Chapter One: The Fire in Which We Burn
Severus Snape landed hard just outside the gates of Hogwarts, the boars looking down at him in the darkness. Voldemort had not been pleased that Severus had not come to heel immediately upon his return, while Severus had attempted to persuade the dark wizard that he had had to remain behind at the school and stand guard at the side of Barty Crouch, Jr., but the serpentine man would not hear of it. The Cruciatus Curse had been used, Severus's shields had fallen, and the man had figured out where the potions master's true loyalties lay. As such, Severus had activated his emergency Portkey, and had landed in a bloody heap upon the grounds of the eponymous castle in Scotland.
Weakly, the man drew out his wand and whispered, "Expecto Patronum," and the silver doe had leapt forth, staring at him, awaiting his command. "Find Poppy," he said, his voice wheezing as he attempted to keep his consciousness. He watched as the doe slipped effortlessly through the gates and through the darkness, just as Severus's strength failed completely, and blackness enveloped him.
Things had happened quickly after that; the headmaster was not best pleased about losing his spy in Voldemort's camp but, thankfully, Professor McGonagall, plus Arthur and Molly Weasley, as well as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody were steadfastly in Severus's corner. They said that even well-placed Memory Charms could only do so much, and so the matter was settled during the summer. Severus would no longer be a spy for the Order of the Phoenix, and he worked tirelessly as the summer wore on to come up with a way to dissolve the Dark Mark from his arm.
When the students returned in September, Severus noticed the dark circles underneath Harry Potter's eyes, and he couldn't necessarily blame him. From what he'd gleaned from the whispered conversations, Potter had been relieving Cedric Diggory's death nightly, and had mastered a Silencing Charm so as Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan could sleep in the dormitory, although Potter was decidedly not. To make matters worse, a pink toad was now on staff, direct from the Ministry of Magic itself, and employed by Minister Fudge, and she seemed intent upon making her own voice, as well as Minister Fudge's agenda, known to all staff and students; Filch seemed to be particularly fond of the miserable woman.
When the headmaster called in Severus shortly before the Halloween feast and informed him that Potter's nightmares were getting worse, Severus fought everything within him not to care. It was also to his surprise that Dumbledore ordered Severus to teach young Potter the art of Occlumency in order to rid his mind of these images that Severus attempted to put his foot down, for being alone with Potter, after everything he'd promised Lily, would be detrimental at best. It was, however, not a choice, Severus came to understand; it was an order.
By the first weekend in November, Potter had been notified about the lessons and he reported to Severus's dungeon quarters to begin them. Potter seemed to know nothing about the subject, and it irked Severus that Potter didn't even ask Granger for some literature on the subject. Try as they might, for the next several weeks, virtually no progress was made, and then came the moment where Potter dared to look into Severus's pensive, thus finally realizing why Severus resented Potter so much, due to his connection to his father. Severus immediately ended the lessons for good, and knew entirely well that, before long, he would be summoned by the headmaster and given a lecture, before being made to take Potter back.
It was when news broke in The Daily Prophet just a week before the Christmas holidays that the Death Eaters had followed up on a tip and had gone to Little Whinging, killing Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley Dursley all in one fell swoop. Severus saw it for what it was; they meant to kill Potter's relatives in order to bring him out of the safety of Hogwarts and bring him to Voldemort, but Potter, Severus had to admit rather begrudgingly, was no fool. Potter was bitterly disappointed when word reached him that he wouldn't be allowed to go to Grimmauld Place, the home of his dogfather, in Islington for the Christmas holidays, and so the dog himself in his Animagus form as Padfoot, arrived at the castle during those weeks to see Potter anyway, with several Weasleys in tow.
After the Christmas holidays, it came out that one Professor Umbridge was using blood quills upon Potter, and Severus was amazed at the notion that Potter himself hadn't reported it, but Granger herself. It was unsurprising that she was the suspect of the rumor but, once her testimony was given, Professor Umbridge was stripped of her position, Minister Fudge was sacked for his connection to it, and Amelia Bones took over the position of Minister of Magic, which is when both reforms, and more dark days, came forth. In the interim, Remus Lupin was made the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
Severus was summoned to the headmaster's office in April, and resentfully answered the summons quickly. He went up directly and said the password, and, once the door open, said very shortly, "Albus."
"Ah, Severus, do come in," the headmaster replied with a quick nod. "Tea? Lemon Drop?"
"No, thank you," Severus replied curtly, and lowered himself into his chair. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Albus?"
The headmaster steepled his fingers. "What of the progress on your special potion, Severus?" the man asked, clearly curious.
Severus promptly rolled up his sleeve, showcasing his bare arm. "I can Glamor it if need be for the image to return," he replied stoically, before lowering his sleeve again.
"And how have you been feeling since the removal of the Dark Mark?"
Severus pursed his lips. "Apart from the nausea and the occasional vomiting, as the residual dark magic leaves my system, I am all right."
"Splendid," Albus said, practically clapping his hands. "Now, then, a rather curious piece of parchment found its way to my desk this afternoon..."
Severus quirked an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"...from Lily Potter, of all people," the man continued, and Severus visibly tensed, "dated from April of 1981, six months before her death, and fifteen years ago now."
Severus swallowed. "Really?"
"Yes," Albus said. "According to the Potter goblin at Gringotts, it only made itself known to them today and, naturally, they sent it right along to me as soon as they encountered it. They believe a Cloaking Spell was utilized to hide it, until the time when Lily thought the information should be shared." The man chuckled. "But you already know what this letter entails, don't you Severus, considering that both Lily and James' signatures, plus your own, are at the bottom of one of the pieces of parchment?"
Severus clenched his teeth. "Yes, Albus. I am aware," he said quietly.
"What I don't understand, Severus," Albus went on, "is why you neglected to inform me about your betrothal to Harry Potter."
"I didn't believe it to be pertinent," Severus responded lowly. "Betrothals are broken all the time, for many reasons. I had no reason to believe that it would remain valid..."
Albus held up the parchment, and Severus's eyes widened at what he saw, just beside all the signatures there. "Do you recall offering up your blood, Severus?"
Severus immediately shook his head. "I do not..."
"A blood betrothal is serious business, my boy, and cannot be broken, as our very magical signatures lurk within the blood which passes through our veins," Albus said quietly. "The second page reveals that you and Harry Potter, according to the blood samples, are soulmates, and will, therefore, find your way to one another eventually, as your magical cores will, naturally, be attracted to one another."
Severus felt himself growing red to his ears. Rage boiled through him. Lily, how in Merlin's name could you do this to me?! he shouted to his long-dead friend. "Potter will never agree to it, no matter what our blood samples say," the potions master snapped.
"Perhaps you should ask me what I think of it, professor," said a voice from across the room and, turning, Severus saw that Potter dropped the infernal cloak of his father's, and was currently stood on the opposite side of the room.
The headmaster got to his feet. "Harry, I believe that this was a private meeting..."
"So that you can manipulate my life again, headmaster? I think not," Potter said stoutly, before turning to face Severus. "While I am angered at my mother's deception towards you in this matter, professor, as well as my father and his friends' treatment of you while you attended school, professor, I myself find no fault with this betrothal, no matter how convoluted it is." He slowly stepped across the room, draping his cloak over his shoulder. "I know we've never seen eye to eye, and that you hate me, clearly—"
"I do not hate you, Harry," Severus replied, surprising himself at addressing the young man by his first name.
Harry raised his eyebrows. "I don't hate you either, professor," he said quietly. "However, I will do everything in my power to break the betrothal, if you don't want..."
"Harry," Severus said patiently, "the headmaster has just said it cannot be broken. Blood betrothals determine whether or not you and your betrothed are soulmates, and have compatible magical cores. As such, your parents did us a favor, for they must have had your blood tested beforehand and discovered that I was your match. Thus, the betrothal..."
The headmaster cleared his throat. "The betrothal also states that the two of you must be married by your next birthday, Harry..."
Harry's gaze snapped to the headmaster. "I don't understand. Magical Majority is seventeen. I don't understand why it's being blatantly ignored here..."
"The Wartime Statute of 1715 trumps this," Severus told Harry, realizing for the first time that if he had behaved with compassion and understanding towards the young man, they would have gotten along far sooner; of course, their magical cores would have shown their mutual attraction far sooner as well, and the consequences would have been dire, had that happened.
"That Wartime what?" Harry asked, cocking his head to one side.
"It coincides with the Muggle Jacobite Uprising, wherein England and Scotland fought a battle for Scottish independence," Severus explained. "At one time, Scotland and England had two separate monarchies. However, upon the death of Queen Elizabeth the First, she bestowed the crown onto King James of Scotland, thus uniting the crowns together. However, England was a Protestant country, and Scotland a Catholic one and that, combined with several other issues, caused the uprising to occur one hundred years or so later."
Harry's lips thinned, obviously thinking it over. "I see," he said quietly.
"In short, in times of war, exceptions are made to the rules," Severus said softly. "A soulmate betrothal is one of the exceptions. If you accept, we will be married on your birthday, no questions asked."
Harry nodded. "I accept," he replied.
Severus reached outwards and took Harry's hand. "So it shall be," he responded, his magic thrumming excitedly through him at the willingly physical contact Harry offered.
The headmaster looked positively gleeful. "How wonderful!" he crowed.
Since Harry and Severus had formally accepted the betrothal, and because his relatives had been killed, it was arranged that Harry would stay at the castle for the summer. However, nothing was ever easy, and Harry broke out of the castle when he'd seen a vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius Black at the Ministry of Magic. With him were the younger two Weasleys, Granger, Longbottom, and Lovegood, and Severus was running towards his Floo Connection at top speed to get ahold of members of the Order of the Phoenix.
"Damn Albus for going away on that godforsaken bonding trip with Aberforth," Severus raged as he dropped to his knees in front of his Floo, and tossed in the powder. "Twelve Grimmauld Place," he growled.
"Ah, Snivellus, what can I do for you?" Black demanded, once he'd answered, sounding more bored than rancorous; while he was not best pleased about Harry's betrothal to the man, he understood about Soulmate Magic (being a Pureblood and all) to know the seriousness of the situation and, after Harry's repeated raging lectures, had agreed not to rile up the man who would one day be his godson's husband...too much.
"Dog, you have to listen and listen now," Severus hissed right back. "With Minerva in charge of the castle because of Albus and Aberforth taking off to the Welsh boarders, I'm acting as her deputy and cannot leave the castle. Harry has gone off with his nearest and dearest from that ridiculous little club of his to the ministry!"
"Has he gone mad?!" Black yelled, looking enraged. "He knows that everywhere is crawling with Death Eaters, just waiting to torture him and bring him to what's-his-name!"
"That's just it, dog—Harry thought you were being tortured!" Severus informed him. "Because we're soulmates, I am unable to teach him Occlumency—our cores counteract whenever we've tried after accepting the betrothal, and it doesn't work. And before you tell me we're not trying hard enough, there is precedent. I looked it up in the library, and Albus's good old friend Bathilda wrote plenty about Soulmate Magic, in the work Soulmate Magic: A History. She says that Occlumency doesn't work because of something pertaining to the magicks around the core which counteract the entire process."
"Merlin," Black breathed, obviously in momentary shock. "I'll alert the Order, and get a team assembled as quickly as I can..."
"Do not, under any circumstances, go to the ministry, Black," Severus ordered. "Harry has lost so much already, and he couldn't bear to lose you..."
Severus paced the halls of the castle, not working on lesson plans, and relieved that OWLs and NEWTs, plus the other final examinations, had ended for the year. The leaving feast was just three days away, and then summer vacation would begin for all students. As for the seventh-years, it would be graduation, and then a set of fresh faces for first-years come autumn.
Hours later, Severus felt the prickle of Harry's magic, and he ran to the Entrance Hall, seeing Harry rushing through the main doors. Severus internally grimaced at the cuts along Harry's face and hands, the only parts of him visible, and advanced upon him quickly, thanking the deities that all of his little friends knew about the betrothal and the pair of them being soulmates. He grabbed Harry by the arm and yanked him away from them, but they none of them seemed to mind, for Ron Weasley was escorting a trembling Hermione Granger, who had a cut to her throat, while Longbottom, Lovegood, and Ginny Weasley were staring at Sirius Black, lying upon a magical stretcher, Remus Lupin bringing up the rear.
"What in Merlin's name were you thinking?!" Severus demanded of Harry, throwing him bodily away from him once they came to the first abandoned corridor.
"I had to save Sirius!" Harry shouted.
"You should have come to me," Severus said, his eyes flashing dangerously, "informed me of the visions, and we could have contacted him to make sure he was all right."
"You hate Sirius!" Harry cried out.
Severus did his very best to keep his temper. "We do not like one another, no," he admitted softly, wanting very much to have a civil conversation with Harry. "However, we are doing our utmost to be civilized around one another, for your sake."
Harry visibly swallowed. "I'm sorry, okay?" he whispered, tears suspended upon his lashed. "I was just going on autopilot... I didn't know what else to do, and I wasn't thinking..."
"Clearly," Severus huffed.
Harry glared at him. "Look, Sirius is practically my father, and I didn't want anything to happen to him, all right? I know I should have said something to you, or Professor McGonagall, because the headmaster is traveling, but I was scared. I just wanted to make sure he was all right, and I didn't think about any other way to do that."
Severus watched as the young man dragged a hand through his hair. "What happened?" he asked him quietly.
"Dolohov nearly killed Hermione," Harry said quietly. "Other Death Eaters were there, too, but Tonks, Kingsley, and Moody arrested them. Sirius even punched Lucius Malfoy before he got arrested," he went on with a laugh.
"Anything else? Black didn't look...well..."
Harry swallowed again. "Bellatrix used the Killing Curse on him, and he went through the veil before we could stop it," he whispered. "Tonks, Kingsley, and Moody called in some Unspeakables and, since it didn't happen too long ago, they were able to get them out. They looked him over and sent him here, with us. Of course, it didn't stop Voldemort from entering my mind, and then he and Dumbledore had this epic battle, only for the lackeys to turn up and see him..."
"The Prophet was there?" Severus asked.
Harry nodded stiffly, kicking at the stone floor of the castle. "Dumbledore took care of the questions," he responded. "I didn't say a damn thing, just stood there, like the goddamn soldier I am. It's all I'm really good for..."
Severus charged forward and yanked Harry into his arms. "That is not all your good for," he whispered fiercely, and his magical core practically sang at the notion of having Harry so close, safe and in his arms once again. "You're everything to me, Harry James Potter, and I would hate to lose you..."
Harry pulled back, his eyes wide. "Severus?"
Severus reached down and caressed Harry's face. "You foolish boy. You worried me half to death. I never want to feel that way again, do you hear me?"
Harry slowly smiled up at him. "I love you," he whispered.
Severus blinked. "What did you say?"
"I said I love you, you git," he responded, laughing. "I'm all right, I promise. I promise I'll never be this reckless again. And, I love you."
Severus slowly smiled down at the young man he was to marry. "I love you, too," he responded and slowly lowered his head, kissing Harry Potter for the first time, his heartbeat going faster as Harry wrapped his arms around him, and stood on his toes, the pair of them never wanting to let the other go.
On the day that the students left for the summer, the front page of The Daily Prophet detailed the second massive breakout of Azkaban in less than six months. The Death Eaters that Tonks, Kingsley, and Shacklebolt had apprehended on the night Harry and company had gone to the ministry were officially out, aided by Bellatrix Lestrange, who had escaped before she was apprehended by the Aurors. Severus knew entirely well what this would mean, and he wasn't looking forward to the outcome.
Harry's friends, who insisted that Severus address them by their first names, had remained at the castle for safety. Elected officials from the Order of the Phoenix had gone to Hermione's home in Hampstead and relocated the Grangers for their own safety, but Hermione was not to be privy to where her parents had gone, much to her devastation. Arthur and Molly, Bill and Fleur, Fred and his girlfriend Alicia Spinnet, and George and his girlfriend Angelina Johnson had moved into the castle as well for safekeeping, and so Hogwarts was a full house.
It was when the wards chimed the same evening that the students had left that Severus was immediately on the case. He, Harry, Minerva, Albus, and Remus all hurried to the Entrance Hall to see who had arrived, and opened up the great doors, staring out into the darkness. Severus's heart leapt into his throat when he saw the familiar blond head of Draco Malfoy through the gates of the castle, and knew that his godson had made a decision about which side he was going to be on in this war.
Severus flew down the stone steps, hearing Draco's cry of relief as he ran towards him, his cloak billowing outwards, and assisted the young man, who had fallen to his knees, to his feet. Severus surveyed the young man's body language for a moment before putting an arm around his shoulders and led him through the gates as quickly as possible, barely surveying the expressions of those awaiting them at the top of the stairs.
"He'll need to see Poppy," Minerva stated gravely, taking a good look at the young man stationed beneath Severus's arm. "How are you feeling, Draco?"
"Scared, more than anything else," Draco replies in a shaky voice.
"I'll let her know you're here, then," Minerva said kindly, before she swept away in a wave of tartan robes.
"We heard from Kingsley and Alastor that your father had been broken out of Azkaban by your aunt, alongside several other Death Eaters," the headmaster said softly as Severus continued leading Draco into the Entrance Hall, the great doors of the castle swinging shut behind them, and Severus wants to roll his eyes—everyone in the Wizarding World who subscribed to The Daily Prophet was currently privy to that information, and the old man's words certainly weren't helping the situation. "I take it there was to be a revel this evening?"
"Entirely likely," Severus responded, his voice bitter, knowing entirely well that he would need to intercede between Harry and Draco when the time came, as his fiancé was currently uneasy, due to the waves of anxiety he was feeling practically falling off him. "Riddle always liked a celebration when those near and dear to him were released from what he believed to be unjust confinement. I take it you were to be Marked this evening, Draco?"
Draco nodded, stiffening in Severus's hold. "Yeah," he said quietly.
The headmaster stopped walking then, turning around to face Draco, and promptly reached for the sleeve of his expensive black button-down, yanking it upwards without so much as a by-your-leave, while Severus inwardly fumed, fully prepared to lash out at him.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing?!" demanded Remus before Severus could say anything to the elderly man, and Draco turned towards the known werewolf, although Severus couldn't tell if it was in shock, fear, or a combination of both.
"His arm is clean," the headmaster declared, nodding to himself.
"Albus, you know entirely well that was uncalled for," Severus informed him, his eyes glittering in a moment of repressed rage at his superior.
"I agree," Harry said, speaking for the first time, albeit through clenched teeth before he turned towards Draco, and Severus admired his fiancé for making an effort with his godson, as he was doing with Harry's own godfather. "Look, we never saw eye-to-eye in the past but, given the circumstances, I think we should try to get along."
Headmaster Dumbledore clapped his hands. "Excellent! I shall go and ensure there is a bed being prepared for you in the hospital wing, then, Draco," he declared, and walked in that direction in a flourish of lavender-colored robes, while Remus appeared unsure for a moment, before he hurried after the man, obviously intent upon chewing him out a bit more, while Severus remained with Draco and Harry.
"What circumstances are you talking about?" Draco asked they continued down the corridor, though at a much slower pace. "You mean, my defecting from Riddle?" he wanted to know.
Harry sighed, and shook his head. "Not entirely, no," he replied, and Severus's heart leapt at the notion at how much Harry was trying for him. "You see, before my parents died, they had me checked for the Soulmate Gene."
Draco nodded; as a Pureblood, he would be very familiar with it. "So was I," he confirmed, no animosity in his tone as they continued walking. "Did the test reveal a result?"
"It did," Harry replied, and looked nervously up at Severus.
"Harry and I are to be bonded on the occasion of his birthday a month from now," Severus explained to Draco as they finally reached the door to the hospital wing. "As soulmates, the two of us are permitted to legally do so, a full year before Harry reaches his majority, due to the Wartime Statute of 1715," he explained to his godson carefully.
Draco inclined his head. "I see," he responded, looking over at Harry. "And are you happy with the outcome, then?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah. I've fancied him since fourth-year," he explained, and Severus stiffened at his fiancé's words—Harry had never admitted that before! "He was comforting towards me in the aftermath of the Third Task of the Triwizard," Harry continued. "I didn't understand it at the time, but he explained it to me once I returned to school in September, and I...well, suffice it to say I was overjoyed."
Severus bit his lip at Harry's lie; it was positively Slytherin of Harry to admit that the pair of them had been courting for nearly a year, as opposed to two months. And, given that Harry was banned from leaving the castle, one could hardly call their relationship "courting" at all. Of course, they were permitted time alone—the occasional walks on the grounds, or an evening in Severus's quarters, but Severus never permitted it to go further than snogging or heavy petting...
Draco looked up at his godfather, which immediately ended his train of thought. "Are you happy, Uncle Severus?"
Severus inclined his head, and he knew entirely well that Draco would see the happiness swimming just underneath the surface of his dark eyes. "I am."
Draco nodded his head, and stretched out his hand towards Harry. "I apologize for all previous animosity between the two of us. I apologize for mocking your circumstances, including your justifiable fear of Dementors, as well as yours parents' death. I am making a Wizard's Vow on my magic never to do so again, and to forge an attempt at friendship between the two of us. I also swear to apologize to Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger at my earliest convenience."
Harry looked surprised, and looked down at Draco's hand for a moment, before he shook it. "All right, then," he said, nodding his head, and Severus inwardly beamed at the exchange. "Since you have already stated that you will apologize to Ron and Hermione, I accept your terms, on the condition that you call me 'Harry'."
Draco nodded. "All right," he replied, "if you will call me 'Draco'."
Harry gave him a small smile. "All right," he too replied.
Severus clasped Draco's shoulder proudly, and gazed down at Harry with something akin to love as he waved his free hand, and the door to the hospital wing opened. "Poppy?" he called out, and Draco took a moment to look around.
There was only one other bed occupied, and Draco nearly gasped aloud as he took in the apparent sleeping form of his cousin, Sirius Black; Remus was standing beside him, and Ron and Hermione occupied two of the chairs on the other side of the bed, while he also spotted Neville and Luna standing together, and Ginny sitting beside Hermione.
"They couldn't go back to the Burrow," Harry explained to Draco as Severus left them to go in search of Madam Pomfrey himself, vaguely hearing their conversation as he stepped away. "It was too dangerous, what with the incident at the Department of Mysteries yesterday."
Draco nodded. "I see."
Severus stepped into Poppy's office, and took a look around; Minerva and Albus were noticeably absent, leading the Head of Slytherin to believe that they had utilized Poppy's Floo to return to their respective offices. "Have Albus and Minerva informed you of our newest guest?"
Poppy smiled and got to her feet, closing a folder upon her desk and walking around it. "The young Mr. Malfoy? Yes."
"There was to be a revel this evening at the manor in the wake of the Azkaban breakout," said Severus softly to the matron, who nodded. "I believe that there was an assault, but, due to the fact that such celebrations have taken place almost monthly since his return..."
Poppy looked horrified. "You believe there were repeated assaults?"
Severus swallowed. "Yes," he informed her.
Poppy gave a nod. "I will speak to Draco, of course," she told him. "Shall I also inform him that your door is open at any time, if he feels more comfortable disclosing to you?"
Severus returned her nod. "Please do. I am always here for Draco. As his godfather, and Draco's willingness to abandon his family's way of life, I am next in line for guardianship."
"Of course," Poppy replied. "Draco will be taken care of, Severus, I swear it."
The Floo flared again, and Minerva and Albus returned to the office.
"Arrangements with the castle are in the process of accommodating Draco," Albus explained to Severus and Poppy.
Severus nodded. "Good," he replied.
The foursome walked back out into the hospital wing, and Draco was ordered on the bed next to Sirius's, and he complied, likely not wanting to be thrown out of this safe haven he had found himself in. He answered all the questions Madam Pomfrey had for him, consented to a Diagnostic Spell, and drank the potions she gave him.
"You will be rooming with Misters Potter, Weasley and Longbottom," Albus declared once Draco seemed more at ease with his surroundings. "Of course, you could also room with your godfather, if you prefer..."
"He can room with us," Ron said, surprising everyone, and Neville nodded from where he stood with Luna, against the wall, beside Sirius's bed. "Professor Lupin told us how you got out of taking the Mark, mate, and that you've defected."
"Spontaneous Apparition is stuff of legends or myth, likely because it is so rare," Hermione put in, clearly impressed by Draco.
"After one begins their magical education, of course, Malfoy," Luna put in, a faraway, yet kind, expression upon her face.
"Draco's apologized," Harry put in, and Draco nodded. "He's going to apologize to you and Hermione as well, of course..."
"And to Professor Lupin, Mr. Longbottom, Miss Weasley, and Miss Lovegood," Draco put in quickly. "Since we're fighting on the same side, I don't want there to be any bad blood between us. Miss Granger," he continued, and Hermione nearly jumped out of her seat at the tone of respect, as well as address, that Draco was bestowing upon her, and Severus inwardly beamed with pride towards his godson. "I cannot apologize enough for repeatedly calling you that despicable word, which has no place in any language. I apologize for making fun of your appearance, as well as your clear academic talent and achievements, and I will endeavor to endear myself to you as a friend when the time is appropriate to do so," he finished, and Hermione nodded, clearly accepting the apology from her once hated enemy. "Professor Lupin," Draco continued, "words cannot express my deep regret for mocking your unfortunate circumstances. Greyback is a beast, and I can only be thankful that he never bit or scratched me, although his other appetites notwithstanding..." He shook his head, and Severus made a mental note to kill Greyback very, very slowly when the battle came. "Sorry, I'm getting off-topic. I apologize, Professor Lupin, for everything I did and said that offended you."
Remus was awed, before an air of professionalism settled upon him like a warm blanket, and he nodded his head. "Thank you, Draco."
Severus watched as Draco turned and regarded the rest of the company gathered around himself and Sirius, and opened his mouth, fully prepared to deliver the rest of the deserved apologies as the sun fully set, blanketing the outside of castle in complete darkness.
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