am leaving. I am not asking you to follow me, not because I do not want you by my side anymore, but because I do not wish for others to find me once I am gone," I inform him, eyes taking in intently as comprehension fills his gaze.
"The tracker," he murmurs, a hand raised to his nape where the servant mark rests, printed onto his skin by duty, a requirement that was set in place by the late Terror King, my father.
Jimin's eyes then light up with a newfound determination, and he stands straighter under my hand. "If I manage to get rid of it, will you accept me by your side again, wherever you are?"
A small grin curls at my lips.
"If you find me... sure. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again, Jimin."
With one last tender caress to his hair, I step back, then turn around to exit the dark castle. The walls thrum as I step over the last threshold separating me from my new life, and as I stand outside beneath the grey rays of an unforgiving sun, I let my wings test the wind for a minute.
Once confident enough to make the jump, I take off into the clouds, not a glance spared for the life I am leaving once and for all.
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